ECTS credits
ECTS credits: 7.5ECTS Hours Rules/Memories
Student's work ECTS: 94.5
Hours of tutorials: 12
Expository Class: 38
Interactive Classroom: 37
EEES Clinics: 6
Total: 187.5Use languages
Spanish, GalicianType:
Ordinary Degree Subject RD 1393/2007 - 822/2021Departments:
Forensic Science, Pathological Anatomy, Gynaecology and Obstetrics and PaediatricsAreas:
Faculty of Veterinary ScienceCall:
First SemesterTeaching:
With teachingEnrolment:
Enrollable -
1. - Specific objectives:
- Study of natural or synthetic agents that can cause acute or chronic toxicity in animals.
- Identification, mechanism of action, clinical or experimental toxicity and treatment.
- Resolution of clinical cases.
- Knowledge of residues in food products with potential risk to public health and environmental contaminants: Toxicological evaluation of toxic exposure.
- Toxicological and legal basis to ensure the safety of drugs and additives.
- Ability to discriminate scientifically on the benefit / risk.
2. - Complementary objectives:
- Discover the importance of discipline in the Bachelor of Veterinary Medicine and in their future careers.
- Acquire vocabulary and specific toxicological terminology.
- Are concerned about issues of interest and / or social in relation to toxicology (eg environmental disasters, human health impacts).
- Use critically the literature.
In sum, the acquisition by the student of a culture toxicologyLECTURES PROGRAM EXHIBITION:
A) General Toxicology. (13 hours)
1. - Introduction: development and evolution of Toxicology. Concepts. Classification of poisoning. (2 hours)
2. - Toxicological evaluation. (2 hours)
3. - Toxicokinetics: absorption, distribution, biotransformation and elimination. Biotransformation reactions. (2 hours)
4. - Toxicodinamics: mechanisms of action. (1 hour)
5. - Carcinogenesis, mutagenesis and teratogenesis. (3 hours)
6. - Clinical care in poisoning of animals I: Procedures and clinical diagnostics. (2 hours)
7. - Clinical care in poisoning of animals II: Therapy and Services Toxicology antitoxic. (1 hour)
B) Special Toxicology. (25 hours)
8. - Poisoning urea and non-protein nitrogen (NPN). (1 hour)
9. - Sodium Poisoning: sodium chloride and water deprivation. (1 hour)
10. - Pesticides: concept and classification. Importance of its use. Mechanisms of action of pesticides. (3 hours)
11. - Organochlorine Insecticide Poisoning. (1 hour)
12. - Poisoning organophosphate and carbamate insecticides. Botanical insecticides: nicotine and pyrethroids. (2 hours)
13. - Poisoning herbicides classification. Herbicides inorganic and organic synthesis. (1 hour)
14. - Intoxication by fungicides classification. Dinitro derivatives, dithiocarbamates, hexachlorobenzene and others. (1 hour)
15. - Rodenticide poisoning: classification. Urea derivatives (ANTU). Sodium fluoroacetate. Strychnine. Anticoagulant rodenticides. (3 hours)
16. - Intoxication by macroscopic fungi (mushrooms) hepatotoxic: detection of Amatoxins. (1 hour)
17. - Mycotoxins: concept and classification. Mycotoxin poisoning. (1 hour)
18. - Aspergillus mycotoxins: Aflatoxins and Ochratoxins. (1 hour)
19. - Mycotoxins genus Penicillium. Fusarium Mycotoxins. (1 hour)
20. - Ecotoxicology: concepts. Ecological cycles of environmental pollutants. Safety parameters. Concept of zero tolerance. (1 hour)
21. - Toxicology of heavy metals: Lead and others. (1 hour)
22. - pharmaceuticals adverse reactions. Pharmaceutical interactions. Analgesics toxicity. Antibiotics toxicity. Anthelmintics toxicity. (2 hours)
23. - Cardiotoxic poisoning plants. Poisoning by plants that affect the blood count. (1 hour)
24. - Nephrotoxic poisoning plants. Oxalates poisoning. (1 hour)
25. - Plant poisoning affecting the nervous system and / or musculoskeletal. Lathyrism. (1 hour)
26. - Hepatotoxic poisoning and photosensitizing plants. Poisoning by plants that affect the digestive system. (1 hour)
1. - Toxicological evaluation experimental animal facility and determining the LD50 acute toxicity tests. (TOXI OR) (4 hours)
2. - Evaluation according to the current legislation of hazardous chemicals. (TOXI LB1) (4 hours)
3. - Qualitative Toxicological Analysis. Systematic Toxicological analyisis. Qualitative Toxicological Analysis of bipiridilic herbicides: paraquat and diquat. (TOXI LB2) (4 hours)
4. - Not assistance Clinical Practice: General analytical March toxicological research, collection and submission of samples, instrumental resources, and Information Service Veterinary Toxicology (SATVe). (TOXI C1) (4 hours)
5. - Not assistance Clinical Practice II:Diagnosis of paracetamol poisoning in small animals. Quantitative analysis by visible spectrophotometry. (TOXI C2) (4 hours)
- Resolution of clinical cases.
- Exhibition of monographs by studentsBASIC BIBLIOGRAPHY:
BUCK, W.B. OSWEILER, G.D.; VAN GELDER, G.A. Toxicología Veterinaria Clínica y Diagnóstica. Ed. Acribia, Zaragoza, 1981
HUMPHREYS, D.J. Veterinary Toxicology. Ed. Baillière Tindall. 3ª ed., London, 1988
JURADO COUTO, R. Toxicología Veterinaria. Ed. Salvat. 2ª ed., Madrid, 1989
KLAASSEN, C.D.; WATKINS, J.B. Casarett y Doull. Fundamentos de Toxicología. Edición en español revisada por M. López-Rivadulla. Ed. McGraw-Hill Interamericana. Madrid. 2005.
LOOMIS, T.A. Fundamentos de Toxicología. Ed. Acribia. Zaragoza, 1982
MELGAR RIOL, M.J., NÓVOA VALIÑAS, M.C., GARCÍA FERNÁNDEZ, M.A., PÉREZ LÓPEZ, M., Atención clínica en intoxicaciones de animales, Ed. USC, editora manuais, Santiago de Compostela, 2012.
MELGAR RIOL, M.J. Unidade Didáctica 2 “Avaliación toxicolóxica”. USC. Servicio de Publicacións e Intercambio Científico da Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, 2022. usc.gal/publicacions.
NOGUÉ, S. Toxicología Clínica. Bases para el Diagnóstico y el Tratamiento de las Intoxicaciones en Servicio de Urgencias. Ed. Multimédica Ediciones Veterinarias. 2019.
REPETTO, M. Toxicología fundamental. Ed. Científico-Médica. 4ª ed. Barcelona, 2009
RODER, J. Manual de Toxicología Veterinaria. Ed. Multimédica S.A., Barcelona, 2002. http://www.rednacionaldeveterinarias.com.uy/articulos/farmacologia%E2%8…
ABOU-DONIA, M. Mammalian toxicology. John Wiley and Sons, Ltd. New Delhi, 2015.
ANDERSON, D.; CONNING, D.M. Experimental Toxicology: The Basic Issues. 2nd Edition. Royal Society of Chemistry. Cambridge, 1993
ARIËNS, E.J.; LEHMAN, P.A.; SIMONIS, A.M. Introducción a la Toxicología General. Ed. Diana. México, 1968
CABRERA FORNEIRO, J. Los antídotos y otros productos antitóxicos. Ed. Ela, Madrid, 1994
CAMEÁN, A; REPETTO, M. Toxicología Alimentaria. Ed. Díaz de Santos. Madrid. 2006.
CAPÓ MARTÍ, M. Principois de Ecotoxicología: Diagnóstico, Tratamiento y Gestión del Medio ambiente. McGraw-Hill Profesional. Madrid, 2002
DUFFUS, J. H. Toxicología Ambiental. Ed. Omega, Barcelona, 1983
FAN, A.M.; CHANG, L.W. Toxicology and risk assessment. Principles, methods, and applications. Ed. Marcel Dekker, Inc., Nueva York, 1996
GFELLER, R.W.; MESSONNIER, S.P. Hanbook of Small Animal Toxicology. Ed. Mosby, Baltimore, 1998
GUITART, R. Tóxicos, los enemigos d la vida. Edicions UAB. Barcelona, 2014
GUPTA, R. Veterinary Toxicology: Basic and clinical principles. 2nd. Elsevier-Academic Press. Amsterdam, 2012.
HODGSON, E. A Textbook of Modern Toxicology. 3ª ed. Ed. Wiley-Interscience, New York, 2004
HODGSON, E.; SMART, R.C. Introduction to Biochemical Toxicology. 3ª ed. Ed. Wiley-Interscience, New York, 2001
KLAASSEN, C.D. CASARETT & DOULL'S TOXICOLOGY: THE Basic Science of Poisons. Ed. McGraw-Hill. 9ª ed. New York, 2019.
KLAASSEN, C & WATKINS, J. Casarett & Doull's Essentials of Toxicology. Ed. McGraw-Hill. 4ª ed. New York, 2021.
LORGUE, G.; LECHENET, J.; RIVIÈRE, A. Clinical Veterinary Toxicology. Ed.. Blackwell Science, London. 1996
MARRUECOS, L.; NOGUÉ, S.; NOLLA, J. Toxicología clínica. Ed. Springer-Verlag Ibérica, Barcelona, 1993
NIESINK, R.J.M; DE VRIES, J.; HOLLINGER, M.A. Toxicology: Principles and Applications. CRC Press, Boca Raton, 1996
PETERSON, M.E.; TALCOTT, P.A. Small Animal Toxicology. Ed. Saunders Company, Londres. 2001
PLA, A., HERNÁNDEZ, A., GIL, F. Manual de Toxicología. Ed. Avicam, 2ª edición. 2019.
REPETTO, M. Toxicología Avanzada. Ed. Díaz de Santos. Madrid, 1995.
STAHR, H.M. Analytical Methods in Toxicology. John Wiley & Sons, Inc. New York, 1991
THOMPSON, M. Diagnóstico Diferencial Clínico en Pequeños Animales. Ed. Multimédica Ediciones Veterinarias. 2019.
VALLEDOR DE LOZOYA, A. Envenenamientos por animales. Ed. Díaz de Santos, Madrid, 1994
VILLANÚA FUNGAIRIÑO, L. Toxicología: Toxicología General y Análisis Toxicológico. Universidad Complutense. 2ª ed. Madrid, 1982.
VILLAR D. y ORTIZ JJ. Plantas Tóxicas de interés veterinario. Edt. Elsevier-Masson. Barcelona, 2006.
WEXLER P. Toxicology in Antiquity (History of Toxicology and Environmental Health). Ed. Academic Press. New York, 2018.General Competences in Veterinary:
*GVUSC01. Ability to learn and adapt.
*GVUSC02. Capacity for analysis and synthesis.
*GVUSC03. General knowledge of the work area.
*GVUSC04. Planning and managing work.
*GVUSC05. Ability to apply knowledge in practice.
*GVUSC06. Ability to work independently and as a team.
*GVUSC010. Ethical commitment and accountability.
Disciplinary specific competencies (know):
*CEDVUSC07. Knowledge of changes in the structure and function of the animal body.
*CEDVUSC08. Knowledge and diagnosis of various animal diseases, individual and collective, and its prevention, with special emphasis on zoonoses and Notifiable diseases.
*CEDVUSC09. General basis of medical and surgical treatments.
*CEDVUSC016. Knowing the basic analytical techniques and interpretation
- Professional Specific Competencies (skills):
*D1VUSC02. Collect and send specimens with the corresponding reports.
*D1VUSC03. Perform basic analytical techniques and interpret clinical, biological and chemical.
- Specific Academic Skills (to do):
*CEAVUSC02. Behave ethically in carrying out their responsibilities to the veterinary profession and society.
*CEAVUSC04. Searching and managing information related to the activity of the veterinarian.
*CEAVUSC08-Be aware of the need to keep knowledge, skills and attitudes of professional skills through a process of lifelong learning.
* CTVUSC01-Capacity for reasoning and argumentation.
* CTVUSC02-Ability to obtain adequate, diverse and updated by various means, such as bibliographic information and the Internet, and analyze it critically.
* CTVUSC03-Ability to develop and present an organized and understandable text.
* CTVUSC04-Ability to make a public display of a clear, consistent and concise.
* CTVUSC05-Ability to use ICT.
* CTVUSC06-Use information in a foreign language.
* CTVUSC07-Ability to solve problems through the integrated application of their knowledge.Teaching it will be face-to-face. In this matter, no total exemption is granted.
Based on Instruction No. 1/2017 of the General Secretariat, those students who are granted partial exemption will not have the obligation to attend the expository classes, but the obligation to attend all interactive activities is maintained (laboratory practices and not Assistance Clinical Practices), as attendance to them in person is necessary.
187.5 TOTAL STUDENT HOURS:78 hours and 109.5 hours classroom work and personal work, respectively.
Temporal distribution classroom:
- 38 hours of lectures.
- 4 hours of Interactive Computer Classes (TOXI OR)
- 8 hours of Interactive Laboratory Classes (TOXI LB)
- 8 hours of not assistance Clinical Practices (TOXI C)
- 17 hours Interactive Blackboard Class (TOXI PE)
- 3 hours of tutoring in groups (TOXI T). T1 in the classroom assigned by the Center, T2 and T3 in the Classroom-Seminar of the Department of Toxicology.
- Work Virtual Education Supplement: Virtual Campus Platform USC
In the lectures, audiovisual media will be used together with teacher oral explanations. Sporadically the teacher can interact with students asking questions for your immediate reply, and periodically (monthly) be requested in writing the answers to all students.
*The interactive Computer Practice (TOXI OR):
Title: Experimental Toxicological Evaluation: Determination of the LD50 in acute toxicity tests. (4 h)
Activities done in the computer room allocated. It consists of 3 parts.
1st. Students will visit the animal house in a virtual manner.
2nd. In the computer room (capacity of 20 students) will explain the practice protocol, initiated a literature about a proposed acute toxicity test and based on the determination of the LD50 of a substance. According to this protocol, we apply data from 20 doses of a substance and the resulting number of dead animals. They proceed to solve the problem individually, using a computer and applying Excel software: calculations and graphical representations leading to the determination of the LD50 value.
3rd. Exercises proposed to solve individually.
*The interactive classes of Laboratory Practices (TOXI LB):
TOXI LB1. National and European regulations on the handling and use of hazardous chemicals. (4 h)
Activities done, in the Toxicology laboratory :
Classification of substances by hazard, taking into account the legislation. Applications of these concepts in Laboratory (labels, hazard pictograms, H phrases and P phrases, cards of safety data, FDS).
TOXI LB2. Qualitative Toxicological Analysis. Systematic Toxicological analyisis. Qualitative Toxicological Analysis of bipiridilic herbicides: paraquat and diquat. (4 h)
Activities done in the Toxicology laboratory:
-Systematic Toxicological Analysis: this part of the practice is based on the initial performance of a generic extraction of the sample (urine), for acidic, basic and neutral compounds. Subsequently, the isolated toxins are identified by thin layer chromatography, using specific revealers to complete the identification.
-Qualitative Toxicological Analysis of bipiridilic herbicides: A qualitative colorimetric test useful for the detection of bipyridyl herbicides in biological samples is carried out. Although, in practice, it is usually applied to urine samples, it is also possible to use it in other biological samples. All this is commented and discussed, as well as the diagnostic and prognostic usefulness of the test used.
These issues, in addition to the laboratory part of the practice, are usually complemented with exercises aimed at reinforcing the calculations to adequately prepare the different solutions necessary to carry out the analysis. The acquisition of safe work habits in the laboratory is reinforced across the board in all practices. Likewise, the practices are related to real situations in which the knowledge acquired is applied. For this, clinical cases of intoxications with these drugs are also search by the students and discuss.
*The interative Not assistance Clinical Practices (TV C):
TOXI C1. Title: General analytical toxicology research, collection and submission of samples, instrumental resources, and Veterinary Toxicology Information Service (SATVe). (4 h)
Activities done: In the classroom-Toxicology Seminar and they consist of 2 distinct parts.
1. Those protocols that must be into account to achieve a good diagnosis from the perspective of analytical toxicology are presented to students. Sampling: type (biological, drinking water, food, and other materials), suitable material to be used, chain of custody, cold storage, ways of sending samples to the laboratory, etc.. Analytical methodology applied: samples organic, inorganic, gases, etc. Interpretation of results by the clinician. Identification of toxic. Proposal for individualized resolution and/or group of case studies: diagnosis and treatment, for which the student will handle some tables made in the department.
2. Presentation to students of a database developed by our department to be used by a Veterinary Toxicology Service. Through browsing its various parts, students will discover their utilities and applications in clinical practice. Basically it has two parts, which are interconnected. On the one hand, it is a database of information, data or veterinary clinical toxicological knowledge. On the other, this software includes a file of cases. When you create a tab on the occasion of a new case that is consulted to SATVe, the information contained in the first part can be used and consulted, which can be very helpful.
TOXI C2. Diagnosis of paracetamol poisoning in small animals. Quantitative analysis by visible spectrophotometry. (4 h).
The activities will be developed in the Toxicology seminar classroom and in the Laboratory, and consists of 2 parts:
1ª Several clinical cases of paracetamol poisoning in cats and dogs are presented. Based on the clinical signs and/or pathology findings described and making use of the information provided in the lectures, the main findings found in the intoxications caused by this drug, as well as its mechanism of action, are discussed with the students.
The possible instrumental techniques to carry out the qualitative analysis to confirm the intoxicating agent, as well as the quantitative analysis, will be discussed.
2ª Through the laboratory analysis, the suspected diagnosis of a possible case of paracetamol poisoning will be confirmed. To do this, the students will perform the quantitative analysis of paracetamol by visible spectrophotometry. Subsequently, the results will be interpreted based on the concentration obtained in the test sample.The Continuous Evaluation System for those students with partial exemption (expository classes) granted based on Instruction No. 1/2017 of the General Secretariat will be the same as for all students. Being able to reach the maximum of 10% awarded to all students through online expository controls, or through an in-person online test with the final exam.
To OVERCOME matter, in the system of continuous assessment, is compulsory the assistance and active participation in:
* Participative attendance of the Lectures through controls in the Expository Classes as "progressive evaluation" to obtain a maximum score of 10 %. Theoretical Controls will be carried out with an approximate monthly periodicity and within the hours of the Lecture activity of the subject.
* Interactive Computer Classes, Laboratory Classes and Non-Assistance Clinics work (Practices), including the presentation of a Practice Report in due time and form (10%). No dispensation allowed. Likewise, at the end of all the practices, a control online of all of them will be carried out (10%).
* Theoretical final exam multiple choice and/or conceptual (60%)
- DO NOT EXCEED the course students not submitted Final Exam or obtain a rating in this less than 3 points.
Neither the matter be overcome if not to exceed Practices, which requires at least the attendance at all Interactive Classes and delivery practices on time Memory Practices. Overcoming the practices will be forever.
- On a voluntary basis, the following will be valued: participation and attendance at Group Tutorials (first 2), preparation-presentation of a Monographic Work, and attendance at Waxing Practices (PE). At the end a control will be carried out on the summaries. The whole of everything will be valued (10%).
- Only students who have not made any measurable activity appear in ACTAS: Not presented (NP).
**The qualification of the "progressive evaluation" (Practices, Expository controls, Monographic works and Blackboard Practices) will be kept for the following courses.
For cases of fraudulent performance of exercises or tests, it will be applicable or established in the "Rules of assessment of academic performance of students and review of qualifications" (Article 16).STUDENT PERSONAL WORK:
- Individual study: 66 h
- Development of practical memory: 8 h
- Preparation of work: 20 h
- Literature review, library, etc: 6 h
- Attendance at lectures, or other activities recommended: 2 h
- Resolution of cases / problems: 2 h
- Oral presentations: 3 h
- Exams-tests: 2.5 h
Total hours of personal work: 109.5 h.- Assistance expository lectures
- Consultation Basic Bibliography
- Complete the interactive and lectures with additional bibliography
- Have individual tutorial support to resolve issues
- Personalized study day
- Study, attention and retention of concepts, ideas, ... and avoid unnecessary data (secondary). Seconding warnings by the teacher in class
- Connect and consult with the matter through USC-Virtual Platform.Individual tutorial hours:
The hours of tutoring from teachers are officially on the notice board of the Department (Hall 2).
Teachers Time
M Julia Melgar Riol *Coordinator: Tuesday, Thursday and Friday: 11-13 h
M. Ángeles García Fernández: Monday, Wednesday and Thursday: 11-13 h
Elena Lendoiro Belio: Monday and Thursday: 10-13 h
Copyrigt. All rights are owned by the University of Santiago de Compostela (USC).
Their personal use is only allowed in the educational field, both in the classroom and on closed networks at the disposal of the students.
Its reproduction, copying, photography, recording or dissemination to third parties is not allowed without the consent of its owner.
Failure to comply will imply the complaint for violation of intellectual property rights and USC regulations.
TEACHERS ACTIVITIES CALENDAR:http://www.usc.gal/gal/centro/facultade-veterinaria/calendarios.
Maria Julia Melgar Riol
Coordinador/a- Department
- Forensic Science, Pathological Anatomy, Gynaecology and Obstetrics and Paediatrics
- Area
- Toxicology
- mj.melgar@usc.es
- Category
- Professor: University Professor
Elena Lendoiro Belio
- Department
- Forensic Science, Pathological Anatomy, Gynaecology and Obstetrics and Paediatrics
- Area
- Toxicology
- elena.lendoiro@usc.es
- Category
Maria Cobo Golpe
- Department
- Forensic Science, Pathological Anatomy, Gynaecology and Obstetrics and Paediatrics
- Area
- Toxicology
- m.cobo@usc.es
- Category
- Professor: Intern Assistant LOSU
1º Semester - September 09th-15th Monday 18:00-19:00 Grupo /CLE_01 Spanish Classroom 2 Tuesday 18:00-19:00 Grupo /CLE_01 Spanish Classroom 2 Thursday 17:00-18:00 Grupo /CLE_01 Spanish Classroom 2 18:00-19:00 Grupo /CLE_01 Spanish Classroom 2 Exams 12.18.2024 12:00-14:00 Grupo /CLE_01 Classroom 1 12.18.2024 12:00-14:00 Grupo /CLE_01 Classroom 2 12.18.2024 12:00-14:00 Grupo /CLE_01 Classroom 3 07.08.2025 09:00-11:00 Grupo /CLE_01 Classroom 3 07.08.2025 09:00-11:00 Grupo /CLE_01 Classroom 4