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Mª Belén Díaz Hernández


Teaching subjects

Agriculture to small scale
Programa Universitario de Mayores: IV Ciclo [Lugo]
3rd year | Second Semester | Elective Credits | 3º curso
Agriculture to small scale
Programa Universitario de Mayores: IV Ciclo [Lugo]_ed1
3rd year | Second Semester | Elective Credits | 3º curso
Crop production systems
Master in Agronomical Engineering
1st year | Second Semester | Compulsory Credits | Technology of crop and animal production
Crop production systems
Doctoral Programme in Engineering for Rural and Civil Development
1st year | Second Semester | Elective Credits | Training complements (master's degree/degree subjects)
Ecological Farming
Degree in Agricultural and Food Processing Engineering
4th year | First Semester | Elective Credits | Module of Electives/ Optional Module/ Module of Optional Subjects
Ecological Farming
Double bachelor degree in Agricultural and Agrofood Engeneering and Forest and Natural Environment Engeneering
3rd year | First Semester | Elective Credits | Free Optional subjects for Agrarian and Agroalimentary Engineering
Fruit Farming II
Degree in Agricultural and Food Processing Engineering
4th year | Second Semester | Elective Credits | Specialized Module in Hortofruticulture and Gardening
Fruit Farming II
Double bachelor degree in Agricultural and Agrofood Engeneering and Forest and Natural Environment Engeneering
5th year | Second Semester | Elective Credits | Subjects related to the Mention in Horticulture and Gardening
Intensive Herbaceous Farming I
Master in Agronomical Engineering
1st year | First Semester | Elective Credits | Training Complements Techn. Agricultural Eng.- Mechanization spec.
Intensive Herbaceous Farming I
Master in Agronomical Engineering
1st year | First Semester | Compulsory Credits | Training Complements Techn. Agricultural Eng.- Agricultural Exploitations spec.
Intensive Herbaceous Farming I
Degree in Agricultural and Food Processing Engineering
3rd year | First Semester | Elective Credits | Compulsory Module within Agricultural Engineering
Intensive Herbaceous Farming I
Double bachelor degree in Agricultural and Agrofood Engeneering and Forest and Natural Environment Engeneering
3rd year | First Semester | Compulsory Credits | Compulsory subjects for Agricultural and Agro-food Engineering
Degree in Agricultural and Food Processing Engineering
2nd year | Second Semester | Compulsory Credits | Shared Module in Agriculture
Double bachelor degree in Agricultural and Agrofood Engeneering and Forest and Natural Environment Engeneering
2nd year | Second Semester | Compulsory Credits | Compulsory subjects for Agricultural and Agro-food Engineering
Plant production and improvement
Biotechnology Degree (2nd Ed. )
4th year | First Semester | Elective Credits | Optional Training
Plant production systems
Master's Degree in Agronomic Engineering
1st year | Second Semester | Compulsory Credits | Plant and animal production technology

Tutoring hours

No data available for the selected academic year.