ECTS credits
ECTS credits: 3ECTS Hours Rules/Memories
Student's work ECTS: 51
Hours of tutorials: 3
Expository Class: 9
Interactive Classroom: 12
Total: 75Use languages
Spanish, GalicianType:
Ordinary subject Master’s Degree RD 1393/2007 - 822/2021Departments:
Pharmacology, Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical TechnologyAreas:
Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Technology, PharmacologyCenter
Faculty of PharmacyCall:
Sin docencia (Extinguida)Enrolment:
No Matriculable -
After this course the student will be able to:
• Follow strategies and resources to optimize literature search in scientific databases.
• Know the types of scientific papers.
• Manage references.
• Identify formats and contents of the sections of a scientific article.
• Learn from the scientific literature.
• Follow the guidelines for writing an original article.1. The scientific method. Steps to design and carry out a scientific research. Literature review. The lab Notebook
Information sources:
• Primary information sources: journals. Impact Index
• Secondary data sources: Databases
• Tertiary information sources: Books
2. Bibliographical resources available at BUSC
Journals. Electronic Journals
3. Main scientific databases. How to search.
Chemical Abstracts
4. The references: reference managment (RefWorks®)
5. Internet as a source of drug information. Quality of information.
Ministry of Health. Spanish Agency, European Medicines Agency, FDA, WHO, General Council of Official Colleges of Pharmacists Foundation Catalan Institute of Pharmacology.
Drug information centers. Navarra - Department of Health. Government of Navarra. Andalucía. Andalusian Center for Documentation and Information on Drugs (CADIME). Euskadi: Basque Drug Information Center (CEVIME), other Internet.
6. Getting the original articles. The scientific method. Information sources. Bibliographic resources. Main bibliographic databases. Internet as a source of drug information. Quality of information. Drug information centers. Scientific communication.
7. Scientific Communication. Scientific articles: Types, characteristics and structure. Quality standards for processing. Regulations pair cite references (Harvard, Vancouver).
Reading assessment of scientific articles and access.
Scientific communication at meetings,conferences, workshops… Posters, oral communications.
Scientific communication in the predoctoral stage. Dissertations, academically directed works, dissertations.1. Básica:
Cómo escribir trabajos de investigación. Walker. M.. Gedisa, D.L. 2000. Barcelona
Cómo escribir un artículo científico en inglés. Norman, G. Hélice, D.L. 1999, Madrid
Preparing scientific illustrations: a guide to better posters, presentations, and publications. 2nd ed. Briscoe, M.H. Springer cop, 1996. New York
2. Complementaria:
Cómo redactar textos científicos y seguir las normas APA 6ª para los trabajos de fin de grado y fin de máster, tesis doctorales, y artículos. Orfelio G. León. 4ª Ed, Garceta, 2016, Madrid
M. Pulido. La publicación de trabajos en las revistas biomédicas. Formación Continuada para Farmacéuticos de Hospital II. Fuente: http://www.atencionprimaria.imib.es/docmanager/Preparacion_y_redaccion_…
3. Principais páginas web:
Requisitos de Uniformidade para Manuscritos enviados as Revistas Biomédicas
Atención primaria en la red
Acceso a base de datos Pubmeb
Instruccions para búsquedas en Pubmeb
Acceso a base de datos SCIFINDER
http://www.cas.org/SCIFINDER/SCHOLAR/index.htmlLearning outcomes
• Know and use teamwork techniques
Competences: CG9
• Know the stages of the scientific method
Competences: CB1, CG4, CE2, CE4
• Know the types of information sources available in R&D, as well as their quality
Competences: CB1, CG3, CE24
• Know how to use ICTs to search for scientific information
Competences: CB5, CG10, CE6
• Know how to use ICTs to manage bibliographic references.
Competences: CB4, CB5, CG6, CE6
• Know how to select, from the large amount of information available, the most important for a specific topic.
Competences: CB2, CB3, CG1, CE3
• Acquire basic knowledge about oral and written scientific communication
Competences: CB4, CG8, CE13
• Develop the capacity for autonomous work
Competences: CB5, CG11, CE15
• Acquire a commitment to quality
Competences: CE12The course will have support and management through the virtual platform of the USC.
Face to face classes about the theoretical foundations of the corresponding topic.
Interactive and practical classes: Seminars and practices on searching information and its management will be carried out in a computer classroom, in which each student will have a terminal through which they will have access to the information sources available in the network.
Different practical questions will be posed that the students will have to solve individually or in a group. The management of the proposed tasks will be carried out through the virtual platform of the USC.
The virtual USC will also serve as a system for conducting virtual tutorials
Activity: A visit to a pharmaceutical or biotechnology industry (conditioned to obtain financing) will be carried out
Final examination: It will consist of the elaboration of a poster on a topic proposed by the teacher and an oral presentation on a topic chosen by the student that will be evaluated in order to check whether individually, the students have reached the objectives set in the subject.
In scenario 1: Classes will take place face to face
In scenario 2: The expository classes and the practical sessions (all on the computer) will be carried out electronically. Interactive face-to-face classes will be maintained.
In scenario 3: All teaching will be telematics, through Teams and the virtual classroomIn scenario 1:
• Attendance and participation in face-to-face classes is an essential requirement to pass the subject (Assessed competence: CG9)
• The delivery of assignments through the virtual USC will represent 20% of the final grade for the subject:
Internet Task
(Competences evaluated: CG3, CG6, CG10, CB1, CB4, CB5, CE2, CE6)
• The elaboration of a poster * (individual or in pairs) following the recommendations of the scientific communication will suppose 40% of the final qualification (Evaluated competences: CB2, CB3, CG1, CG9, CE3, CE12, CE13)
• The preparation and oral presentation * (individual or in group), following the recommendations of the scientific communication will suppose 40% of the final qualification (Evaluated competences: CG1, CG9, CG11, CB2, CB3, CB5, CE3, CE4, CE12 , CE13, CE15)
* Rubrics are available through the virtual USC
In scenario 2:
All deliveries will be made through the virtual classroom or the Teams platform
On stage 3:
All deliveries will be made through the virtual classroom or the Teams platformTotal work hours of the student (3 ECTS x25 hours / ECTS) ............................... 75 hours
Face to face classes ............................................... ....................................... 9 hours
Interactive classes ............................................... ..........................................4 hours
Practical classes................................................ .............................................6 hours
Field practices ............................................... ................................................6 hours
Final examination............................................... ........................................ ...2 hours
Total hours work in the classroom or in the laboratory 27 hours
Individual autonomous work ............................................... ............................. 32 hours
Resolution of exercises and problems ............................................. ......................4 hours
Preparation, presentation and exhibition of the final test ....................................... 12 hours
Total hours the student's personal work ............................................ .................. 48 hoursNo special recommendations
Mariana Landin Perez
Coordinador/a- Department
- Pharmacology, Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Technology
- Area
- Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Technology
- Phone
- 881815044
- m.landin@usc.es
- Category
- Professor: University Professor
Mª De Los Reyes Laguna Francia
- Department
- Pharmacology, Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Technology
- Area
- Pharmacology
- Phone
- 881814996
- mdelosreyes.laguna@usc.es
- Category
- Professor: University Professor
Patricia Diaz Rodriguez
- Department
- Pharmacology, Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Technology
- Area
- Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Technology
- patricia.diaz.rodriguez@usc.es
- Category
- Professor: University Lecturer