ECTS credits
ECTS credits: 3ECTS Hours Rules/Memories
Hours of tutorials: 3
Expository Class: 9
Interactive Classroom: 12
Total: 24Use languages
Spanish, GalicianType:
Ordinary subject Master’s Degree RD 1393/2007 - 822/2021Departments:
Agroforestry EngineeringAreas:
Cartographic Engineering, Geodesy and PhotogrammetryCenter
Higher Polytechnic Engineering SchoolCall:
First SemesterTeaching:
With teachingEnrolment:
Enrollable | 1st year (Yes) -
Provide the student with the ability to use basic functionalities of Geographic Information Systems to solve territorial planning problems. The student will have basic notions of the structure and operation of Geographic Information Systems and will acquire the ability to learn by himself how to apply different analysis techniques.
The verified memory includes the following contents: Geodatabase design. Network analysis. Cost analysis. Cartographic modeling. Geodesign techniques. GIS for Public Participation (PPGIS). Solving spatial and territorial analysis problems with GIS.
These contents will be developed as follows:
T01.- Introduction to GIS (1,5 FH + 4,3 SWH)
T02.- How GIS works (1,5 FH + 4,3 SWH)
T03.- Fundamental operations with GIS (1,5 FH + 4,3 SWH)
T04.- Spatial analysis (1,5 FH + 4,3 SWH)
T05.- Proximity analysis (1 FH + 2,9 SWH)
T06.- Surface analysis (0,5 FH + 1,4 SWH)
T07.- Spatial Data Infrastructures (1,5 FH + 4,3 SWH)
S01.- Database design (1,5 FH + 4,3 SWH)
S02.- Building a DB System: ER model and (1,5 FH + 4,3 SWH)
S03.- Building a DB System: relational diagram (1,5 FH + 4,3 SWH)
S04.- Building a DB System: physical design (1,5 FH + 4,3 SWH)
P01.- Introduction to QGIS (1,5 FH + 4,3 SWH)
P02.- Map download and edition (1 FH + 2,9 SWH)
P03.- Multispectral image processing: raster operations (2 FH + 5,7 SWH)
P04.- Map generation (1,5 FH + 4,3 SWH)
FH = Face-to-face Hours
(1) Bosque, J., Moreno, A. (2012). Sistemas de Información Geográfica y Localización Óptima de Instalaciones y Equipamientos. Madrid: Ra-ma.
(2) Gómez Delgado, M., Barredo Cano, J. I. (2005). Sistemas de información geográfica y evaluación multicriterio en la ordenación del territorio. Madrid: Ed. Ra-ma.
(3) Olaya, V. (2012). Sistemas de Información Geográfica. http://www.bubok.es/libros/191920/Sistemas-de-
(4) Bettinger, P., Wing, M. G. (2004). Geographic Information Systems. Applications in Forestry and Natural Resources Management. New York: McGraw-Hill.
(1) Craig, W.J. et al. (ed.) (2002) Community Participation and Geographic Information Systems. New York: Taylor & Francis.
(2) Geneletti, D., Abdullah, A. (2009). Spatial Decision Support for Urban and Environmental Planning. A Collection of Case Studies. Malaysia: Arah PublicationsBasic and general skills:
CB2, CB3, CB5, CG1, CG2, CG3, CG4
Transversal skills:
CT1, CT2, CT4, CT5
Specific skills:
CE4, CE5, CE8
CB2 - Students will know how to apply the acquired knowledge and their ability to resolve problems in new or undefined environments within multidisciplinary contexts both research and professional.
CB3 - Students will have the skills for autonomous learning, taking a proactive approach to problemsolving and thinking.
CB5 - Students will learn to work autonomously, to make decisions, to prioritize and develop an ability to adapt to changing environments.
CG1 - Acquisition of high-level knowledge, tools and resources to meet the research and professional expectations of the student and society regarding the study of the land planning and management or some of its most outstanding areas.
CG2 - Development and management of research concepts, methods and tools in geographical and land analysis for specific purposes.
CG3 - Training in the main techniques of spatial and georeferenced information collection and subsequent processing in geospatial databases.
CG4 - Training in various cross-cutting analysis and research techniques characterized by their versatility within the interdisciplinary paradigm of land studies and analysis.
CT1 - Ability to search and select information.
CT2 - Analytical and synthesis capability.
CT4 - Knowledge of the main sources of cartographic and land information.
CT5 - Use of the main GIS softwares.
CE4 - Capability to carry out processes of analysis, evaluation and diagnosis of the territory, the environment, urban planning, land uses and land ownership from an economic, social and environmental point of view.
CE5 - Training to extract, analyze and present the information required for decision-making in land and environmental planning and management.
CE8 - Knowledge of the techniques, tools and technologies that allow efficient land planning and management at different scales (regional, urban, etc.).COMPETENCIES: CE04, CE05, CE08
- Master class.
- Practices in computer rooms.
- Subject works (short range works).
- Individual and group tutoring.
- Use of the virtual classroom.
- Use of platforms for face-to-face distance teaching (collective videoconference).
- Practices in computer rooms.
- Subject works (short range works).
- Use of the virtual classroom.
- Use of platforms for face-to-face distance teaching (collective videoconference).
COMPETENCIES: CB02, CB03, CB05, CG01, CG02, CG03, CG04
- Use of the virtual classroom.1) STUDENTS CURSING THE SUBJECT FOR THE FIRST TIME:
[EC] Assessment of participation in class (10%)
The student will have questionnaires that they will have to carry out in the virtual classroom, as well as practical activities for the application of the acquired knowledge, obtaining a grade out of a maximum of 10 points.
SKILLS: CE4, CE5, CE8, CT1, CT2, CT4, CT5, CB2, CB3, CB5, CG1, CG2, CG3, CG4
[EX] Knowledge and skills assessment tests (60%)
The exam will consist of theoretical and practical questions scoring a total of 10 points.
[PR] Realization of works and memories of practices (30%)
The student must deliver the practical activities that are being carried out, scoring with a total of 10 points. In the case of a practical trip, attendance will be mandatory. The evaluation of this activity will be computed under this heading.
SKILLS: CT1, CT2, CT4, CT5, CE4, CE5, CE8
You will be evaluated with the same criteria as the students enrolled for the first time.
- The evaluation of the first and second opportunities will be carried out using the same criteria.
- In cases of fraudulent completion of exercises or tests, the provisions of the Regulations for the evaluation of academic performance of students and the review of qualifications will apply.The study times established in this course are:
- Theoretical lectures: 9 hours
- Interactive classes (practicals/seminars): 12 hours
- Gupal tutorial: 3 hours
- Personal study, reading and finishing homework: 60 hours- Attendance at all theoretical and practical sessions.
- Daily consultation of the virtual campus.
- Attendance at group tutorials to discuss, clarify or resolve any doubts.DISPENSE OF ASSISTANCE:
Students who are granted this exemption must follow the course through the Virtual Campus, making all the necessary deliveries to obtain a positive grade in EC, PR and EX respectively.
It is mandatory to have the necessary means (camera, microphone, etc.) to demonstrate presence in classes when participation is remote. Participation in Microsoft Teams without the availability of such means will result in expulsion from the session.
Ines Sante Riveira
Coordinador/a- Department
- Agroforestry Engineering
- Area
- Cartographic Engineering, Geodesy and Photogrammetry
- Category
- Professor: University Lecturer
Exams 01.22.2025 16:00-18:00 Grupo /CLE_01 Classroom 18 (Pav.II-PPS)