Director da EDIUS
Son funcións do director ou directora do EDIUS no tocante á política de calidade:
- Definir a planificación estratéxica da EDIUS, concretada a través do Plan Estratéxico e a Memoria de Calidade.
- Propoñer os membros que elaborarán o Plan Estratéxico.
- Comprometerse coa política e obxectivos de calidade da EDIUS, dándolles a difusión oportuna entre os grupos de interese.
- Liderar o desenvolvemento, implantación, revisión e mellora do SGC da EDIUS.
- Nomear ao responsable de calidade da EDIUS, sempre que o director ou directora non asuma as competencias.
- Propoñer ao Comité de Dirección para a súa aprobación a composición da Comisión de Calidade da EDIUS.
- Garantir o bo funcionamento do SGC do escola.
- Informar a todas as persoas da EDIUS do SGC e dos cambios que nel se realicen.
- Garantir que todas as persoas da EDIUS teñan acceso aos documentos do SGC que lles sexan de aplicación.
- Informar ao Comité de Dirección dos traballos e acordos da Comisión de Calidade da EDIUS.
- Presentar ao Comité de Dirección, para a súa aprobación, a Memoria de Calidade da Escola.
Quality Committee
Pablo Taboada Antelo. EDIUS Director
María Isabel Neira Gómez. EDIUS Secretary
Dolores Vilavedra Fernández. Deputy Director of Arts and Humanities
Eva Rodil Rodríguez. Deputy Director of Science and Engineering
José Manuel Cifuentes Martínez. Deputy Director of Health Science
José Miguel Túñez López. Deputy Director of Social Science and Law
Coordinators of the doctoral programs assigned to the EDIUS
Margarita Estévez Saa
José Ángel Fernández Escribano
Agustín Montes Martínez
Isabel Fraga Carou
Ana María Porto CastroStudents enrolled in doctoral programs assigned to the EDIUS
Miguel Guisantes Alonso. Arts and Humanities
María do Carme Pacín Salvador. Science and Engineering
Alba Paz Castro. Health Science
Álvaro Lorenzo Rey. Social Science and LawCarolina López Gómez. Services and administrative staff
The main functions of the EDIUS Quality Committee are:
- To carry out the implementation, monitoring and improvement of the EDIUS QAS.
- To draw up the EDIUS Quality Policy, which must be ratified by the director.
- To prepare the EDIUS quality report.
- To prepare the EDIUS good practice manual
- To encourage the implementation and regular monitoring of the EDIUS annual improvement plan.
- To stimulate the participation of all groups involved in the evaluation and improvement of the quality of PhD Programmes.
- To monitor the results of the EDIUS.
- To report the modification of existing EDIUS procedures or the creation of new ones.
- To propose the information to the management team, which should be public.
- To review new programme proposals, and modifications and extensions of the current offer.
- To favourably report on, or propose modifications as the case may be, of the results or monitoring and accreditation reports prepared by the academic committees of the PhD Programmes.