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Doctoral Programme in Literature and Cultural Studies

Branch of knowledge
Arts and Humanities
International PhD School
Avenida das Ciencias, 6, 15782
Santiago de Compostela
Santiago de Compostela

The Doctoral Programme in Literature and Culture Studies is defined by the emphasis it places on literary studies from different methodological and linguistic perspectives, opening towards cultural analysis. From the previous programmes that fall within this new proposal is that of Theory of Literature and Comparative Literature, originally linked to a Mundus Master's, and that of Study and Annotation of Spanish Literary Texts. Other programmes that belong to Latin, Greek, Italian, French, Galician, Portuguese and German Philology are also included.

  • Duration: 3 academic years
    RUCT code: 5600497
    Seats number: 20

    Title coordinator:
    Maria Soledad Perez-Abadin Barro

    Coordinator university:
    University of Santiago de Compostela

    Partaker universities:
    University of Santiago de Compostela

    Xunta de Galicia title implantation authorization date:

    BOE publication date:

    Last accreditation date:

    ISCED codes:
    (220) Humanidades
    (210) Artes
    (0229) Humanidades (otros estudios)

    El Programa de Doctorado en Estudios de la Literatura y de la Cultura se caracteriza por el énfasis en los estudios literarios desde diferentes perspectivas metodológicas y lingüísticas, con una apertura hacia el análisis cultural.

    Entre los programas anteriores que se inscriben en esta nueva propuesta figuran el de Teoría de la literatura y Literatura comparada, vinculado originalmente a un Máster Mundus, y el de Estudio y anotación de textos literarios españoles. Asimismo, se incorporan otros programas que se inscriben en los ámbitos de la filología latina, griega, italiana, francesa, gallega, portuguesa y alemana.

    El objetivo es consolidar un programa de carácter competitivo a nivel español e internacional, basándose en una larga y exitosa trayectoria previa en el ámbito específico de los estudios literarios y del análisis cultural. El programa se propone, por otra parte, afianzar una intensa labor de internacionalización, que redunde en beneficio de la formación de los estudiantes y de la competitividad investigadora de la USC.

    The aim is to consolidate a competitive programme at a Spanish and international level, based on a long and successful background in the specific field of literary studies and cultural analysis. The Programme proposes, on the other hand, to becoming seriously committed to internationalization, seeking to benefit the training of the students and the USC's research competitiveness.

  • Students who have completed any of the following official master's degrees will have direct access without the need for supplementary training:

    • Master's in Study and Editing of Spanish and Latin American Literary Texts
    • Master's in English Studies: Current Trends and Applications
    • Master’s in Medieval European Studies: Images, Texts and Contexts
    • Master's in Comparative and Theoretical Studies in Literature and Culture.
    • Master’s in Cultural Services.
    • Erasmus Mundus Master's Crossways in Cultural Narratives.
    • Master's in Language and Culture Studies

    Other Master's degrees of Diploma of Advanced Studies in the areas of Humanities and Social Sciences which, according to the academic committee, do not require supplementary.

    Regarding the learning activities, once students have been admitted to the doctoral programme, accreditation may be required for certain language levels. B2 level certification is required in order to qualify for participating in the Hermes Seminar.

    The academic committee shall decide, at the time of admission of new students, who will require supplementary training. This will probably be required from students from the area of social sciences and, in all probability, those who apply with training in other fields. Applicants from the field of the humanities and, of course, those who have completed the master's courses that provide direct access, will not require any supplementary training. The specific supplementary training subjects will be taken from the common subjects from the Master's Studies in Literature and Culture.

  • Merits are evaluated by the committee in the following way:

    • Academic transcript: 55%
    • Knowledge of languages (The Academic Committee will take into account the area in which the thesis will be carried out.). Candidates must provide proof (First Certificate, etc.): 15%
    • Professional experience (candidates must provide documentary proof): 5%
    • Research experience (candidates must provide documentary proof): 20%
    • Other merits: 5%
  • Annual seminar of the Hermes Consortium for literary and cultural studies

    • E5011A01

    Research seminars

    • E5011A02

    Participation in conferences

    • E5011A03


    • E5011A04

    Transversal training seminars

    • E5011A05


    • E5011A06

    Galabra Network Meetings

    • E5011A07

    International conferences for initiation into research in literature studies

    • E5011A08

    Publication in the digital collection of Literature and Culture Studies

    • E5011A09

    Publication of articles, chapters or books and coordination of collective volumes

    • E5011A10

    Teaching or conducting training and language courses

    • E5011A11
  • El Programa de Doctorado en Estudios de la Literatura y de la Cultura se caracteriza por el énfasis en los estudios literarios desde diferentes perspectivas metodológicas y lingüísticas, con una apertura hacia el análisis cultural.

    Entre los programas anteriores que se inscriben en esta nueva propuesta figuran el de Teoría de la literatura y Literatura comparada, vinculado originalmente a un Máster Mundus, y el de Estudio y anotación de textos literarios españoles. Asimismo, se incorporan otros programas que se inscriben en los ámbitos de la filología latina, griega, italiana, francesa, gallega, portuguesa y alemana.

    El objetivo es consolidar un programa de carácter competitivo a nivel español e internacional, basándose en una larga y exitosa trayectoria previa en el ámbito específico de los estudios literarios y del análisis cultural. El programa se propone, por otra parte, afianzar una intensa labor de internacionalización, que redunde en beneficio de la formación de los estudiantes y de la competitividad investigadora de la USC.

  • The information about the students who graduated from the programme reveals a high percentage of dedication to secondary or university education. With respect to the first, the two years after completing the thesis are dedicated to preparing for competitive examinations for public education, in some cases after completing the required master's degree. There are also doctors from the programme who access private secondary education. Frequently, the doctor who graduated already had a job in this field during his academic career. Doctors with stable teaching at this level carry out part-time research activity, reflected in publications, conferences and participation in events related to their specialty. Some of his activities related to his postdoctoral research tend to lean towards a more informative and pedagogical level.

    Another representative part of the graduated doctors continues their academic career in university centres, national and foreign, through postdoctoral contracts, competitions for access to places and different positions and contracts in Spanish or foreign universities. After obtaining a doctorate, the next step is to obtain accreditation as a doctoral assistant. In foreign universities, this trajectory usually begins with the position of Spanish reader, sometimes simultaneously with the completion of programmes to validate their academic degree. The doctoral graduates who join university centres maintain a high research level, which in their first years is directly related to their doctoral research.

    According to the available data, these are the most common departures:

    1. Teaching in university higher education, in public and private centres, national and foreign.
    2. Teaching in secondary education, in public and private centres.
    3. Contracts with national and foreign research centres.
    4. Contracts with magazines and publishers specialised in literary publications.
    5. Contracts with academies and private translation and teaching centres.

  • The main objective of this Masters degree is to train professionals and researchers in aquaculture; professionals with a solid recognised training at job level and researchers whose training allows them to carry out their research, with cutting-edge technologies, while keeping abreast of problems in production processing.

  • Title Reading date Authorship Direction
    The course of Uxío Novoneyra’s Os eidos: subject, unworking and community under an ontological perspective 20/12/2024 Nieves De Neira Roca
  • Coordinator
    Maria Soledad Perez-Abadin Barro

    Maria Jose Alonso Veloso

    Rosa Marta Gomez Pato
    Laurence Malingret
    Ma Del Carmen Villarino Pardo
    Cesar Pablo Dominguez Prieto
    Maria Isabel Moran Cabanas

The contents of this page were updated on 07.07.2023.