ECTS credits
ECTS credits: 4ECTS Hours Rules/Memories
Student's work ECTS: 60
Hours of tutorials: 1
Expository Class: 30
Interactive Classroom: 9
Total: 100Use languages
Spanish, GalicianType:
Ordinary subject Master’s Degree RD 1393/2007 - 822/2021Departments:
Morphological ScienceAreas:
Human Anatomy and EmbryologyCenter
Faculty of BiologyCall:
First SemesterTeaching:
With teachingEnrolment:
Enrollable -
- To know the human nervous system and to deepen the knowledge of neuroanatomy at a macroscopic and microscopic level.
- To handle neuroanatomical terminology with precision.
- To identify and describe precisely the structures of the human central nervous system.
- To be trained in the handling of bibliography and adequate tools to prepare the course.
- To know the current concepts and the fundamentals of the techniques used in this field.A) Expository classes (27h)
1. Relationship life nervous system and autonomic nervous system. Central nervous system and peripheral nervous system.
2. Peripheral nervous system. Recent aspects related to the classification of peripheral nerves and the structure and distribution of spinal nerves.
3. Current knowledge on the organization of the vegetative nervous system.
4. External configuration of the CNS: spinal cord, medulla oblongata, pons and midbrain.
5. External configuration of the CNS: Cerebellum. Cerebrum: Telencephalon, diencephalon, and diencephalic ventricle.
6. Outer configuration of the hemispheres. Interhemispheric formations. Basal ganglia. Telencephalic ventricles.
7. Update on meninges and cerebrospinal fluid. Blood-brain barrier.
8. Spinal cord: Neuroanatomical fundamentals and advanced aspects of spinal cord neuroanatomy.
9. Brainstem. General aspects and update on trunk neuromorphology.
10. Cerebellum. Generalities about its structure and function. Recent advances in the knowledge of the cerebellum.
11. Diencephalon. Generalities about its structure. New aspects related to the neuroanatomy of the subthalamus and epithalamus.
12. Thalamus. Structure and connections. Latest knowledge in the field.
13. Hypothalamus. Structure and connections. Latest knowledge in the field.
14. Telencephalon. Structure and basal ganglia. Advances in the knowledge of the telencephalon.
15. Cerebral cortex. Generalities and update on structural and functional aspects of the cerebral cortex.
16. Limbic system. Current aspects of its structure and function.
17. Neuroanatomy of the motor pathways. Update on functional aspects.
18. Neuroanatomy of the sensory pathways. Update on functional aspects.
B) Interactive classes (12h)
B.1. Seminars (2h)
Seminars will be held, mainly on macroscopic aspects of the nervous system. These classes complete the training received in the expository classes and contribute to the development of skills that will help students to manage better in practical classes.
B.2. Laboratory classes (10h)
Practice 1. Observation and identification of neuroanatomical structures of the spinal cord and brainstem using real models and cadaverous material.
Practice 2. Observation and identification of neuroanatomical structures in the cerebellum and diencephalon using real models and cadaverous material.
Practice 3. Observation and identification of neuroanatomical structures in the telencephalon using real models and cadaverous material. Basal ganglia and lateral ventricles.
Practice 4. Observation and identification of neuroanatomical structures in the telencephalon using models and cadaverous material. External configuration of the cerebral cortex. Limbic system.Basic (priorized)
Crossman R., Neary D. Neuroanatomía: Texto y atlas en color. 6ª ed. Barcelona: Elsevier; 2019.
Haines DE., Mihailoff GA. 2019. Principios de Neurociencia. Aplicaciones básicas y clínicas. 5ª Ed. Barcelona: Elsevier; 2019. Acceso electrónico en ClinicalKey.
Mtui E, Gruener G., Dockery P. Fitzgerald, Neuroanatomía clínica y neurociencia. 8ª ed. Barcelona: Elsevier; 2022. Acceso electrónico en ClinicalKey.
Muñoz Patiño, Ana María, Rodríguez Pallares, Jannette e Díaz Ruiz, María del Carmen, 2016. Morfoloxía externa do encéfalo e da medula espiñal. Santiago de Compostela: Servicio de Publicaciones e Intercambio científico. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15304/9788416533329.
Díaz Ruiz, María del Carmen, Muñoz Patiño, Ana María e Rodríguez Pallares, Jannette, 2016. Meninxes, líquido cefalorraquídeo e barreira hematoencefálica. Santiago de Compostela: Servicio de Publicaciones e Intercambio Científico. Access: https://www.usc.gal/libros/gl/medicina/201-meninxes-liquido-cefalorraqu…
Felten DL., O’Banion, MK, Maida MS. Netter. Atlas de neurociencia. 4ª ed. Barcelona: Elsevier; 2023 Acceso electrónico en ClinicalKey.
Nolte J., Angevine, JB. El encéfalo humano en fotografías y esquemas. 3ª ed. Madrid: Marbán, 2009.
Paulsen F., Waschke J. Sobotta, Atlas de anatomía humana. Volumen 3, Cabeza, cuello y neuroanatomía. 25º ed. Barcelona: Elsevier: 2024. Acceso electrónico en ClinicalKey.
All books accessible online and/or in print from the University Library catalogue.- Fluency and appropriateness in the use of basic neuroanatomical terminology.
- Personal commitment to learning effort.
- Ability to analyze and synthesize.
- Skills to be able to analyze information from different sources.
- Capacity for criticism and self-criticism.
- Ability to apply theory to practice.
- Ability to work autonomously and in teams.Expository classes will be given through master classes, using audio-visual media and the blackboard. Student participation will be encouraged. Seminars will be held to complement the teaching. Laboratory classes will be carried out in the 'Sala de Técnica Anatómica' of the Faculty of Medicine. Anatomical models and preparations obtained from cadavers will be used. In the practical classes, autonomous learning will be promoted, and the students will work individually and in teams, guided by the teaching staff. Class notes and the atlas will be essential as support material. In the laboratory practices the use of white coat and gloves will be mandatory. Individualized tutorials will be carried out for learning orientation and doubt resolution and a public tutorial forum will be set up in the virtual classroom of the subject.
In order to be assessed, it is necessary to attend the lectures and interactive classes. The knowledge acquired in the lectures will be assessed by means of a final test. The pass mark will be 60%. This test will represent up to 70% of the maximum overall mark. A practical test will be carried out on the contents worked on in the interactive classes, which will also serve to assess the skills and abilities acquired in them. The pass mark will be 70%. Attendance at practical classes is compulsory and it will be necessary to pass this exam in order to pass the subject. There will also be a continuous assessment in which the student's attitude, class attendance, practical knowledge and the performance and content of the activities programmed during the course will be assessed. The continuous assessment will account for up to 30% of the overall grade.
In the case of fraudulent exercises or tests, the provisions of the Regulations for the Evaluation of Students' Academic Performance and the Revision of Grades (Resolution of 15 June 2011, DOG of 21 July 2011) will apply.4 ECTS credits:
- Expository classes: 27h
- Individual study: 40h
- Interactive classes:
- Seminars: 2h
- Laboratory classes: 10h
- Elaboration of activities: 10h
- Tutorials in small groups or individualized: 1h
- Assessment activities:
- Presential: 2h
- Personal work: 8h
- Total working hours in attendance: 40h
- Total hours of student's personal work: 60hIt is recommended to carry out an active learning of knowledge, using organized schemes and making links between one's own knowledge and new ones. In addition, participation in classes, periodic study and the use of tutorial hours are recommended. Books and atlases are essential guides for the acquisition of practical skills and abilities of the subject and the understanding of theoretical concepts. It is important that the student acquires awareness of the importance of understanding the concepts and the methods and techniques described, to develop skills for their application to practical problems in their future professional life.
To get the most out of the course, it is recommended that students have previous knowledge of cell biology and basic neuroscience, English to handle the bibliography/teaching resources and skills in the use of information and communication technologies. Students will have access to the virtual classroom of the course on Moodle platform, with the resources and communication channels it offers. In addition, Microsoft Teams application and e-mail can be used for teacher-student communication.
Jose Luis Labandeira Garcia
- Department
- Morphological Science
- Area
- Human Anatomy and Embryology
- Phone
- 881815468
- joseluis.labandeira@usc.es
- Category
- Professor: University Professor
Ana Maria Muñoz Patiño
- Department
- Morphological Science
- Area
- Human Anatomy and Embryology
- Phone
- 881812221
- anamaria.munoz@usc.es
- Category
- Professor: University Lecturer
Jannette Rodriguez Pallares
Coordinador/a- Department
- Morphological Science
- Area
- Human Anatomy and Embryology
- Phone
- 881815466
- jannette.rodriguez@usc.es
- Category
- Professor: University Lecturer
1º Semester - September 23rd-29th Tuesday 10:30-12:30 Grupo /CLE_01 Spanish Fac. Medicine Thursday 10:30-12:30 Grupo /CLE_01 Spanish Fac. Medicine Exams 12.09.2024 11:30-13:30 Grupo /CLE_01 Fac. Medicine 06.06.2025 11:30-12:30 Grupo /CLE_01 Fac. Medicine