ECTS credits
ECTS credits: 3ECTS Hours Rules/Memories
Student's work ECTS: 51
Hours of tutorials: 3
Expository Class: 9
Interactive Classroom: 12
Total: 75Use languages
Spanish, GalicianType:
Ordinary subject Master’s Degree RD 1393/2007 - 822/2021Center
Faculty of BiologyCall:
First SemesterTeaching:
With teachingEnrolment:
Enrollable | 1st year (Yes) -
• Fundamentals of Law. Introduction to Environmental Regulation.
• Competencies and functions of the different Public Administrations involved in environmental management
Objectives of the topic
• Search for regulations related to the protection and management of biodiversity
• Knowledge and interpretation of the environmental legal system on biodiversity
• Basic resolution of conflicts that endanger the ecosystem balance of the natural heritage
• Analysis and practical application of some of the instruments on biodiversity management and protection.
• Ability to understand legal problems and the need for the right to protect the environment
• Possess knowledge of the current legislation on the environment, both general and sectorial, and know how to manage it
• Possess knowledge about the basic structure of the environmental administrative organization at European level and in the Spanish State
• Be able to apply knowledge to specific cases, to solve problems and understand judgments and legal news
• Be able to communicate and discuss knowledge, judgments and problem solving, both in public and in writingSYLABUS
• Introduction to the environmental legal system
• Protection of terrestrial biodiversity (I): historical evolution and its different levels and legal spheres
• Protection of terrestrial biodiversity (II): preventive and repressive protection techniques
• Protection of terrestrial biodiversity (III): legal status of species and protected areas
• The protection of biodiversity within the framework of territorial and urban planning. Protection of the landscape
• New trends in the protection and management of biodiversity. “Land stewardship” and “habitat banking”, “offsets”.
Programming of practices:
- ACTIVITY 1.- Management and search for environmental regulations
- ACTIVITY 2.- Access to environmental information and publication of environmental administrative files
- ACTIVITY 3.- Presentation of monographic works “European Strategy for the protection of biodiversityALLÍ TURRILLAS, J. C.: La Protección de la Biodiversidad, Editorial Dykinson, Madrid, 2016
ESTEVE PARDO, J.: Derecho del Medio Ambiente, 4ª ed. Marcial Pons, Madrid, 2017
GARCÍA URETA, A.: Derecho Europeo de la Biodiversidad, Iustel, Madrid, 2010
LOZANO CUTANDA, B.: Tratado de Derecho Ambiental, Centro de Estudios Financieros, Madrid, 2014
SANZ LARRUGA, F. J. Derecho Ambiental para una Economía Verde, editorial Aranzadi, 2016Specific skills
• Become aware of the importance of Law as an instrument for the protection of the environment and as a regulatory system for social relations that are in conflict in this area
• Understand the unitary nature of the legal system and the necessary interdisciplinary vision of legal problems
• Ability to consider the protection of the environment as a principle and constitutional value that serves for the interpretation of the entire legal system
• Ability to handle legal sources (legal, jurisprudential and doctrinal)
• Development of a basic legal vocabulary that allows reading and interpreting simple legal texts on the environment
• Acquisition of a minimum critical conscience in relation to the Law that protects the environment
• As basic skills, will develop the ability to use legal resources, databases of legislation and jurisprudence, as well as the ability to make oral presentations and public debates, and work as a team, organizing and resolving any conflicts that ariseLecture-explanation: teaching procedure by which the lecturer will present the concepts and/or procedures, providing basic information necessary for understanding the theoretical perspectives or practical procedures, to promote student participation.
Cooperative learning: the students work in small groups to achieve a common goal under the supervision of the teacher. This cooperative process improves the learning experience of all members of the group.objective test: 40%
- preparation and exhibition of the monographic work: 30%
- face-to-face practices: 30%Expositive classes (use of waxing, computer, video canon), supplemented with online teaching support (Virtual Campus).
Hours: 7
Presence 100
Interactive classes: Conferences and seminars (presenteis e virtuais) taught by our own Master's faculty, business guests, administration or other universities. Field work. Laboratory practices Cabinet practices. Computer practices. Software annex. Visits to facilities. Resolution of practical cases. Resolution of problems and issues. Activities of procurement, interpretation and processing gives information. Validation of scientific publications. Realization of traballos and reports. Oral exhibition of individual or group work. Debate with teachers and students. Orientation and supervision of practical activities. Follow-up, forums and online debates.
Hours: 14/24
Presence: 100
Obligatory orders, persoais or in a small group
Hours: 1
Presence: 100
Hours: 2
Presence: 100
Student profile of students: Autonomous, individual and group work, student, for the preparation of training activities proposed in class, or Final Master's Work and External Practices. Individual student reading of students.
Hours: 51/44
Presence: 100
Total working hours: 75