ECTS credits
ECTS credits: 6ECTS Hours Rules/Memories
Hours of tutorials: 3
Expository Class: 27
Interactive Classroom: 21
Total: 51Use languages
Spanish, GalicianType:
Ordinary Degree Subject RD 1393/2007 - 822/2021Departments:
Chemistry EngineeringAreas:
Chemical EngineeringCenter
Faculty of BiologyCall:
Second SemesterTeaching:
With teachingEnrolment:
Enrollable | 1st year (Yes) -
The objectives of the subject are oriented towards the learning of concepts, methodologies and procedures of the Chemical Engineering applied to the processes of transformation of biological materials and those processes that are carried out using biological catalysts(biocatalysts) for the transformation of biotic or not-biotic materials.
Students must learn to identify the main aspects and characteristics of the process diagrams of industrial biotechnology facilities, enumerating the main process units and the different elements, learning to identify and handle different systems of units of measurement, to distinguish and to solve the different types of mass and energy balances applied to Biotechnology processes and to apply the basic principles of a process simulator.
In addition to these curricular objectives, there are other formative types oriented to the application of strategies of problem solving, use of spreadsheets, reinforce the capacities of relation and communication and application of scientific knowledge to everyday events.The contents of this subject, according to the report of the Degree in Biotechnology, are as follows:
- Bioprocesses. Flowchart. Identification and representation of the process stages.
-Systems and conversion of units.
-Conservation principles.
-Mass balances without chemical reaction. Application to problems with recirculation, purge and bypass.
-Mass balances in systems with chemical reaction.
-Heat energy balance. Application to chemical reaction systems.
These contents are structured in the following topics:
Chapter 1.-Bioprocess Engineering. What is a (bio)process? Aspects of interest and characteristics of industrial bioprocesses. Unit operation. Modes of operation. Consistency of units. Descriptive of Bioprocesses (flowsheeting). Lecture Classes 4 hours; Interactive laboratory classes 4 hours
Chapter 2.- Systems of magnitudes and units. Equivalences. Process Variables. None-dimensional modules (with interest in Bioprocess Engineering).Lecture Classes 1 hour; Interactive seminar classes 2 hours
Chapter 3.-Conservation principles. General balance equation. Particular cases and simplifications. Lecture Classes 4 hours; Interactive seminar classes 1 hour
Chapter 4.-Macroscopic balance of matter without chemical reaction: Nomenclature. Procedure for solving balances. General equation of matter balance. Application to systems with recirculation, purge and by-pass. Non-steady state. Lecture Classes 4 hours; Interactive seminar classes 3 hours; Interactive laboratory classes 4 hours
Chapter 5.-Macroscopic balance of matter with chemical reaction: Adjustment of reactions. Stoichiometric calculations. Excess and limiting reagents, yield, purity. Stoichiometry in bioprocesses. Lecture Classes 4 hours; Interactive seminar classes 3 hours; Interactive laboratory classes 4 hours
Chapter 6.- Energy balance without reaction: Forms of energy. General equation of energy balance. Procedure for solving energy balances without chemical reaction. Lecture Classes 3 hours; Interactive seminar classes 2 hours; Interactive laboratory classes 3 hours
Chapter 7.- Energy balance with reaction: Enthalpies of reaction. Enthalpies of microbial growth. General equation of energy balance with biochemical reaction. Non-steady state. Lecture Classes 3 hours; Interactive seminar classes 2 hours; Interactive laboratory classes 3 hoursBasic bibliography
DORAN, P.M. Principios de ingeniería de los bioprocesos. Acribia Editorial SA, 1998. ISBN: 8420008532; SIGNATURE: QUT 184
(English Edition as online resource 10.1016/C2009-0-22348-8 doi)
SIMPSON, R. and SASTRY, S.K. Chemical and Bioprocess Engineering. Springer-Verlag New York Ed., 2013. eBookISBN978-1-4614-9126-2. Hardcover ISBN 978-1-4614-9125-5. SIGNATURAS: 160 27; A160 13
Complementary bibliography
DÍAZ, M. Ingeniería de bioprocesos. Ed. Gredos S.A. 2012. ISBN 10: 8428381232 ⁄ISBN 13: 9788428381239. SIGNATURAS: A BT 76; 160 24
CALLEJA PARDO, G. Introducción a la Ingeniería Química. Madrid. Ed. Síntesis, 1999. ISBN 84-7738-664-1. SIGNATURAS: A110 9 E
COSTA LÓPEZ, J. et al. Curso de Ingeniería Química: Introducción a los Procesos, las Operaciones Unitarias y los Fenómenos de Transporte. Barcelona. Ed. Reverté, 2002. ISBN 84-291-7126-6. SIGNATURAS: A110 2 E
FELDER, R.M. and ROSSEAU, R.W. Principios Elementales de los Procesos Químicos. 3ª Ed. México, Ed. Limusa Wiley, 2010. ISBN 9789681861698. SIGNATURAS: A110 3 H; A110 3 I
GÓDIA, F. y SANTÍN, J.L. Ingeniería bioquímica. Ed. Síntesis, 2005. ISBN 10: 8477386110 ⁄ ISBN 13: 9788477386117. SIGNATURAS: A160 1 F; A160 1 J
IZQUIERDO, J.F. et al. Introducción a la Ingeniería Química. Problemas resueltos de balances de materia y energía. 2ª ed. Barcelona. Ed. Reverté, 2015. ISBN 978-84-291-7116-7. SIGNATURAS: A110 23 E; A110 23 F
FEIJOO, G. et al. Mass Balances for Chemical Engineers. De Gruyter, 2020. ISBN 3110624303, 9783110624304. Online resource.• Con01: Know the most important concepts, methods and results of the different branches of Biotechnology.
• Con03: Have knowledge about balances and transfers of matter and energy, applied thermodynamics and separation operations, as well as knowing how to apply them to the resolution of engineering problems.
• H/D01: Think in an integrated way and approach problems from different perspectives with critical thinking.
• H/D02: Search, process, analyze/interpret and synthesize relevant information and results from various sources and obtain conclusions on topics related to Biotechnology.
• H/D03: Organize and plan your work.
• H/D05: Work as a team.
• H/D06: Maintain an ethical commitment, as well as a commitment to equality and integration.
• H/D10: Know how to analyze data and interpret experimental results typical of the fields of Biotechnology.
• H/D11: Understand and know how to apply the physical-chemical principles of biological processes with application in Biotechnology, as well as the main tools used to investigate them.
• H/D14: Know how to analyze and design biotechnological industrial processes and apply them to the improvement of processes and products with sustainability and quality management criteria.
• Comp01: Students have the ability to gather and interpret relevant data (normally within their area of study) to make judgments that include reflection on relevant issues of a social, scientific or ethical nature.
• Comp02: Students are able, both in writing and orally, to debate and transmit information, ideas, problems and solutions related to Biotechnology to both a specialized and non-specialized/general public.
• Comp03: Students have developed the learning skills necessary to undertake further studies with a high degree of autonomy.
• Comp04: Students know how to apply the theoretical-practical knowledge acquired in the degree in a professional manner and are competent in posing/solving problems, as well as in the elaboration/defense of arguments in both academic and professional contexts related to innovation and the biotechnology industry.
• Comp05: Study and learn autonomously, with organization of time and resources, new knowledge and techniques in Biotechnology and acquire the ability to work as a team.Classes are structured as lectures, interactive and practical classes in the computer classroom, as well as group tutorials, as follows.
Expository classes
The exposition of the theoretical contents will be carried out by means of expository classes where the contents indicated above will be explained and supported. These classes will be developed with audiovisual support (slides and videos). These classes will be interspersed with the resolution of practical cases and numerical problems.
As for the cases and numerical problems, several examples will be approached in a systematic way, in order to show the student the application of concepts and techniques necessary for the resolution of any problem related to the contents of the subject.
At the end of each topic or group of topics there will be an evaluation test, which will consist of solving problems and/or short or multiple choice questions, which aim to encourage the continuous study of the subject and the acquisition of knowledge.
Interactive seminar classes.
In the interactive seminar classes, exercises related to the contents exposed in each topic of the subject will be carried out using a spreadsheet. In these seminars will be solved in detail different problems-types previously selected that allow the analysis of the concepts studied and the practice of the student in the resolution of the same ones. The students will hand in some of the tasks developed in the interactive classes for their evaluation.
Group tutorials
There will be three group tutorials (six groups of students per tutorial), all of them with mandatory activities. In Tutorial 1 there will be a technical visit to the Pilot Plant of the ETSE to identify and deepen in the units of a bioprocess seen in the expository classes. The students will answer questions related to these units, being the activity evaluable.
Tutorials 2 and 3 will be dedicated to the resolution of problems of macroscopic balances of matter and energy, of different type and entity, and will be carried out by teams. The students will hand in the work done in the tutorials, which will be evaluable.
Interactive laboratory classes: computer classroom
The activities in the computer classroom will consist of the resolution of problems of different nature related to the contents of the expository and interactive classes (systems of units, balances of matter and energy) using spreadsheets and software of simulation of processes. The aim is that the student, from different situations in the operation of an industrial bioprocess, assimilates the concept of process and analyzes the interrelation between the different variables of operation. The students will have to present solved questionnaires that will be evaluable.
A visit to a biotechnological company will be made, so that the students can learn about the complexities of an industrial bioprocess. This visit will be subject to the availability of funding.
The USC "Learning Management Systema" will be used through the Moodle application with the following objectives:
- Provide information about the subject (teaching schedule, timetables, exams, various announcements, etc.).
- To provide the necessary materials for the classes (presentations of the subjects, bulletins, complementary material, etc.).
- Serve as a communication tool with students through the news forum.
- Propose assignments.
- Propose evaluation tests.
The MS Teams tool will also be used as a means of non face-to-face student/teacher communication in individual tutorials.The evaluation of learning will be carried out by means of both continuous evaluation and a final exam.
The continuous evaluation consists of three sections:
a) Individual activities: the proposed activities of practical character, in particular in the interactive classes seminar, as well as the evaluable questionnaires (technical visit), will have a weight of 10% in the final grade.
b) Activities in the laboratory (computer classroom). The activities in the computer classroom will have a weight of 20% of the final grade of the subject. It is obligatory to carry out this activity. It will be evaluated on the basis of questionnaires on the practical sessions carried out by the students and that must be delivered solved in the term indicated by the teacher.
c) Group tutorials: They will have a weight of 10% in the final grade. Group tutorials are compulsory.
Final exam: There will be a final exam that will have a weight of 60%.
The exam will have a theoretical part (short questions) with a weight of 30% in the exam grade, and a part of problems with a weight of 70% in the exam grade. In each part, 3.5 out of 10 must be reached to add both parts in order to obtain the exam grade. Otherwise, the overall grade for the subject will correspond to the lower of the marks out of 10 for each part of the exam.
It will be necessary to obtain 4 points out of 10 in the final exam and in the continuous evaluation (sections a, b, c). Otherwise, the overall grade of the subject will correspond to the grade of the part that does not exceed 4 out of 10.
The grade of the continuous evaluation (including the interactive activities in the Aula de Informática) will be communicated to the students before the exam. This grade will be maintained in the second opportunity if the minimum required has been exceeded. Otherwise, the student will be informed of the possibility and form of recovery. In the second opportunity there will be a new final exam, whose grade will be obtained and added to the continuous evaluation under the same conditions established in the first opportunity. In order to pass the course, students cannot miss more than 3 hours of interactive activities in the computer classroom (1 session of practices) and 1 hour of tutorials. Otherwise, the non-attendance to these mandatory activities will result in a no-show for both opportunities.
With regards to practical classes qualification, in case of repeating the course, the students will keep the same qualification they obtained in the previous one.
For cases of fraudulent performance of exercises or tests, the provisions of the Regulations for the evaluation of the academic performance of students and grade review will apply.
Evaluation of competences
The following competences will be evaluated.
Activities: Con01, Con03, H/D01, H/D02, H/D03, H/D05, H/D10, H/D11, Comp5, Comp3.
Computer classroom: Con01, Con03, H/D01, H/D02, H/D03, H/D10, H/D14, Comp3, Comp4.
Group tutoring: Con01, Con03, H/D01, H/D02, H/D03, H/D05, H/D06, H/D10, H/D11, H/D14, Comp1, Comp2, Comp3, Comp5.
Exam: Con01, Con03, H/D01, H/D02, H/D10, H/D11, H/D14, Comp3.The following table lists the scheduled hours for each activity:
Activity........................ Face-to-face (h).
Lectures classes .................. 20
Seminars............................. 12
Computer class.................... 15
Group tutoring....................... 3
Student personal work.............97
Exam.......... ..........................3• Attendance to face-to-face activities with assessment (practical classes in the computer classroom and Group Tutorials) is mandatory. The attendance to the theoretical classes is highly recommended, for the good follow-up of the subject and as a help to its preparation of the evaluated face-to-face activities.
• It is recommended to use the USC "Learning Management System" of the subject.
• It is recommended to use the teacher's individual tutoring schedule to answer questions regarding the contents studied by the student.
• Follow the subject everyday.
• Actively participate in the classes.
• Solve problems. Not "to see how they are resolved."The subject will be taught in Spanish and/or Galician.
In the following link you can find the Memory of the Degree in Biotechnology in which you can expand the information about this title:
Those students who wish to obtain additional information on questions related to the teaching and research organization of the Department of Chemical Engineering can do so by consulting the following Web page:
Jorge Sineiro Torres
- Department
- Chemistry Engineering
- Area
- Chemical Engineering
- Phone
- 881816803
- jorge.sineiro@usc.es
- Category
- Professor: University Lecturer
Gemma Maria Eibes Gonzalez
- Department
- Chemistry Engineering
- Area
- Chemical Engineering
- gemma.eibes@usc.es
- Category
- Professor: University Lecturer
Daniel Jose Franco Ruiz
Coordinador/a- Department
- Chemistry Engineering
- Area
- Chemical Engineering
- daniel.franco.ruiz@usc.es
- Category
2º Semester - January 27th-February 02nd Tuesday 13:00-14:00 Grupo /CLE_01 Spanish Classroom 04: James Watson and Francis Crick Exams 05.20.2025 16:00-20:00 Grupo /CLE_01 Classroom 04: James Watson and Francis Crick 07.03.2025 16:00-20:00 Grupo /CLE_01 Classroom 03. Carl Linnaeus