ECTS credits
ECTS credits: 3ECTS Hours Rules/Memories
Hours of tutorials: 3
Expository Class: 9
Interactive Classroom: 12
Total: 24Use languages
Spanish, GalicianType:
Ordinary subject Master’s Degree RD 1393/2007 - 822/2021Departments:
Agroforestry EngineeringAreas:
Cartographic Engineering, Geodesy and PhotogrammetryCenter
Higher Polytechnic Engineering SchoolCall:
First SemesterTeaching:
With teachingEnrolment:
Enrollable | 1st year (Yes) -
This course is intended to introduce students to the design of planning solutions based on the use of models (land use/cover change models, location/allocation models, multicriteria decision models).
Basic contents included in the programme documentation:
- Definitions,
- Analysis of land use/cover change,
- Location-allocation models,
- Land suitability models,
- Spatial Decision Support Systems.
These basic contents are developed in the following lectures:- Types of planning problems (1 h),
- Spatial Decision Support Systems (1 h),
- Multicriteria assessment models (2 h),
- Location-allocation models (2 h),
- Land use/cover change models (2 h),
- Optimization algorithms (1 h).
And the following practical sessions:- Suitability analysis (4 h),
- Location-allocation models (4 h),
- Land use/cover change models (4 h).
Basic bibliography
- Rittel, H. & M. Webber (1973). Dilemmas in a General Theory of Planning. Policy Sciences 4 (2), pp. 155-169.
- Sugumaran, R., DeGroote, J. (2011). Spatial Decision Support Systems. Principles and Practices. Boca Raton, EEUU: CRC Press.
- Gómez Delgado, M., Barredo Cano, J. I. (2005). Sistemas de información geográfica y evaluación multicriterio en la ordenación del territorio. Madrid: Ed. Ra-ma.
- Bosque, J., Moreno, A. (2012). Sistemas de Información Geográfica y Localización Óptima de Instalaciones y Equipamientos. Madrid: Ra-ma.
- Briassoulis, H. (2020). Analysis of Land Use Change: Theoretical and Modeling Approaches. 2nd edition. Edited by Scott Loveridge and Randall Jackson. WVU Research Repository.
Complementary bibliography- FAO (1976). A framework for land evaluation. FAO Soils bulletin 32.
- Malczewski, J. (2000). On the use of weighted linear combination method in GIS: Common and best practice approaches. Transactions in GIS 4:1:5–22.
- Malczewski, J. (2004). GIS-based land-use suitability analysis: a critical overview. Progress in Planning 62:1:3–65.
- Gómez Órea, D. (2013). Ordenación Territorial. Madrid: Ed. Agrícola Epañola.
- Moreno, A., Buzai, G. D., Fuenzalida, M. (2012). Sistemas de Información Geográfica. Aplicaciones en Diagnósticos Territoriales y Decisiones Geoambientales. Madrid: Ra-ma.
- Pease & Coughlin (2014). USDA - NRCS Land Evaluation and Site Assessment: Guidebook. US Dept. of Agriculture.
During the development of the subject, the students will acquire or improve the following competences:
A) Basic and general competences:
CB02. Students will be able to apply the acquired knowledge and their problem-solving skills in new or undefined environments within multidisciplinary contexts both research and professional.
CB03. Students will have the skills for autonomous learning, taking a proactive approach to problem-solving and thinking.
CB05. Students will learn to work autonomously, to make decisions, to prioritize and develop an ability to adapt to changing environments.
CB06. Students will be able to submit projects and make research reports with clarity and rigor. They will be able to integrate the new multimedia and audiovisual languages into their narrative discourses.
CB07. Students will be able to express themselves and present a dissertation, speech and argument, facing specific questions about specific aspects by a specialized auditorium. Strengthening oral expression resources.
CG01. Acquisition of high-level knowledge, tools and resources to meet the research and professional expectations of the student and society regarding the study of land planning and management or some of its most outstanding areas.
CG02. Development and management of concepts, methods and tools of research in geographical and land analysis for specific purposes.
CG04. Training in various cross-cutting analysis and research techniques characterized by their versatility within the interdisciplinary paradigm of land studies and analysis.
CG06. Have a holistic vision of territory, understood as support for human, economic and social activities, but also as an explanatory and conditioning factor.
B) Cross-cutting competences:
CT01. Ability to search and select information
CT02. Analytical and synthesis capability
CT03. Ability to hold a public exhibition and debate with ease on the subject being exposed
CT05. Use of the main Geographic Information Systems softwares
CT08. Acquisition of environmental and social responsibility in the development of land policies and in the implementation of plans and projects with environmental impact, as well as in the technical solutions adopted
C) Specific competences:
CE02. Know the main instruments of land management and the main regional and urban plans.
CE04. Capacity to carry out processes of analysis, evaluation and diagnosis of the territory, the environment, urban planning, land uses and land ownership from an economic, social and environmental point of view.
CE05. Training to extract, analyze and present the information required for decision-making in land and environmental planning and management.
CE06. Knowledge and critical use of the specialized terminology in land and environmental planning and management, and capability for the practical application of knowledge on land planning, especially in the Galician area.
CE08. Knowledge of the techniques, tools and technologies that allow efficient land planning and management at different scales (regional, urban, etc.).
CE10. Capability both for the resolution of problems arising from under-utilisation or inefficiency in land use and of their overexploitation or improper use.
CE12. Critical capabilities required for research activity and for the development of a PhP in the field of land planning and management.- Theoretical lectures (competencias CG02, CG06, CB7, CE02, CE05, CE06, CE08)
- Practical sessions (competencias CG01, CG04, CB8, CB9, CB10, CT01, CE04, CE07, CE10, CE12)
- Use of the virtual campus (Moodle).
- Practical cases and projects.
- Individualized and group tutoring.
- Autonomous study.
- Evaluation of competence.
Assessment of students’ performance will be based on two components:
- Continuous assessment, based on practical assignments along the duration of the course. 70% of final grade. Competences CG01, CG04, CB8, CB9, CB10, CT01, CE04, CE07, CE10, CE12.
- Written test. 30% of final grade. Competences CG02, CG06, CB7, CE02, CE05, CE06, CE08).
All assessment activities will be carried out using Moodle.
Students are required to achieve a minimum of 5 points (out of 10) overall to receive a passing grade. A passing grade in one of the components will be retained, at most, for the following academic year.
Students exempt of attendance to classes will follow the same assessment system.
The USC Norm for Assessment of Academic Performance will be automatically applied if fraud or fabrication of assessment materials is detected.This subject has assigned a total of 9 presential hours of theoretical lectures, 12 presential hours of practical lectures and 3 hours of tutorials.
It is advisable that students have access to a personal computer in order to install the software applications used in class.
Ines Sante Riveira
Coordinador/a- Department
- Agroforestry Engineering
- Area
- Cartographic Engineering, Geodesy and Photogrammetry
- Category
- Professor: University Lecturer
Exams 01.20.2025 16:00-18:00 Grupo /CLE_01 Classroom 18 (Pav.II-PPS)