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Máster Universitario en Xerontoloxía (3ª edición)

  • New offer
Branch of knowledge
Health Sciences
Ambit of knowledge
Facultade de Enfermaría
Avda. Xoan XXIII, 15782
Santiago de Compostela
881812033 (Conserxaría)
881812035 (Decanato)
Santiago de Compostela
Manuel Gandoy Crego

O Máster Universitario en Xerontoloxía enfócase como un título de posgrao de gran utilidade para todos os universitarios encamiñados cara ao campo da xerontoloxía, tanto clínica como social, sendo especialmente relevante para as carreiras de Ciencias da Saúde (medicina, enfermería, terapia ocupacional, logopedia, psicoloxía clínica…) e Ciencias Sociais (traballo social, relacións laborais, psicoloxía social, psicopedagoxía, socioloxía…), tanto desde un punto de vista profesional como académico e investigador vía realización de tese doutoral por parte dos graduados egresados.

  • Duration: 1 academic year
    RUCT code: 4317745
    ECTS Number: 60
    Seats number: 20

    Dean or center director:

    Title coordinator:
    Manuel Gandoy Crego

    Use languages:
    Spanish, Galician

    Coordinator university:
    University of Santiago de Compostela

    Partaker universities:
    University of Santiago de Compostela University of A Coruña

    Xunta de Galicia title implantation authorization date:
    Orde 8/07/2021 (DOG do 16/07/2021)

    BOE publication date:

    Last accreditation date:

  • Completion requirements:

    Compulsory: 24
    Optional: 20
    External internships 8
    Master’s Final Project: 8
    Total: 60

    This degree includes two specialties:

    -Specialty in Social Gerontology (USC)
    -Specialty in Clinical Gerontology (UDC)

    To obtain the degree, it is compulsory to study one of the two specialties, for which you must pass the two subjects related to the chosen specialty and carry out the internships and the master's thesis for that speciality.

    You must also take the common compulsory subjects and 12 elective credits not linked to a specialty.

  • Para ser admitido ao Máster, o alumno preferentemente deberá de responder o perfil de cada unha das dúas especialidades das que se compón o Máster, a saber:

    • Para ser admitido á especialidade en Xerontoloxía Clínica o alumno (recentemente egresado ou non) deberá proceder preferentemente (preferencia 1) dun título de grao afín ás Ciencias da Saúde (medicina, psicoloxía clínica e da saúde, enfermería, fisioterapia, logopedia, terapia ocupacional, podoloxía, odontoloxía, farmacia) ou Sociais (preferencia 2), ou demostrar experiencia profesional e/ou investigadora suficiente neste ámbito, requisito a valorar pola Comisión Académica da UDC de acordo aos méritos achegados (experiencia laboral e/ou investigadora entre outros).
    • Para ser admitido á especialidade en Xerontoloxía Social, o alumno (recentemente egresado ou non) deberá proceder preferentemente (preferencia 1) dun título de grao afín ás Ciencias Sociais e/ou Xurídicas (socioloxía, dereito, pedagoxía, antropoloxía, psicoloxía, demografía, xeografía, traballo social, educación física) ou da Saúde (preferencia 2), ou acreditar experiencia profesional e/ou investigadora suficiente neste ámbito, requisito a valorar pola Comisión do Título de Máster da Facultade de Enfermería da USC acordo aos méritos achegados (experiencia laboral e/ou investigadora entre outras).
    • A admisión será por adecuación de perfil (ramas dos estudos de procedencia). E, no caso de que a demanda fose maior que a oferta de prazas, a admisión sería de acordo ao seguinte baremo (Expediente e Formación Académica):
    (1) EXPEDIENTE ACADÉMICO (máximo 10 puntos)
    Matrícula de horna (10 puntos) 4 puntos, valorarase con 10 puntos
    Sobresaliente (de 9 a 9,99 puntos) 3 puntos, valorarase con 8 puntos
    Notable (de 7 a 8,99 puntos)     2 puntos, valorarase con 6 puntos
    Aprobado (de 5 a 6,99 puntos) 1 puntos, valorarase con 5 puntos
    A: Licenciatura, Diplomatura ou Grao Engadirase 1 punto pola obtención de premio extraordinario ou por otras licenciaturas, diplomaturas e/ou graos.
    B: Teses doctorais
    B1: Sobresaliente cum laude (ou apto cum laude) 4 puntos
    B2: Sobresaliente        3 puntos
    B3: Notable 2 puntos
    B4: Aprobado (ou apto) 1 punto
    No caso de que non se especifique a cualificación, considerarase a puntuación mínima. Ás teses con mención europea engadiráselles 1 punto. Tamén se engadirá 1 punto pola obtención de premio extraordinario.
  • Modality: Master's degree with limited places and specific criteria.
    Access qualifications:
    - Graduates in the area of Health Sciences. - Graduates in the area of Social and Legal Sciences. Social and Legal Sciences - Graduates in the area of Experimental Sciences. Experimental Sciences - Graduates in Technical Education - Graduates in Humanities

    Students from countries with a language other than Galician, Portuguese or Spanish must accredit the level of Galician language Celga 2, or Spanish B1, according to the Agreement of the USC Governing Council of July 30, 2018.

    Admission will be based on the suitability of the profile (branches of studies of origin). In the event that the demand is greater than the number of places available, admission will be based on the following scale:
    1º) ACADEMIC RECORD (maximum 10 points).
    -Honours (10 points): 4 points, 10 points will be awarded. -Outstanding (from 9 to 9,99 points): 3 points, it will be valued with 8 points. -B (7 to 8.99 points): 2 points, to be awarded 6 points -Pass (from 5 to 6.99 points): 1 point, to be assessed with 5 points.
    A: Degree, Diploma or Bachelor's degree
    -1 point will be added for obtaining an extraordinary prize or for other degrees, diplomas and/or bachelor's degrees.
    B: Doctoral thesis
    -Outstanding cum laude (or apto cum laude): 4 points -Excellent: 3 points -Notable: 2 points -Approbado (ou apto): 1 point -If the grade is not specified, the minimum score will be considered. -If the thesis has a European mention, 1 point will be added. Also 1 point will be added for obtaining extraordinary prize.

  • Mobility

    Student mobility is regulated through the “Regulation of inter-university exchange.” Exchange programs are managed through the International Relations Office, such as national exchange programs (SICUE) as well as Europeans (ERASMUS) and from outside the European Union (exchanges with Latin American countries or English-speaking countries):

    Portal Internacional

    For those Master's students who wish to study other courses or Master's degrees, the Master's Academic Committee, with the approval of the student's tutor, will facilitate student mobility and will be responsible for establishing the correspondence and suitability of the selected courses, as well as the criteria for validation of the studies taken.
    The Selection Committee shall be responsible for proposing a tutor to the host student and assisting the host and home students in their academic decisions. It will also plan and provide mechanisms for monitoring, evaluation, credit allocation and curricular recognition of student mobility. The selection of candidates is carried out, for each call or programme, by the Selection Committee, in accordance with previously established evaluation criteria, which take into account the academic record, a report and, where appropriate, the language skills required by the host university.


    The practical programme is specific to each speciality and will consist of several modalities:
    a) Socio-health practices: to be carried out in different geriatric or gerontological care centres, according to previously established programmes and agreements.
    b) Research placements: to be carried out in different geriatric or gerontological research centres, in accordance with previously established programmes and agreements.
    c) Recognition: this section may be confirmed/recognised by the Academic Committee for those students who can prove, by means of the corresponding certificate, that they are carrying out work and/or research activity in relation to the required placements or occupy professional positions in relation to the care of the elderly.
    The external placements will be carried out in the different approved centres, under the supervision of a professional, preferably with the same profile as the student, who will be responsible for assessing the student's performance during the activities.
    Prior to the end of the first four-month period, students must use a specific form to choose the type of work placement to be carried out during the second four-month period, in accordance with the established offer.

  • The purpose of the Master's Final Project (8 credits) is to accredit that the student has acquired the knowledge and competences associated with the Master's Degree in Gerontology. Although its origin will be determined from the subject of Research Methodology, it will be carried out by the student during the second four-month period under the guidance of a tutor-Doctor who will be assigned according to the coincidence of research interests.
    The work will consist of the preparation and public presentation of a research project carried out by the student, with special emphasis on the application of this research to the field of gerontology and geriatrics.
    In order for a proposal to be considered accepted and for the student to be able to proceed with its development and elaboration, the student must present, before the end of the second four-month period, to the Master's Academic Committee, a proposal of the work he/she intends to carry out. Once the proposal has been approved by the Committee and the tutor, the student will proceed with the development of the final project.

The contents of this page were updated on 02.24.2025.