ECTS credits
ECTS credits: 4.5ECTS Hours Rules/Memories
Student's work ECTS: 74.25
Hours of tutorials: 2.25
Expository Class: 18
Interactive Classroom: 18
Total: 112.5Use languages
Spanish, Galician, EnglishType:
Ordinary Degree Subject RD 1393/2007 - 822/2021Departments:
English and German PhilologyAreas:
English PhilologyCenter
Faculty of Education SciencesCall:
Second SemesterTeaching:
With teachingEnrolment:
Enrollable -
To consolidate an upper-intermediate level in reading and producing written English, which enables students to understand and produce both generalwritten texts and written texts within their area of expertise (acquisition and teaching of English as a foreign language).
To reinforce the knowledge of the grammatical, lexical and discourse structures that enable students to communicate effectively (upper-intermediatelevel).
Students are expected to be able to apply the theoretical and practical knowledge they have gained to their own teaching practiceA. Practice of reading and writing skills in English
B. Teaching reading and writing skills
1.Differences between written and spoken language
2.Teaching reading
2.1 Approaches and methods
2.2 Strategies and techniques
2.3 Types of reading tasks and activities
2.4 Selecting reading materials
3.Teaching writing
3.1 Stages in the writing process
3.2 Types of writing tasks and activities
3.3 Feedback and assessmentBibliografía básica:
Dunn, O. (2014). Introducing English to young children: Reading and writing. Collins.
Pinter, A. (2017). Teaching young language learners. Oxford University Press.
Scott, W. A. & Ytreberg, L. H. (2004). Teaching English to children. Longman.
Bibliografía complementaria:
Bloque de lingua:
Murphy, R. (2022). English Grammar in Use Interactive eBook with Audio. Cambridge University Press.
Sowton, C. (2014). Unlock : reading & writing skills. 4. Cambridge University Press.
Bloque de didáctica:
Bland, J., & Lütge, C. (Eds.). (2013). Children’s literature in second language education. Bloomsbury Academic. https://doi.org/10.5040/9781472552815
Hadfield, J. & Hadfield, C. (2008). Introduction to teaching English. Oxford University Press.
Harmer, J. (2007). The practice of English language teaching. Pearson Educa-tion.
Hiatt, K., & Rooke, J. (2012). Creativity & writing skills : finding a balance in the primary classroom. Routledge. https://doi.org/10.4324/9781315069432
Lindsay, C. & Knight, P. (2006). Learning and teaching English: A course for teachers. Oxford University Press.
Marks, A., & Walker, B. (2016). Setting and description : classroom-ready materials for teaching writing and literary analysis skills in grades 4 to 8. Rowman & Little-field. https://ebookcentral-proquest-com.ezbusc.usc.gal/lib/buscsp/detail.acti…
Phillips, S. (2003). Young learners. Oxford University Press.
Serroukh, F., & Wilson-Max, K. (2024). Representation in Children’s Literatu-re Reflecting Realities in the classroom by the centre for literacy in primary education. Corwin.
Slattery, M. J. W. (2001). English for primary teachers: A handbook of acti-vities and classroom language. Oxford University Press.
Thaine, C. (2010). Teacher training essentials: Workshops for professional development. Cambridge University Press.
Ur, P. (2013). A course in English language teaching. Cambridge University Press.General:
G1. Capacity to show the acquisition of knowledge of curricular areas, relationships, assessment criteria and didactics in Primary Education.
G3. Capacity to face multicultural and multilingual situations of language teaching and learning.
G11. Capacity to become acquainted with, select and use ICTs in the classroom.
E1. Capacity to understand the learning processes in the primary school period in the family, social and school context.
E2. Capacity to know the students’ characteristics as well as the motivational and social context characteristics.
E52. Linguistic competence: Capacity for written and oral communication in a foreign language.
E53. Didactic competence: Capacity to develop and assess curricular contents using appropriate devices, as well as to promote the development ofstudents’ communicative competence.
B1. Capacity to show the acquisition of knowledge, particularly concerning the students’ field of study.
B2. Capacity to apply the knowledge thus acquired to their professional field, with a view to developing arguments and solving problems.
B4. Capacity to convey information in both specialized and nonspecialized fields.
T1. Instrumental knowledge of foreign languages.Teaching sessions will be held in English.
Activities will be done in big, medium-sized or small groups, and also individually. Lectures (big group) will be devoted to the development of thecompetences related to the process of teaching and learning a foreign language in Primary Education. Besides, students will improve their communicativecompetence by dealing with lexical, morphological and syntactic aspects of the foreign language.
Seminars (medium-sized groups) will also be focused on the development of the students’ communicative competence, particularly as regards readingand writing skills, by means of activities devised to check students’ comprehension and production of written texts.
Tutorials (small groups or single students) will be monitoring sessions devoted to supervise students and encourage autonomous learning.First opportunity:
Second opportunity:
CONTINUOUS ASSESSMENT: (same grade as in the first opportunity)
If fraudulent practices are detected in assignments or exams, this will bring about a direct fail in the subject, in application of article 16 of “Normativa deavaliación do rendemento académico dos estudantes e de revisión de cualificacións”:
The fraudulent performance of any exercise or test required in the evaluation of a subject will imply the qualification of failure in the corresponding call, regardless of the disciplinary process that may be followed against the offending student. It is considered fraudulent, among others, the performance of plagiarized work or work obtained from sources accessible to the public without reworking or reinterpretation and without citation of the authors and sources.Students are expected to devote at least 74 hours of work outside the classroom.
An upper-intermediate level of English (B2) is strongly recommended. Students should have passed the subject 'Teaching and Learning Communicative Skills: English'.
1)Students are expected to complete all assignments and readings suggested by the lecturer(s), and to come to the sessions prepared to discuss them.
2)Students must visit the eLearning platform for the course regularly. Students are expected to check their university email on a regular basis:announcements and last-minute changes will be notified via the teaching platform.
3)No emails using a non-institutional account will be replied by the teacher(s), so students must contact the teacher(s) using their USC email account(@rai.usc.es).
4)ENVIRONMENTAL RESPONSIBILITY: In relation to the personal or group work to be done for the subject, the following indications should be taken into account: Avoid plastic covers or other unnecessary external wrappings. Whenever possible, use staples instead of binding. Print on both sides in "ink saving" quality. Do not use blank pages as chapter or part separators. void annexes that do not have direct reference to the topics developed.
In attention to criteria of gender equality in the university environment, it is recommended to make use of non-sexist language both in the dailyclassroom work and in academic work. Further information can be obtained at the link:
6)Students are not allowed to use their phones, unless directed to do so by the teacher(s) for educational purposes. Students are responsible for thelegal and academic consequences of their inadequate use of mobile phones in the classroom.
7)The teaching-learning (classes/tutorials) process is private, which means that it is a communicative process between the teacher(s) and the students.
8)The data protection regulation must be complied with: https://www.usc.gal/es/politica-privacidad-proteccion-datos.
9)Mandatory use of institutional technological tools: Virtual Campus, Microsoft Office 365, and other tools provided by the faculty and authorized asinstitutional tools.
Elsa Maria Gonzalez Alvarez
Coordinador/a- Department
- English and German Philology
- Area
- English Philology
- Phone
- 881811860
- elsa.gonzalez@usc.es
- Category
- Professor: University Lecturer
Carmen Gloria Cernadas Lema
- Department
- English and German Philology
- Area
- English Philology
- carmengloria.cernadas.lema@usc.es
- Category
- Xunta Pre-doctoral Contract
2º Semester - January 27th-February 02nd Thursday 09:00-10:00 Grupo /CLE_01 (A - Z) English (NORTH CAMPUS) - CLASSROOM 51 10:00-11:00 Grupo /CLIS_01 (A - Z) English (NORTH CAMPUS) - CLASSROOM 51 Exams 06.04.2025 09:30-11:30 Grupo /CLE_01 (A - Z) (NORTH CAMPUS) - CLASSROOM 32 07.08.2025 12:00-14:00 Grupo /CLE_01 (A - Z) (NORTH CAMPUS) - CLASSROOM 32