ECTS credits
ECTS credits: 6ECTS Hours Rules/Memories
Hours of tutorials: 3
Expository Class: 21
Interactive Classroom: 30
Total: 54Use languages
Spanish, GalicianType:
Ordinary Degree Subject RD 1393/2007 - 822/2021Departments:
Organisation of Companies and CommercialisationAreas:
Business OrganisationCenter
Faculty of Business Administration and ManagementCall:
First SemesterTeaching:
With teachingEnrolment:
Enrollable -
-Highlight the importance of people as a source of competitive advantage for companies and a key factor for business success in the digital age.
-Understand the processes and principles that should guide the management of people in organizations.
-Understand the particularities derived from the different characteristics of people, group action, and the presence of multiple internal and external drivers linked to the management of people in organizations.
-Understand how the main objectives and strategies of people management in the digital age, contribute to the achievement of organizational objectives.Topic 1. Concept, evolution, drivers and objectives of people management
Topic 2. Basic processes: Analysis and design of jobs; people planning
Topic 3. Affectation processes: Recruitment; Selection; Hiring; Orientation/Socialization
Topic 4. Training and development processes: Training and development; Career management
Topic 5. Evaluation and compensation processes: Performance evaluation; CompensationBasic Bibliography:
De la Calle Durán, M.C., Ortiz de Urbina Criado, M (2018). "Fundamentos de recursos humanos". Pearson Educación, Madrid.
Supplementary Bibliography:
Chiavenato, I. (2007)" Administración de recursos humanos: el capital humano de las organizaciones". McGraw Hill.
Dolan, S.; Valle, R., Lopez, A. (2014) "Managing people and talent: human resource management in the 21st century, McGraw-Hill.
Gomez-Mejia, L..; Balkin, D.; Cardy, R. (2016). Human resource management. 8th edition. Editorial Pearson Educación, Madrid.
The profesor may provide specific bibliography for some of the topics.-Basic and General
CB1. The students must demonstrate the possession and understanding of knowledge in an area of study that starts from the general secondary education, and, although it is supported by advanced textbooks, also refers to some aspects that imply knowledge coming from the forefront of the study field.
CB2. The students must know how to apply their knowledge to their work in a professional way and possess the skills that are usually demonstrated to defend arguments and solve problems within the area of study.
CB3. The students must have the ability to gather and interpret relevant data (normally within the area of study) to make judgments that include a reflection on relevant issues of social, scientific or ethical nature.
CB4. The students must know how to transmit information, ideas, problems and solutions to both a specialized and non-specialized audience.
CB5. The students must develop those learning skills necessary to undertake further studies with a high degree of autonomy.
CG1. Acquire a set of theoretical and practical knowledge in relation to the process of creating and managing companies in the digital age.
CG6. Leadership capacity and work organization.
CE2. Know and understand the basic elements of business management and its main functional areas under the framework of ethics and social responsibility.
CE3. Analyze, diagnose and make decisions in the different functional areas of business management, selecting and applying the most appropriate technological tools.
CE11. Design and manage the human resources strategy, integrating new forms of hiring and work, and developing the necessary management skills.
CT1. Think in an integrated and critical way, and approach problems from different perspectives.
CT4. Organize and plan work based on the objectives and available resources.
CT5. Ability to solve problems and make decisions by applying theoretical knowledge to practice.
CT6. Work as a team, sharing knowledge and knowing how to communicate it to the rest of the team and the organization.
CT7. Oral and written communication skills adapted to the needs of target public.The expositive and interactive sessions will take place in person at the official timetable published by the centre.
In the expositive classes (18 hours), the teacher will explain the concepts and themes of the subject. In these classes, the teacher will project slides and will use different materials (articles, books, websites, etc.) that must serve as as a guide for the explanations made, expand knowledge and solve doubts.
In the interactive classes (30 hours), students will work on readings, solve exercises and practical cases, present papers, participate in debates with their classmates, paying special attention to group activities. Interactive classes may involve carrying out activities outside of face-to-face sessions, as established in the section on ‘Study time and individual work’. The teacher will make available to the students different exercises, activities, case studies, readings or any material related to the subject to work in a practical way.
The teacher will monitor the attendance and participation of the students in both the expository and interactive classes.
Participation in the expositive and interactive sessions will be complemented by the personal work of the students, which includes, among others, activities to search for information and bibliographic material, reading said material, and preparation and defense of individual or collaborative works.
The autonomous work of the students will be guided by the teacher in the classes and/or in the hours assigned to the tutorials, which will serve to solve doubts and solve problems that may arise for the students in the teaching-learning process. The tutorials will also serve as a feedback channel to indicate the degree of assimilation of content by the students. The tutorials will preferably be carried out in person. If necessary, they can also be carried out virtually. Virtual tutorials may combine synchronous tutorials (individually or in groups through MS Teams platform) with asynchronous tutorials (through virtual campus). In any case, the tutorials will take place at the usual time officially published by the teacher.
The development of the subject will be carried out with the support of the virtual teaching classroom created for this purpose on the Moodle platform.The evaluation will take into account all the activities carried out by the students (active participation in the analysis of cases, activities, debates; commentary on readings, articles or news in the press; completion and presentation of work; examination of content, etc.).
For cases of fraudulent completion of exercises or tests, the provisions of the Student Academic Performance Evaluation and Grade Review Regulations will be applied.
There are two opportunities to pass the subject. Students who do not pass the subject on the first opportunity will have the right to a second one, which will be the one that appears on their academic record if the grade obtained is higher. The evaluation system for these two opportunities is shown below.
-First ordinary opportunity:
1) Final exam: 60% of the grade. The content exam, which assesses learning outcomes, may include short-answer questions (or combine this type of question with multiple-choice questions), brief reasoning questions, or cases (real or invented) that students must give a solution, based on the theoretical content of the subject and/or the skills/competences developed throughout the semester.
2) Continuous evaluation: 40% of the grade. The continuous evaluation includes the solution and participation in the analysis of cases/debates/readings, presentation of works (individually or collectively) and other activities linked to the classes, as well as the attitude and involvement of the students with the subject.
The relationship of the different evaluable activities throughout the course, their weighting and their follow-up will be indicated in each case well in advance to the students.
Students who do not obtain any score related to the activities carried out for the continuous evaluation can only obtain a maximum of 6 points.
In order to add the note of the exam to the score achieved in section 2, the student must obtain a minimum of 3 points out of 6.
Passing the subject implies obtaining 5 points out of 10 in the overall assessment. Additionally, passing the subject requires a minimum class attendance of 80%.
-Second extraordinary opportunity:
The same evaluation system will be applied as in the first opportunity. The qualification of the continuous evaluation obtained throughout the semester is maintained for this call, but in no case for subsequent courses.
>In accordance with the current Regulations on Permanence for Bachelor's and Master's studies at USC (art. 5.2), the mere attendance and/or participation in any of the activities subject to evaluation will mean that the student's final grade is different from that of 'NOT PRESENTED'.
>Students who are granted with a class attendance waiver in certain circumstances according to Instruction Nº 1/2017 of the General Secretary, will be evaluated with a final specific face-to-face exam that supposes 100% of the qualification.
-Evaluation of competences:
Competence/Assessment Instrument
CB1-Continuous assessment activities and final exam.
CB2-Continuous assessment: Resolution of cases (real or invented) adjusted to each part of the subject. Discussion/debate arguing with critical reasoning in relation to current issues/news/readings/practical cases of people management.
CB3-Continuous evaluation: Preparation by work teams on complementary contents for the subject.
CB4-Continuous assessment: Presentation by teams (oral and written) of works on complementary contents for the subject.
CB5-Continuous assessment activities and final exam.
CG1- Continuous assessment activities and final exam.
CG6- Resolution of cases (real or invented) adjusted to each part of the subject. Argued discussion/debate with critical reasoning in relation to current issues/news/readings/practical cases of people management.-Preparation by teams of complementary content for the subject. - Presentation by teams (oral and written) of works on complementary contents for the subject. Participation in interactive classes. Oral presentation of cases/readings/news..., participation in debates. Elaboration of complementary material by teams and presentation to the rest of the classmates. Realization and presentation by teams of works, cases and team activities in interactive classes.
CE2- Continuous assessment activities and final exam.
CE3- Continuous evaluation: Resolution of cases (real or invented) adjusted to each part of the subject. Discussion/debate arguing with critical reasoning in relation to current issues/news/readings/practical cases of people management.
CE11-Resolution of cases (real or invented) adjusted to each part of the subject. Argued discussion/debate with critical reasoning in relation to current issues/news/readings/practical cases of people management. - Preparation by teams of complementary content for the subject. - Presentation by teams (oral and written) of works on complementary contents for the subject. Participation in interactive classes. Oral presentation of cases/readings/news..., participation in debates. Elaboration of complementary material by teams and presentation to the rest of the classmates. Realization and presentation by teams of works, cases and team activities in interactive classes.
CT1- Continuous evaluation: Resolution of cases (real or invented) adjusted to each part of the subject. Discussion/debate arguing with critical reasoning in relation to current issues/news/readings/practical cases of people management.
CT4- Continuous evaluation: Resolution of cases (real or invented) adjusted to each part of the subject. Discussion/debate arguing with critical reasoning in relation to current issues/news/readings/practical cases of people management.
CT5- Continuous assessment activities and final exam.
CT6- Continuous evaluation: Realization and presentation by teams of works, cases and team activities in the interactive classes.
CT7- Continuous assessment: Participation in interactive classes. Oral presentation of cases/readings/news..., participation in debates. Elaboration of complementary material by teams and presentation to the rest of the classmates.The subject consists of 6 ECTS credits, equivalent to 150 hours. The time dedicated to face-to-face classes (hours of expositive and interactive teaching, tutorials, exam and review) amounts to 54 hours.
Study time is 96 hours. The necessary hours vary depending on the learning capacity of the students, and the following distribution can be taken as a reference:
- Autonomous, individual or group study: 24 hours.
- Carrying out activities outside the face-to-face sessions (solving practical cases/exercises, readings or other work, preparing
works and exams): 72 hours.To maximize learning, it is recommended that students regularly attend the theoretical and practical classes, actively participate in all the activities proposed by the teacher and consult the bibliography and other recommended material. Tutorials are a useful resource that students should use as many times as necessary. Access to reference materials to review them before classes, facilitates student participation and their ability to acquire knowledge. Similarly, access to the virtual classroom of the subject to find out about any related issue, is highly recommended. It is also recommended to read the program and the evaluation standards.
Guadalupe Vila Vazquez
Coordinador/a- Department
- Organisation of Companies and Commercialisation
- Area
- Business Organisation
- guadalupe.vila@usc.es
- Category
- Professor: Temporary PhD professor
1º Semester - September 09th-15th Tuesday 11:15-12:35 Grupo /CLE_01 Spanish Classroom 7 Exams 01.16.2025 12:00-15:00 Grupo /CLE_01 Classroom 6 06.16.2025 16:00-19:00 Grupo /CLE_01 Classroom 6