ECTS credits
ECTS credits: 3ECTS Hours Rules/Memories
Student's work ECTS: 51
Hours of tutorials: 3
Expository Class: 9
Interactive Classroom: 12
Total: 75Use languages
Spanish, GalicianType:
Ordinary subject Master’s Degree RD 1393/2007 - 822/2021Center
Faculty of BiologyCall:
First SemesterTeaching:
With teachingEnrolment:
Enrollable -
Subject description:
This subject uses a practical methodology to allow that the students understand the process to convert research results in business opportunities. This is made by having very present key variables that would have to be analysed by the participants if considering to consolidate a business project, no matter if this project is developed inside or outside of an institution.
By taking this subject, the students may put in practice elements that would make them possible to build, step by step, a business project, from the team work and the validation of an idea, until the communication of the project. Besides, the participants will know some mechanisms of transfer of the results of his own research.
Moreover, to facilitate the connection between the academic and the business, the students will have the opportunity to listen to representatives of companies with distinct degrees of development and maturity but that employ the investigation and the innovation to offer his products and/or services.
Subject goals (learning results)
RA1. To comprise the concepts of innovation and entrepreneurship in the scientific field and academic
RA2. To receive and put in practical tools and methodologies that allow to identify interests, skills, values and personal characteristics and that help to schedule actively the achievement of some professional aims
RA 3. To know the process to convert pertinent ideas of results of investigation in opportunities of businesses
RA 4. To know some mechanisms of transfer of the results of the investigation.1. Innovation and entrepreneurship in the environment (4h)
1.1 Concept of innovation and importance in the scientific field
1.2 Undertake from the root. Definitions of entrepreneurship and context of the emprendeduría like part of the professional development.
2. Proposal of value and personal and digital identity (3h)
2.1. Productivity and goals achievement
2.2. Personal and digital identity
3. Development of professional and business projects (7h)
3.1. Generation of ideas in environmental conservation
3.2. Team work
3.3. Business Model CANVAS
3.4. Commercial exploitation of research results
3.4 Tips for communication of business projects• Blake, R.; Mouton, J. (1985). The Managerial Grid III: The Key to Leadership Excellence. Houston: Gulf Publishing Co. http://www.ja.org.ar/UserFiles/media/Documentos/955-Test_-_Liderazgo_- _Blake_and_Mouton.pdf
• Osterwalder Alexander, Yves Pigneur & Timothy Clark (2012). Tu modelo de negocio. Ed. Deusto, 264 paìgs.
• Cebreiros, J. (2015). Olvida tu lenguaje corporal Una nueva forma de entender la comunicacioìn. Ed. Plataforma, Barcelona, 216 paìgs.
• Ries, Eric (2012). El método Lean Startup: Cómo crear empresas de éxito utilizando la innovación continua. Ed. Planeta (GBS), 320 págs.BASIC AND GENERAL
CG10 - Be able to apply the concepts of environmental management in a context of innovation and professional entrepreneurship.
CB8 - Be able to integrate knowledges and to face to the complexity to formulate trials from an information that, being incomplete or limited, include reflections on the social and ethical responsibilities link to the application of his knowledges and trials.
CB9 - Learn to communicate their conclusions to specialized and non- specialized publics of a clear way and without ambiguities.
CB10 – Acquire the learning skills that allow students to continue studying of a way self-directed or autonomous.
CT4 - Initiative and entrepreneur spirit.
CT5 - Capacity to realize a work interdisciplinary.
CT6 - Development of technicians of work advanced in group and capacity of leadershipIntroductory activities. Activity that pretends to reinforce concepts of innovation e entrepreneurship under a scientific and/or academic scenery
Oral explanation: teaching procedure by which the teacher presents concepts and / or procedures, providing basic information necessary to understand a theoretical perspective or a practical procedure, promoting student participation.
Workshop. Work methodology used for the development of business ideas. In the context of the subject, this method is based in team work (in cases multidisciplinary) and pretends to constitute an experience of learning that recreates a real situation. In this model of learning, the students plan, implement and evaluate business projects that have application in the real world further of the classroom.
Tuition work: Guide students to elaborate the process of development of a business idea based in a product or service (research and collect information, reading and handle of bibliography, etc)
Seminar. Methodology that pretends to link the academic conext and the business by means of the organization of seminars given by professionals with environmental-related business of different drees of maturity. This methodology will do road videoconferenceDescription Score (%)
Evaluation of the realization of written topics Realization and presentation of at least one professional goal, development of a CV in a non-scientific format and a presentation letter for an employment interview. 15
Evaluation of the individual work as part of the team work Crossed evaluation of team members 25
Oral presentation Oral presentation, technical quality of the business project, its viability and scalability 60Horas Presencialidad (%)
Clases expositivas (lección magistral + clases introductorias) 7 100
Clases interactivas: talleres 7 100
Seminarios 7 100
Tutorías 2 100
Examen: presentación 2 100
Estudio personal del alumnado 50 0
Total horas de trabajo 75