ECTS credits
ECTS credits: 4.5ECTS Hours Rules/Memories
Student's work ECTS: 74.25
Hours of tutorials: 2.25
Expository Class: 18
Interactive Classroom: 18
Total: 112.5Use languages
Spanish, GalicianType:
Ordinary Degree Subject RD 1393/2007 - 822/2021Center
Faculty of NursingCall:
First SemesterTeaching:
Sin Docencia (En Extinción)Enrolment:
No Matriculable (Sólo Planes en Extinción) -
1. To know the specific terminology and concepts of the subject.
2. To know the physiological basis of feeding and nutrition in health human beings.
3. To know the characteristics and properties of food and nutrients.
4. To know the nutritional needs of people, in terms of macro and micronutrients, along the life cycle.
5. To know the healthy and balanded diet concept for the individual, depending on age, activity and state of health or disease.
6. To know and know how to manage food composition tables and software, as well as diet calculations.
7. To be able to design and calculate a diet according to the characteristics of a health or sick person.
8. To be able of doing nutrition and diet enquiries.
9. To know the principles of manipulation and conservation of food, as well ase its risks for health.
10. To know and know how to use the methods for assessment of nutritional status.
11. To know how to detect the main nutritional disorders, both by excess or deficiency, as well as the basis for their dietetic treatment.
12. To be able to assess feeding habits by means of scientific evidence-based strategies.
13. To know the principles of the nutrition protocols in several clinical situations, with special reference to: obesity, diabetes, celiac disease, food alergy, oncologic diseases, renaal failure and metabolid disorders.
14. To know the principles and basis of safe artificial nutrition procedures (enteral and parenteral).
15. To know the scientific, psycological and socio-cultural basis of Health Education applied to Nutrition and to the promotion of health diet in the Comunity.THEORETICAL PROGRAM:
1.1. Nutriton history and concepts
1.2. Nutrition biochemical basis
1.3. Nutrition physiologic basis
2.1. Foods, their composition and quality
2.2. Management and conservation of food. Guides and risks for health
2.3. Dietetic planning and promotion of nutritional welfare. Nutritional risk factors
3.1. Nutritional requirements and scientific basis of healthy diet
3.2. Nutrition of pregnant, infant, child and adolescent
3.3. Nutrition of the adult and elderly
4.1. Methods of assessment of nutritional status
4.2. Nutrients ingestion assessment
4.3. Nutritional assessment in disease
5.1 Malnutrition
5.2. Obesity
5.3. Other nutritional disordes in clinics: eating behaviour disorders, digestive diseases, oncology, intensive care, surgery, cardiovascular disorders
5.4. Diet therapy adapted to clinical situation: food alergy, celiac disease, diabetes, liver, renal or heart failure
5.5. Enteral and parenteral artificial nutrition
5.6. Products and devices for artificial nutrition
1. Nutrition physiology and biochemistry. Miths and realities
2. Foods and drinks composition
3. Nutritional risk factors
4. Eating habits
5. Tables, software and information sources about food composition
6. Practical management of food composition information sources
7. Eating enquiries
8. Balanced diet design
9. Nutritional advices to breast feeding mother
1. Valoración del estado nutricional. Métodos clínicos
2. Valoración del estado nutricional. Métodos bioquímicos
3. Alimentación enteral. Sondas y sus problemas
4. Alimentación enteral gástrica y transpilórica
5. Manejo seguro de los sistemas de alimentación enteral
6. Nutrición parenteral. Manejo segurao de las vías y sus soluciones
7. Controles de enfermería en pacientes con nutrición artificial
8. Detección y solución de problemas en pacientes con nutrición enteral
9. Detección y solución de problemas en pacientes con nutrición parenteralGeneral references:
- Gil Hernández A. Tratado de Nutrición. Tomo I: Bases fisiológicas y bioquímicas de la nutrición. 2ªed. Ed. Médica Panamericana, Madrid, 2010.
- Gil Hernández A. Tratado de Nutrición. Tomo II: Composición y calidad nutritiva de los alimentos. 2ªed. Ed. Médica Panamericana, Madrid, 2010.
- Gil Hernández A. Tratado de Nutrición. Tomo III: Nutrición humana en el estado de salud. 2ªed. Ed. Médica Panamericana, Madrid, 2010.
- Gil Hernández A. Tratado de Nutrición. Tomo IV: Nutrición clínica. 2ªed. Ed. Médica Panamericana, Madrid, 2010.
- Tojo R. Tratado de nutrición pediátrica. Ed. Doyma SL, Madrid, 2001.
- Comité de Nutrición de la AEP. Manual práctico de nutrición en Pediatría. Ed. Ergón, Madrid, 2007.
- Vázquez D, De Cos AI, López-Nomdedeu C. Alimentación y nutrición. Manual teórico-práctico. 2ªed. Ed. Díaz de Santos, Madrid, 2005.
- Salas-Salvadó J, Bonada Sanjaume A, Trallero Casañas R, Saló Sola ME, Burgos Peláez R. Nutrición y dietética clínica. 2ªed. Ed. Elsevier España, SL, Barcelona, 2008.
- Serrano-Ríos M. Nutrición y alimentación. Nuevas perspectivas. Ed. McGraw-Hill Interamericana, Madrid, 2008.
- Martín Salas C, Díaz Gómez J. Nutrición y dietética. Ed. DAE, Madrid, 2009.
- Mataix J. Nutrición y alimentación humana. 2ª ed. Ergon, Madrid, 2009.
- Dudek SG. Nutrition essentials for nursing practice. 6th Ed. Ed. Wolters Kluwer / Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Philadelphia, 2010.
- Astiasiaran I, Martínez A. Alimentos. Composición y propiedades. McGraw-Hill Interamericana, Madrid, 2000.
- Shils ME. Nutrición en salud y enfermedad. McGraw-Hill Interamericana, Madrid, 2002.
- Martínez JA, Del Puy M. Fundamentos de nutrición y dietética. Bases metodológicas y aplicaciones. Ed. Médica Panamericana, Madrid, 2011.
Specific references:
- Grande Covián F. Desarrollo histórico del conocimiento científico de la nutrición. En: Fundación Príncipe de Asturias, ed. La nutrición y la salud. Oviedo, 1993.
- Gibney M, MacDonald I, Roche HM. Nutrition & Metabolism. 2ªed. Londres, Blackwell Publishing Company, 2009.
- Nelson DL, Cox MM. Lehninger Principios de Bioquímica. 4ª ed. Barcelona, Omega, 2006.
- Bruce M, Koeppen BM, Stanton BA. Berne and Levy physiology. 6ªed. St. Louis, Elsevier-Mosby, 2008.
- Abbas AK, Lichtan AH. Inmunología celular y molecular. 6ªed. Amsterdam, Eslevier, 2008.
- Johnson LR. Gastrointestinal physiology. 7ªed. St. Louis, Elsevier-Mosby, 2007.
- Belitz HD, Grosch W, Schieberle P. Food chemistry. 4ªed. Berlin, Springer, 2009.
- Tojo R, Pavón P. Alimentación do neno escolar. Xunta de Galicia, 1984.
- Aranceta J, Serra L. Leche, lácteos y salud. Madrid, Ed. Médica Panamericana, 2005.
- Lawrence RA, Lawrence RM. Lactancia materna. 6ªed. Barcelona, Elsevier, 2007.
- Ballabriga A, Carrascosa A. Nutrición en la infancia y la adolescencia. 3ªed. Madrid, Ergon, 2006.
- Aranceta J, Pérez-Rodrigo C. Frutas, verduras y salud. Barcelona, Masson, 2006.
- Redondo L. La fibra terapéutica. 2ªed. Barcelona, Glosa, 2002.
- Aparicio R, Harwood J. Manual del aceite de oliva. Madrid, Mundi-Prensa, 2003.
- Ashurst PR. Chemistry and technology of soft drinks and fruit juices. 2ªed. Oxford, Blackwell, 2005.
- Moll M, Moll N. Compendio de riesgos alimentarios. Madrid, AMV, 2006.
- Camean A, Repetto M. Toxicología alimentaria. Madrid, Díaz de Santos, 2006.
- Barasi ME. Human nutrition. A health perspective. 2ªed. Londres, Arnold, 2003.
- Agencia Española de Seguridad Alimentaria. Hábitos saludables de alimentación y actividad física. Estrategia NAOS. Madrid, Ministerio de Sanidad y Consumo, 2006.
- Maughan RJ. Nutrition in Sports. London, Blackwell Science, 2000.
- De Torres ML, López-Pardo M, Domínguez A, de Torres C. La enfermera de nutrición como educadora y formadora asistencial en atención primaria y en el ámbito hospitalario: teoría y práctica. Nutr Clin Diet Hosp 2008;28:9-19.Subject's specific competences (Decret CIN/2134/2008, + Nurse Degree Title ANECA white book)
To know the nutritional requirements and to assess the nutritional status of healthy and sick persons along their life cycle, with the aim of promote and reinforce the patterns of healthy eathing habits.
To identify macro and micronutrients as well as the food that contain them.
To identify the most prevalent nutritional problems and to select adequate diet recommendations.Expositive teaching:
It will be based on lectures, made by the teacher with the health of the available didactic material. Each lecture will last one hour, including at least 10 minutes for explanation of potential doubts. A logical sequence will be followed in the presentation of the topics. Lectures will be complemented by aditional material for the students' individual homework.
As it is a subject in extinction, expository teaching is not offered.
Seminars interactive teaching-learning:
Sessions deboted to specific topics, that may complement or develop specific aspects already introduced by the expositive teaching lectures. Active students' participation will be promoted, as well as team work and the discussion based on scientific and rational arguments.
Laboratory interactive learning:
Workshops or skillstations will be carried out. In such sessions the students will perform essential activities or procedures in the field of clinical nutrition. They will be based on simulations of feeding or nutritional problems or in the put in practice and detection of eventual problems during artificial nutrition procedures.
As it is a subject in extinction, interactive teaching is not offered.
Two assumptions are considered:
a) Those students who have already done and passed the interactive classes in past courses are exempt from doing them.
b) Those students who did not take the interactive classes in past courses, will attend the corresponding ones of the equivalent subject of the new study plan.
It is essential that the student contact the coordinator of the subject at the beginning of the academic year to facilitate the incorporation.The subject's final score will be the sum of the marks obtained in the theoretic test and the individual activities of the student, with the following porcentual value:
- Final multiple choice questionnaire (MCQ) test: 60%
- Individual student's papers and activities: 20%
- Active participation (presence, seminars and laboratories): 20%
Minimum requisites to pass the subject: Two conditions must be fulfilled:
- To obtain more than 55% of the total possible points in the final multiple choice questionnaire test.
- To obtain more than 55% of the total possible score corresponding to personal tasks and active participation.
The final multiple choice questionnaire test will include questions from all the subject's program (lectures, seminars and laboratories) and will consist of at least of 50 questions with 4 options and only one correct answer. Three errors will discount one point.WORK AT THE SCHOOL:
- Lectures: 18 hours
- Seminars: 9 hours
- Laboratory: 9 hours
- Mentorship: 4,5 hours
- Assessment: 2 hours
Total of work at school: 42,5 hours
- Individual study of lectures: 27 hours
- Recommended readings, library activities and other activities, for seminars: 24 hours
- Individual work for skillstations: 19 hours
Total individual work out-of-school: 70 hours1. Active presence and participation in all the subject's activities.
2. Study and preparation of topics in a systematic and continued way.
3. To comment the doubts with the teacher.
4. To try to interconnect contents, looking for their usefulness and relevance for profesional work.
5. To consider the study as a learning tool that is complementary to the other subjects and not a simple list of topics that must be studied in order to pass an exam.
6. To go regularly to the library to know and review the relevant references for each topic.
7. To visit the suggested web pages in order to obtain additional information and tools to make diet calculations and to give nutritional advices.
8. To search in daily real life nutritional situations and problems that may be stimulus for the study of the subject.
9. To be actively engeged in seminars and laboratories, as a method to obtain the best results from these sessions and to acquire the abilities that will be needed in the future work life.
10. By means of constructive critics, to try make inputs that could improve the contents and dynamics of the subject.
Marcos Pazos Couselo
- Department
- Psychiatry, Radiology, Public Health, Nursing and Medicine
- Area
- Nursing
- marcos.pazos@usc.es
- Category
- Professor: Temporary PhD professor
Exams 01.17.2025 10:00-12:00 Grupo de examen Classroom 2.01 01.17.2025 10:00-12:00 Grupo de examen Classroom 5 - Roberto Novoa Santos 01.17.2025 10:00-12:00 Grupo de examen Classroom 6 - Roberto Novoa Santos 06.30.2025 12:00-14:00 Grupo de examen Classroom 5 - Roberto Novoa Santos 06.30.2025 12:00-14:00 Grupo de examen Classroom 6 - Roberto Novoa Santos