ECTS credits
ECTS credits: 4.5ECTS Hours Rules/Memories
Student's work ECTS: 76.5
Hours of tutorials: 2
Expository Class: 19
Interactive Classroom: 15
Total: 112.5Use languages
Spanish, GalicianType:
Ordinary subject Master’s Degree RD 1393/2007 - 822/2021Departments:
Clinical Psychology and PsychobiologyAreas:
Personality, Assessment and Psychological TreatmentsCenter
Faculty of PsychologyCall:
First SemesterTeaching:
With teachingEnrolment:
Enrollable | (Yes) -
- Know how to identify and differentiate the different mood alterations.
- To know the different risk factors involved in the development of mood disorders.
- Know how to choose the appropriate psychological assessment techniques and correctly interpret their results, taking into account the specific characteristics of the case and the context.
- To know and know how to implement the psychological intervention of choice according to the characteristics of the evaluation.
- Know and know how to apply effective intervention protocols for different mood disorders.
- To know the comorbidity associated to the different alterations of the mood, to know how to detect it, to evaluate it and to intervene in each case.
- To be able to critically interpret the results of the research carried out in this field and to know how to keep up-to-date, in an autonomous way, the learning in this field.
- To know the latest developments in the investigation of the different mood disorders.THEORETICAL CONTENTS
1. Depressive disorders
1.1 Clinical presentation.
1.2 Diagnostic Issues. Etiology and related factors.
1.3 Assessment of depression.
1.4 Psychological intervention in major depressive disorder.
1.5 Psychological intervention in persistent depressive disorder.
1.6 Comorbidity and intervention.
2. Bipolar Disorders
2.1 Clinical presentation.
2.2 Diagnosis and differential diagnosis.
2.3 Psychological intervention in bipolar disorder.
3. Protocols and psychological interventions manualized.
4. Referral to other professionals in severe cases.
5. Current research lines in depressive disorders.
- Representative examples and discussion of clinical cases of major depressive disorder.
- Representative examples and discussion of clinical cases of persistent depressive disorder.
- Representative examples and discussion of clinical cases of bipolar disorder.BASIC BIBLIOGRAPHY
Beck, A.T., Rush, A.J., Shaw, B.F. y Emery, G. (1983). Terapia cognitiva de la depresión. Bilbao: Desclée de Brouwer (original, 1979).
Kanter, J. W., Busch, A. E. y Rusch, L. C. (2015). Activación conductual. Refuerzos positivos ante la depresión. Madrid: Alianza Editorial.
Lorenzo, M. C. (2015). Trastorno bipolar. Madrid: Síntesis.
Barlow, D.H. (Ed.) (2011). Clinical handbook of psychological disorders: A step by step treatment manual (4rd ed.). Nueva York: Guilford Press.
Barraca, J. (2014). Técnicas de modificación de conducta. Una guía para su puesta en práctica. Madrid: Síntesis.
Beck, A. T., Freeman, A., Pretzer, J., Davis, D. D., Fleming, B., Ottaviani, R.,…Trexler, L. (1992). Cognitive therapy of personality disorders. Nueva York, NY: Guildford Press (traducción castellana en Barcelona, Paidós, 1995).
Beck, J. S. (2011). Terapia cognitiva. Conceptos básicos y profundización. Barcelona: Gedisa.
Dobson, K. (Ed.) (2009). Handbook of cognitive behavioral therapies. Nueva York: Guildford Press.
Ellis, A. y Grieger, R. (Eds.) (2008). Manual de terapia racional emotiva. Bilbao: Desclée de Brouwer.
Espada, J.P., Olivares, J. Y Méndez, F.X. (Coord.) (2005). Terapia psicológica. Casos prácticos. Madrid: Pirámide.
González, A. (2011). Trastorno bipolar. El enemigo invisible. Bilbao: Desclée de Brouwer.
Gotlib, I. H. y Hammen, C. L. (2015). Handbook of depression (3nd ed.). Nueva York: Guildford Press.
Jones, S. H. y Bentall, R. P. (Eds.) (2006). The psychology of bipolar disorder. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Kazantis, N., Reinecke, M. A. y Freeman, F. (Eds.) (2010). Cognitive and behavioral theories in clinical practice. Nueva York, NY: Guildford Press.
Labrador, F.J., Echeburúa, E. y Becoña, E. (2000). Guía para la elección de tratamientos psicológicos efectivos: hacia una nueva psicología clínica. Madrid: Dykinson.
Miklowitz, D. J. y Cicchetti, D. (2010). Understanding bipolar disorder. Nueva York: Guildford Press.
Pérez, M., Fernández, J.R., Fernández, C. y Amigo, I. (Coord.) (2003). Guía de tratamientos psicológicos eficaces. I. Adultos. Madrid: Pirámide.
Persons, J.B., Davidson, J. y Tompkins, M.A. (Eds.) (2001). Essential components of cognitive-behavior therapy for depression. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.
Sevillá, J. y Pastor, C. 2009). Terapia cognitiva-conductual para el trastorno bipolar. Valencia: Publicaciones del Centro de Terapia de Conducta.
Spiegler, M. D. (2015). Contemporary behavior therapy. Pacific Grove: Brooks Cole Publishing Co.
Vallejo, M.A. (Ed.) (2016). Manual de terapia de conducta, volumen 1 y 2, 3ª edición. Madrid: Dykinson.BASIC AND GENERAL
CB9 - That the students know how to communicate their conclusions and the last knowledge and reasons that support them to publics
Specialized and non-specialized services in a clear and unambiguous manner
CB10 - Students have the learning skills that allow them to continue studying in a way that will be largely self-directed or autonomous.
CG3 - To know in depth the psychological nature of the disorders of human behavior.
CG6 - To know in depth the different models of evaluation and intervention in the field of General Sanitary Psychology, as well as the techniques and procedures derived from them for the treatment of behavioral disorders and the psychological factors associated with health problems .
CG7 - To plan, carry out and, where appropriate, supervise the process of psychological evaluation of human behavior and
Psychological factors associated with health problems to establish the evaluation of them.
CG8 - To design, develop and, if necessary, supervise and evaluate plans and programs of psychological intervention, depending on the psychological evaluation and the variables of individual and social type that concur in each case.
CG9 - Demonstrate interpersonal communication and emotional management skills for effective interaction with patients, families and caregivers in problem identification, assessment, diagnostic communication, and psychological intervention and follow-up.
CG10 - To apply the principles of bioethics and the method of deliberation in professional practice, adjusting its professional and sanitary exercise to the provisions of Law 44/2003, of November 21, on the organization of health professions.
CG11 - To conform to the deontological obligations of Psychology in the health field, showing an ethical and professional commitment with the values of equal opportunities, respect for diversity and peaceful resolution of conflicts.
CT2 - Know how to handle sources of scientific bibliographical and digital documentation standardized at international level.
CT3 - Know how to analyze critically and use sources of clinical information.
CT6 - Know how to communicate and communicate with other professionals, and master the skills necessary for teamwork and multidisciplinary groups.
CE1 - Know how to apply the main theories on the etiology of human behavior disorders in the conceptualization of each case.
CE3 - Know how to select and apply the techniques and evaluation instruments that are most convenient for each case according to their characteristics and context.
CE4 - Know how to analyze and interpret the results of a psychological evaluation.
CE5 - Know how to choose and apply the most appropriate psychological intervention techniques according to their purpose (prevention, rehabilitation, advice, counseling, etc.).
CE6 - Know how to plan and develop a psychological intervention, establishing pertinent and realistic objectives based on the
Characteristics of the problem and the context.
CE7 - Know how to follow up a psychological intervention, according to the set goals, to introduce, if necessary, changes in the same during its development.
CE8 - Know how to provide feedback to the recipients in an appropriate and precise way in order to involve them in the different phases of the process of psychological evaluation and intervention.1.-Expository Classes:
The exhibition classes are tasked with organizing and introducing the most relevant content on the different topics of the program.
2.- Interactive Classes:
The interactive classes are structured around the description, analysis and discussion of clinical cases that illustrate the alterations presented in the class.
As the main resource to support face-to-face teaching, the virtual classroom of the subject will be used in the Virtual Campus of the USC.
Depending on the health situation, the methodology may undergo changes to adapt to telematics or blended teaching scenarios (see Observations).The evaluation of learning will take into account both the evaluation of the knowledge acquired in relation to the theoretical and practical contents of the program, as well as the evaluation of the tasks and activities proposed throughout the course.
Attendance at face-to-face sessions will be considered mandatory (minimum 80%).
The system for evaluating the acquisition of competences will take into account the active participation of the students, both in the theoretical sessions and in the presentation and discussion of cases. The computation will be:
- Completion of individual and group work, up to 30% of the final grade.
- theoretical-practical test of the subject contents, up to 70% of the final grade.
Depending on the health situation, the evaluation system may undergo changes that allow it to be adapted to telematics or blended teaching scenarios (see Observations).Lectures: 19h
Reporting: 14h
Interactive seminar classes: 3pm
Formative assessment activities 2
Study activities: 22h
Preparation of seminars: 22h
Elaboration of works (individual and / or in group): 18,5h
Tutorials in small groups: 2hAttending classes regularly.
Keep up to date course work.
Actively participate in clases.'
Elisardo Becoña Iglesias
Coordinador/a- Department
- Clinical Psychology and Psychobiology
- Area
- Personality, Assessment and Psychological Treatments
- Phone
- 881813729
- elisardo.becona@usc.es
- Category
- Professor: University Professor