ECTS credits
ECTS credits: 3ECTS Hours Rules/Memories
Student's work ECTS: 51
Hours of tutorials: 3
Expository Class: 9
Interactive Classroom: 12
Total: 75Use languages
Spanish, GalicianType:
Ordinary subject Master’s Degree RD 1393/2007 - 822/2021Center
Faculty of BiologyCall:
Second SemesterTeaching:
With teachingEnrolment:
Enrollable | 1st year (Yes) -
• Ability to identify terrestrial invertebrate taxa.
• Integrate knowledge about the shape, function and ecological characteristics of these animals.
• Use and interpret scientific documentation related to its taxonomic identification.
• Practical domain of invertebrate identification techniques.
• Ability to critically evaluate the main phylogenetic hypotheses for terrestrial invertebrates.
• Ability to assess the conservation needs of invertebrate groups and implement strategies to protect their biodiversity.Theories:
1. Descriptive and functional morphology, ecological importance, classification and phylogenetic relationships of invertebrate groups adapted to terrestrial life.
2. Estimates of the global diversity of terrestrial invertebrates.
3. Study techniques, sampling and conservation of samples.
4. Conservation of invertebrate fauna.
Other activities (practices, seminars, tutorials)
1. Study of characters of taxonomic value, and identification of species, in terrestrial representatives of Nematodes, Annelids, Molluscs and Arthropods.
2. Observation of habits, activity, and traces of terrestrial invertebrate activity.
3. Recognition of visu of common species in the Iberian Peninsula.
4. Critical analysis of scientific articles related to the theory syllabus.Barrientos, J. A., (Ed.) 2004. Bases para un curso práctico de entomología. Asociación española de entomología; CIBIO (Centro Iberoamericano de la Biodiversidad; Universitad Autónoma de Barcelona. 947 pp.
Campbell, A. C., 2009. Guía de campo de la flora y fauna de las costas de España y de Europa. Ed. Omega. 336 pp.
Chinery, M. 2001. Guía de los insectos de Europa. Ed. Omega.320 pp.
Hayward, P. J. & Ryland, J. S., 1996. Handbook of the Marine Fauna of North-West Europe. Ed Oxford University Press. 800 pp.
Sansoni, G. 2001. Atlante per il Riconoscimento dei macroinvertebrati dei corsi d’acqua italiani. Ed. APR & B Editrice. 190 pp.
Tachet, H. , Richoux P., Bournaud M. & P. Usseglio-Polatera, 2003. Invertébrés d’eau douce: Systématique, biologie, écoligie CNRS Editions. 587 pp.BASIC AND GENERAL SKILLS
CG01 - Acquisition of the capacity to analyze the current and future situation of terrestrial biodiversity
CG02 - Use of the appropriate terminology for the field of terrestrial biodiversity
CG03 - Use sources of information and databases necessary to contribute to the analysis and generate information specific to the field of terrestrial biodiversity
CB7 - That students know how to apply the knowledge acquired and their ability to solve problems in new or unfamiliar environments within broader (or multidisciplinary) contexts related to their area of study
CT1 - Analysis and synthesis capacity
CT2 - Capacity for reasoning, argumentation and decision making
CT4 - Ability to obtain adequate, diverse and updated information in different languages
CE6 - Know the techniques of identification of organisms and typologies of biological interactionsLecture-explanation: teaching procedure by which the lecturer will present the concepts and/or procedures, providing basic information necessary for understanding the theoretical perspectives or practical procedures, to promote student participation.
Practical class: developed in the field, laboratory or computer room. Its objectives are to observe in situ aspects of the physical and biological environment, to carry out experiments and to learn and apply computer software, with the support and supervision of the lecturer.Continuous evaluation: 30%
Exam: 70%Hours Percentage (%)
Lectures 10 100
Interactive classes 11 100
Tutorials 1 100
Exam 2 100
Personal studies 51 0
Total hours of work 75- Attendance to all teaching activities.
- Daily learning of the contents taught in the classes.
- Consultation of the recommended and complementary bibliography.
- Consult with teachers any questions related to the subject.