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Doctoral Programme in Advanced English Studies: Linguistic, Literature and Culture

Branch of knowledge
Arts and Humanities
International PhD School
Avenida das Ciencias, 6, 15782
Santiago de Compostela
Santiago de Compostela

In the current situation Galicia demands a specific program in English Studies that includes the active participation of professors from the three Galician universities in a common project for training doctors in the main lines of research within this area of knowledge: culture and English and American literary texts, other literatures in English, English linguistics in its diachronic and synchronic aspects, and linguistics applied to the teaching of English and translation.

  • Duration: 3 academic years
    RUCT code: 5600811
    Seats number: 14

    Title coordinator:
    Margarita Estevez Saa

    Coordinator university:
    University of Santiago de Compostela

    Partaker universities:
    University of Santiago de Compostela University of A Coruña University of Vigo

    Xunta de Galicia title implantation authorization date:

    BOE publication date:

    Last accreditation date:

    ISCED codes:
    (222) Lenguas extranjeras
    (220) Humanidades
    (0231) Aprendizaje de segundas lenguas

    Galicia demanda en la situación actual un programa específica en Estudios Ingleses que cuente con la participación activa de profesorado de las tres universidades gallegas en un proyecto común de formación de doctores en las grandes líneas de investigación dentro de este ámbito de conocimiento: la cultura y los textos literarios ingleses y norteamericanos, otras literaturas en lengua inglesa, la lingüística inglesas en sus vertientes sincrónica y diacrónica, y la lingüística aplicada a la enseñanza del inglés y a su traducción.


    - De carácter interuniversitario.

    - Único de estas características en el SUG .

    - Amplia y variada oferta de líneas de investigación.

    - Alta formación académica e investigadora del profesorado.

    - Gran interés de las actividades formativas proyectadas para los doctorandos.


    - Formar profesionales para desarrollar actividades de docencia e investigación en centros universitarios e institutos de enseñanza superior.

    - Facilitar a los estudiantes gallegos la posibilidad de concurrir a las numerosas ofertas de trabajo existentes en este campo.

    - Desarrollar competencias comunicativas en el ámbito académico, realizar y defender trabajos de investigación de modo crítico, riguroso y original.

    This is an inter-university programme and it also stands out for being the only one of these characteristics in the Galician University System. It has a wide and varied range of lines of research, the high academic and research training of its professors is also noteworthy. Also worth mentioning are the highly interesting educational activities planned for the doctoral students.

    The aims of this Doctoral Programme are to train professionals to develop teaching and research activities in university centres and higher education institutes, offer Galician students the possibility of attending the high number of existing job offers in this field, as well as to develop communicative skills in the field of academia and prepare and defend research work in a critical, rigorous and original manner.

  • To access this doctoral programme it is necessary to:

    • Have completed a first degree in English Philology/English Studies or equivalent of at least 240 credits as well as a master's course of at least 60 credits. The programme's Academic Committee will closely study those applications from degrees considered to be equivalent to those of English Philology/English Studies.
    • Applicants with the Diploma of Advanced Studies or Research Competence in English Studies/English Philology.
    • Applicants who provide proof before the Academic Committee of written and spoken English language proficiency, through an official certification or, as the case may be, through an interview or test, deemed sufficient for performing research tasks , who are holders of the DEA or research competence in the areas of Philology, Translation and Interpreting, Humanities, Communication, Social Sciences and Sociology, Political and Public Administration Sciences, Early childhood education teacher, Primary Education teacher, Social Education and Pedagogy, History and Philosophy.
    • Students that have completed a 5-year or graduate degree, and at the same time have completed a Master's Degree in Teacher Training for Secondary Education, High School and Language Schools (specialty language and literature) may access to the Doctoral Programme with the compulsory condition that they take supplementary training equal to 15 ECTS credits from Master's in English Studies or equivalent. The subjects will be determined by the Academic Committee in accordance with the application and academic record of the applicant.
    • For students who have already completed other master's and postgraduate courses related to the 5-year degree/graduate degree of English Philology/English studies with a minimum of 60 credits, the Academic Committee will review each request individually, determining the supplementary training in research to be taken. The supplementary training will not exceed 15 ECTS credits and will be from the studies of the Master's Degree in English Studies or equivalent.
    • It is necessary to have at least a C1 level of linguistic competence in spoken and written English in accordance with what is established by the Council of Europe in the Common European Framework of Reference on Knowledge of Languages.
  • Points for each merit are evaluated by the committee in the following way:

    • Academic transcript: 40%
    • Curriculum: 30%
    • Professional experience (candidates must provide documentary proof): 10%
    • Research experience (candidates must provide documentary proof): 15%
    • Other merits: 5%.

    It is necessary to have at least C1 level of proficiency in spoken and written English in accordance with the provisions of the Council of Europe in the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages Knowledge.

  • Jornadas de orientación para los nuevos doctorandos

    • E5021A01

    Seminarios monográficos en lingüística/literatura/cultura inglesa

    • E5021A02

    Seminarios de investigación

    • E5021A03

    Talleres de investigación

    • E5021A04
  • Galicia demanda en la situación actual un programa específica en Estudios Ingleses que cuente con la participación activa de profesorado de las tres universidades gallegas en un proyecto común de formación de doctores en las grandes líneas de investigación dentro de este ámbito de conocimiento: la cultura y los textos literarios ingleses y norteamericanos, otras literaturas en lengua inglesa, la lingüística inglesas en sus vertientes sincrónica y diacrónica, y la lingüística aplicada a la enseñanza del inglés y a su traducción.


    - De carácter interuniversitario.

    - Único de estas características en el SUG .

    - Amplia y variada oferta de líneas de investigación.

    - Alta formación académica e investigadora del profesorado.

    - Gran interés de las actividades formativas proyectadas para los doctorandos.


    - Formar profesionales para desarrollar actividades de docencia e investigación en centros universitarios e institutos de enseñanza superior.

    - Facilitar a los estudiantes gallegos la posibilidad de concurrir a las numerosas ofertas de trabajo existentes en este campo.

    - Desarrollar competencias comunicativas en el ámbito académico, realizar y defender trabajos de investigación de modo crítico, riguroso y original.

  • The main objective of this Masters degree is to train professionals and researchers in aquaculture; professionals with a solid recognised training at job level and researchers whose training allows them to carry out their research, with cutting-edge technologies, while keeping abreast of problems in production processing.

  • Title Reading date Authorship Direction
    Reverberations of Trauma: The Great War Revisited through Irish Women's Fiction Mención doctorado internacional 17/12/2024 Antía Román Sotelo Laura Maria Lojo Rodriguez
  • Coordinator
    Margarita Estevez Saa

    Maria Paloma Nuñez Pertejo

    Patricia Fra Lopez
    Laura Maria Lojo Rodriguez
    Maria Jose Lopez Couso
    Manuela Palacios Gonzalez
    Ignacio Miguel Palacios Martinez
    Noemí Pereira Ares

The contents of this page were updated on 05.31.2022.