ECTS credits
ECTS credits: 4.5ECTS Hours Rules/Memories
Student's work ECTS: 67.5
Hours of tutorials: 1
Expository Class: 27
Interactive Classroom: 17
Total: 112.5Use languages
Spanish, GalicianType:
Ordinary Degree Subject RD 1393/2007 - 822/2021Departments:
Animal PathologyAreas:
Animal HealthCenter
Faculty of Veterinary ScienceCall:
Second SemesterTeaching:
With teachingEnrolment:
Enrollable -
- To know the main diseases shared between animals and humans.
- To learn the main epidemiological and human health impacts of major zoonotic.
- To analyze and evaluate the control measures against zoonotic agents for the protection and improvement of human health.
- To know the actions the Veterinarians may assume concerning Public Health.
- To understand the role of national and international agencies involved in Veterinary Public Health.
- To acquire the proper terminology regarding this subject.Theoretical lectures
Unit 1: Concept of Zoonoses and Public Health. (1h)
Unit 2: Food-borne parasitic zoonoses. (1h)
Unit 3: Food-borne infectious zoonoses. (2h)
Unit 4: Soil-transmitted zoonoses. (1h)
Unit 5: Livestock-transmitted zoonoses. (1h)
Unit 6: Zoonoses from wildlife animals. (1h)
Unit 7: Water and vegetable-borne parasitic zoonoses. (1h)
Unit 8: Tick-borne zoonoses. (2h)
Unit 9: Diptera-borne zoonoses. (2h)
Unit 10: Infectious zoonoses transmitted by pets. (2h)
Unit 11: Parasitic zoonoses transmitted by pets. (2h)
Unit 12: Zoonoses associated with fish. (1h)
Unit 13: Zoonoses and tourism. (1h)
Unit 14: Zoonoses in urban areas. (1h)
Unit 15: Zoonoses associated with rodents. (1h)
Unit 16: Disease models. Emerging and Re-emerging zoonoses. (1h)
Unit 17: Mechanisms of control of zoonoses. Control of zoonoses in foreign trade. Legislation and national and international organizations involved in Veterinary Public Health. (1h)
Unit 18: Zoonoses: Historical development and characteristics. (1h)
Unit 19: Factors related with zoonoses. Current risks. Future prospects. (1h)
Unit 20: Zoonoses in Zoological Parks. (1h)
Unit 21: Biosafety in laboratories. Contingency levels. (1h)
Unit 22: Bioterrorism and zoonotic agents. Allergy and Sensitization against zoonotic agents. (1h)
Practical lectures
ZSP C1: Transmission of food-borne zoonoses.
ZSP C2: Soil-transmitted zoonoses.
ZSP C3: Transmission of water/vegetable zoonoses.
ZSP C4: Vector-borne zoonoses I. (Gayoso-Castro Experimental Farm).
ZSP C5: Vector-borne zoonoses II.
Different scientific publications related to the subject will be presented and discussed in small groups.
At the beginning of the semester, students will be integrated in groups of 3-6 and will choose a topic from those proposed by the teachers, and the most interesting ones will be presented in the classroom, on a date and time assigned according to the academic calendar.Acha, P.N. y Szyfres, B. (2003). Zoonosis y enfermedades transmisibles comunes al hombre y a los animales. Organización Panamericana de la Salud (O.M.S.). Publicación Científica Nº 503. 3ª Ed. Washington.
Álvarez, M. y Rodríguez, E. (2002). II curso sobre enfermedades transmisibles entre los animales y el hombre. Universidad de León, Secretariado de Publicaciones y Medios Audiovisuales.
Aspectos esenciales de la interfase de las zoonosis parasitarias. Eduardo Alfredo Guarnera. Buenos Aires: Dunken, 2013.
Baschwitz, G.B. y col. (2010). Enfermedades emergentes y reemergentes en sanidad Animal y Zoonosis. Real Academia de Ciencias Veterinarias. Madrid.
Beck, W. y Pantchev, N. (2010). Zoonosis parasitarias. Ed. Servet. España.
Bonnefoy, X. y col. (2008). Public health significance of urban pests. World Health Organization.
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. Challenges of animal health information systems and surveillance for animal diseases and zoonoses. Rome, 2011.
Código sanitario para los animales terrestres / Organización Mundial de Sanidad Animal. Edición 24ª ed.Organización Mundial de Sanidad Animal, 2015. Oficina Internacional de Epizootias.
Companion animal zoonoses. Ames, Iowa: Wiley-Blackwell, 2011.
Emerging zoonoses and pathogens of public health concern= Zoonosis y patógenos emergentes de import Paris : Office International des Epizooties, 2004.
Euzéby .J. (2000). Los parásitos de la carne. Ed. Acribia. España.
Gorham. J.R.; Robinson, M.M.; Knowles, D.P.; Rourke, J.R. (1992). Encefalopatías espongiformes transmisibles: enfermedades lentas de los animales y el hombre, OIE. París.
Handbook of zoonoses: identification and prevention Colville, Joann St. Louis, Missouri: Mosby, 2007.
HIV INFECTIONS AND ZOONOSES Pasquali, Paolo. Rome : Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, 2004
Les dermatoses parasitaires d'origine zoonosique dans les environnements de l'homme. Euzéby, Jacques. Paris : Editions Médicales Internationales, 2003
Miró y col. (2001).- Zoonosis en pequeños animales. Canis et Felis (Aula Veterinaria). Nº 50.
One Health = Une Seule Santé = Una Sola Salud. Paris : Office International des Epizooties, cop. 2014
Veterinary infection prevention and control. Ames (Iowa): Wiley-Blacwell, 2012.
Word Health Organization. Waterborne Zoonoses: Identification, Causes, and Control. IWA Publishing, London, 2004.
Zoonoses, infections affecting humans and animals: focus on public health aspects. Dordrecht: Springer, cop. 2015.
http://www.sergas.es/edoweb/html/terminolixia.htmlGENERAL SKILLS
GVUSC03. Knowledge area.
GVUSC05. Ability to apply knowledge in practice.
GVUSC07. Ability to work in an international context.
GVUSC10. Ethical commitment and accountability.
CEDVUSC 08. Knowledge and diagnosis of various diseases animals, individually and collectively, and its prevention, with special emphasis on zoonoses and notifiable diseases.
CEDVUSC 10. Learn the techniques applicable to pets, including those with direct influence on animal and human health.
CEDVUSC 15. Know the rights and duties of the veterinarian, with special emphasis on ethical principles.
D1VUSC 02. Collect and send specimens with the corresponding reports.
D1VUSC 03. Perform basic analytical techniques and interpreting results of clinical, biological and chemical.
D1VUSC 05. Epidemiological studies and develop programs prevention, control and eradication of animal diseases, with emphasis on notifiable diseases and zoonoses.
D1VUSC 14. Conduct a risk assessment, including those related to environmental and biosafety, as well as assessment, management and monitoring of quality management systems.
D1VUSC 17. Perform technical reports own veterinary skills.
CEAVUSC 01. Analyze, synthesize, solve problems and make decisions in the professional field of the veterinarian.
CEAVUSC 02. Behave ethically in carrying out their responsibilities to the veterinary profession and society.
CEAVUSC 03. Disclose information obtained during the professional practice of the Veterinary fluidly, oral and written, with other colleagues, authorities and society in general.
CEAVUSC 08. Being aware of the need to maintain current knowledge, skills and attitudes of professional skills through a process of lifelong learning.
CTVUSC 01 Capacity for reasoning and argument.
CTVUSC 02 Capacity to obtain adequate, diverse and updated by various means, such as bibliographic information and the Internet, and analyze it critically.
CTVUSC 03 Ability to develop and present an organized and understandable text.
CTVUSC 04 Ability to make a public presentation in a clear, coherent and concise.
CTVUSC 06 Use of information in a foreign language.
CTVUSC 07 Ability to solve problems through the integrated application of their knowledge.The lectures will be given as 50-minute master classes. The program is arranged by topics, but this does not mean that this is the final chronological order, nor does it mean that each topic corresponds exactly in time to the duration of a class.
On the Virtual Campus platform, useful information for teaching each topic will be displayed (PowerPoint presentations, scientific or popular publications, etc.), whenever possible in Spanish and Galician languages. In the first hour of the course the subject will be briefly presented according to the information that will appear on the Virtual Campus.
The programming of the clinical sessions includes 15 hours in groups of 10 students, who must register at the beginning of the semester, through the Virtual Campus, in the group that is most favorable for them. Changes will not be admitted (except under exceptional circumstances), and in case of any insurmountable and imponderable incompatibility, students must exchange with a classmate from another group. In case of any conflict with other subjects of the Degree, the affected students should inform the Eighth Semester Coordinator in order to try to find a solution.
Clinical Sessions ZSP C1, C2, C3 and C5 will take place at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, and will be divided into three parts: resolution of a clinical case (1 h), elaboration of material containing an explanation of the case (1 h) and oral presentation (1 h). Session ZSP C4 will take place at the Experimental Farm "Gayoso Castro" (Castro Ribeiras de Lea, Castro de Rei; Deputación Provincial de Lugo). The specific timetable can be found on the website of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine.
At the beginning of the semester, students should form groups of 3-6 to carry out the seminars, and for the discussion of scientific publications, which they will choose according to their preferences, from lists that will be displayed on the web page of the course.
Those seminars reaching the highest quality will be selected for oral presentation to the whole class. It should be taken into account that there will be a 10-15 min presentation period, which will take place on the dates indicated in the Schedule of the 8th semester that appears in the web page of the Faculty under the indication ZSP S1...ZSP S2. At the end of each day of presentation, a short questionnaire will be distributed among the attendees about the topics that have just been presented. Each student is required to attend the presentation of TWO seminars, and to facilitate this, a maximum of 30 students are expected to attend each seminar. Accordingly, they must register in the Virtual Campus of the subject.
By keeping the same groups constituted for the seminars, students must select a scientific publication related to the subject from a list on the Virtual Campus, and prepare a summary that they will explain in the sessions dedicated to tutorials. Each student is required to attend ONE tutorial.
Continuous Evaluation will be carried out through the resolution of questions posed by the teachers in the expository classes, and also of the one that will be posed at the end of each seminar session.
Finally, there is the possibility of carrying out free activities such as the preparation of material aimed at different population groups, presentation/solution of practical cases or commentaries on current news related to the subject taught. These activities will be carried out in the format that the students consider (written document, audiovisual presentation), which must be sent to the Virtual Classroom. The use of the Galician language will be promoted in these activities.
Students will have tutorials in which they will be able to request additional explanations by teachers, always by appointment.It will be carried out through an examination of the contents of the subject (55%), continuous evaluation (15%), elaboration of a transversal seminar (15%), discussion of a scientific publication (10%) and free activity (5%).
COMPULSORY REQUIREMENTS: to pass the subject, it is of compulsory fulfillment the assistance to ALL the clinical sessions, pass the final examination, preparation of ONE seminar and discussion of ONE scientific publication, assistance to TWO hours of seminars and to ONE hour of discussion of scientific publications. The failure of any of these requirements will make impossible to pass the subject.
In relation to the written test, it will consist of the development of 3-4 questions, being possible to substitute one of them by the resolution of a practical case. Each question will be graded out of 10 points, being necessary to obtain a minimum of 4 points in each one to compensate. A minimum grade of 5 out of 10 is required in the written test to pass the subject. Otherwise, the rest of the completed activities will not be taken into account.
Grade required to pass the course: Pass (5.0).
The exemption from class attendance is not applicable.
In case of fraudulent performance of exercises or tests, there will be applied the provisions included in “Regulations for the evaluation of the academic performance of students and the review of qualifications”.Contact hours: Lectures: 27h; practices: 15h, 2h seminars, one hour mentoring= 45h
Individual study: 40.5 h.
Preparation of papers: 16
Literature review, library, etc.: 7
Attendance at lectures, or other activities recommended: -
Resolution of cases / issues: -
Oral Presentations: 2
Examinations: 2
Total contact time: 45 h.
Total working hours of the staff / student: 67.5 h.
TOTAL HOURS OF THE STUDENT: 112.5 h.On the basis of our experience from years, we recommend that students continued study of matter and make outlines and summaries to help them compare the features of different zoonoses and their means of transmission.
It is essential to follow the practical sessions. This teaching represents the direct participation of the student and involves the reinforcement of theoretical notions.
We recommend to consult the literature and periodicals selected, epidemiological bulletins, etc., and the visit of the various web pages listed in the bibliography, all with the aim of completing the knowledge and to get own material for conducting personal work.The Forum of Novelties of the Virtual Campus will be used to warn to the students of the novelties along the course.
The materials employed for the theoretical lectures and clinical sessions will be available in the Virtual Campus.
The students will owe to deliver all the activities realized through the Forum of Activities of the Virtual Campus.
On the basis of Instruction No. 1/2017 of the Secretary-General, in this subject no dispensation is granted, because assistance to all activities is required in person.
Rita Sánchez-Andrade Fernández
- Department
- Animal Pathology
- Area
- Animal Health
- rita.sanchez-andrade@usc.es
- Category
- Professor: University Lecturer
Adolfo Paz Silva
Coordinador/a- Department
- Animal Pathology
- Area
- Animal Health
- adolfo.paz@usc.es
- Category
- Professor: University Lecturer
Alberto Prieto Lago
- Department
- Animal Pathology
- Area
- Animal Health
- alberto.prieto@usc.es
- Category
- Professor: Temporary PhD professor
Maria Sol Arias Vazquez
- Department
- Animal Pathology
- Area
- Animal Health
- Phone
- 982822126
- mariasol.arias@usc.es
- Category
- Professor: University Lecturer
Cristiana Filipa Cazapal Monteiro
- Department
- Animal Pathology
- Area
- Animal Health
- cristiana.cazapal@usc.es
- Category
- Professor: LOU (Organic Law for Universities) PhD Assistant Professor
Ines Isabel Abreu Ramos
- Department
- Animal Pathology
- Area
- Animal Health
- inesabreu.ramos@usc.es
- Category
- USC Pre-doctoral Contract
2º Semester - January 27th-February 02nd Wednesday 18:00-19:00 Grupo /CLE_01 Spanish Classroom 2 Thursday 18:00-19:00 Grupo /CLE_01 Spanish Classroom 2 Exams 06.03.2025 12:00-14:00 Grupo /CLE_01 Classroom 1 06.03.2025 12:00-14:00 Grupo /CLE_01 Classroom 2 06.03.2025 12:00-14:00 Grupo /CLE_01 Classroom 3 07.01.2025 12:00-14:00 Grupo /CLE_01 Classroom 3 07.01.2025 12:00-14:00 Grupo /CLE_01 Classroom 4