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Chemistry Degree

Branch of knowledge
Ambit of knowledge
Faculty of Chemistry
Avda. das Ciencias, s/n, 15782
Santiago de Compostela
881814229 (Conserxaría)
881814256 (Decanato)
Santiago de Compostela
estudante de química

Chemistry is a vast science that deals with macroscopic and microscopic properties of material compounds of all kinds. This discipline has evolved into a science of great scope that constitutes an essential part of the education of many scientists and engineers. The job opportunities for graduates in Chemistry focus on the chemical, industrial, healthcare and education sectors.

  • Duration: 4 academic years
    RUCT code: 2501104
    Seats number: 100

    Dean or center director:
    Jesus Sanmartin Matalobos

    Title coordinator:
    Jesus Sanmartin Matalobos

    Use languages:
    Spanish, Galician, English

    MECES Level: 2

    Coordinator university:
    University of Santiago de Compostela

    Partaker universities:
    University of Santiago de Compostela

    Xunta de Galicia title implantation authorization date:
    Decree 385/2009 of the 27th August (DOG 16/09/09)

    BOE publication date:
    Published in the BOE (official government newsletter) on March 5th, 2010

    Last accreditation date:

    Chemistry is a vast science that deals with macroscopic and microscopic properties of material compounds of all kinds, inorganic, organic and biological, and also with all aspects of change and reactivity. This discipline has evolved into a science of great scope that covers everything from the submicroscopic world of atoms and molecules to the field of materials that we use on a daily basis, constituting an essential part of the education of many scientists and engineers.

  • Non se contemplan.

  • The Faculty of Chemistry has 10 teaching classrooms of different capacities, two classrooms for work in small groups and two computer rooms with teaching equipment. It has several labs for practical teaching.

    There are also areas designated for students

    • Two computer rooms that is free to use and equipped with computers.
    • Two studying rooms.

    The centre has a library that holds the specific collections for this degree and which has about 200 reading stations.

    We can also highlight that wireless Internet connection is available everywhere in the Faculty.

  • Main aspects of chemical terminology, nomenclature, conventions and units.
    Variations of the characteristic properties of the chemical elements in the periodic table.
    Characteristics of the different states of matter and the theories used to describe them.
    Main types of chemical reaction and its main associated characteristics.
    Principles of thermodynamics and their applications in Chemistry.
    Study of the chemical elements and their compounds. Production, structure and reactivity.
    Properties of organic, inorganic and organ-metallic compounds.
    Study of the analytical techniques (electrochemistry, optics ...) and their applications.
    Unit operations in Chemical Engineering.
    Metrology of the chemical processes including quality management.
    Relation between the macroscopic properties and the individual atoms and molecule properties, including macromolecules (natural and synthetic), polymers, colloids and other materials.
    Structure and reactivity of the main types of biomolecule and the chemistry of the main biological processes.
    Ability to show knowledge and comprehension of the essential facts, with concepts, principles and theories related to the Chemistry areas.
    Qualitative and quantitative problem solving regarding models previously developed.
    Recognise and analyse new problems and plan strategies to solve them.
    Evaluate, interpret and synthesise data and Chemical information.
    Handle chemical materials safely.
    Carry out standard procedures of laboratories involved in analytical and synthetic works related to the organic and inorganic systems.
    Handle standard chemical instrumentation as the one used for structural research and separations.
    Interpret the data coming from observations and measures in the laboratory in terms of its significance and the theories that support them.
    Evaluate the risks of the use of chemical substances and laboratory procedures.
    Balance between theory and experimentation.
    Recognise and value the chemical processes in the daily life.
    Comprehension of the qualitative and quantitative aspects of the chemical issues.
    Ability to relate Chemistry with other disciplines.

  • Mobility

    Students are encouraged to study at other national and international universities for a minimum of one semester and a maximum of two semesters as part of their chemistry degree. These exchanges cannot take place during the first two semesters of the first year of study.
    Consequently, the objectives and content of the degree will be the objectives and content of the destination university during the exchange period.
    It is also considered that mobility actions are especially appropriate for the pursuit of the following Chemistry degree instrumental competences:
    -Knowledge of a foreign language
    -Interpersonal relation skills
    -The ability to adapt to new situations
    Student mobility is regulated through the “Rules for interuniversity Exchanges”. The International Relations Office manages national (SICUE), European (Erasmus) and non-EU (Latin American and English speaking countries) exchanges.


    According to Article 12.6 of the royal decree 1393/2007, students can gain academic recognition for a maximum of 4.5 optional credits for external work experience that is related to the degree.

  • Final project:
    The final degree project can be studied once the student has achieved 150 credits, which must include all of the subjects from the first half of the degree. To submit the final degree project, the student must have gained all the other necessary credits for the degree. This means at least 225 ECTS must be obtained.

  • Faculty
    Daniel Abella López
    Manuel Aboal Somoza
    Christoph Adam
    Amaia Agulleiro Beraza
    David Alvar Gil
    Gerardo Alvarez Rivera
    Ma Carmen Barciela Alonso
    Patricia Barral Rodiño
    Maria Carmen Bujan Nuñez
    Antonia María Carro Díaz
    Braulio Casabella Amieiro
    Mª Del Carmen Casais Laiño
    Aly Jesús Castillo Zamora
    Ana Castiñeira Landeira
    Marta Castiñeira Reis
    Maria Magdalena Cid Fernandez
    Julio Corredoira Vazquez
    Guillermo Covelo Artos
    Alfredo Crespo Otero
    Sergio Díaz Alonso
    Cristina Diaz Jullien
    Maria Lourdes Dominguez Gerpe
    Andrés Duque Villaverde
    Alvaro Duran Bravo
    Gemma Maria Eibes Gonzalez
    Beatriz Errandonea Felix
    Paula Sara Escamilla Berenguer
    Carlos Manuel Estevez Valcarcel
    Martin Fañanas Mastral
    Eduardo Fernandez Megia
    Antonio Fernandez Ramos
    Berta Fernandez Rodriguez
    Sarah Fiol Lopez
    Yeray Folgar Camean
    Maria Matilde Fondo Busto
    Daniel Jose Franco Ruiz
    Patricia Fulias Guzman
    Ana Maria Garcia Deibe
    Rebeca Garcia Fandiño
    Maria Esther Garcia Fernandez
    Carmen Maria Garcia Jares
    Luis Garcia Rio
    Maria Isabel Garcia Santos
    Luis Alberto Garcia Suarez
    Alvaro Gil Gonzalez
    Maria Del Carmen Gimenez Lopez
    Laura Goicoechea Crespo
    Lucia Gomez Rodrigo
    Patricia Gomez Roibas
    Manuel Maria Gonzalez Alemany
    Concepcion Gonzalez Bello
    Diego Gonzalez Diaz
    Sara Gonzalez Garcia
    Diego González Iglesias
    Ana Maria Gonzalez Noya
    Juan Ramón Granja Guillán
    Moises Gulias Costa
    Ivan Huertas Morales
    Jesus Janeiro Rodriguez
    Ana Justo Vega
    Laura Lago Lorenzo
    Helena Landin Gonzalez
    Massimo Lazzari
    Jose Ramon Leis Fidalgo
    Anxo Lema Saavedra
    Maria Pilar Llompart Vizoso
    Susana Lopez Estevez
    Juan Jose Lopez Mayan
    Adrián López Teijeiro
    Ana Lorenzo Medina
    Marta Lores Aguin
    Iván Lozano González
    Maria De Fatima Lucio Martinez
    Maria Valentina Malave Fernandez
    José Manuel Malga Díaz
    Miguel Martinez Calvo
    Adrián Martínez Castrillón
    Jose Manuel Martinez Costas
    Emilio Martinez Nuñez
    Jose Luis Mascareñas Cid
    Luis Manuel Mateo De Doni
    Mauro Mato Gomez
    Álvaro Maza Barón
    Garoé Medina Aguilar
    Tiago Filipe Mendes Ferreira
    Sandra Méndez Martínez
    Rosa Maria Montes Goyanes
    Antonio Moreda Piñeiro
    Maria Moreno Perez
    María Del Carmen Muñiz Castiñeira
    Manuel Nappi
    Paula Oreiro Martínez
    Esperanza Padin Gonzalez
    Maria Rita Paleo Pillado
    Manuel Maria Paz Castañal
    Rosa Maria Pedrido Castiñeiras
    Beatriz Pelaz Garcia
    Diego Peña Gil
    Elena Maria Peña Vazquez
    Maria Dolores Perez Meiras
    André Pérez Potti
    Angel Pita Da Veiga Ramonde
    Ester Polo Tobajas
    Iago Pozo Míguez
    Jose Benito Quintana Alvarez
    Emilio Quiñoa Cabana
    Maria Ramil Criado
    Alberte Regueira Lopez
    Ana Maria Rios Rodriguez
    Maria Del Carmen Rios Rodriguez
    Jose Francisco Rivadulla Fernandez
    Adrian Rivas Saborido
    Maria Del Rosario Rodil Rodriguez
    Ana Rita Rodrigues Vilares Cabral Monteiro
    Omar Rodriguez Lopez
    Jesus Rodriguez Otero
    Isaac Rodriguez Pereiro
    María De La Flor Rodríguez Prieto
    Carlos Eugenio Saa Rodriguez
    Kaddy Saho
    Jesus Fernando Salgado Barca
    Maria Del Pilar Salgado Rodriguez
    Paula Sanchez Gascon
    Victor Manuel Sanchez Pedregal
    Jose Manuel Sanchez De Santos
    Diego Sanchez-Brunete Gayoso
    Jesus Sanmartin Matalobos
    Marcel Santos Claro
    Francisco Javier Sardina Lopez
    Axel Sarmiento Fuentes
    José Manuel Seco Castro
    Alejandro Seco Gonzalez
    Antonio Sousa Pedrares
    Jose Antonio Souto Gonzalez
    Alejandro Suarez Lustres
    Naveen Tiwari
    Gabriel Tojo Suarez
    Maria Tomas Gamasa
    Mercedes Torneiro Abuin
    Carolina Torron Casal
    Jesus Angel Varela Carrete
    Irene Vázquez Carballo
    Miguel Vazquez Lopez
    Saulo Angel Vazquez Rodriguez
    Marco Eugenio Vazquez Sentis
    Jose Antonio Veira Suarez
    Maria Isabel Velo Heleno
    Jose Manuel Vila Fungueiriño
    Georgina Xifra Goya
    Maria Del Carmen Yebra Biurrun
The contents of this page were updated on 07.03.2023.