ECTS credits ECTS credits: 3
ECTS Hours Rules/Memories Student's work ECTS: 51 Hours of tutorials: Expository Class: 9 Interactive Classroom: 15 Total: 75
Use languages Spanish, Galician
Type: Ordinary subject Master’s Degree RD 1393/2007 - 822/2021
Departments: Clinical Psychology and Psychobiology
Areas: Psychobiology
Center Faculty of Psychology
Call: Second Semester
Teaching: With teaching
Enrolment: Enrollable | 1st year (Yes)
The student, at the end of this course, will:
- Know How to apply the acquired knowledge and be able to solve the problems associated with the implementation of the same both in the context of the intervention by using biofeedback (BF) and neurofeedback (NF) as in multidisciplinary areas related.
- Be able to expand the knowledge and skills acquired through the study of self-directed and autonomous applications and advances selectedone BF and NF.
- Be able to implement their programming on BF and NF taking into account the biopsychosocial components intrinsic to the concept of holistic health, in accordance with the guidelines established by the WHO.
- Be able to plan, develop, monitor and evaluate plans of assessment and intervention in the field of BF and NF taking into account the physiologic variables, cognitive and emotional (psychophysiological) and their covariance in each particular case, in order to carry out a training in successful psychophysiological self-regulation.
- Have communication skills and managing emotions in the relationship therapist/patient and throughout every step of the intervention program, from the identification of the problem until the monitoring achievements during training in BF or NF.
- Know how to select the mode of BF/NF more appropriate to each case, taking into account the pathophysiology of the psychophysiological alteration and other features of the case arising from the process of evaluation and identification of the problem, and be able to adapt the objectives and goals of the intervention in a flexible manner depending on the process of continuous evaluation of the intervention sessions.
- Know how to consult and manage all existing sources of documentation in the context of research on the effectiveness of the intervention by BF and NF.
Theoretical Contents:
Item 1. Introduction to Biofeedback (BF) and neurofeedback (NF) in Health Psychology.
Item 2: Stress, physiological reactivity profile and psychophysiological alterations.
Item 3: Methods of intervention in psychophysiological alterations in peripheral and central nervous system.
Item 4: Psychophysiological self-regulation of the activity of the peripheral nervous system. Main areas of application of the BF.
Item 5: Psychophysiological self-regulation of electroencephalographic activity (EEG). Main applications of NF.
Practices: Training in biofeedback techniques in laboratory sessions.
Session 1. The process of BF. Introduction to the procedure of assessment and intervention with BF. Operation of the equipment.
Session 2. Evaluation of the activity psicofisioloxica. Psychophysiological reactivity Profile.
Session 3. Demonstration to the customer the procedure of BF.
Session 4. Training in BF.
Session 5. Generalization of what they have learned and fibal evaluation.
Session 6. Pooling and analysis of the results of sessions 2 to 5.
Simón, M.A., Amenedo, E. (Coords.) (2001). Manual de Psicofisiología Aplicada. Madrid: Pirámide
Complementary in Spanish:
Carretié Arangüena, L. (2021). Anatomía de la mente, Tercera Edición. Madrid: Pirámide
Carretié Arangüena, L. (2001). Psicofisiología. Madrid: Pirámide
Carrobles, J.A., Godoy, J. (1987). Biofeedback. Autocontrol de funciones biológicas y trastornos psicosomáticos. Barcelona: Martínez Roca
Simón, M.A. (1989). Biofeedback y rehabilitación. Valencia: Promolibro
Vila, J., Guerra J.P. (2009). Introducción a la psicofisiología clínica (Segunda Edición). Madrid: Pirámide
Complementary in English:
Everly, G.S., Lating, J.M. (Eds) (2019). A clinical guide to the treatment of the human stress response. Fourth Edition. New York: Springer.
Gatchel, R.J., Blanchard, E.B. (Eds.) (1993). Psychophysiological disorders. Washington: APA
Schwartz, M.S., Andrasik, F. (Eds.) (2017). Biofeedback: A practitioner´s guide, 4th edition. New York: Guilford Press.
Links of interest:
AAPB, Association for Applied Psychophysiology and Biofeedback:
BCIA, Biofeedback Certification International Alliance:
BFE, Biofeedback Federation of Europe:
IDN, Asociación para la Investigación y Desarrollo en Neuroterapias:
ISNR, International Society for Neurofeedback and Research:
Basic competences
1. That students know how to apply the knowledge acquired and its capacity to resolution of problems in new or unfamiliar environments within broader contexts (or multidisciplinary) related to your area of study.
2. That the students possess learning skills that will enable them to continue studying in a way that will be largely self-directed or autonomous.
General competences
3. Acquire, develop and implement a comprehensive concept of health that addresses psychological components of the same, in accordance with the guidelines established by the WHO.
4. In-depth understanding of biological and psychosocial factors associated with health problems and disease, especially those related to mental health.
5. Design, develop, and, in his case, monitor and evaluate plans and programs of psychological intervention, depending on the psychological evaluation and the variables of type individual and social that occur in each case.
6. Show skills in interpersonal communication and management of the appropriate emotions for effective interaction with patients, family members and caregivers in the processes of identification, assessment, communication of the diagnosis and psychological intervention and monitoring.
Transversal competences
7. Know how to handle scientific sources of documentation and digital bibliographic standardised at the international level.
8. Knowing how to analyze critically and use the sources of clinical information.
9. Know how to develop your work from the perspective of the quality and continuous improvement, with the capacity for self-criticism required a professional performance responsible.
Specific competences
10. To be able to plan and develop an evaluation and intervention session, establishing hypotheses from which being able to deduce testable statements.
11. To know how to select and apply the techniques and the assessment tools most appropriate for each case in accordance with its features and context.
12. To be able to plan and develop a psychological intervention, establishing relevant and realistic objectives depending on the nature of the problem and context.
13. To know how to perform a psychologigal intervention follow up according to the initial objectives, an to introduce, if it was the case, changes in the intervention during its development.
14. Knowing how to provide feedback to the clients of appropriate and precise form in order to involve them in the various phases of the process of assessment, intervention and treatment.
The teaching methodology will rest on several activities and classroom courses.
As classroom activities, combine the expository method (lectures) on the theoretical content of the subject, with guided practice sessions in the laboratory to be trained to the learners in the procedure of intervention in BF. The teaching of the practical classes, with the highest burden hours, is intended to promote the resolution of problems, problem-based learning, cooperative learning, and instrumental learning.
Non-presential activities by the student do complete the process of learning through the realization of reports on the practical sessions.
The evaluation, which will be continuous, will rest in a written examination of response for the development of average length/short on the theoretical contents. This review will take a weight of 40% of the total rating obtained in the subject. In addition, it will evaluate the attendance and active participation to all the practice sessions, which scored a 40% of the total grade. The practice reports delivered within the time limit indicated by the professor will score a 20% of the total grade. In order to pass the subject, it will be necessary to obtain 50% of the total grade in each part of the evaluation (i.e. 20% in the exam and in the attendance and participation in the practical sessions, and 10% in the practical report).
Specialty situations:
For those who have obtained authorization to dispense class attendance, a single final evaluation, based on the final exam, is included and may achieve a maximum qualification of 7. It can be assessed individually, depending on the conditions that motivate the dispensation, the possibility of carrying out, autonomously, a work on contents of the subject to be able to reach a maximum qualification of 10.
Classroom presentations/lectures: 9 hours
Interactive classroom laboratory practices: 15 hours
Practices reports: approximately 10 hours
Activities of Study: approximately 20 hours
Preparation of practices: 11 hours approx
It is recommended that students attend the lectures, because in them is further expanded the information contained in the material of each item, and are treated/discussed in greater depth the aspects of more importance and/or present. Attend the entirety of the practice sessions, because they facilitate procedural knowledge and basic skills for learning the content associated with the techniques of BF/NF in each one of its modalities more employed.
The contents of this field are within the framework of Clinical psychophysiology, a psychological discipline that is born of the intervention of the Psychophysiology in the field of health, through the implementation of its more developed techniques: biofeedback and the more recent neurofeedback. It is classically defined as "the application of the psychophysiological techniques, concepts and theories, on the explanation of the psychological factors that influence health and disease" (Turpin, 1989). The psychophysiology Clinic has also benefited the development of other disciplines related to the psychological health, as are the techniques of behavior modification, Behavioral Medicine, Health Psychology and psychopathology.
The form of approach to problems related to the health/illness in this discipline is characterized by training in self-regulation of physiological functions related to the peripheral nervous system (electromyographic biofeedback, cardiovascular, respiratory, peripheral temperature, electrodermico) and with the central nervous system (neurofeedback) in the intervention in health-related problems.
SCHEDULE OF TEACHING TITURING OF PROFESSOR ELENA AMENEDO LOSADA: In the second semester, the schedule of tutoring (it is recommended to request an appointment via e-mail) is:
Monday, Tuesday and Thursday, from 12:00 to 14:00, in deskroom Nº64, second floor, Module A of the Faculty of Psychology.
Teacher's e-mail: elena.amenedo [at] (elena[dot]amenedo[at]usc[dot]gal)
Maria Elena Amenedo Losada
Coordinador/a- Department
- Clinical Psychology and Psychobiology
- Area
- Psychobiology
- Phone
- 881813799
- elena.amenedo [at]
- Category
- Professor: University Lecturer
Wednesday | |||
12:00-13:00 | Grupo /CLE_01 | Galician | Psycho-physiology teaching laboratory |
13:00-14:00 | Grupo /CLIL_01 | Galician | Psycho-physiology teaching laboratory |
04.29.2025 10:00-12:00 | Grupo /CLE_01 | Psycho-physiology teaching laboratory |
07.08.2025 10:00-12:00 | Grupo /CLE_01 | Seminar for the Psychobiology Area |