ECTS credits
ECTS credits: 4.5ECTS Hours Rules/Memories
Student's work ECTS: 76.5
Hours of tutorials: 2
Expository Class: 22
Interactive Classroom: 12
Total: 112.5Use languages
Spanish, GalicianType:
Ordinary subject Master’s Degree RD 1393/2007 - 822/2021Departments:
Clinical Psychology and PsychobiologyAreas:
Personality, Assessment and Psychological TreatmentsCenter
Faculty of PsychologyCall:
Second SemesterTeaching:
With teachingEnrolment:
Enrollable | (Yes) -
- To be able to identify and differentiate differents clinical manifestations of anxiety.
- To be able to formulate a suitable model for each clinical psychopathology case.
- To know how to select the psychological assessment techniques to each case and interpret the results.
- To be able to plan and carry out psychological intervention, depending on assessment and concurrent variables.
- To be able to follow the intervention, and , if necessary, to introduce the appropriate changes.
-To be able to obtain specialized information on anxiety disorders, interpret it critically and know formulate relevant proposal research.. Anxiety disorders clasification
. Diagnostic issues.
. Comorbidity.
. Etiology and related factors.
. Assessment of anxiety disorders.
. Psychological intervention in anxiety disorders.
. Lines of research related to anxiety disorders.Basic bibliography:
Vallejo, M.A. (2016). Manual de terapia de conducta. Tomo I. Dykinson
Andrews, G., (2003). The treatment of anxiety disorders. Clinician guides and patient manuals, 2ª. ed. Cambridge University Press.
Antony, M. M. y Barlow, D. H. (2010). Handbook of assessment and treatment planning for psychological disorders. The Guildford Press.
Bados, A. (2001). Fobia social. Síntesis.
Bados, A. (2000). Agorafobia y ataques de pánico. Pirámide.
Barlow, D. H. (Ed.) (2014). The Oxford Handbook of Clinical Psychology. Oxford University Press.
Barlow, D. H. (2002). Anxiety and its disorders. The nature and treatment of anxiety and panic. The Guildford Press.
Barlow, D. H. y Craske, M. G. (2007). Mastery of your anxiety and panic. Workbook. University Press.
Barlow, D. H., Sauer-Zavala, S., Farchione, T. J., Murray, H., Ellard, K. K., Bullis, J. R., Bentley, K. H., Boettcher, H. T. y Cassiello-Robbins, C. C. (2019). Protocolo unificado para el tratamiento transdiagnóstico de los trastornos emocionales. Alianza Editorial.
Belloch, A., Sandin, B., y Ramos, F. (Eds.). (2020). Manual de psicopatología. Vol. II. McGraw-Hill.
Botella, C., Baños, R. M., y Perpiñá, C. (2003). Fobia social: avances en la psicopatología, la evaluación y el tratamiento psicológico del trastorno de ansiedad social. Paidós.
Bourne, J. E. (2020). The Anxiety and Phobia Workbook. New Harbinger
Brewer, J. (2022). Deshacer la ansiedad. Paidós.
Bourne, E.J. (2020). The Anxiety and Phobia Workbook. New Harbinger Publications.
Clark, D. A. y Beck, A. T. (2010). Terapia cognitiva para trastornos de ansiedad. Desclée de Brouwer.
Craske, M. G. y Barlow, D. H. (2007). Mastery of your anxiety and panic: therapist guide, 4ª ed. Oxford University Press.
Craske, M. G., Antony, M. M. y Barlow, D. H. (2006). Mastery your fears and phobias: therapist guide,2ª ed. Oxford University Press.
Emmelkamp, P. y Ehring, T. (2014). The Wiley handbook of anxiety disorders. John Wiley & Sons Inc.Everly, G. S. y Lating, J. M. (2019). A Clinical Guide to the Treatment of the Human Stress Response. Springer
Foa, E. B., Keane, T. M. y Friedman, M. J. (Eds.). (2003). Tratamiento del estrés postraumático. Ariel.
Fonseca, E. (Coord.) (2021). Manual de tratamientos psicológicos. Adultos. Pirámide.
Gimeno, P. (2020). Mejorando los resultados en psicoterapia. Principios basados en
la evidencia. Pirámide.
Kennerley, H., Kirk, J. y Westbrook, D. (2017). An introduction to cognitive behaviour therapy. Sage.
Nezu, C. M. y Nezu, A. (2016). The Oxford Handbook of cognitive and behavioral therapies. Oxford University Press.
Olatunji, B. O. (Ed.) (2019). The Cambridge Handbook of Anxiety and Related Disorders. Cambridge University Press
Padesky, C. A. y Greenberger, D. (2020).the clinician´s guide to CBT using mind
over mood. The Guidford Press.
Peralta, I. (Coord.) (2019). Un villano llamado estrés. Pirámide.
Peurifoy, R. Z. (2007). Venza sus temores. Ansiedad, miedo y pánico. Robinbook.
Sosa, C. D. y Capafóns, J. (2005). Estrés postraumático. Síntesis.
Wenzel, A. (Ed.) (2021). Handbook of cognitive behavioral therapy. Volumen 1 Overview and approaches. American Psychological Association.
Wenzel, A. (Ed.) (2021). Handbook of cognitive behavioral therapy. Volumen 2 Applications. American. Psychological Association.Basics and generals
CB10 – The students should have learning skills that allowed them to continue studying in an autonomous and self-directed way.
CG6 - The students should be able to know in depth the different models of evaluation and intervention in the field of General Sanitary Psychology, as well as the techniques and procedures that derive from them for the management of behavioral disorders and the psychological factors associated with health problems.
CG7 – The students should be able to plan, conduct, and, if necessary, to supervise the psychological assessment process of human behavior and psychological factors associated with health problems with the aim of assessing them.
CG8 – The students should be able to design, develop, and, if necessary, to supervise and assess psychological intervention plans and programs according to the psychological assessment and individual and social variables.
CG9 - The students should be able to show interpersonal communication skills and emotions management for an effective interaction with patients, relatives and caregivers in the process of identification of the problem, assessment, diagnosis, intervention, and follow-up.
CG10 - The students should be able to apply bioethics fundamentals and deliberation method in the professional practice adjusting its professional practice according to 44/2003 Law.
CG11 - The students should be able to conform with the deontological duties of Psychology.
CT2 - The students should be able to manage sources of internationally standardized bibliographic and digital scientific documentation.
CT4 - The students should be able to formulate hypotheses in research and collect and critically value information for problem solving, applying the scientific method.
CE1 - Know how to apply the main theories on the etiology of human behavior disorders in the conceptualization of each case.
CE3 -The students should be able to select and apply the most appropriate evaluation techniques and instruments for each case according to their characteristics and context.
CE4 - The students should be able to analyze and interpret the results of a psychological assessment.
CE5 - The students should be able to choose and apply the most appropriate psychological intervention techniques according to their purpose (prevention, rehabilitation, counseling, etc.).
CE6 - The students should be able to plan and develop a psychological intervention, establishing relevant and realistic objectives based on the characteristics of the problem and the context.
CE7 - The students should be able to follow up on a psychological intervention, in accordance with the set goals, to introduce changes in it during its development.
CE8 - The students should be able to provide feedback to the recipients in an appropriate and precise way in order to involve them in the different phases of the process of psychological evaluation and intervention.1.- Expository lessons.
The objective is to organize and introduce relevant contents of the program.
2. Interactive lessons.
The interactive classes are structured around the description, analysis and discussion of clinical cases. These practical activities are carried out in small groups. In addition, practical aspects of intervention will be dealt with by problems of anxiety and stress. These interactive activities will take place in the last part of the clases.
3. We also use the Virtual Campus to improve communication between the teacher and the student.Written exam (objective test): 70%
Activities carried out during the course: 30%
NOT PRESENTED will be used when the student does not perform any of the activities considered as works and does not take the exam.Expository lessons: 20 hours
Interactive lessons: 12 hours
Tutorials in small groups: 2 hours
Formative assessment activities: 2 hours
Study activities: 22 hours
Preparation of seminars: 20 hours
Development activities (individual and / or group): 20 hours
Development reports: 14.5 hoursKeep the material up to date and carry out the activities within the indicated deadlines.
Tutoring schedule: wednesday from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. and tuesday from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Ana López Durán
Coordinador/a- Department
- Clinical Psychology and Psychobiology
- Area
- Personality, Assessment and Psychological Treatments
- Phone
- 881813774
- ana.lopez@usc.es
- Category
- Professor: University Lecturer