ECTS credits
ECTS credits: 3ECTS Hours Rules/Memories
Student's work ECTS: 49.5
Hours of tutorials: 1.5
Expository Class: 12
Interactive Classroom: 12
Total: 75Use languages
Spanish, GalicianType:
Ordinary Degree Subject RD 1393/2007 - 822/2021Departments:
Botany, Zoology, Genetics and Physical AnthropologyAreas:
Botany, ZoologyCenter
Faculty of Veterinary ScienceCall:
Second SemesterTeaching:
With teachingEnrolment:
Enrollable -
- To train the student in technical and legal aspects related to the diversity of animal and plant species and their conservation in the natural environment.
- To train the student in diagnosis and assessment of the territorial components of biodiversity, as well as to understand the need for the implementation of areas and networks of protected areas.The subject covers the following contents: Biodiversity: definition, origin and current status. Measurement of biodiversity. Geographical distribution of biodiversity: hot spots. Biodiversity conservation: nature and importance. Protected species and areas: legal status and protection figures. Strategies for biodiversity conservation: in situ and ex situ conservation. Reserves and protected areas: protected natural areas in Galicia. These contents will be developed in the following theoretical and interactive schedule.
Theme 1. Biodiversity: definition, origin and current status. Measuring biodiversity. Geographical distribution of biodiversity: the hot spots. (BCMN Lecture: 1h)
Theme 2. Biodiversity conservation: nature and importance. Concept of in situ and ex situ conservation. The Cites Convention. The IUCN categories. (BCMN Lecture:1h)
Theme 3. Biodiversity conservation (cont.). Ex-situ conservation of animal species: the role of zoos and captive-breeding centres (BCMN Lecture: 2h)
Theme 4. Conservation at a specific level. Protected animal species and their legal status. (BCMN Lecture: 2h)
Theme 5. Conservation at a specific level. Protected plant species and their legal status. Ex-situ conservation of plants. (BCMN Lecture: 2h)
Item 6. Natural protected areas. Categories and criteria. Regulations. (BCMN Lecture:1h)
Item 7. Threats to biodiversity: alien and invasive species. (BCMN Lecture:1h).
Field practice: Field trip with an overall duration of 15 hours (BCMN CA1 and CA2, divided into two sessions, one of 11 hours and the other of 4 hours). The content of the field practice will focus on the identification of the components of Biodiversity and the measures aimed at the conservation of the Natural Environment, which requires a trip outside the city of Lugo. The practices will take place in a protected area or an area of interest for conservation where the components of biodiversity will be analyzed in different media and management scenarios and the data obtained will be compared with the theoretical contents of the subject.
Lectures will be held in the classrooms assigned by the center.BASIC BIBLIOGRAPHY
Bañares, Á. et al., (2004). Atlas y Libro Rojo de la Flora Vascular Amenazada de España. Madrid: Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza
Blanco, J.C. & González, J.L., (1992). Libro Rojo de los Vertebrados de España. Madrid: ICONA. Ministerio de Agricultura, Pesca y Alimentación.
Capdevila, L. et al., (2006). Especies Exóticas Invasoras: Diagnóstico y bases para la prevención y el manejo. Madrid: Ministerio Ministerio de Medio Ambiente, OAPN.
Doadrio, I., (2001). Atlas y Libro Rojo de los Peces Continentales de España. Madrid: DGCN-Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales. https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/
Groom, M.J, Meffe, G.K. & Carroll C.R. (2006) Principles of Conservation Biology. Sinauer
Madroño, A., C. González & J.C. Atienza (2004). Libro Rojo de las Aves de España. Madrid: Dirección General para la Biodiversidad- SEO/BirdLife.
Palomo, L.J. & l.G. Gisbert (2002). Atlas de los Mamíferos Terrestres de España. Madrid: Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza-SECEM-SECEMU,
Pleguezuelos, J.M. et al. (2002) Atlas y libro rojo de los anfibios y reptiles de España. Madrid: Ministerio de Medio Ambiente-Asociación Herpetológica Española
Primack, R.B. & J. Ros (2009): Introducción a la Biología de la Conservación. Madrid: MMA
Ramil-Rego, P. et al. (2008) Os Hábitats de Interese Comunitario en Galicia. Descrición e Valoración Territorial. Lugo: Monografías IBADER.
Ramil-Rego, P., Vales, C. (2019). Especies Exóticas Invasoras: situación e propostas de mitigación. Monografías do Ibader, Serie Biodiversidade. Lugo: IBADER.
Ramil-Rego, P. et al (2021). Áreas Naturales Protegidas, de las propuestas pioneras a los nuevos paradigmas en pro de la salvaguarda de la Naturaleza. Monografías do IBADER, Serie Biodiversidade. Lugo: IBADER.
Tellería, J.L. (2012). Introducción a la conservación de las especies. Tundra
UICN (2001) Categorías y Criterios de la Lista Roja de la UICN: V 3.1. Comisión de Supervivencia de Especies de la UICN.
Vilà M, Valladares et al. (2006). Invasiones Biológicas. Madrid: CSIC
Verdú, J.R. E. Galante (2009). Atlas de los Invertebrados Amenazados de España. Madrid: Ministerio de Medio Ambiente
VV.AA. (2003). Atlas y Libro Rojo de la Flora Vascular Amenazada de España. Taxones Prioritarios. Madrid: Ministerio de Medio Ambiente.
Delibes, M. (2005). La Naturaleza en peligro. Destino
IUCN/SSC, (2014). Guidelines on the Use of Ex Situ Management for Species Conservation. IUCN
Jiménez, I. & Delibes, M., 2005- Al borde de la extinción Una visión integral de la recuperación de fauna amenazada en España. http://www.sehumed.es/banco/archivos/bordeextincion.pdf
Pineda, F.D, J.M. de Miguel, M.A. Casado & J. Montalvo (2002). La Diversidad Biológica de España, Pearson
Ramil-Rego, P. & Ferreiro da Costa, J. (2015). Guía de campo para a interpretación do feismo na paisaxe galega. IBADER - Observatorio Galego do Territorio - Asociación Científica Horreum.
Ramil-Rego, P., Vales, C. (Eds.), 2019- . Especies Exóticas Invasoras: situación e propostas de mitigación. Monografías Ibader. http://www.ibader.gal/download.php?f=00-invasoras01-PR-171.pdfGeneral skills
- GVUSC01. Learning and adaptation ability.
- GVUSC02. Analysis and synthesis capability.
- GVUSC03. General knowledge of the subject area.
- GVUSC04. Planning and management of work.
- GVUSC05. Ability to apply learning in practice
- GVUSC06. Ability to work both individually and as part of a team.
- GVUSC09. Ability to comunicate in different areas.
- GVUSC10. Ethical commitment and assumption of responsibility.
Specific skills
A. -Specific disciplinary skills (know).
- CEDVUSC 11. Knowledge of the basis for the operation and optimization of animal and plant production systems and their impact on the environment.
- CEDVUSC 15. Knowledge of the rights and duties of the veterinarian, with special emphasis on ethical principles.
B.- Specific professional competences (to know-how)
- D1VUSC 03. Perform basic analytical techniques and interpretation of clinical, biological and chemical results
- Perform risk analysis, including environmental and biosafety risk analysis, as well as assessment, management and supervision of quality management systems.
- D1VUSC 16. Apply methods of individual animal identification.
- D1VUSC 17. Produce technical reports in the field of veterinary competences.
C.- Specific Academic Competences (to want to do)
- CEAVUSC 03. Disseminate the information obtained during the professional exercise of the veterinarian/la in a fluent way, oral and written, with other colleagues, authorities and society in general.
- CEAVUSC 04. To search and manage the information related to the activity of the veterinarian.
- CEAVUSC 05. To know and apply the scientific method in the professional practice including the medicine based on the evidence.
- CEAVUSC 06. Know how to seek professional advice and help.
- CEAVUSC 08. Be aware of the need to keep the knowledge, skills and attitudes of professional competences updated through a process of continuous training.
D.- Transversal competences
- CTVUSC 01. Capacity for reasoning and argumentation.
- CTVUSC 02. Ability to obtain adequate, diverse and updated information through various media, such as bibliographical information and the Internet, and to analyse it critically.
- CTVUSC 03. Ability to prepare and present an organized and understandable text.
- CTVUSC 04. The ability to give a clear, coherent and concise presentation in public.
- CTVUSC 05. Ability to handle ICTs.
- CTVUSC 06. Use of information in a foreign language.
- CTVUSC 07. Ability to solve problems through the integrated application of knowledge.Theoretical classes will be carried out using oral exposure supported by ICTs. A virtual classroom will also be opened to support face-to-face teaching (USC Virtual) or another online platform. The documentation corresponding to the classes will be provided and different complementary material will be made available to the student (videos, specific bibliography and other readings of a scientific or informative kind) that will help in the learning process of the subject.
During the field practice, the student will have to make a small report in relation to the contents exposed in the day, emphasizing those aspects directly related to the objectives of the subject.
The students must develop an individual work related to the subject matter, of free choice and previously agreed by teachers. It will be guided in a format of tutorials to establish a fluid communication teacher-student and will be adapted to a scientific study in structure and writing, so that the student becomes familiar with the management of information, literature review and scientific writing. In the same way, the tools provided by the virtual platform of the USC will be used to provide students with the necessary material for the development of this work (articles, laws and regulations updated, support texts, bibliography, etc.)
Throughout the course, the attendance and participation of students in all the programmed teaching activities will be monitored, as well as the work to be done by the students.In order to pass the subject, the two parts, theory and practice, must be successfully completed and submit an assignment.
For the calculation of the final mark, the following computation will be taken into account:
- Theory: Examination of the contents of the subject (45%): competences GVUSC01; GVUSC02; GVUSC03; GVUSC05; GVUSC09; GVUSC10; CEDVUSC 11; CTVUSC 01; CTVUSC 07
- Practical: Production and presentation of the specific reports (15%): competences GVUSC01; GVUSC02; GVUSC03; GVUSC04; GVUSC05; GVUSC06; GVUSC10; D1VUSC 16; CEAVUSC 03; CEAVUSC 05; CTVUSC 01; CTVUSC 03; CTVUSC 05
- Work: Elaboration and oral presentation of the assignment (30%): skills GVUSC01; GVUSC02; GVUSC03; GVUSC04; GVUSC06; GVUSC09; D1VUSC 03; CEAVUSC 03; CEAVUSC 04; CEAVUSC 05; CEAVUSC 06; CTVUSC 01; CTVUSC 02; CTVUSC 03; CTVUSC 04; CTVUSC 05; CTVUSC 06; CTVUSC 07
- Teacher assessment of attendance, attitude and participation in classes (10%): competences CEAVUSC 06; CEAVUSC 08
The assessment will be carried out during the teaching timetable and the final exam on the contents of the subject is complementary to the continuous assessment.
Students must submit the report of the field trip and the document corresponding to the work five days before the date set for the tutorial in which the oral defense of the latter will take place.
Exemption from attendance:
In this subject, full dispensation is not granted. Based on the Instruction Nº 1/2017 of the General Secretary's Office, those students who are granted partial dispensation will not have the obligation to attend the lectures, but the obligation to attend all the interactive activities is maintained, as it is necessary to assist to them in their presence. The assessment system for those students with partial dispensation granted based on the aforementioned instruction will be the same as for all students, as the activities for which partial dispensation is granted do not involve face-to-face assessment activities.
Originality of the submitted works:
In reference to plagiarism, the improper use of technologies by students or the fraudulent performance of exercises/tests, the actions of the teachers of the subject will be governed by the Regulations for the evaluation of the academic performance of students and grade review, approved by the Consello de Goberno of June 15, 2011 (DOG July 21, 2011) and modified by the Resolution of April 5, 2017 (DOG, May 8).
It will also be considered plagiarism if the copy is made by another colleague or a paper or report written by another person is delivered, posing as the author of the same. The detection of any of these forms of plagiarism will result in the report/work being considered null and void.
Repeater students
In the case that a student does not pass the subject in any of the two calls of the current academic year, the grade of the different activities will not be kept for subsequent courses, and all of them (practices, reports and work) must be repeated.The subject consists of 3 ECTS credits (75 hours of dedication) with 30 hours of classroom work, which is a total of 45 hours of autonomous student work. The distribution of hours of classroom work is shown below:
10 h lectures
15 h interactive classes
5 h of tutoring
30 h Total personal working hours of the student
The student's personal task is as follows:
25 h Individual study
8 h Preparation of works
5 h Bibliographic review, library, etc.
2 h Attendance at lectures, or other recommended activities
2 h Oral presentations
3 h performing exams
45 h Total personal student work hours
75 h Total working hours to overcome the subject- Participate in the theory and field practice classes and analyze the information presented as well as the bibliography provided.
- Use the tools provided by the virtual platform to fix and expand knowledge
Pablo Ramil Rego
- Department
- Botany
- Area
- Botany
- ramil.rego@usc.es
- Category
- Professor: University Lecturer
Maria Paz Ondina Navarret
Coordinador/a- Department
- Zoology, Genetics and Physical Anthropology
- Area
- Zoology
- mapaz.ondina@usc.es
- Category
- Professor: University Lecturer
2º Semester - January 27th-February 02nd Wednesday 12:00-13:00 Grupo /CLE_01 Spanish Classroom 4 Exams 05.12.2025 09:00-11:00 Grupo /CLE_01 Classroom 2 06.24.2025 12:00-14:00 Grupo /CLE_01 Classroom 4