ECTS credits ECTS credits: 6
ECTS Hours Rules/Memories Student's work ECTS: 102 Hours of tutorials: 6 Expository Class: 28 Interactive Classroom: 14 Total: 150
Use languages Spanish, Galician
Type: Ordinary subject Master’s Degree RD 1393/2007 - 822/2021
Center Faculty of Humanities
Call: Second Semester
Teaching: Sin Docencia (En Extinción)
Enrolment: No Matriculable (Sólo Planes en Extinción)
After completing this course students must be able to:
1. Understand and address the multiple socio-cultural events in the world today and their relationship with the processes of the past.
2. Know the different research and professional services related to cultural areas, taking into account the specificity of public, semi-public and private entities.
3. Apply their own gathering skills and critical analysis of literature and documentary information and application of methods and techniques of human sciences in the field of history of culture and cultural institutions.
4. Design intervention strategies and actions for each of the areas and cultural institutions.
5. Give appropriate response to the presented problems and promote innovation from the development of critical analysis of the data and theories presented.
1. Popular culture and community demonstrations.
2. Oral tradition and intangible heritage.
3. Historical memory and social memory.
4. Sources and specific methodologies for the investigation of oral culture.
5. Strategies for intervention, recovery and management of historical-cultural institutions with oral funds.
6. Written culture and cultural history.
7. Public policies around books and reading.
8. The publishing world in Spain: present and future challenges.
9. Reading and the digital world.
10. The institutions of written memory.
AGUILAR FERNÁNDEZ, P., Memoria y olvido de la guerra civil, Madrid, Alianza, 1996
ALONSO ARÉVALO, J., y J.A. Cordón García, "El libro coo sistema: hacia un nuevo concepto de libro", Cuadernos de Documentación Multimedia, 26, 2015
ARÓSTEGUI, J., La historia vivida: sobre la historia del presente, Madrid, Alianza, 2004
BANDERA, J.; MARINAS, J.M., Palabra de pastor: historia oral de la trashumancia, León, Universidad de León, 1996
BENIGNO, F., Las palabras del tiempo: un ideario para pensar históricamente, Madrid, 2013
BULLÓN DE MENDOZA, A.; DIEGO, A. de, Historias orales de la guerra civil, Barcelona,Ariel, 2000
BURKE, P., ¿Qué es la historia cultural?, Barcelona, 2005
BURKE, P., Hablar y callar: funciones sociales del lenguaje a través de la historia, Barcelona, 1996
BURKE, P., Formas de historia cultural, Madrid, 2006
CAPITAN DIAZ, A., Historia de la educación en España. Madrid, 1991.
CASTILLO, A.; MONTERO, F. (coords.), Franquismo y memoria popular: escrituras, voces y representaciones, Madrid, Siete Mares, 2003
CAVALLO, G., y Roger Chartier (dirs.), Historia de la lectura en el mundo ociidental, Madrid, Taurus, 2001
CHARTIER, R., "Aprender a leer, leer para aprender", Nuevos Mundos, Mundos Nuevos, n. 10, 2010 (Hay versión digital)
CHARTIER, R., “Libros y lecturas. Los desafíos del mundo digital”. Revista de Estudios Sociales 64, 2018, pp. 119-124. (Hay versaión digital)
CHARTIER, R. Las revoluciones de la cultura escrita. Diálogo e intervenciones, Barcelona, Editorial Gedisa, 2000
CORDÓN GARCÍA, J.A., "La lectura digital y la formación del lector digital en España: la actividad de la Fundación Germán Sánchez Ruipérez y el Proyecto Territorio Ebook". Álabe 13, 2016
CORDÓN GARCÍA J.A., y María Muñoz-Rico, “Estrategias de los grandes grupos editoriales: desaparición de Círculo de Lectores y la Edición sí”. Anuario ThinkEPI, v. 13, 2019 (Hay versión digital)
CUESTA, J., (ed.), Memoria e Historia, Ayer, 32, 1998
DANTAS, T. y otros, "Adaptabilidad, socialización y resiliencia: hacia un nuevo concepto de biblioteca", Revista General de Información y Documentación 27, 2017 (Hay versión digital)
Diagnose da cultura galega. Datos para unha estratexia cultural no século XXI, Santiago de Compostela, Consello da Cultura Galega, 2018
DUEÑAS CEPEDA, M.J. et al. (coord.), La voz del olvido: mujeres en la historia, Valladolid, Universidad de Valladolid, 2003
EISENSTEIN, E., La revolución de la imprenta en la Edad Moderna, Madrid, 1994.
FINA, X., y otros, "Lecturas políticas entorno al libro. Crisis y renovación", Informe sobre el estado de la cultura en España. Cultura local, democracia, desarrollo. Madrid, Fundación Alternativas, 2019 (Hay versión digital)
FOLGUERA, P. et al., El mundo del trabajo en RENFE: historia oral de la infraestructura, Madrid, Fundación de los Ferrocarriles Españoles, 2003
FRASIER, R., Recuérdalo tú y recuérdalo a otros: historia oral de la Guerra Civil española, Barcelona, Mondadori, 1997
GARCÍA LÓPEZ, G.L., "Evolución histórica de los conceptos de biblioteca pública, sistema de bibliotecas y política bibliotecaria", Revista Códice Vol. 3 Nº 2, 2007 (Hay versión digital)
HALBWACHS, M., Los marcos sociales de la memoria, Barcelona, Anthropos, 2004
HISPANIA NOVA. REVISTA DE HISTORIA CONTEMPORÁNEA, nº 7, Dossier “Los discursos de la memoria histórica en España”
HOWARTH, K., Oral history: a handbook, Gloucestershire, Sutton, 1998
JOUTARD, P. (1999), “Algunos retos que se le plantean a la Historia Oral del siglo XXI”, Historia, Antropología y Fuente Oral, 21, pp. 149-162.
KOVAC, M., y A. van der WeelL, Informe CERLALC. Lectura en pael vs. lectura en pantalla, Bogotá, CERLALC, 2020 (Hay versión digital)
LLUCH, G., y otros, "Políticas públicas de lectura e investigación. El diseño del
Plan Valenciano de Lectura", Ocnos, Revista de Estudios sobre la Lectura, 2017 (hay versión digital)
MAGADÁN DÍAZ, M. y J.I. Rivas Garcia, "Adaptación de la industria del libro en España al cambio tecnológico.Pasado, presente y futuro de la digitalización", nformación, cultura y sociedad 40, 2019
MATEOS LÓPEZ, A., Historia y memoria democrática, Madrid, Eneida, 2007
Reflexión estratéxica sobre a cultura galega, Santiago de Compostela, Consello da Cultura Galega, 2011
RIOUX, J.P., “Historia del Tiempo presente y demanda social”, Cuadernos de Historia Contemporánea, 20, 1998
TRUJILLANO SÁNCHEZ, J.M., (ed.), Jornadas “Historia y fuentes orales”. Memoria y sociedad en la España Contemporánea, Ávila, UNED, 1992
VALLS MONTÉS, R., Historia y memoria escolar, Valencia, PUV, 2009
VANSINA, J. (2007), “Tradición oral, historia oral: Logros y perspectivas”, Historia, Antropología y Fuente oral, 37, pp. 151-163.
CB1 - Ability to efficiently manage the information coming from different channels for the production of knowledge related to the field of culture
CB6 - Knowledge and understanding that provide a basis or opportunity for originality in developing and/or applying ideas, often in a research context
CB8 - Students should be able to integrate knowledge and handle complexity and formulate judgments based on information that was incomplete or limited, include reflecting on social and ethical responsibilities linked to the application of their knowledge and judgments
CB9 - That students can communicate their conclusions and the knowledge and rationale underpinning Tthem to specialists and non-specialists in a clear and unambiguous way.
CT1 - Application of analytical, critical, logical and creative thinking skills demonstrating innovation
CT2 - Capacity of autonomy in working with responsibility and initiative
CT8 - Ability to analyze and synthesize (know how to analyze, synthesize and summarize the information received)
CT11 - Capacity of criticism and self-criticism (be able to assess and discuss the work itself) Capacity
CE9 - Acquisition of a tight understanding of the principles and methodology in the recovery of historical and cultural memory
CE13 - Acquisition of a proper understanding of the currents of mutual influence between the global culture and local culture
CE14 - Ability to work in a multicultural environment, knowing the social movements, artistic expressions and the most important beliefs of societies
CE15 - Acquisition of a proper understanding of protection policies and dynamic recovery of historical and cultural heritage
Classroom activity: lecture of theoretical and methodological contents
Classroom and distance activities: readings by students of the texts indicated by the teacher
Classroom and distance activities: exercises and essays
Classroom activity: discussion in small groups
Classroom activity: oral presentation
Distance activity: forum and online discussions
Distance activity: online presentation
Distance activity: study directed by videoconference, videos or PowerPoint following the course content
NOTE: Attendance at the classroom activities is voluntary for the students. Students, who do not attend classes, will be provided with texts, materials, activities, etc., that are worked on.
The evaluation of the course is done according to the following criteria and weightings:
1) Written work (40%)
2) Practical activities (20%)
3) Testing through the virtual platform (10%)
2) Final exam, which will be mandatory for all students (30%)
The deadline for the completion and delivery of the activities corresponding to criteria 1, 2 and 3 ends on the official date of the examination in each of the opportunities or calls.
The successful completion and submission of all evidence and previous activities is mandatory and without them it will not be possible to pass the course.
The evaluation criteria and the corresponding weighting shall be equal for both the first and second time of the call and for repeaters.
The positive evaluation of one or more activities can be preserved for the second time in the same call and/or in a successive call maximum.
Classroom activity: lectures for content presentation and discussion (expository sessions voluntary assistance), 12 hours
Classroom activity: practical classes (seminars, practical activities of voluntary assistance), 6 hours
Remote activity: Individual student learning, 120 hours
Classroom activity or away tutorials to guide theoretical and methodological issues, 4 hours
Classroom activity: evaluation activities, 8 hours
Total time of study and work necessary to pass the subject: 150 hours.
The subject is taught in a blended format so the student attendance to classroom theoretical sessions is not mandatory. The information and materials used in these sessions will be available in the virtual campus. However, it is recommended to pay attention to the instructions and guidance of teachers in the virtual classroom, make regular use of it, solve tests and proposed activities on schedule and raise questions that may arise through the tool forum, for discussion by students and teachers, or by private message.
Ana Cabana Iglesia
- Department
- History
- Area
- Contemporary History
- ana.cabana [at]
- Category
- Professor: University Lecturer
Ruben Castro Redondo
- Department
- History
- Area
- Modern History
- Phone
- 982824716
- Category
- Professor: Intern Assistant LOSU
05.20.2025 16:00-18:30 | Grupo de examen | Classroom 11 |
06.17.2025 16:00-18:00 | Grupo de examen | Classroom 11 |