- Avda de Castelao, s/n. Campus norte, 15782Santiago de Compostela
- 881816500 (Conserxaría)
- 881816555 (Decanato)
- cc.comunicacion.decanato@usc.gal
From the outset, the master's degree was designed to complement or extend the training of students who have completed a degree in Journalism or Audiovisual Communication, or a degree in the Social Sciences branch, and who wish to specialise in Journalism or Communication, with a double orientation: academic or research and professional.
The contents of the master's degree cover many of the training gaps that currently exist as a result of the need to incorporate communication, information and knowledge into all sectors of society.
The subjects proposed correspond to the professional trends and academic demands that currently exist to improve training, both in the field of journalism and communication.