ECTS credits ECTS credits: 6
ECTS Hours Rules/Memories Hours of tutorials: 3 Expository Class: 33 Interactive Classroom: 15 Total: 51
Use languages Spanish, Galician
Type: Ordinary Degree Subject RD 1393/2007 - 822/2021
Departments: Zoology, Genetics and Physical Anthropology
Areas: Genetics
Center Faculty of Sciences
Call: First Semester
Teaching: With teaching
Enrolment: Enrollable
Knowledge and understanding of the principles of hereditary material (nature, expression, transmission, variation, manipulation and evolution) with a view to its application in biomedicine, production and conservation of biodiversity.
Lecture classes
Introduction: Genetics as the backbone of biological foundations. Application of genetic principles in basic research areas and applied to the areas of production, health and pharmaceuticals. History and areas of Genetics. (2 h)
Block I: Foundations and laws of inheritance
Unit 1: Chromosomal basis of inheritance: The eukaryotic chromosome. Mitosis. Meiosis Karyotype. (3h)
Unit 2: Mendelian Genetics: Study of the inheritance of a character. Crossbreeding test. Inheritance of several characters. Chromosomal theory of inheritance: mendelism vs meiosis. Analysis of genealogies. (3h)
Unit 3: Extensions of mendelism: Variations in dominance. Multiple allelism. Lethal alleles. Pleiotropy. Gene interaction. Penentrance and expressiveness. (4h)
Unit 4: Heredity and sex: Determination of sex. Inheritance of genes located on sex chromosomes. Heredity influenced by sex. Inheritance limited by sex. Genetic basis of monogenic diseases: analysis in pedigrees (4h)
Block II: Diversity generation mechanisms and their applications
Unit 5: Ligation vs independent segregation. Crossover and recombination. Genetic maps. Linkage group. Coefficient of coincidence and genetic interference. Applications of genetic maps (4h)
Unit 6: Mutation: Types of mutations. Gene mutation. Mutation rate. Mutagens. The Ames test. Chromosomal mutations: Variations in chromosome number and structure. Clinical and production applications. (3h)
Unit 7: Gene expression and regulation. RNA transcription and maturation. Translation and genetic code. Regulation of gene expression in prokaryotes and eukaryotes. (2h)
Block III: Genetics of populations and their applications
Unit 8: Population Genetics: Mendelian population. Gene and genotypic frequencies. Estimators of genetic diversity. Hardy-Weinberg's law. Deviations from equilibrium: classified mating and consanguinity. Calculation of consanguinity in individuals and populations. Evolutionary agents. (4h)
Unit 9: Quantitative Genetics: Phenotypic variance. Continuous variation: genes and environment. Polygenic inheritance. Partition of the variance. Broad and strict heritability. Methods for estimating heritability. Response to selection. Genetic architecture of productive traits. (4h).
Problem seminars and group tutorials
The three hours of problem seminars will be distributed after each of the main thematic blocks for solving model problems. The group tutorials will be used to work on practical cases and solve the doubts about the problem bulletins that the students have to solve on their own.
The practices to carry out in the matter will be complemented with work to solve model problems and practical cases:
1) Genetic study of qualitative characters. Study of the inheritance model of different characters using model organisms.
2) Karyotype analysis. It delves into the meaning of homologous chromosomes and diploid karyotype.
3) Population genetic analysis using computer programs and case studies
Basic bibliography
- Brooker, RJ. 2012. “Genetics: analysis and principles”. McGraw-Hill.
-Brooker, RJ. 2018. “Genetics: analysis & principles. 6th Ed. McGraw Hill Education.
- Griffiths, AJF; Wessler, SR; Lewontin, RC; Carroll, SB. 2008. “Genética”. McGraw-Hill Interamericana.
- Griffiths, AJF; Wessler, SR; Carroll, SB; Doebley, J. 2015. “Introduction to Genetic Analysis”. W.H. Freeman and Company.
- Klug, W.S., Cummings, M.R., Spencer, C.A., y Palladino, M.A. 2013. Conceptos de genética. 10ª ed. Madrid: Pearson Educación.
- Hartl DL &Jones EW. 2009. “Genetics. Analysis of genes and genomes”. Jones and Bartlett Publishers.
- Pierce, BA. 2016. Genética: Un enfoque Conceptual. 5ª Ed. Editorial Médica Panamericana. Libro electrónico, Biblioteca USC:
- Benito Jiménez, C. 2002. “360 problemas de Genética: resueltos paso a paso”. Síntesis.
- Falconer, DS. 1996. “Introduction to Quantitative Genetics”. Longmans Green, Harlow.
-Klug, Cummings, M. R., Spencer, C. A., Palladino, M. A., & Killian, D. 2018. “Concepts of genetics”. 12th Ed. Pearson Education, Inc.
- Hartl DL. 2014. “Essential Genetics. A genomics perspective”. Jones and Bartlett Publishers.
- Hartl DL. 2020. Essentials Genetics and Genomics. 7th Ed. Jonet & Bartlett Learning.
- Hood, L; Goldberg, ML; Reynolds, AE; Silver, LM; Veres LC; Hartwell, LH. 2008. 3rd Ed. “Genetics: from genes to genomes” McGraw-Hill.
-Hartwell, Goldberg, M. L., Fischer, J. A., & Hood, L. E. 2017. “Genetics: from genes to genomes”. 6th Ed. McGraw-Hill.
- Mensua Fernández JL. 2003. “Genética: problemas y ejercicios resueltos”. Síntesis.
-Pierce BA. 2022. “Fundamentos de genética: conceptos y relaciones”. 5ª Ed. Editorial Médica Panamericana.
-Pierce BA. 2020. “Genetics: a conceptual approach”. 7th Ed. Macmillan International Higher Education.
Internet resources
- Biotecnology and Genetic Engineering News:
- DNA Learning Center: biology animation library (Animations of molecular biology techniques):
- MendelWeb: Introducción a la Genética Mendeliana:
- Web page of National Institute of Human Genome Research (NHGRI):
- Genomics and genetics, multimedia resources and information of interest for students and proffesors:
- The genetic mutation:
- Pea Soup (crosses between pea varieties and analysis of progenies):
-Problems on Mendelian analysis:
- The Cytogenetics Gallery (Chromosomes and karyotype mutations):
- Genetic traits and diseases in humans and animals.
OMIM, An Online Catalog of Human Genes and Genetic Disorders,
OMIA, Online Mendelian Inheritance in Animals,
H/D05: Use of proper techniques to study the structure and function of genetic material to develop biotechnology applications
H/D06: Critical analysis and evaluation of genetical, molecular and biochemical markers associated with different pathologies and traits of interest
Comp01: Develop the capacity of proper work organization and planning starting from synthesis and analysis for decision making.
Comp04: Act with professionalism, guided by ethical principles, scientific rigor and sustainable development.
Con07: To know and interpret the structure, organization, transmission, expression, regulation and evolution of genetic material.
The Virtual Campus-USC will be used to present the program, contents, resources and tasks scheduling. Also for communication (forum) with students during the course. The lectures and interactive classes will be carried out in face-to-face mode. In addition, other telematic means of communication and/or teaching activity will be considered if necessary (e-mail, Microsoft-Teams, ...). The official languages are Galician and Spanish, but teaching materials will be included in English (readings and figures, bibliography, web resources, genetic analysis programs...).
In the lectures, the specific contents of the program will be dealt with and for its development any material that helps and facilitates the understanding of the concepts that are dealt with (audiovisual presentations projected on video, animations/web resources, blackboard ...) will be used.
In the interactive classes, the application of the contents of the program will be done through problems, computer simulations or practical cases.
-Practices: Two of them will be held in the Genetics Area’s practice laboratory and the other in a computer room of the Faculty. Each one has a specific protocol script to be developed that the teacher in charge will present to the group of students.
-Problem seminars and group tutorials: For the different topics, students will have bulletins of problems of increasing complexity and related to the concepts covered; Basic models of problems will be solved in the practical classes, seminars and group tutorials.
Final exam: Presential in official call published in the timetables of the Center (70% of the final evaluation). It will consist of short questions and practical problems on the contents of the subject. To be able to add the qualification of the continuous evaluation, the student must obtain a minimum grade of 4.5 out of 10 in the final exam.
Competences assessed: H/D05, H/D06, Comp01, Comp04, Con07
Continuous evaluation of each student during the development of the course (30% of the final evaluation): It will be based equally on the results obtained in the proposed exercises, as well as on the attendance and content assimilation in practices, and also on the attendance and active participation to expositive and interactive classes, with the following distribution:
-Practices (10% of the final evaluation): Assessment by means of evaluation of a practical report proposed by the professor in charge and a question about the practices in the final exam.
Assessed competences: H/D05, H/D06, Comp01, Comp04, Con07
-Problem solving/exercises (10% of the final evaluation): Questionnaires/exercises proposed on readings and/or case studies throughout the course.
Assessed competences: H/D05, H/D06, Comp01, Comp04, Con07
-Attendance and participation (10% of the final evaluation) in lectures and interactive classes, including group tutorials.
Assessed competencies: H/D06, Comp04, Con07
For repeating students, the same evaluation system above described will be applied. The continuous evaluation (30% of the final grade) will correspond to the score obtained in this section in the course in which it was taken for the first time. The remaining 70% will correspond to the grade of the final exam (minimum of 4.5 out of 10 to sum the qualification of continuous evaluation).
For cases of fraudulent performance of exercises or tests, the "Regulations for the evaluation of the academic performance of students and review of qualifications" will be applied.…".
For the students who obtain official dispensation for the presence to classes, the evaluation system will only consist of the final exam that will be 100% of the grade.
The Genetics subject is programmed considering a total of 150 hours of student work (6 ECTS credits) divided into:
- Lectures and interactive whiteboard classes: 36 hours (33 hours of lectures + 3 hours of problem seminars)
- Laboratory and computer practices: 12 hours
- Group tutorials: 3 hours
Approximate distribution dedicated to the study and autonomous work, and bibliographic review: 66 hours on the contents of lectures; 30 hours of problem solving, exercises, work on reports and case studies. Final exam (3 hours).
• Asking questions that may arise during the development of the lectures or interactive classes.
• Laboratory practices are a good time to refresh ideas or concepts, as well as to raise questions that may still remain.
• Make the problem bulletins while advancing in the development of the concepts.
• Answer the questionnaires on case studies for later discussion in class and tutorials.
• Use tutorials to resolve doubts or questions.
• Read and consult sources of scientific information (databases, books, magazines, web pages, ...) that will enrich our perspective, since they bring much more casuistry than that dealt with during the course of the classes.
• Continuous study based on understanding concepts.
M Carmen Bouza Fernandez
- Department
- Zoology, Genetics and Physical Anthropology
- Area
- Genetics
- mcarmen.bouza [at]
- Category
- Professor: University Lecturer
Paulino Martinez Portela
Coordinador/a- Department
- Zoology, Genetics and Physical Anthropology
- Area
- Genetics
- paulino.martinez [at]
- Category
- Professor: University Professor
Dorinda María Torres Sabino
- Department
- Zoology, Genetics and Physical Anthropology
- Area
- Genetics
- dorinda.torres.sabino [at]
- Category
- Xunta Pre-doctoral Contract
Inés Martinez Sambade
- Department
- Zoology, Genetics and Physical Anthropology
- Area
- Genetics
- inesmartinez.sambade [at]
- Category
- Predoutoral USC_Campus Terra
Maialen Carballeda Alvarez
- Department
- Zoology, Genetics and Physical Anthropology
- Area
- Genetics
- maialen.carballeda.alvarez [at]
- Category
- Ministry Pre-doctoral Contract
Wednesday | |||
17:00-18:00 | Grupo /CLE_01 | Spanish | 2P CLASSROOM 2 SECOND FLOOR |
Thursday | |||
17:00-18:00 | Grupo /CLE_01 | Spanish | 2P CLASSROOM 2 SECOND FLOOR |
01.15.2025 16:00-20:00 | Grupo /CLE_01 | 2P CLASSROOM 3 SECOND FLOOR |
01.15.2025 16:00-20:00 | Grupo /CLE_01 | 2P CLASSROOM 4 SECOND FLOOR |
06.12.2025 16:00-20:00 | Grupo /CLE_01 | 2P CLASSROOM 3 SECOND FLOOR |
06.12.2025 16:00-20:00 | Grupo /CLE_01 | 2P CLASSROOM 4 SECOND FLOOR |