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A multi-lingual Faculty

In the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Galician is the own, official language, as in the rest of the USC.

The teaching staff and students freely use Galician or Spanish inside and outside the classroom, creating a multi-lingual community that is enriched by the contact and coexistence with many other languages (English, Portuguese, French...)

But Veterinary Medicine is a peculiar centre within the USC: more than half of its students and a very relevant percentage of its teaching staff come from outside Galicia. This is an added difficulty to those that the Galician language encounters in the rest of the faculties in order to become the usual language in the teaching activity.

Nevertheless, this Faculty trains professionals for whom communicating in Galician will be a necessary skill if they intend to work in Galicia, especially in some specialities (such as "large animals") or in areas that maintain relations with Public Administrations.

The Commission for Linguistic Normalisation, delegated by the Faculty Board, works to develop actions that encourage teaching staff and students to use Galician, and to offer resources and information that help to make this use easier and of higher quality. If you would like to get in touch with us to collaborate, to attach ideas or simply to receive more information, write to us or call us on 982 822 621. 

Five students, professors and ex-students of Veterinary Medicine tell us about their experience in relation to the city, the Faculty and Galician language. Click on the following figure:

Information on activities and resources:  


The contents of this page were updated on 03.04.2024.