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Master's Degree in Journalism and Multimedia Communication

Branch of knowledge
Social and Legal Sciences
Ambit of knowledge
Periodismo, comunicación, publicidad y relaciones públicas.
Faculty of Communication Science
Avda de Castelao, s/n. Campus norte, 15782
Santiago de Compostela
881816500 (Conserxaría)
881816555 (Decanato)
Santiago de Compostela
Berta Garcia Orosa

From the outset, the master's degree was designed to complement or extend the training of students who have completed a degree in Journalism or Audiovisual Communication, or a degree in the Social Sciences branch, and who wish to specialise in Journalism or Communication, with a double orientation: academic or research and professional.
The contents of the master's degree cover many of the training gaps that currently exist as a result of the need to incorporate communication, information and knowledge into all sectors of society.
The subjects proposed correspond to the professional trends and academic demands that currently exist to improve training, both in the field of journalism and communication.

  • Duration: 1 academic year
    RUCT code: 3500264
    ECTS Number: 60
    Seats number: 30

    Dean or center director:

    Title coordinator:
    Berta Garcia Orosa

    Use languages:
    Spanish, Galician

    Coordinator university:
    University of Santiago de Compostela

    Partaker universities:
    University of Santiago de Compostela

    Xunta de Galicia title implantation authorization date:

    BOE publication date:

    Last accreditation date:

  • • Compulsory: 33
    • Optional: 15
    • Compulsory external internships: 0
    • Master's final dissertation: 12
     Total: 60
    The degree presents a study plan for a course of 60 ECTS. Subjects of 3 and 6 ECTS are combined, except for company internships (12 ECTS) and the master's final dissertation (12 ECTS); They are organised into modules according to the type of subject (compulsory, specific to the specialty, company internships and master's thesis).

    The degree offers two specialties: "Specialty in Analysis and Strategies of Journalism and Multimedia Communication" and "Specialty in Project Design and Journalistic Entrepreneurship in the Multimedia Environment", each of them with five elective subjects (15 ECTS in total). To obtain the specialty, you must complete the corresponding optional itinerary.
    It is not mandatory to study a specialty, so the student can choose to graduate without mention.

    The first semester is composed of 33 ECTS of compulsory nature, meanwhile the second semester consists of 15 optional and 12 pertaining to the final dissertation. This distribution will be considered the most appropriate for the students to complete the compulsory subjects during the first semester and beginning their specialisation itinerary in the second semester, period in which the time dedicated to the final
    dissertation will be intensified, and in which, optionally, the internship will be completed.

  • - To train students in the latest innovations in professional practice in journalism and multimedia communication.
    - To know and apply the resources and innovative tools of the communication ecosystem.
    - To train in the development and management of journalistic products, strategies and projects in the multimedia environment.
    Training objectives of the specialisations:
    Specialisation in Analysis and Strategies of Journalism and Multimedia Communication:
    To train students in the analysis, study and strategic management of communication and journalism in a multimedia environment.
    Specialisation in Project Design and Journalistic Entrepreneurship in the Multimedia Environment:
    Training for the ideation, development, management and evaluation of multimedia projects.

  • Mobility

    Student mobility is regulated through the “Regulation of inter-university exchange.” Exchange programmes are managed through the International Relations Office, such as
    national exchange programmes (SICUE) as well as Europeans (ERASMUS) and from outside the European Union (exchanges with Latin American countries or English-speaking countries):
    The Master’s Degree does not contemplate in general terms, the participation in mobility programmes, due to the one year duration of it (60 ECTS).


    In the Master it is an optional subject worth 12 ECTS. The selection of admitted students, when corresponding to the center, is carried out through a public call. Master's internships are scheduled throughout the second semester and until the end of the academic year. The maximum dedication at the training destination is limited to a maximum of 35 hours per week. The Faculty's internship programme offers only paid internships, both curricular and extracurricular.
    Places are offered in companies in the journalism and communication sector: media in different media (press, radio, television, multimedia), production companies, communication agencies and institutions. The list of agreements in force at the Faculty can be consulted in the Practices area of the website:

  • The Master includes a Master's Thesis of 12 ECTS, which can be of two types: theoretical study and practical project, which are defined in the corresponding teaching guide.

The contents of this page were updated on 07.31.2024.