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Dean's team
Luís Ángel Quintela Arias
Margarita Rico Gomez
Faculty Board
- The election of the Dean and, if necessary, his/her reelection by means of a constructive motion of censure.
- The elaboration and approval of its Internal Regulations and its reforms.
- To supervise the management of the remaining governing and administrative bodies of the faculty.
- The elaboration and approval of the study plan projects of the degrees assigned to the faculty, as well as the participation in the elaboration of those others shared by several centers.
- The approval of the general guidelines of the academic policy of the center and, among them, the proposal and implementation of new official degrees, the creation of professional specialization schools dependent on the center and the organization of the teaching leading to the obtaining of other diplomas and degrees.
- The organization of the teaching services for obtaining academic degrees in its field, as well as the coordination, supervision and control of the teaching activity of the teaching staff teaching in the faculty, of the supervised internships and external internships contemplated in the study plans and the participation in the procedures of evaluation of the teaching quality.
- The elaboration of a calendar of teaching activities for each academic year, which should be made public prior to the opening of enrollment.
- The programming of the spaces, services and equipment of the faculty and the supervision of their management.
- The distribution of the budgetary allocations granted to the faculty and the control of their application.
- The organization of continuing education and extension activities.
- The creation of as many delegated committees as it deems appropriate and the designation of their composition, functions and competences.
- The promotion of exchange programs and measures for the realization of external practices.
- To express its opinion on any matter related to the faculty or its activities.
- Any other competence attributed to it by the Statutes of the University of Santiago de Compostela or entrusted to it by a competent body or by current legislation.
Permanent Committee
- Dean: Gonzalo Fernández Rodríguez
- Vice-Dean of Teaching Organization and Students: Luis Ángel Quintela Arias
- Vice-Dean for Quality Assurance: Margarita Rico Gómez
- Vice-Dean of External Practices, Institutional Relations and Mobility: María Isabel Quiroga Berdeal
- Academic Secretary: José María Alonso Meijide
- Responsible for the Support Unit for the Management of Centers and Departments: Ana María Pérez Vázquez
- Professor doctor with permanent connection: José Manuel Cifuentes Martínez, Carlos Manuel Franco Abuín, Pedro José García Herradón, Ceferino Manuel López Sandez, Marta Inés Miranda Castañón, Víctor Pereira Lestayo
- Rest of the teaching staff: Gonzalo López Lorenzo
- Undergraduate students: Cristina Camacho Sánchez and Andrés Couso Viana
- Academic and research staff: there is no representation
- To know and decide on procedural matters.
- To know and adopt agreements on those matters that, being competence of the Faculty Board and not being expressly reserved to it, are delegated to it.
- To advise on all matters that the decanal team submits to it in the exercise of its competences.
- As long as the Plenary of the Faculty Board does not decide otherwise, it is understood that it delegates its competences to the Permanent Commission, apart from those mentioned in letters a), b), c), d), e), f), g), h), i) and k) of the competences of the Faculty Board.
TFG Committee
- President: Luis Ángel Quintela Arias
- Secretary and TFG coordinator: Alexandre Lamas Freire
- Unit manager management support: Ana María Pérez Vázquez
- Veterinary degree coordinator: Natalia Vilariño del Río
- Representatives of the teaching staff: Luciano Espino López and Ana Isabel Peña Martínez
- Student representative: Martín Portas Bugallo
- To annually propose the teaching guide. To establish the annual call and to fix the calendar of the subject each academic year.
- To supervise the monitoring systems and to approve the work proposal.
- To decide on the modification of subjects and/or assigned tutors.
- Nominate the evaluation panels.
- Authorize the presentation of the work in exceptional cases, according to the terms expressed in the USC general regulations.
- Resolve serious incidents related to this matter.
- Any other that may be entrusted to him/her by the Faculty Board.
Biosafety Committee
- Dean: Gonzalo Fernández Rodríguez
- Pavilion 1 representative: Adolfo Paz Silva
- Pavilion 2 representative: Amparo Alfonso Rancaño
- Pavilion 3 representative: Ana Bravo del Moral
- Pavilion 4 representative: Beatriz Vázquez Belda
- Clinic Pavilion representative: Ana Peña Martínez
- Central Pavilion and Classroom representative: Javier Rodríguez Núñez
- Hospital Rof Codina representative: Miriam Pereiro González
- Granja Campus Terra representative: Pablo Díaz Fernández
- Student representative: Paula Brea Folgar
- Coordinate, review and approve the general biosafety standards applied to the facilities where academic activities are carried out (teaching, research and assistance) by means of procedures that can be developed by the different units and users.
- To elaborate and update the Manual of Biosecurity of the Faculty of Veterinary Science of the USC that establishes codes and procedures to guarantee the security of the students, support staff and academic and research staff, as well as the users of the center and its animals.
- To elaborate an annual proposal of improvement measures in the field of biosafety once analyzed the possible suggestions of the users and/or those collected after the update of the Biosafety Manual.
Gender Committee
- Dean: delegates his representation to the Vice-Dean of External Practices, Institutional Relations and Mobility, María Isabel Quiroga Berdeal.
- Professor with permanent doctoral degree: there is no representation
- Rest of the teaching staff: Ana Paula Losada García
- Undergraduate students: Alicia Bayo Paz
- Academic and research staff: there is no representation
- Ensure effective compliance with the principle of equal opportunities between men and women in all areas of the faculty within the framework of the policies designed by USC in this regard.
Galician Language Normalisation Committee
- Dean: delegates his representation to the Vice-Dean of Quality, Margarita Rico Gómez
- Professor with permanent doctoral degree: María Ángeles García Fernández , Matilde Lombardero Fernández, María Marta López Alonso, Antonio Villamarín Cid
- Rest of the teaching staff: Cristiana Cazapal Monteiro
- Undergraduate students: Andrea Gil Prado and Miguel Montero Mejuto
- Academic and research staff: there is no representation
- Develop actions and promote activities aimed at favoring the use of Galician in the faculty, both in teaching and in other activities.
Economic Affairs, Equipment and Services Committee
- Dean: Gonzalo Fernández Rodríguez
- Responsible for Economic Affairs of the Center: Ana María Serén Blanco
- Faculty with permanent doctoral degree: José Luis Benedito Castellote y Víctor Pereira Lestayo
- Rest of the teaching staff: Alexandre Lamas Freire, Xoel Souto Guitián
- Undergraduate students: Paula Brea Folgar and Martín Portas Bugallo
- PAS: Javier Rodríguez Núñez
- Inform the draft budget prepared by the decanal team before its discussion at the Faculty Board.
- Provide the distribution of the faculty's teaching and communication equipment.
- Provide the means for the proper functioning of the functions assigned to the faculty.
- Follow up the state of the faculty building and make proposals for its improvement.
- To provide the programming of the spaces, services and equipment of the faculty and the supervision of its management.
Cultural Activities Committee
- Vice-Dean of Teaching Organization and Students: Luis Ángel Quintela Arias
- Professor with permanent doctoral degree: there is no representation
- Rest of the teaching staff: Nerea Gandoy Fieiras
- Undergraduate students: Andrea Gil Prado
- Academic and research staff: there is no representation
- Stimulate the cultural activities of the faculty.
Library Committee
- Alfonso Rancaño, María Amparo
- Alonso Meijide, Jose María
- Barreiro Vázquez, José Daniel
- Besteiro Rodríguez, María Celia
- Blanco Álvarez, Jorge
- Carrazana García, Jorge Antonio
- Casabiell Pintos, Jesús Antón
- Castillo Rodríguez, Cristina
- Castro Alberto, Jaime
- Diéguez Casalta, Francisco Javier
- Fente Sampayo, Cristina A.
- Gómez Pérez, César
- González Hernández, María del Pilar
- Ibarguren Ariceta, María Izaskun
- Lendoiro Belio, Elena
- Melgar Riol, María Julia
- Proupín Castiñeiras, Jorge
- Quintela Arias, Luis Ángel
- Sánchez-Andrade Fernández, Rita
- Suárez Rey, María Luisa
- Vázquez Rodríguez, Sonia
- Vázquez Vázquez, Manuel
Student representative: Cristina Camacho Sánchez and Irene Saucedo Giraldo
- Approve the collections development policy and distribute scopeof its competence, in accordance with the general lines issued by the University Library Commission.
Supervised and External Practicals Committee
- Vice-Dean for Elective Practical Training (EPT): María Isabel Quiroga Berdeal
- Academic Manager of the Faculty: Ana María Pérez Vázquez
- Coordinator of Clinical EPT: Rodrigo Muiño Otero
- Coordinator of Non-Clinical EPT: Ramiro Fouz Dopacio
- Coordinator of Hospital Rotation: Antonio González Cantalapiedra
- Coordinator of EPT: Natalia Miño Fariña
- Student representative: Andrés Couso Viana
- Its objectives are to organize all issues related to calls for supervised intramural (hospital rotation) and extramural Elective practical training (EPT) (regulations, agreements, calendar, coordination of shifts, ...), review the regulations and propose the necessary changes, organize and monitor the information shown on the website, and resolve all claims that may arise in each call.