ECTS credits ECTS credits: 3
ECTS Hours Rules/Memories Student's work ECTS: 51 Hours of tutorials: 3 Expository Class: 14 Interactive Classroom: 7 Total: 75
Use languages Spanish, Galician
Type: Ordinary subject Master’s Degree RD 1393/2007 - 822/2021
Center Faculty of Humanities
Call: Second Semester
Teaching: Sin Docencia (En Extinción)
Enrolment: No Matriculable (Sólo Planes en Extinción)
Students are expected to get acquainted with the field of Cultural Studies, fully consolidated in Anglo-Saxon environments but still lagging behind in Spain and other European countries.
We will deal with aspects of the Global society such as the concept of identity, nation, race, colonialism and multiculturalism, criticism of media, popular culture (comic stips, best-seller, jazz, pop, etc) and the semiotics of visual arts. We will play special attentionto the most outstanding features of Anglo-Saxon contemporary multicultural societies.
This course will consider the work of the new community of intellectuals that are particular promient in the study of the Global society, as well as the main figures in related literary studies.
Students must be able, at the end of the sessions, to express a critical opinion, both in oral and written form, about a work of art or a piece of thinking that is representative of contemporary culture.
1. Culturae and global identity
1.1.- From end of history to clash of civilizations
1.2.- Global cities
1.3.- Plurilinguism. English as a global language
2. New academic frontiers
2.1.- Cultural Studies
2.2.-Postcolonial Studies and Multiculturalism
3. Posmodern Culture
3.1.- Communication Technologies
3.2.- Culture and market. Mass Media
3.3.- Liquid Reality. Deconstruction
Barker, Martin y Anne Beezer, eds. Introducción a los estudios culturales. Barcelona: Bosch Comunicación, 1994. (Reading into Cultural Studies. London: Routledge, 1992).
Bhagwati, Jagdish. En defensa de la globalización : el rostro humano de un mundo global. Barcelona : Debate, 2005.
Boehmer, Elleke. Colonial and Postcolonial Literature. Oxford: Oxford U.P., 1995.
Chambers, Iain and Curti, Lidia, ed. The Post – Colonial Question. London: Routledge, 1996.
Chakrabarty, Dipesh. Al margen de Europa : pensamiento poscolonial y diferencia histórica, traducción de Alberto E. Álvarez y Araceli Maira. Barcelona : Tusquets, 2008.
Curran, J., Morley D. y Walkerdine, V. Estudios culturales y comunicación. Análisis, producción y consumo cultural de las políticas de identidad y el posmodernismo. Barcelona: Paidós, 1998.
During, Simon, ed. The Cultural studies reader. London: Routledge, 1994.
Kuan-Hsing, Chen. Stuart Hall. Critical Dialogues in Cultural Studies. London: Routledge, 1996.
Lazarus, Neil,ed. The Cambridge companion to postcolonial literary studies. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2004.
Lins Ribeiro, Gustavo. Postimperialismo. Cultura política en el mundo contemporáneo. Madrid: Gedisa, 2003.
McRae, John and Vethamani, Malachi Edwin, ed. Now Read On. A Course in Multicultural Rreading. Usa and Canada: Routledge, 1999.
Meidani, Rexhep. Las trampas del Estado-nación / Rexhep Meidani. Madrid : Siddharth Mehta Ediciones, 2007.
Miller, Toby e George Yúdice. Política Cultural. Madrid: Gedisa, 2004.
Reynoso, Carlos. Apogeo y decadencia de los estudios culturales. Una visión antropológica. Barcelona: Gedisa, 2000.
Rodríguez Guerrero-Strachan, Santiago. En torno a los márgenes: ensayos de literatura poscolonial. Madrid : Minotauro Digital, 2008
Walder, Dennis. Post-colonial Literatures in English. Massachusetts: Blackwell Publishers Inc., 1999.
Quayson, Ato. Postcolonialism. Theory, Practice or Process?. USA: Blackwell Publishers Inc., 2000.
Warnier, Jean-Pierre. La mundialización de la cultura. Madrid: Gedisa, 2002
Yúdice, George. El recurso de la cultura. Usos de la cultura en la era global. Madrid: Gedisa, 2002.
1. Ability to efficiently handle information from different channels to produce knowledge related to the field of culture.
2. Awareness of the social and ethical responsibilities linked to the professional exercise and capacity for reflection and critical review of the existing socio-cultural dynamics.
3. Acquisition of skills and work habits that enable self-learning and promote continuous education (lifelong learning, according to UNESCO guidelines).
4. Acquisition of skills to promote and guarantee respect for Human Rights and the principles of universal accessibility, equality, non-discrimination and democratic values and the culture of peace.
5. Getting to know policies on linguistic diversity in multicultural societies.
6. Ability to address specific cultural contexts and carry out duties as a cultural manager.
7. Ability to understand the main features related to modernity and analyse them as a cultural manager
Subject without teaching, of a degree in the process of extinction. The student will receive tutoring and has the right to evaluation.
First and second chance: In this process of extinguishing the offer of the title, the evaluation will be done exclusively through the
qualification obtained in the final exam, in which the acquisition of the content and skills of the subject will be assessed and will be carried out on the date established by the Faculty Secretariat.
Subject without teaching, of a degree in the process of extinction. The student will receive tutoring and has the right to evaluation.
First and second chance: In this process of extinguishing the offer of the title, the evaluation will be done exclusively through the
qualification obtained in the final exam, in which the acquisition of the content and skills of the subject will be assessed and will be carried out on the date established by the Faculty Secretariat.
In cases of fraudulent completion of exercises or tests, the provisions of the “Regulations for evaluating the academic performance of students and reviewing grades” will apply.
This module involves the following activities (stated in hours):
Lectures: 14.00
Seminars: 7.00
Tutorials: 3.00
Student's autonomous work: 51.00
As indicated on webpage of online course.
Jesus Varela Zapata
- Department
- English and German Philology
- Area
- English Philology
- Phone
- 982824715
- varela.zapata [at]
- Category
- Professor: University Professor
06.04.2025 16:00-18:30 | Grupo de examen | Classroom 14 |
06.27.2025 16:00-18:00 | Grupo de examen | Classroom 14 |