ECTS credits
ECTS credits: 4.5ECTS Hours Rules/Memories
Student's work ECTS: 74.25
Hours of tutorials: 2.25
Expository Class: 18
Interactive Classroom: 18
Total: 112.5Use languages
Spanish, GalicianType:
Ordinary Degree Subject RD 1393/2007 - 822/2021Center
Faculty of HumanitiesCall:
First SemesterTeaching:
Sin Docencia (En Extinción)Enrolment:
No Matriculable (Sólo Planes en Extinción) -
The overall objective of the field is to provide the future graduates and graduates in the sciences da Cultura and Cultural Diffusion a series of knowledge and skills that will enable them to take advantage of the opportunities that the psychology how discipline can provide to his professional future. The intention is to familiarize the students with some basic tools that can be useful in their professional work.
A. Education: Get that OBXETIVOS students come to study of the own contents of the psychosocial processes: concepts, methods, phenomena, mechanisms, processes, etc. For That:
1. It will provide the student with a general frame of reference that, as far as possible, integrate and articulate the different psychological approaches in the study of the psychosocial processes.
2. It will make it possible to purchase an adequate knowledge of the concepts, phenomena and terminology own social psychology.
3. Will be addressed with clarity and simplicity so many theories "classic", such as those that fall in most current positions, offering sufficient information both the theoretical and empirical support, so that students will make an overall idea of the investigation from the social psychology of production processes and cultural management.
4. Will be released and will describe the experimental situations and specific research procedures relating to cultural production processes seen from the social psychology.
5. Will be displayed to the students to connection between the social psychology and cultural production processes.
B. OBXETIVOS PROCEDIMIENTALES: to ensure that pupils acquire a proper management of the instrumentation own social psychology. With this intention:
1. We will develop abilities of scientific communication through the research reports.
2. It will stimulate the development of a critical sense which will lead to the analysis and evaluation of the scientific literature on the various psychosocial processes.
3. Efforts will be made to ensure that the students identify and use with simple assumptions the methods and research designs own social psychology.
C. OBXETIVOS ACTITUDINAIS: it is intended to ensure that all pupils to develop a positive attitude toward the pursuit of knowledge, the interest and the scientific rigor. For that:
1. Will be promoted in the students values of cooperation and commitment required to work in a team.
2. To encourage in students a real self-perception and next how professionals, developing principles of behavior and attitudes of rigor, initiative, cooperation, etc.Theoretical materials.
• Item 1. Introduction to the subject. The social psychology as a social science and its field of study. Key concepts in social psychology: situation, motivation, social behavior, the concept of culture (culture of an organization, culture of a group), cultural dimensions.
• Item 2. Psychosocial processes applied to the cultural production. Identity, self-concept and self-esteem. Interpersonal perception. Attitudes. Theory of attribution. Interpersonal relations: affiliation and attraction. Social influence: obedience, conformity, influence of minorities. The altruistic behavior.
• Item 3. Group and collective processes applied to the cultural production. Definition, properties, and types of groups. The formation of the group. Leadership and relationships between groups. Group dynamics. Social movements and collective behavior: rumors, disasters and mass movements.
• Item 4. Research methodology applied to the control of the quality of service and satisfaction. The concept of quality of service. The strategic importance of the quality. Planning and quality control: techniques of psychosocial research. The Satisfaction.
Jobs or practices.
• Item 1. The social psychology as a social science and its field of study. Definition of key concepts: social behavior, the concept of culture (culture of an organization, culture of a group). The student will have on the platform of a series of tasks that you will have to fill in order to achieve a positive assessment.
• Item 2. Interpersonal perception. Attitudes: measurement and change. Interpersonal relations: affiliation and attraction. Social influence: obedience, conformity, influence of minorities. The altruistic behavior.
• Item 3. The group and the group dynamics. Leadership and relationships between groups. The collective behavior: rumors, disasters and mass movements.
• Item 4. The quality of service and satisfaction. Planning and control of quality: psychosocial research techniques. The customer satisfaction.
For each of the topics the pupil or student shall have the student will have on the platform of a series of tasks that you will have to fill in order to achieve a positive assessment.• Aaker, D. y Myers, J. (1991) Management de lana publicidad. Barcelona. Hispano-Europea.
• Ayestarán, S. (Ed.) (1996). Él grupo como construcción social. Barcelona: Plural.
• Baron, R.La. y Byrne, D. (2005). Psicología Social (10ª ed.). Madrid: Prentice-Hall.
• Blanco, La.; Becerra, La. y Caballero, La. (2004). Psicología de los grupos. Madrid: Pearson Prentice-Hall.
• Cuanto Ortíz, J.M. (1998). Psicología de los grupos: Estructura y procesos. Málaga: Aljibe.
• Cuesta, U. (2000) Psicología Social de lana Comunicación. Madrid. Cátedra.
• Davis, K. (1999). Él Comportamiento Humano en él Trabajo. México: McGraw-Hill.
• Delclaux, I. (1981). Él método. En J. F. Morales (Ed.), Metodología y teoría de m> psicología (pp. 57-45). Madrid: UNED.
• Durán, La. (1987) Psicología de m> Publicidad y de lana Venta. Barcelona. CEAC.
• Fernández-Abascal, Y.G., Martin, M.D. y Domínguez, J. (2001). Procesos psicológicos. Madrid: Pirámide.
• Fisher, H. (1984). Métodos experimentales. En J. Radford y D. Rose (Eds.), Enseñanza de lana psicología. Métodos, áreas, y aplicaciones. México: Trillas.
• Furnham, La. (2001). Psicología Organizacional. México: Oxford University Press.
• GIL, F. et al. (Coords.) (1999). Introducción la lana psicología de los grupos. Madrid: Pirámide.
• González Martín, J.L. (1996) Teoría general de lana publicidad. Madrid. FCE.
• González, M.P. (Dir.) (1997). Psicología de los grupos. Teoría y Aplicación. Madrid: Síntesis.
• Latorre Postigo, J.M. (1995). Ciencias Psicosociales Aplicadas I. Madrid: Síntesis.
• León. J.L. (1996) Los efectos de lana publicidad. Barcelona. Ariel.
• Martínez Gastey, J. y otros (coord.) (2000) m> investigación en marketing. Barcelona. AEDEMO.
• McQuail, D. (1985) Introducción la lana teoria de comunicación de masas. Barcelona. Paidos.
• Moliné, M. (2000) Lana fuerza de lana publicidad. Madrid. McGraw Hill.
• Morales, J.F. (2007). Psicología Social. Madrid: McGraw Hill.
• MORALES, J.F. et al. (Eds.) (1996). Identidad social: Aproximaciones psicosociales a los grupos y la lanas relaciones entre grupos. Valencia: Promolibro.
• Morales, J.F.,; Huici, C.; Gómez, A La. & Gaviria, Y. (coords.) (2008). Métodos, teoría e investigación en psicología social. Madrid: Prentice-Hall.
• Muchinsky, P.M . (1994). Psicología Aplicada al Trabajo. Bilbao: Desclée de Brouwer.
• Páez, D., Fernández, I., Ubillos, S. y Zubieta, Y. (2003). Psicología social, cultura y educación. Psicología Social. Madrid: Eudema.
• Peiró, J.M. (1991). Psicología de lana Organización. Madrid: UNED.
• Puente, La. (1993). Psicología básica. Introducción al estudio de lana conducta humana. Madrid: Eudema.
• Rueda, R. (1989) Medios de comunicación de masas. Madrid. Siglo XXI.
• Rodríguez Carballeira, La. (1992) Él lavado de cerebro. Barcelona. Boixareu.
• Rodríguez-Martín, C. (2003). Psicología social. Madrid: Pirámide.
• Sanchez, J.C. (2002). Psicología de los grupos. Teorías, procesos y aplicaciones. Madrid: McGraw-Hill.
• Shaw, M. (1980). Dinámica de grupo. Psicología de lana conducta de los pequeños grupos. Barcelona: Herder.
• Tous, J.M. (1993). Comportamiento social y dinámica de grupos. Barcelona: PPUSpecific competencies.
Finger tighten the basic knowledge of theoretical and empirical nature of Social Psychology to the cultural production.
Analyze and delve into the theoretical and methodological contributions that since the Social Psychology are derived for the study of cultural production.
Promote the development of the social perspective in the process of cultural production.
Take contact with the most instrumental and applied aspects of the subject matter, through the discussion of cases, commented readings and the use of instruments for the evaluation of various psychosocial phenomena involved in cultural production.The methodology of teaching.
To achieve the proposed objectives is without doubt the crucial aspect in which should focus the teaching methodology. For the acquisition of the theoretical contents, the methodology to use going from the reading of some themes developed ad hoc, the display of some audiovisual materials and working directly from the platform, from where it monitors the activities of each one of the pupils or students. In fact, practically all the issues, even if it is a general approach of even, also offer to the students the possibility to prepare a part of the theme that you can choose according to your preferences. For that you will be provided with material: a hyphen, a basic bibliography, etc.; in addition it is tracked and monitored such processing. That is intended to promote the active participation in the teaching-learning process.
The working sessions with practical materials are alternating with the readings and targeted search (Webquest) and readings on key points of the program. The follow-up to the teaching- learning process takes as its basis the active work on the part of each person. Yes well, will be supported from the platform and the tutorials.For the evaluation of the matter takes into account both the theoretical contents as pilots.
The theoretical content will be evaluated through an objective test of 40 test questions (true or false). The maximum note that you can achieve with this test is 8 points.
The practical contents aserán evaluated by means of the reports that the students have to develop each of the proposals for work carried out by the middle of the platform. Each report is evaluated independently. Account shall also be taken of how important the work done on the platform. The greater part of these proposed tasks/ activities are individual but there is also the possibility that some will perform in group. The maximum score that is able to obtain in the practical module is 2 points.
For the calculation of the final grade of material is added both the concepts, being necessary a minimum score of 5 points to overcome the matter.2 horas de trabajo en la plataforma y tres de trabajo individual a la semana.
Finally, we would like to add one more comment on the advisability of conducting complementary readings or watching movies/ documentaries that address points of the agenda and that will result in a greater interest in the matter and its contents.
In all scenarios the compulsory bibliography will be available to students through the Virtual Campus.
SCENARIO 2 (Distance learning)
As this is a blended learning subject, the organisation of the teaching activity and the resources are already adapted to this scenario.
As far as possible, the contents foreseen for scenario 1 in the syllabus will be maintained.
The weekly face-to-face session will be given either in the classroom or only by streaming through corporate tools, such as MS Teams, according to the decision taken by the centre at the time.
The tutorials will be telematic, via email, the virtual campus forum or Teams.
All training activities will be delivered through the virtual campus.
The assessment system will be the same as the one described in the corresponding section of the programme (foreseen for scenario 1). The difference will be that in scenario 2 the exam will be carried out telematically through the Virtual Campus.
SCENARIO 3 (Closure of the facilities)
As far as possible, the contents foreseen for scenario 1 in the syllabus will be maintained.
The teaching will be completely virtual. The corporate tools for "remote" teaching (Virtual Campus, MS Teams...) will be used for the development of the teaching work and to establish fluid communication channels with the students. The weekly face-to-face session will be taught through corporate tools such as MS Teams.
The tutorials will be telematic, via e-mail, the virtual campus forum or Teams.
All training activities will be delivered through the Virtual Campus.
The assessment system will be the same as the one described in the corresponding section of the programme (foreseen for scenario 1). The difference will be that in scenario 3 the exam will be carried out telematically through the Virtual Campus.
For cases of fraudulent performance of exercises or tests, the provisions of the "Regulations for the evaluation of students' academic performance and revision of grades" will apply.
Exams 01.22.2025 10:00-12:30 Grupo de examen Classroom 12 06.20.2025 10:00-12:00 Grupo de examen Classroom 12