ECTS credits
ECTS credits: 3ECTS Hours Rules/Memories
Student's work ECTS: 51
Hours of tutorials: 3
Expository Class: 9
Interactive Classroom: 12
Total: 75Use languages
Spanish, GalicianType:
Ordinary subject Master’s Degree RD 1393/2007 - 822/2021Center
Faculty of BiologyCall:
First SemesterTeaching:
With teachingEnrolment:
Enrollable | 1st year (Yes) -
• Ability to understand the history of conservation science and its context in environmental ethics.
• Capacity to know the scientific evidence on species rarity and biodiversity loss and understand the causes of these changes.
• Ability to understand the ecological, social and economic impacts of biodiversity loss.
• Ability to synthesize and expose in public the benefits provided by biodiversity.
• Capacity to apply the principles and tools used to conserve biodiversity at different scales.
• Capacities for critical discussion and evaluation of scientific data related to biodiversity conservationTheories:
1. The historical and ethical basis of conservation. Concept and content of the subject matter. Relationship with other sciences.
2. Causes and consequences of extinction. Rarity of the species. IUCN Red List.
2. Biodiversity: Concept and measurement. Intraspecific (genetic), ecological and landscape diversity. Taxonomic, ethological and functional diversity.
3. Threats to biodiversity I: Population growth and stochastic processes.
7. Threats to biodiversity II: Over-exploitation, invasive alien species, global change and environmental pollution.
8. Species conservation strategies. Selection priorities and criteria. The red lists
Other activities (practices, seminars, tutorials)
Field trip to an area of special natural interest in which the students will describe the area and its natural resources, propose the conservation of a population of interest in the area, and analyse the compatibility of the territory with other usesLeopold, Aldo, A sand county almanac (versión española: Una ética de la tierra), Oxford University Press, 1949, Oxford
Hunter, M.L., Fundamentals of Conservation Biology, Blackwell Science, 2002, Oxford
CG02 - Uso de la terminología adecuada para el ámbito de la biodiversidad terrestre
CG03 - Emplear fuentes de información y bases de datos necesarias para contribuir al análisis y generar información específica para el ámbito de la biodiversidad terrestreCG04 - Redactar informes profesionales y publicaciones científicas para el ámbito de la biodiversidad terrestre
CG05- Contribuir al desarrollo del conocimiento en el ámbito de la biodiversidad.
CB2- Que los estudiantes sepan aplicar los conocimientos adquiridos y los puedan transferir a la resolución de problemas en entornos nuevos o poco conocidos dentro de contextos más amplios (o multidisciplinares) relacionados con su área de estudio.
CT2 - Capacidad para el razonamiento, argumentación y toma de decisiones
CT4 - Capacidad para obtener información adecuada, diversa y actualizada en distintos idiomas
CT6 - Capacidad para resolver problemas mediante la aplicación integrada de los conocimientos.
CE5- Conocer y saber aplicar la metodología para el seguimiento de poblaciones naturales y reconocer, si es el caso, el grado de amenaza de una especie, o bien su potencial invasor.Lecture-explanation: teaching procedure by which the lecturer will present the concepts and/or procedures, providing basic information necessary for understanding the theoretical perspectives or practical procedures, to promote student participation.
Practical class: developed in the field, laboratory or computer room. Its objectives are to observe in situ aspects of the physical and biological environment, to carry out experiments and to learn and apply computer software, with the support and supervision of the lecturer.
The book "A sand county almanac", by Aldo Leopold (Oxford University Press, 1949), is a must read. A monographic work on this book shall be submitted, which will be essential for the final evaluation. Spanish version available under the titles “Una ética de la Tierra”, Ediciones de la Catarata, and “Un año en Sand County”, from Errata Naturae editions.Ponderation %
Individual projects to be delivered 50
Oral exposition of individual projects 25
Monograph about “A Sand County Almanac” 25Hours On-site presence (%)
Lectures 10 100
Interactive classes 11 100
Tutorials 3 100
Personal studies 51 0
Total hours of work 75