ECTS credits
ECTS credits: 3.5ECTS Hours Rules/Memories
Student's work ECTS: 59.5
Hours of tutorials: 3.5
Expository Class: 10.5
Interactive Classroom: 14
Total: 87.5Use languages
Spanish, GalicianType:
Ordinary subject Master’s Degree RD 1393/2007 - 822/2021Center
Higher Polytechnic Engineering SchoolCall:
Sin Docencia (En Extinción)Enrolment:
No Matriculable (Sólo Planes en Extinción) -
mplementation of the system of quality management through policy, procedures and processes of quality planning, quality assurance and quality control with continuous improvement activities of the processes that take place throughout the project . Knowledge of sources, methods and techniques for quality management of projects and productive activities of goods and services for future graduates.
This theoretical and practical developments, allow the practice within the scope, approach and legal framework. Also it is intended that students, after notification area are willing to join together to write any type of project and have sufficient capacity to implement quality management from the standpoint of the organization activity or specialized consulting.
It will address practical learning content specific to the project management skills.Are divided into four modules.
Introduction to quality control projects Basics
Historical evolution.
Current situation.
Quality Planning
Identification and customer satisfaction
Methods of study quality.
Market sampling techniques
Development of quality indicators
Model quality production.
Quality assurance.
Designing a system of quality assurance.
Work control variables.
Control of work attributes.
Control of work by the number of defects.
Reception control.
Sampling plans.
Hypothesis. Quality control.
Implementation of a quality control system. Quality policy.
Documentation system of quality management.Module 1
• Besterfield, D. H. 1995. Control de Calidad. Prentice Hall. México
• Hansen, B.L. y Ghare, P.M. .2001: Control de Calidad. Teoría y Aplicaciones. Díaz de Santos. Madrid.
• Ishikawa, K. (1994): Introducción al Control de la Calidad. (Versión española por Nicolau
• Medina, J. y Gonzalbes Ballester, M. M.). Díaz de Santos. Madrid.
Module 2
• Azofra. P. 2001. Cuestionarios. CIS. Madrid.
• Särdnal C.E., Swenson B. and Wretman, J. 1992. Model Assisted Survey Sampling. Springer Verlag.
• Walliant, R., Dorfman, A.H. And Royall, R.M. 2000. Finite Population Sampling and Inference. A prediction Approach. John Wiley. New York.
Module 3
• Allanueva Pinilla, A., González Santos, J.M. Y Alejandre Marco. J.L. 2000. Técnicas Estadísticas de Control de Calidad. Copy Center. Zaragoza
• Bargueño Fariñas, V., Novo Sanjurjo, V.J. Y Sebastián Pérez, M.A. 2000. Gestión y Control de la Calidad. Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia. Madrid.
• Besterfield, D.H. 1995. Control de Calidad. Prince Hall. Méjico
• Carot Alonso, V. 1998. Control Estadístico de Calidad. Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad Politécnica de Valencia. Valencia
• Colomer Cugat, M.A. 1996. Estadística en el Control de Calidad. Universidad de Lleida. Lleida
• Cuatrecasas Rabos, L. 1999. Gestión Integral de la Calidad: implantación, control y certificación. Ediciones Gestión 2000. Barcelona
• Duncan, A.J. 1990. Control de la Calidad y Estadística Industrial. Alfaomega
• Gran, E.L. Y otros. 1998- Control Estadístico de la Calidad. CECSA
• Montgomery, D.C. 2001. Introduction to statistical quality control. J. Wiley
• Peña, D. 1994. Estadística. Modelos y Métodos. 1 Fundamentos. Alianza Universidad
Module 4
• Pérez López, C. 1998. Control Estadístico de la Calidad: Teoría, práctica y aplicaciones informáticas. Ra-ma. Madrid.
• Gómez Graile, F., Tejero Monzón, M., Vilar Barrio, J.F.2001. Cómo hacer el manual de calidad según la nueva ISO 9001:2000. Fundación Confemetal. Madrid
• Badía A. 1999. Técnicas para la gestión de la calidad: control de la calidad ISO-9000, gestión por procesos, diagramas de proceso, gestión de la calidad total. Tecnos. MadridAcquire generic competences are:
a) Capacity for Oral and Written Communication
b) Capacity for analysis and synthesis.
c) Capacity to learn.
d) Capacity to solve problems.
e) Capacity to apply knowledge to practice.
f) Capacity to generate new ideas (creativity).
g) Capacity for decision-making.
h) Capacity to self-employment, either in groups or individually.
As the Discipline Specific Skills:
a) Horizontal spatial vision capability
b) Capacity to analyze territorial
c) Capacity development of integrated territorial diagnoses
d) Capacity to formulate proposals for innovative management
e) Capacity assessment and critical analysis of proposals
f) Capacity to land management.
Academic Skills will cover:
a) Capacity to work in multidisciplinary teams
b) Communication skills and presentation
c) Capacity to work with the most used tools in planning and land use planning.The methodology of this course is participatory and based on the following activities:
- Lectures.
- Resolution of problems and cases.
- Reading, analysis and discussion of scientific and technical work.
- Preparation and presentation of works.Oral exam - Method essential to measure the educational goals it has to do with speaking. The oral examination will be related to exposure from work.
Open-response written test - timed test, carried out under control, in which students construct their response. You can grant or withhold the right to consult the supporting material.
Academic Work - Developing a group work on a topic chosen by the students, either from those proposed by the teacher saying to a request from the requesting group.
Study time and individual work should devote to overcome estudante
The methodology in this area due to a number of activities, but are designed in accordance with the present system of teaching and learning where the teacher's work sets the pace of the course, for its participatory nature, may in the near future will adapt the new system proposed in the European Higher Education Area, with a clear role for the independent work of the student.Lectures (taught in the classroom of course, according to the agenda of the subject).
Classes seminar presenting the practices and practices board and computer lab (taught in computer labs, from the theoretical content developed in previous classes and doing the work of municipal management that summarizes the content of matter ; the script work is available to students in advance).
Individual and group tutorials for editing and review of proposed management models groups.
Free tutorials (served in the teacher's office or the classroom if they are collectively trying to solve all the doubts that arise on the subject throughout the course.)
Examinations of content and practical application of the connectors acquired.
Voluntary reviews (and recommended) for the review exercises.
Also give the student (depending on the characteristics and interests of) the possibility of making a work of course different to that proposed in practice. These practices are obviously related to the contents of the subject, will be outlined at the beginning of the course between the teacher and each student individually.
A possible allocation of ECTS credits to the activities of this area, such as orientation towards their imminent launch and as a reflection of the work required and should carry the student to pass the course:
4.5 ECTS credits x 30 hours / credit = 135 total hours of student work
Face (at least do 25%) = at least 33.7 hoursIt is important to assist the lectures because they represent the foundations of the practice that will follow and that is undoubtedly more important ingnieril.
Attendance at practical classes and seminars to raise the practice is important to develop secured the job they have to make pupils. This work helps to understand the theoretical and the importance and the difficulties they will have to be as technicians in their professional practice enfrontar future. In addition to the tutorials overcome any difficulties that may arise.
In the current credit system, besides attending the lectures (30 hours over four months, two per week), practices (15 hours throughout the semester) and tutorial (you want along the course), students will spend "learning" of theoretical concepts and procedures (as explained in the theory classes and with the support of the recommended reading) and resolution of work, an average of 8 hours per week.
In any case, it is to memorize definitions and procedures, but to be able to understand the territory from a horizontal approach, without sectoral approaches, building capacity for group work, all to allow decisions that promote sustainable development rural space. These skills, which may be easier for some people than for others, it comes with practice and hard work and personal along the course.Subject in extinction in the academic year 2024/25, without teaching but with the right to evaluation with the specified system for repeating students.
Manuel Francisco Marey Perez
- Department
- Plant Production and Engineering Projects
- Area
- Engineering Projects
- manuel.marey@usc.es
- Category
- Professor: University Professor