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Doctoral Programme in History, Geography and Art History

Branch of knowledge
Arts and Humanities
International PhD School
Avenida das Ciencias, 6, 15782
Santiago de Compostela
Santiago de Compostela

The Doctoral Programme in History, Geography and History of Art aims to complement the training needs of doctoral students, for them to be methodologically updated and to introduce them to research through the development of a dissertation. Doctoral students are offered training that will prepare them to carry out basic and applied research.

  • Duration: 3 academic years
    RUCT code: 5600500
    Seats number: 30

    Title coordinator:
    Juan Manuel Monterroso Montero

    Coordinator university:
    University of Santiago de Compostela

    Partaker universities:
    University of Santiago de Compostela

    Xunta de Galicia title implantation authorization date:

    BOE publication date:

    Last accreditation date:

    ISCED codes:
    (220) Humanidades
    (310) Ciencias sociales y del comportamiento
    (0229) Humanidades (otros estudios)

    Programa propuesto por la mayor parte de la Facultad de Geografía e Historia de la USC para completar sus tres titulaciones, todas con una acreditada trayectoria en docencia e investigación constatable en la calidad de los Grupos de Investigación, en el número de tesis defendidas, de becarios y de proyectos de convocatorias competitivas, y en las relaciones con instituciones internacionales.

    Se ofrece a los doctorandos una formación que los capacite para una investigación básica y aplicada. Los ámbitos preferentes son: Expresiones artísticas y procesos históricos; Historia económica y social; Cultura, religión y sociedad; Patrimonio Arquitectónico y urbanismo; Análisis y gestión del territorio y del paisaje; Patrimonio cultural y natural; Arqueología y cultura material; Poder e instituciones, y Estudios de Género.

    Estas líneas responden a estándares internacionales y a la investigación del profesorado favoreciendo el desarrollo de temas transversales y los enfoques multidisciplinares.

  • The profile for admission to the Doctoral Programme in History, Geography and History of Art, without supplementary training, is in general through the Master's studies:

    • Offered by the USC in the areas of Humanities or Social Sciences, preferably «Archaeology and Sciences of the Antiquity"; «Readings on the Historical City. Art, Cultural Heritage and its Management"; «Planning and Management of Territorial Development", «Monarchy of Spain» or
    • Any Master's related to the Programme's research lines, preferably in Humanities or Social Sciences.

    Access to the program without additional training is also possible:

    • By having passed 300 ECTS graduate of postgraduate credits, preferably in Humanities or Social Sciences studies.
    • Students with the Diploma of Advanced Studies.
    • Foreign students according to the official rules

    Due to the established criteria for admission and because the candidates' CVs will be reviewed by the DPAC, no supplementary training in contemplated.

  • Points for each merit are evaluated by the committee in the following way:

    • Academic transcript: 30%
    • Knowledge of languages: 15% (Candidates must provide documentary proof)
    • Curriculum: 5%
    • Professional experience: 15% (Candidates must provide documentary proof).
    • Research experience: 30% (publication of articles, monographs, participation in research groups).
    • Other merits: 5%
  • Attendance at congresses, conferences or courses

    • E5061A05

    Workshop on writing, elaboration and preparation of a scientific article

    • E5061A06

    Research stays in national or foreign reference centres.

    • E5061A07

    Scientific career, dissemination and social communication of research

    • E5061A08

    Information technology

    • E5061A09
  • No data available for the selected academic year.

  • Programa propuesto por la mayor parte de la Facultad de Geografía e Historia de la USC para completar sus tres titulaciones, todas con una acreditada trayectoria en docencia e investigación constatable en la calidad de los Grupos de Investigación, en el número de tesis defendidas, de becarios y de proyectos de convocatorias competitivas, y en las relaciones con instituciones internacionales.

    Se ofrece a los doctorandos una formación que los capacite para una investigación básica y aplicada. Los ámbitos preferentes son: Expresiones artísticas y procesos históricos; Historia económica y social; Cultura, religión y sociedad; Patrimonio Arquitectónico y urbanismo; Análisis y gestión del territorio y del paisaje; Patrimonio cultural y natural; Arqueología y cultura material; Poder e instituciones, y Estudios de Género.

    Estas líneas responden a estándares internacionales y a la investigación del profesorado favoreciendo el desarrollo de temas transversales y los enfoques multidisciplinares.

  • The profile of the programme's graduates will allow them to enter, among others, socio-professional sectors such as university teaching, public and private research centres, companies in the cultural sector, companies and public organisations in charge of the management of cultural and natural heritage, companies and social analysis and welfare institutions, and media. In all these sectors, the students in the programme will be able to perform tasks of the highest level, creating original knowledge that contribute to the advancement of undergraduate and graduate students in the discipline, expanding and strengthening their skills for the transmission of knowledge in the fields of history, geography and art history.

    This doctoral programme has the following main professional opportunities:
    • Higher education within the EHEA.
    • Specialised journalism.
    • Museums, galleries, and art centres.
    • Archives, Libraries, Sound and Film Archives.
    • Cultural Management and Consulting.
    • Training of researchers and teachers at research centres and universities.
    • Technical staff and consultants from public administration study centres, companies, international organisations, foundations, NGOs, associations, etc.
    • Different municipal, regional and national public administration departments (Culture, Public Works, Urban Planning, Environment, Agriculture...)

  • The main objective of this Masters degree is to train professionals and researchers in aquaculture; professionals with a solid recognised training at job level and researchers whose training allows them to carry out their research, with cutting-edge technologies, while keeping abreast of problems in production processing.

  • Title Reading date Authorship Direction
    The development of the mountain territories of Queixa, San Mamede and Montes do Invernadeiro (1975-2015): institutional approaches, public policies and community perceptions Mención doctorado internacional, Tesis por compendio de publicaciones 03/02/2025 Manuel Rodríguez Rodríguez
  • Coordinator
    Juan Manuel Monterroso Montero

    María Pilar Prieto Martinez

    Ramon Blanco Chao
    Rubén Camilo Lois González
    Francisco Javier Garbayo Montabes
    Roberto Javier Lopez Lopez
    Pedro Manuel Lopez Barja De Quiroga
    Xose Nogueira Otero

The contents of this page were updated on 07.07.2023.