ECTS credits
ECTS credits: 3ECTS Hours Rules/Memories
Hours of tutorials: 3
Expository Class: 9
Interactive Classroom: 12
Total: 24Use languages
Spanish, GalicianType:
Ordinary subject Master’s Degree RD 1393/2007 - 822/2021Departments:
History of ArtAreas:
History of ArtCenter
Faculty of Geography and HistoryCall:
Second SemesterTeaching:
With teachingEnrolment:
Enrollable | 1st year (Yes) -
To familiarize the student with the characteristics of the Hellenic civilization, its peculiar vision of the world and its artistic achievements, with special emphasis on the need to know the Greek thought, myth and religion of the Greek "polis" in order to understand the artistic production.
A) The course consists of an exposition of the main artistic and cultural manifestations of ancient Greece, starting from the pre-Hellenic world and paying special attention to the archaic and classical periods, trying to provide an overview through the study of architecture, sculpture and the valuable testimony of vascular painting. In this regard an important part of the thematic development focuses on the study of the mechanisms of figuration, especially in the study of the concern for the human figure, and the visual narrative of myth. The theoretical exposition is complemented by a series of readings for discussion on aspects of art and aesthetic experience in archaic and classical Greece.
B) Program:
0. Introduction to the art of classical antiquity: sources, approaches and methods.
1. Greek art: times, spaces and contexts.
2. The art of Greece and the art of the early Greeks.
3. The archaic Greek art.
4. The art of the classical period I.
5. The art of the classical period II.
6. Constructions and images of Hellenism.
C) Interactive contents:
The interactive classes will consist of a series of seminars on various aspects of Greek art, for which it will be necessary to do previous readings and participate actively, developing tasks of identification of objects and images.
The contents of the seminars will be the following:
- A seminar on concepts, forms and techniques of Greek ceramics.
- A seminar on iconographic practice in which students will learn how to read images.
- A seminar on sculpture that will require a small exhibition on a piece proposed by the professor.BASIC BIBLIOGRAPHY:
BLANCO FREIJEIRO, A., Arte griego. CSIC. Madrid, 2011 (ed. revisada por Pilar León; ed. original 1956)
ELVIRA BARBA, M.A., Manual de arte griego. Obras y artistas de la Antigua Grecia, Madrid, 2013.
RAMÍREZ, J.J. (dir), Historia del arte. Arte antiguo. Alianza Editorial. Madrid, 1989
BERARD, C., BRON C., DURAND, J. L., FRONTISI-DUCROIX, F., LISSARRAGUE F., SCHNAPP A. Y VERNANT, J. P., A City Of Images, Princeton, Princeton University Press, 1961.
BOARDMAN, J., Athenian Black Figure Vases. Londres 1974.
BOARDMAN, J., Athenian Red Figure Vases: The Classical Period. Londres 1989.
BOARDMAN, J., El arte griego, Barcelona, 1991.
BOARDMAN, J., Escultura Griega. El período Clásico. Barcelona, Destino, 1999
CARPENTER, T., Arte y Mito en la Grecia antigua, Destino, Madrid, 2001
ELVIRA BARBA, M. A., Arte clásico, Historia 16, Madrid, 1996.
ELVIRA, M.A., El arte griego (III). Historia 16. Madrid, 1990
HURWIT, J., The Art and Culture of Early Greece, 1100-480. BC., Ítaca y Londres,1987.
LEÓN ALONSO, P., El arte griego (II). Historia 16. Madrid, 1990.
OLMOS ROMERA, R., El Arte griego en España, Madrid, Historia 16, 1992
ONIANS, J., Arte y pensamiento en la época helenística, Alianza, Madrid, 1996.
OSBORNE, R Archaic and Classical Greek Art, Oxford, 1998.
POLLITT, J.J., Arte y experiencia en la Grecia clásica, Bilbao, 1984RASMUSSEN T. y SPIVEY, N. (Eds.) Looking at Greek Vases. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press 1991.
RHODES R.F. Architecture and meaning on the Athenian Acropolis. Cambridge, 1995.
SPIVEY, N. Understanding Greek Sculpture: Ancient Meanings, Modern Readings. Londres, Thames and Hudson 1996
STEWART, A. Greek Sculpture: An exploration. New Haven And London, Yale University Press 1990.The student will acquire competence in the recognition of the specific characteristics of the artistic production of the ancient Greek world, being able to relate the historical, social and literary events with the phenomenon of art that in ancient Greece has special defining and basic features to understand the subsequent development of much of the artistic production of the West.
1) The methodological development of the subject is based on the exposition of the contents in class in the form of theoretical classes that contemplate the artistic production of the Greek world from the third millennium B.C. to the Hellenistic period.
2) These theoretical classes are complemented with seminar classes and academically directed activities, in which specific topics of the history of Greek art that are considered research problems are treated. For these activities, students will be required to do readings and written assignments to show their interests and their ability to approach the various problems. The practical classes are intended for students to personally confront themselves with the knowledge and research on Hellenic artistic production.
3) As a complement of teaching, the students will have to elaborate a non-classroom work of application of the reading of the mythological image from the iconographic point of view and with the help of the Greek literary sources, specifically, the work will consist of analyzing and arguing the representation of a mythological story in a Greek painted vase.
The work will have a minimum length of 3000 and a maximum of 5000 words, and must have a title page with the title, the subject and the name of the student and the date; it must include references to the literary sources, footnotes, bibliography and an annex of six (6) images as minimum and ten (10) as maximum.
The work will be sent to the professor by telematic means.
Field trip
A field trip to Madrid to visit the Prado Museum (Classical sculpture collection) and the Archaeological Museum (Greek rooms). The mentioned sculpture seminar with the students' presentations will be held in situ at the Prado Museum. Both visits take place on the same day, but it is necessary to spend at least one night at the destination in order to fit in with the museum timetable.1) Attendance to the theoretical classes
2) Participation in the seminars.
3) Completion of the work
Attendance to the theoretical classes and seminars is MANDATORY and will be controlled.
The realization of the work is also MANDATORY and is a "sine qua non" condition to be evaluated.
The evaluation system will be governed according to the following percentages:
-Attendance: 10%
Participation and accomplishment of the interactive tasks of the seminars: 40% - Non-attendance work: 40%.
Non-attendance work: 50%.The student will have to dedicate four to six hours per week to the personal study of the subject and to the practical exercises and the assigned work.
Attendance to the theoretical classes and seminars is MANDATORY as well as the completion of the practical exercises.
An important recommendation is the reflective reading of the texts proposed for discussion and commentary in the seminars.
The ability to read in some modern foreign languages is recommended, especially in English, Italian and French.
A gradual assimilation of the contents is recommended, dedicating time to the reading and analysis of the texts and images under study.In the case of academic fraud, as defined in Article 42 of the Regulations establishing the rules of coexistence of the University of Santiago de Compostela, and in accordance with the provisions of Article 11. g) of the University Coexistence Law, the sanctions provided by the regulations will be applied. Among the premeditated behaviors aimed at falsifying the results of an exam or assignment are plagiarism and the unauthorized use of Artificial Intelligence tools.
Maria De Fatima Diez Platas
Coordinador/a- Department
- History of Art
- Area
- History of Art
- Phone
- 881812546
- fatima.diez@usc.es
- Category
- Professor: University Lecturer
2º Semester - January 20th-26th Tuesday 12:30-14:00 Grupo /CLE_01 Spanish Classroom 15 Exams 06.10.2025 09:00-11:30 Grupo /CLE_01 Classroom 15 07.03.2025 09:00-11:30 Grupo /CLE_01 Classroom 15