ECTS credits
ECTS credits: 4.5ECTS Hours Rules/Memories
Hours of tutorials: 1.5
Expository Class: 20
Interactive Classroom: 17
Total: 38.5Use languages
Spanish, GalicianType:
Ordinary Degree Subject RD 1393/2007 - 822/2021Departments:
Chemistry Engineering, Plant Production and Engineering ProjectsAreas:
Chemical Engineering, Engineering ProjectsCenter
Faculty of BiologyCall:
Second SemesterTeaching:
With teachingEnrolment:
Enrollable -
This course is intended to develop the learning outputs listed in its sheet in the Memory-Guide of the Degree in Biotechnology by the USC:
- To elaborate all the necessary documents in the definition, organisation, and management of an industrial plant.
- To identify the benefits and costs of a biotechnological process at industrial level.
- To apply the economic sensitivity analysis.
- To identify the safety risks associated to an industrial plant.
- To identify and distinguish the different elements of the drawings/charts of industrial biotechnological processes.
- To apply the considerations and hypotheses of design of the different equipment units of a plant from a holistic perspective and from that of its implementation at real scale.The contents to be developed are those briefly described in the sheet of the course in the Memory-Guide of the Bachelor’s Degree:
1. Preparation of the necessary documentation in the definition, organization and management of an industrial facility
2. Identification of the benefits and costs of a biotechnological process at an industrial level.
3. Application of economic sensitivity analysis of a biotechnological process at an industrial level.
4. Identification of security risks associated with an industrial installation.
5. Identification of the different elements of the diagrams of industrial biotechnological processes
6. General considerations and design hypotheses of the different units of a facility (pumps, compressors, storage tanks, bioreactors, heat exchangers and separation columns)
7. Project management: project documentation, organization and presentation, budgeting
8. Team development of a draft that contemplates the design of a bioprocess
The programme of the course is structured in two blocks (which will be intertwined in time):
* Block I: Projects (10 h expositive lectures + 8 h seminars)
- Unit I.1. Documents of the project
- Unit I.2. Organisation and presentation
- Unit I.3. Economic evaluation
* Block II: Preparation of a basic project. (10 h lectures + 9 h seminars)
- Topic II.1 Basic structure of the project (Raw materials, final product, process description, location, chemical safety,
environmental aspects, economic feasibility study, material and energy balances, process diagram and safety data sheets)
- Topic II.2. General considerations on design in industrial biotechnology facilities (pumps, compressors, storage tanks, bioreactors, heat exchangers and separation columns).
In the seminars, a project will be developed, considering the design of a bioprocess. A possible distribution of the specific topics to deal with in the different seminars will be:
- Seminar 1. Generation of ideas. Groups dynamics.
- Seminar 2. Innovation as a tool to generate project ideas.
- Seminar 3. Estimation of times.
- Seminar 4. Products and raw materials. Main unit. Capacity, operation mode, location.
- Seminar 5. Flowsheet. Process units. Recycling streams.
- Seminar 6. Safety and environmental aspects.
- Seminar 7. Materials. Utilities. Ground plan.
- Seminar 8. Preparation of an offer.
- Seminar 9. Aspects on energy optimisation.
In the group tutorial, a group session will be held to clarify and solve doubts on the development of the project or on any other aspects.* Basic bibliography:
- Velasco Sánchez, J. Gestión de la producción en la empresa: planificación, programación y control. Pirámide, Madrid, 2006. ISBN 9788436820799. BUSC codes: EMX 2552, EMX 393.
- Seider, W.D.; Seader, J.D.; Lewin, D.R.; Widagdo, S. Product and Process Design Principles – Synthesis, Analysis, and Evaluation. John Wiley & Sons, 3rd ed., 2010. ISBN 978-0-470-41441-5. BUSC code: A150 10.
* Bibliografía complementaria:
- Amendola, L.J. Estrategias y tácticas en la dirección y gestión de proyectos. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València, 2nd ed., Valencia, 2006. ISBN 84-8363-054-0. BUSC codes: IEP 105, R 64839, EMX 2388.
- Biafore, B.; Stover, T.S. Gestión de proyectos en el mundo real. Anaya multimedia, Madrid, 2014. ISBN (electrónico) 84-415-3560-4.
- Domingo Ajenjo, A. Direccion y gestión de proyectos. Un enfoque práctico. RA-MA, 2nd ed., Madrid, 2005. ISBN 978-8-84-7897-662-0. BUSC codes: IEP 101, PE13 101, FQ2 359.
- Horine, G.M. Gestión de proyectos. Anaya multimedia, Madrid, 2005. ISBN 84-415-1917-X. BUSC code: IEP 100.
- Toro López, F.J. Gestión de proyectos con enfoque PMI al usar Project y Excel. ECOE, 3rd ed., Bogotá, 2014. ISBN 9789586487924. BUSC code: A QE 14. (Also available as an electronic resource.)
- Atkinson, B.; Mavituna, F. Biochemical engineering and biotechnology handbook. Stockton Press, 2nd ed., New York, 1991. ISBN 1561590126. BUSC codes: BT 26, BT 72, A RD 35, 169 1, DEP 15764, 160 14.
- Díaz, M. Ingeniería de bioprocesos. Paraninfo, Madrid, 2012. ISBN 9788428381239. BUSC codes: A BT 76, 160 24, A160 12.
- Sinnott, R.; Towler, G. Chemical Engineering Design. Butterworth-Heinemann, 6th ed., 2020. ISBN 9780081025994. BUSC codes: A140 11, 140 16, QUT 25, QUT 26. (Also available as an electronic resource.)
- Turton, R.; Bailie, R.C.; Whiting, W.B.; Shaeiwitz, J.A.; Bhattacharyya, D. Analysis, Synthesis, and Design of Chemical Processes. Pearson, 4th ed., Upper Saddle River, NJ, 2013. ISBN 9780132940290. BUSC codes: A151 9, QUT 219, QUT 220.• Con03: Have knowledge about balances and transfers of matter and energy, applied thermodynamics and separation operations, as well as knowing how to apply them to the resolution of engineering problems.
• Con07: Know the basic aspects of quality control and economic management of companies, as well as the legal and ethical aspects of biotechnology.
• H/D01: Think in an integrated way and approach problems from different perspectives with critical thinking.
• H/D03: Organize and plan your work.
• H/D05: Work as a team.
• H/D14: Know how to analyze and design biotechnological industrial processes and apply them to the improvement of processes and products with sustainability and quality management criteria.
• Comp05: Study and learn autonomously, with organization of time and resources, new knowledge and techniques in Biotechnology and acquire the ability to work as a team.
• Comp06: Recognize the criteria for scaling biotechnological processes based on data obtained in basic experimentation on a laboratory scale, considering economic parameters and rationalizing the use of matter and energy.The teaching of the theoretical contents will be carried out by means of master lectures, where such contents will be explained and supported. The teachers will publish, through the virtual learning environment (Moodle platform), the information corresponding to each of the topics that will be developed throughout the course. All the students enrolled in the course have free access to its online materials and resources. Questions regarding key aspects will be raised by the instructor to stimulate lively discussions in the class, with the goal of promoting learning and active participation in the classroom.
The seminars will focus in the development of a project that considers the design of a bioprocess, with the students working in teams. Regular attendance to the seminars is mandatory.
A group tutorial will be held during the course, to clarify and solve doubts on the development of the project or on any other aspects. Moreover, the progress in the acquisition of the desired sills by the students will be analysed.Ongoing assessment of the learning process will be carried out by means of different assignments (typically small assignments related to the different topics discussed) and the project of a bioprocess. This ongoing assessment will establish the base for a first assessment, corresponding to 50 % of the final overall mark: 10 % the assignments and 40 % the project. Both the submission of the individual assignments and of the project are mandatory to pass the course
The student will carry out an exam at the end of the course (50 % of the final overall mark), comprising two parts: a first part with a theoretical-practical questionnaire, that will account for 20 % of the final overall mark; and a second part with the presentation and defence of the bioprocess design project, that will account for 30 % of the final overall mark.
The mark corresponding to the ongoing assessment part will be notified to the students before the final exam.
A minimum mark of 3.5 over 10 in the exam will be required to pass the course. For those students who achieve 5.0 points in the overall mark without achieving the minimum required in the exam, the final overall mark will become directly the mark of the exam
If the course is not passed in the first call, the mark of the ongoing assessment corresponding to the small assignments will be kept for the second call. These students may submit a new bioprocess design project or, alternatively, they can opt for keeping the mark corresponding to this work in the first call. In any case, they will have to repeat the exam. As above, it will be necessary to obtain a minimum of 3.5 over 10 in the new exam to pass the course.
Students that do not participate in the exam nor in any of the proposed activities for the ongoing assessment will be graded as “Not-shown”.
For the cases of fraudulent execution of tests, exams or other assessment tasks, the “Norms of assessment of the academic performance of the students, and of the revision of the qualifications” (“Normativa de avaliación do rendemento académico dos estudantes e de revisión das cualificacións”) will be of application.
Connection between the skills to be acquired and the assessment of activities:
- Tasks/assignments: Comp05, Comp06, Con03, Con07, H/D01, H/D03, H/D05, H/D14
- Bioprocess design project: Comp05, Comp06, Con03, Con07, H/D01, H/D03, H/D05, H/D14
- Questionnaire: Comp05, Comp06, Con03, Con07
- Presentation and defence of the project: Comp06, Con03, Con07, H/D05The course has a workload of 4.5 ECTS, which represents an overall work load for the student of 4.5 x 25 = 112.5 h. The distribution of the personal work hours for each activity involved in the course is detailed below:
Expositive lectures............20,0
Group tutorials...................1,0
Individualised tutorials.........0,5
Exam and revision...............2,0
Independent work.............72,0
TOTAL...........................112,5It is recommended that the students have already taken and passed the courses “Fundamentals of the Biological Processes”, “Fluid Flow and Heat Transfer”, “Mass Transfer” and “Bioreactors”.
Spanish and Galician will be the language of use in the teaching of this course, although information sources in English will be handled as well.
Daniel Jose Franco Ruiz
Coordinador/a- Department
- Chemistry Engineering
- Area
- Chemical Engineering
- daniel.franco.ruiz@usc.es
- Category
Mario Valladares Lopez
- Department
- Plant Production and Engineering Projects
- Area
- Engineering Projects
- mario.valladares@usc.es
- Category
- Professor: LOSU (Organic Law Of University System) Associate University Professor
José Francisco Vaamonde Longueira
- Department
- Plant Production and Engineering Projects
- Area
- Engineering Projects
- josefrancisco.vaamonde@usc.es
- Category
- Professor: LOSU (Organic Law Of University System) Associate University Professor
2º Semester - January 27th-February 02nd Friday 12:00-14:00 Grupo /CLE_01 Spanish Seminar Room 3 Felix Rodríguez de la Fuente Exams 05.30.2025 10:00-14:00 Grupo /CLE_01 Classroom 04: James Watson and Francis Crick 07.09.2025 10:00-14:00 Grupo /CLE_01 Classroom 12.Vasili Dokucháyev