ECTS credits ECTS credits: 4
ECTS Hours Rules/Memories Student's work ECTS: 68 Hours of tutorials: 4 Expository Class: 12 Interactive Classroom: 16 Total: 100
Use languages Spanish, Galician
Type: Ordinary subject Master’s Degree RD 1393/2007 - 822/2021
Center Higher Polytechnic Engineering School
Call: First Semester
Teaching: Sin Docencia (En Extinción)
Enrolment: No Matriculable (Sólo Planes en Extinción)
Ability to carry out studies and intervention and management of agroindustrial constructions, infrastructure and rural roads
The material is divided into three basic units:
- Unit 1 Agricultural Building.
- Unit 2 Design and calculation of steel buildings
- Unit 3 Rural infrastructure
- UNIT 1. Agroindustrial buildings. (2h)
o ITEM 1.- Prefabricated elements in agroindustrial building
o ITEM 2.- Roofs and walls
- UNIT 2. Design and calculation of steel buildings (6h)
o ITEM 3.- Tensile stress
o ITEM 4.- Compressive stress
o ITEM 5.- Beams
o ITEM 6.- Anelastic design.
o ITEM 7.- Joints.
o ITEM 8.- Base plates
- UNIT 3: Rural Infrastructure (6h)
o ITEM 9.- Soil mechanics
o ITEM 10- Foundations
o ITEM 11.- Retaining walls
o ITEM 12.- Earth dams
o ITEM 13.- Slope stability
o ITEM 14.- Water crossing structures
- UNIDAD 1. Agroindustrial buildings. (4h)
o LABORATORY 1.- Prefabricated elements in agroindustrial buildings
o LABORATORY 2.- Roofs and walls
- UNIDAD 2. Design and calculation of steel buildings (6h)
o LABORATORY 3.- Tensile stress
o LABORATORY 4.- Compression stress
o LABORATORY 5.- Beams
o LABORATORY 6.- Anelastic design
o LABORATORY 7.- Joints
o LABORATORY 8.- Base plates
- UNIDAD 3: Rural Infrastructure (6h)
o LABORATORY 9.- Soil mechanics
o LABORATORY 10.1- Foundations I
o LABORATORY 10.2.- Foundations II
o LABORATORY 11.1.- Retaining walls I
o LABORATORY 11.2.- Retaining walls II
o LABORATORY 12.- Earth dams
o LABORATORY 13.- Slope stability
o LABORATORY 14.- Water crossing structures
- UNIDAD 1. Naves Agroindustriales.
o IECA. 1996. Edificación con prefabricados de hormigón. Madrid.
- UNIDAD 2. Diseño y cálculo de Estructuras Metálicas
o Ministerio de Fomento. 2010. Código Técnico de la Edificación. Madrid.
o Ministerio de Fomento 2011. Instrucción de acero estructural. (…)
o José Monfort y otros. Problemas de Estructuras Metálicas adaptados al Codigo Técnico de la Edificación. Ed. Universidad Politecnica de Valencia.
o Argüelles Álvarez, R. y otros. 1999. Estructuras de acero. Cálculo, norma básica y eurocódigo. BELLISCO. Madrid.
- UNIDAD 3: Infraestructura Rural
o Ministerio de Fomento. 2010. Código Técnico de la Edificación. Madrid.
o Ministerio de Transportes, movilidad y agenda urbana. 2020 Código Estructural. (Real Decreto 470/2021) Títulos 1 (Bases Generales) y 2 (Estructuras de hormigón). Anejos 1 a 15 y 18 a 21
o Calavera Ruiz, J. 2000. Cálculo de estructuras de cimentación. 4ª ed. Madrid. Instituto Técnico de Materiales y Construcciones. INTEMAC.
o Calavera Ruiz, J. 2001. Muros de contención y muros de sótano. 3ª ed. Madrid. Instituto Técnico de Materiales y Construcciones. INTEMAC.
o Ayala Carcedo, F. J. 2006. Manual de ingeniería de taludes. Madrid. Instituto Tecnológico Geominero de España.
o Dal-Ré, R. (Coord). 2012. Pequeños embalses de uso agrícola. Madrid : Mundi-Prensa.
o Asociación Española de Normalización y Certificació AENOR. 1999-2001. Eurocódigo 7: proyecto geotécnico. Madrid. Colección Eurocódigos (AENOR).
o Calavera Ruiz, J. 1993. Manual de detalles constructivos en obras de hormigón armado : edificación, obras públicas. Madrid. Instituto Técnico de Materiales y Construcciones. INTEMAC.
o Calavera Ruiz, J. 2008. Proyecto y cálculo de estructuras de hormigón: en masa, armado y pretensado. 2ª ed. Madrid. Instituto Técnico de Materiales y Construcciones. INTEMAC.
o Dal-Re, R. 2001 Caminos Rurales. Proyecto y construcción. 3ª Edición. Mundi Prensa.
o Eurocode 2: Design of concrete structures - Part 1-1 : General rules and rules for buildings.
o Jiménez Montoya, P. 2009. Hormigón armado. Edición 15ª ed. basada en la EHE 2008, ajustada al Código modelo y al Eurocódigo EC-2. Gustavo Gili.
o Jiménez Salas. J.A. et al. 1975, 1980, 1981. Geotecnia y cimientos. Tomos I, II y III. Editorial Rueda. Madrid.
o Rodríguez Ortiz, J.M., Serra Gesta, J., Otero Mazo, C. 1982. Curso aplicado de cimentaciones. Madrid. Servicio de Publicaciones del Colegio Oficial de Arquitectos.
CB6 - Possessing and understanding knowledge that provides a basis or opportunity to be original in the development and / or application of ideas, often in a research context
CB7 - Students should be able to apply acquired knowledge and problem-solving skills in new or unfamiliar environments within broader (or multidisciplinary) contexts related to their area of study
CG2 - Ability to design, design and execute infrastructure works, buildings, facilities and equipment necessary for the efficient performance of the productive activities carried out in the agri-food company
CG4 - Ability to apply the acquired knowledge to solve problems posed in new situations by analyzing the information coming from the environment and synthesizing it in an efficient way to facilitate the decision making process in companies and professional organizations of the agri-food sector.
CT1 - Ability to analyze and synthesize.
CT4 - Ability to work in groups and cover problematic situations collectively.
CT7 - Ability to conduct a public display in a clear, concise and coherent manner
CT10 - Use of bibliographical and Internet information.
CE4 - Adequate knowledge and capacity to develop and apply proprietary technology in agroindustrial constructions, infrastructure and rural roads.
- Participatory master classes. Seminars and conferences CB6 CB7 CT1 CE4
-Laboratory practices or Computer classroom practices CG4 CB7 CB8 CB9
-Technical visits to companies and institutions CG2 CT1
-Using classic and digital slates. Using the virtual classroom CT10
- Presentation of computer presentations CG4 CT10
-Problem resolution. Preparation and presentation of course work / s CG4 CT4 CT7 CT10
-Learning based on the resolution of practical cases and projects CG4 CT4 CT7 CE4
- Individualized and collective tutorials CB6 CB7
-Autonomous work and independent student study CB6 CB7 CT1 CT4
-Work in group and cooperative learning. Active session / discussion CT4 CT7 CT10 CE4
-Evaluation of competences through control exercises CB7 CG2
The subject will be developed mainly through the following activities:
In lecture activities in groups of 40 students, teachers expose students to the basics of the most relevant material. Its content consitirá fundamentally explanations of the phenomena that occur in the different structural elements and calculation checks to be carried out to ensure their proper functioning.
These classes are supplemented with interactive teaching in groups of 20 students in which they will carry out the practical exercises by calculation and manual tools.
During the course, teachers will formulate activities Assessment and preparation activities of these assessment tests so that students can be checking their degree of understanding, monitoring and learning.
Parallel to the development of the course, there will be sessions of reading and preparation issues, preparation practices and further work on them, propose the elaboration of course work, technical visits to companies and institutions and other like exposción of these works.
Throughout the course, the teachers of the chair will be available to students in tutorials in the order.
Assistance (10%) CG1, CB6, CB7, CE4
Oral and / or written tests (70%) CB6 CB7 CT1 CT7 CE4
Exercise 5% CB6 CB7 CT1 CE4 CG2 CG4
Exploitation of practices (5%) CB6 CB7
Jobs submitted or presented (5%) CG4 CT4 CT7 CT10
Participation of students in classroom activities (5%): CB6 CT4 CT7 CE4
- Attending classes, practical and seminar: To attend the class, without being required to do pass the subject. Regular attendance in class will be considered positively in the final assessment with a weight of 10%. The weight of this assessment system and and related skills are indicated in the table below.
- Tests: Only there will be a final test, with two parts (1st Ships agroindustrial and Elements Building, 2nd Infreastruturas). Each part is approved obtaining at least 50% of its value. The score will be the average grade of the two parties. If suspended somewhere compensated notes dunes with other parties, provided in part offset obtained more than 25% of its value and altogether all the notes add more than 5 on 10. If passed somewhere and is suspended another, conserved part aporobada until July assessment. In the case of not approving the pending part in September, it will be necessary to repeat the entire course. The weight of this assessment system and and related skills are indicated in the table below.
- Delivery and / or presentation of works: The realization of individual work (structural check of a retaining wall, annotated review of articles or catalogs in English on agro-industrial infrastructure, etc.) be considered when making the final evaluation of learning. The weight of this assessment system and and related skills are indicated in the table below.
For the call of June, ls will apply the same criteria as for June
Estudents for repeaters, will be preserved: the lectures, laboratory classes, papers presented, as well as visits made the previous year. The student must take the final exam.
For cases of fraudulent performance of exercises or tests, the provisions of the “Regulations for the assessment of two academic performance and for the review of qualifications” will apply.
The hours dedicated to the subject will be in line with the ECTS credits system:
4 credits ECTS x 25 hours / credit = 100 hours of dedication.
Lectures: 12
Interactive Lab Classes: 16
Tutorials: 4
Reading and preparation of topics: 24
Performing exercises: 8
Elaboration of course work: 12
Preparation of evaluation tests: 24
To achieve the proposed objectives should attend school, obtain additional documents, take notes and ask the questions of those aspects that offer a question. It is very important to be aware always references to the legislation, noting clearly paragraph of Article commented at all times of the class.
For personal work, both individually and in groups, you should read and understand the the etical aspects of each topic, review case studies solved in class and then try to address the problems posed by the teacher.
Critical to this subject fully understand the concepts and know how to apply to reality, so we must try to solve the case studies proposed. This helps to clarify concepts and to familiarize with the w king mode and the processes of calculation and verification of the structural elements that are trying to understand.
As we study the matter, should collect all the questions that arise to attend tutorials and resolve them. In these tutorials will be discussed and will also examine how they have solved the problems posed by the teacher.
All documentation of the matter, if well crafted and produced, it will be a basic and fundamental support of the realization of the final test of the matter, since if this final test will be allowed to use reference material.
For the second opportunity, the same criteria will be established as for the first
In the repetitive students, will be reserved the obtained score in works presented and attendance to class of the previous course, the student must appear to the written test
This plan sets out the aspects of the Teaching Methodology and the Assessment System that will vary, with respect to the one detailed in the previous sections, for Scenario 2 (distancing) and Scenario 3 (closure of the facilities).
In Scenario 2, the theoretical classes and tutorials will be carried out in person through “telematic” means, keeping the approved programming. They will be taught fundamentally synchronously, supported by the available ICT tools (virtual classroom, Teams, corporate email, etc.), keeping the approved schedule.
Depending on the specific conditions of the moment, the exam and / or the presentation of works may be face-to-face or telematic activities.
In Scenario 3, all the activities (including the exam and the presentation of works) will be carried out in person through “telematic” means. The approved programming will be maintained and will be taught in a fundamentally synchronous way, supported by the available ICT tools (virtual classroom, Teams, corporate email, etc.).
In both Scenario 2 and Scenario 3, the evaluation systems of Scenario 1 are maintained.
Juan Pedro Ortiz Sanz
- Department
- Agroforestry Engineering
- Area
- Agroforestry Engineering
- juan.ortiz [at]
- Category
- Professor: University Lecturer
Manuel Mendez Lodos
- Department
- Agroforestry Engineering
- Area
- Agroforestry Engineering
- Phone
- 982823206
- manuel.mendez [at]
- Category
- Professor: University Lecturer