ECTS credits
ECTS credits: 6ECTS Hours Rules/Memories
Student's work ECTS: 99
Hours of tutorials: 3
Expository Class: 24
Interactive Classroom: 24
Total: 150Use languages
Spanish, GalicianType:
Ordinary Degree Subject RD 1393/2007 - 822/2021Departments:
Plant Production and Engineering ProjectsAreas:
Plant ProductionCenter
Higher Polytechnic Engineering SchoolCall:
Second SemesterTeaching:
Sin Docencia (En Extinción)Enrolment:
No Matriculable (Sólo Planes en Extinción) -
Know the principles of landscaping and the specific tools for the design of green areas and landscape restoration. Know the precise technologies for carrying out activities in gardening and landscaping. Write projects for the creation of green areas and conservation and maintenance plans.
The memory of the title includes the following contents for this subject:
The garden in history. The landscape and natural resources.
Green space design. Study of conditioning factors. Selection of plant material and hard materials.
Ornamental plants. Characteristics, uses and cultivation needs.
Lawns and plantations. Implantation techniques.
Landscape restoration techniques. Slope stabilization. Species selection
Conservation and maintenance techniques for green spaces.
Special gardens: rockery gardens, water garden, indoor gardening, ecological roofs, xero-gardening.
These contents will be developed according to the following agenda:
Theory program
1. The garden in history. Ancient gardens. The Roman heritage. The Islamic garden. Medieval gardening. The Renaissance garden. The French baroque garden. English landscaping. Chinese-Japanese gardening. XIX and XX centuries. The landscape and natural resources. Typologies of current green spaces. Legal framework. (4 hours) (8h non-contact)
Planning and design:
2. Design of green spaces. Study of conditioning factors: Preliminary investigation; Site investigation. User needs. Design proposals. Detailed design. Principles and elements of design. Scale and proportion. (1 hour) (2h non-contact)
3. Selection of plant material. Organization and selection criteria. Ecological, botanical and horticultural classification. Climate and soil requirements. Uses and attributes of plants. Selection procedures. (4 hours) (8h non-contact)
4. Ornamental plants. Conifers. Palm trees. Leafy. Shrubs. Cover plants. Climbing plants. Main species and cultivars. Ornamental features. Climate needs e only. Characteristics. Applications. Cultivation needs. (3 hours) (6h non-contact)
Gardening and landscaping techniques:
5. Implantation of lawns. Generalities; cespitose species: morphology, development, determining factors, specific characteristics; mixtures. (4 hours) (8h non-contact)
6. Plantations. Plant quality; process and operations; land preparation; fertilization; weed control; drowned; epoch; specific needs; urban plantations: specific needs, holes, tree support. (2 hours) (4 hours non-contact)
7. Landscape restoration techniques: slope stabilization. Hydroseeding. Use of woody species. (1 hour) (2 hours non-contact)
8. Conservation and maintenance techniques for green spaces: lawns (conservation work, machinery, pest and disease control). Plantations (conservation work, tree and shrub pruning techniques). Hard materials. Irrigation network. Illumination. Preparation of the maintenance offer. Maintenance in special areas. (4 hours) (8h non-contact)
9. Special gardens. Rockery gardens. Water garden. Indoor gardening. Ecological covers. Xerogardening. (1 hour) (2h non-contact)
Practical program
1. Recognition of ornamental species. Conifers. Leafy. Trees, shrubs, cover plants and climbing plants for ornamental use. Students must make a digital herbarium with a minimum of 50 species of ornamental use, including cultivars. (8 hours) (16h non-contact)
2. Garden design (phases, conditions, design, functionality, aesthetics, graphic representation, technical solutions, choice of plant species, preparation of an English / Spanish / Galician glossary). (16 hours) (31h non-contact)
3. Field practice: visit green areas in urban or rural surroundings, either contemporary or historical parks and gardens.Basic:
Brickell, C. 1990. Enciclopedia de plantas y flores. The Royal Horticultural Society Ed. Grijalbo. Barcelona.
Falcón, A. 2007. Espacios verdes para una ciudad sostenible: planificación, proyecto, mantenimiento y gestión. Gustavo Gili, D.L. Barcelona.
Iglesias-Díaz, M. I. 1997. Diseño de plantación. Escuela Politécnica Superior. Unicopia. Lugo.
Iglesias-Díaz, M. I. 2010. Unidade Didáctica I. Historia da Xardinaría e o Paisaxismo. Vicerreitoría de Cultura. USC. Santiago de Compostela.[accesible en: http://www.usc.es/export/sites/default/gl/servizos/snl/dinamizacion/des…]
Lamosa Quinteiro, S. 2009. Conocimientos básicos de céspedes y gramíneas cespitosas. Unicopia. Lugo. [Accesible on-line: Aula virtual da materia, USC]
Merino Merino, D., y J. Ansorena Miner. 1998. Césped deportivo. Construcción y mantenimiento. Dpto. de Agricultura y Medio Ambiente, Diputación Floral de Guipuzkoa.
Michau, E. 1996. “La poda de los árboles ornamentales”. Ed. Mundi Prensa. Madrid.
Naves Viñas, F., J.Pujol Solanich, X. Argimon de Vilardaga y L. Sampere Montillól. 1992. “El árbol en jardinería y paisajismo”. Ed. Omega. Barcelona.
Normas Tecnológicas de Jardinería y Paisajismo (NTJ).1993-2020. Colegio Oficial de Ingenieros Técnicos Agrícolas y Peritos Agrícolas de Cataluña/Fundació de la Jardineria i el Paisatge..
Ros Orta, S. 1996. La Empresa de Jardinería y Paisajismo. Conservación de espacios verdes. Ed. Mundi-Prensa. Madrid.
Brickell, C. 1994. Enciclopedia de la jardinería. The Royal Horticultural Society. Ed. Grijalbo. Barcelona.
Páez de La Cadena, F. 1982. Historia de los Estilos en Jardinería. Ed. Istmo. España.
Stevens, D., L. Huntington & R. Key. 1991. The complete book of garden design, construction and planting. Ward Lock Limited. London.
Tandy, Cliff. 1982. Paisaje Urbano. Ed. H. Blume. Madrid.
Other complementary bibliography, as well as web resources, will be detailed through the virtual campus in the corresponding thematic blocks.Basic and general:
CG1 - Knowledge of basic, scientific and technological subjects that allow continuous learning, as well as an ability to adapt to new situations or changing environments.
CG4 - Ability to search and use the rules and regulations related to its scope of action.
CT1 - Capacity for analysis and synthesis.
CT2 - Capacity for reasoning and argumentation
CT3 - Capacity for individual work, with a self-critical attitude.
CT9 - Ability to use information and communication technologies (ICT). CT10 - Use of bibliographic information and the Internet.
CT10 - Use of bibliographic information and the Internet.
CT11 - Use of information in a foreign language.
CT12 - Ability to solve problems through the integrated application of their knowledge.
Specific skills:
CEG1 - Capacity for the prior preparation, conception, drafting and signing of projects that have gardening and landscaping as their object (urban and / or rural green spaces - parks, gardens, nurseries, urban trees, etc., public or private sports facilities and environments subjected to landscape recovery).
CEG2 - Adequate knowledge of physical problems, technologies, machinery and water and energy supply systems, the limits imposed by budgetary factors and construction regulations, and the relationships between facilities or buildings and spaces related to gardening and landscaping with its social and environmental environment, as well as the need to relate those and that environment with human needs and the preservation of the environment.
CEG4 - Ability to write and sign measurements, segregations, parcels, valuations and appraisals within the rural environment, the technique of the agri-food industry and the spaces related to gardening and landscaping, whether or not they are expert reports for Bodies judicial or administrative, and regardless of the use to which the movable or immovable property object of the same is destined.
CEG5 - Of this competence, in this matter we work specifically: the ability to write and sign studies of spaces related to gardening and landscaping.
Other aspects of the previous competences are dealt with in other subjects.
CEG6 - Ability to direct and manage urban and / or rural green spaces, and public or private sports areas.
CR1 - Ability to know, understand and use the principles of identification and characterization of plant species.
HJ4 - Of this competence, in this matter we work specifically: the ability to know, understand and use the principles of Engineering of green areas and sports spaces.
HJ8 –Of this competence, in this matter we work specifically on the Ability to know, understand and use Plant Material: production, use and maintenance; Principles of landscaping; Specific tools for graphic design and expression; Environmental and landscape restoration projects; Projects and maintenance plans for green areas.
MC1 - Ability to know, understand and use the principles of plant and animal production technologies: Plant breeding; Biotechnology and plant breeding; Crops; Crop protection; Gardening and Landscaping. Sport zones.The subject is taught in the second semester. The theoretical part includes the participatory lectures, in which the basic contents are explained. The subject is complemented through the virtual campus. The laboratory and field practices carried out during the course are mandatory and will help the student to better understand the theoretical part. The practical work that the students must carry out during the course will facilitate and reinforce the learning of the contents of the subject. A specific area will be visited for a global study, which can be from an urban park to a historical garden among others. The individualized analysis of different types of green spaces and landscapes will help to better understand the matter, both in the design and management aspects of the landscapes and in the adequacy of the plantation, maintenance deficiencies, etc., of a green area . The trip is not mandatory and does not count in the final grade.
The skills worked on are the following:
Lecture classes.- CG1, CT2, CT12, CEG2, CEG6, CR1, HJ4, HJ8, MC1
Practices.- CG4, CT1, CT3, CT9, CT10, CT11, CT12, CEG1, CEG2, CEG4, CEG5, CR1, HJ4, HJ8
Group tutorials.- CT12, HJ4, HJ8, CR1
All the necessary information on the subject, as well as the material used in the theoretical and practical teaching, web links, forum for debates, exercises for learning the subject, as well as news in the gardening and landscaping sector, will be available for students on the USC virtual campus. There will also be space in it for the delivery of the works that are entrusted to the student.Students will be examined on the theoretical part of the subject through a written test in a final exam, which will be necessary to be passed each of its parts to pass the subject. The theory parts included in the test will be compensable as long as the minimum grade is 4, otherwise the student must repeat the failed theory part. To evaluate the identification practices of ornamental species, a visu test will be carried out, which will also be necessary to be passed to pass the subject. The requirements to pass the subject in the second opportunity will be the same as for the first opportunity, the student will have to pass the tests/exercises/assignments that have been failed. The practices are mandatory attendance.
Students must carry out the practical work that was done during the course. Students who repeat will not have to do the practices again the first year. If they fail a second time, they will repeat the entire subject. In case of failing a part of the subject, the passed part will be kept for one academic year.
The weights of each part in the final grade, as well as the competencies evaluated are the following:
-Oral and / or written test (40%): competences CG1, CT1, CT2, CT12, CEG2, CEG6, HJ4, HJ8, MC1
-Ornamental species identification test (30%): competences CT3, CT9, CT10, CEG1, CEG2, CEG5, CR1, HJ8
-Works delivered and / or exposed (30%): competences CG4, CT3, CT9, CT10, CT11, CEG1, CEG4, CEG2, CEG5, MC1
Students who are exempt from attending any of the teaching activities scheduled for work or conciliation family, they will have to abide by the provisions of Instruction 1/2017 of the General Secretariat. In these cases, to pass this subject it is compulsory to attend the practical activities that are indicated in the class schedule and programmed in the Teaching Guide.
The actions of the professors of the subject will be governed, in any case, by the Regulations for the evaluation of the academic performance of students and the review of qualifications of the USC, approved in the Governing Council of June 15, 2011 (DOG 21 July 2011) and modified by the Resolution of April 5, 2017 (DOG, May 8).
In cases of fraudulent performance of exercises or tests, the provisions of the Regulations for the evaluation of the academic performance of students and the review of grades will apply.The subject is 6 credits and the total number of computable hours is 150 hours, of which 55 are face-to-face and 95 correspond to the student's personal work.
Distribution of face-to-face teaching:
24 h lecture classes
24 h interactive classes
3 h of individual tutorials
4 h of evaluation activities
Student's personal work:
It is estimated that the student will dedicate about 95 total hours to the study of the contents of the subject, to the comprehension and realization of practical work.The attendance to the theoretical classes will facilitate the understanding of the matter on the part of the student. Attendance at tutorials helps the student to solve the doubts that may arise. Students will also have access, through the virtual campus, to self-assessment questionnaires that will allow them to assess their level of learning in the subject.
It is also important to review the contents explained in the classes by consulting the basic and complementary bibliography.
It is recommended to approach the study of ornamental plants from a very practical point of view, individually or in groups, learning to recognize them on trips to parks and gardens and observing their possibilities of use.
Maria Isabel Iglesias Diaz
Coordinador/a- Department
- Plant Production and Engineering Projects
- Area
- Plant Production
- mariaisabel.iglesias.diaz@usc.es
- Category
- Professor: University Lecturer
Santiago Lamosa Quinteiro
- Department
- Plant Production and Engineering Projects
- Area
- Plant Production
- Phone
- 982823111
- santiago.lamosa@usc.es
- Category
- Professor: Temporary PhD professor
2º Semester - January 27th-February 02nd Tuesday 11:00-12:00 Grupo /CLE_01 Spanish Classroom 4 (Lecture room 1) Wednesday 11:00-12:00 Grupo /CLE_01 Spanish Classroom 4 (Lecture room 1) Thursday 11:00-12:00 Grupo /CLE_01 Spanish Classroom 4 (Lecture room 1) Exams 05.21.2025 10:00-14:00 Grupo de examen Classroom 11 (Lecture room 3) 07.03.2025 16:00-20:00 Grupo de examen Classroom 11 (Lecture room 3)