ECTS credits
ECTS credits: 4.5ECTS Hours Rules/Memories
Student's work ECTS: 74.25
Hours of tutorials: 2.25
Expository Class: 18
EEES Clinics: 18
Total: 112.5Use languages
Spanish, GalicianType:
Ordinary Degree Subject RD 1393/2007 - 822/2021Departments:
Anatomy, Animal Production and Clinical Veterinary ScienceAreas:
Animal productionCenter
Faculty of Veterinary ScienceCall:
Second SemesterTeaching:
With teachingEnrolment:
Enrollable -
Theoretical contents:
1 To present the basic terminology used in the subject and in the area of Animal Production regarding non ruminant species.
2. To transmit to the student the coordination and application of the physiological knowledge and animal needs and, furthermore, the installations, environmental conditions and the more adequate handling so that the rearing and exploitation of animals under study useful for men make possible the viability, return and growth of the stockbreeding enterprise.
3. To offer informative infrastructure enough so that the veterinarian-to-be can answer the present demands of the stockbreeders, being directed towards the quality improvement of the obtained cattle products.
4. To give students an integrating concept of all the different subjects of Animal Production, to promote the formation of a mentality in which the knowledge of rural environment and its protection should guide his/her professional conduct.
5. To develop a critical and non-dogmatic attitude in the capacity of diagnosis and proposal of solutions before concrete situations of stockbreeding farms and advise to their owners.Study of the most relevant subsectors of non ruminant species: breeds and abilities; census and productions; general characteristics of accommodations; material and tools; handling of feeding and reproduction; hygiene of installations and animal welfare; analyses of production and reproduction ratings.
UNIT 1. 7 theoretical sessions. Pigs production: census and productions. Animal bases. Systems of exploitation. Installations and equipment. Installations hygiene. Reproduction. Growth and development of piglets. Handling of sows as a basic unit of production. Handling of fattening pig. Productive ratings and profits of carcasses. The Celta pig.
1 practical session (farm, PA C1): Visit swine operation: Recognition and use of the material and tools; determine the proportions planimetry and of the operation; productive indices; general planning and organization of the productive system.
1 practical sesión (computer, PA OR1): Technical-economic analysis of productive and quality traits.
UNIT 2. 3 theoretical sessions. Poultry production: egg-laying poultry. Census and productions. Reproduction. Egg formation. Oviposition. Breeding and rearing of breeding animals. Animal base. Systems of exploitation of laying hens. Installations and equipment. Installations hygiene. Handling. Productive ratings. Marketing and egg quality.
1 practical session (computer, PA OR2): Technical-economic analysis of productive and quality traits.
UNIT 3. 3 theoretical sessions. Poultry production: meat poultry. Census and productions. Animal base. Systems of meat chicken exploitation. Installations and equipments. Installations hygiene. Incubation and hatchability. Management. Productive ratios. Commercial types. Quality of the carcasses and meat.
1 practical session (farm, PA C2): Visit bird operation: a) Recognition and use of the materials and tools; determine the proportions planimetry and of the operation; productive indices; general planning and organization of the productive system.
UNIT 4.- 2 theoretical session- Poultry production: other aspects of interest. Hatchery and breeding farms.
UNIT 5. 1 theoretical session. Poultry production: alternative poultry productions: organic chicken and eggs. Ostriches. Breeding and exploitation of turkeys, ducks and geese. Breeding and production of partridges, quails, pigeons and guinea fowls.
UNIT 6. 3 theoretical sessions. Rabbits production. Census and productions. Animal base. Systems of exploitation. Installations and equipment. Reproduction and handling. Feed and meat profits. Quality of rabbit meat.
1 practical session (farm, PA C3): Recognition and use of the material and tools; determine the proportions planimetry and of the operation; productive indices; general planning and organization of the productive system.
1 practical session (computer, PA OR3): Technical-economic analysis of productive and quality traits.
UNIT 7. 2 theoretical sessions. Horse production. Present and future situation of horses. Census. Systems of exploitation. Types, environmental conditions, and hygiene of housing. Reproduction. Handling. Horses for work, horses for meat and horses for sport. Donkeys and mules.
UNIT 8.- 3 theoretical sessions. Fish farming: fish growing. Crustaceans growing. Mollusks growing.General (basic):
Caravaca, FP.- 2003.- Bases de la produción animal. SP. Universidad de Sevilla.
Squires, E.R.J. 2006. Endocrinología animal aplicada. Ed, Acribia, Zaragoza.
Swine production
Porci: monografía bimestral
Quiles, A., Hevia, ML.- 2004.- Producción porcina intensiva. Ed. Agrícola Española. Madrid.
Gadd, J. -2006-. Soluciones en producción porcina. Ed. Servet. Zaragoza.
Gasa, Josep; López Vergé, Sergi. -2015- Iniciación a la producción y manejo del ganado porcino: breve manual de inmersión para estudiantes de veterinaria. UAB. Texto completo dispoñible vía PreLo.
Díaz, D., Perla b., -2017- Generalidades de la producción porcina. Editorial Académica Española, Madrid.
Poultry farming
Castelló, J.A.- 2010.- Producción de huevos. Real Escuela de Avicultura. Barcelona.
Castelló, J.A.- 2002.- Producción de carne de pollo. Real Escuela de Avicultura. Barcelona.
Abab, j. - 2003.- Reproducción e incubación en avicultura. Real Escuela de Avicultura. Barcelona.
Deeming, DC.- 2001.- El avestruz: biología, producción y sanidad. Ed. Acribia. Zaragoza.
FAO. Producción y productos avícolas. http://www.fao.org/poultry-production-products/production/es/
Rabbit breeding
Bennet, B. - 2011. Guía de la cría de conejos. Ediciones Omega. Barcelona.
Crespo JC. 2006. Prácticas de cunicultura industrial. Junta de Castilla y León.
UCO. Producción de conejos de aptitud cárnica. http://www.uco.es/zootecniaygestion/img/pictorex/09_10_34_Cunicultura.p…
Berner, E., Gallego, J.- 2000.- El caballo: cría y manejo. Mundi-Prensa. Madrid.
Acero, P – 2009- Planificación y manejo de la explotación equina. Junta de Castilla y León.
González, F. - 2004- Acuicultura: Producción, comercio y trazabilidad. Ed. Netbiblo. A Coruña.
Brown, L.- 2000.- Acuicultura para veterinarios: produción y clínica de peces. Acribia. Zaragoza.
MAPA. Acuicultura. https://www.mapa.gob.es/es/pesca/temas/acuicultura/
The use of both basic and complementary internet resources specified is recommended, in the Bibliography section, as well as that electronic access bibliography available at the USC Library. A BUSC EN LIÑA https://busconline.gal. Also, through portico (http://sfx.bugalicia.org/san/az) and EZproxy (https: // ezbusc), managed by BUGalicia, it will be possible to search for scientific journals and electronic books (with the credentials of the USC). For specific topics, professors may provide open access articles or recommend searching through PubMed or Google Schoolar.At the end of the academic year students should:
- be able to identify the animal needs in the different productive systems and installations, environmental conditions and the most appropriate management for the breeding and exploitation of productive livestock in optimal conditions, both from the animal point of view and the point of view of viability, return and growth of the farming enterprise.
- have the capacity of diagnosis and proposal of solutions before concrete situations of farms and advise to the owners of the farms towards an improvement in management and an increase in cattle products quality.
- be used to the acquisition and critical use of bibliographic resources (books, technical journals, databank, Internet websites, etc.).
Skills according to the report of the Veterinary Degree (Santiago de Compostela University):
GVUSC01 Ability to learn and adapt
GVUSC02 Ability for analysis and synthesis
GVUSC03 General knowledge of the work area
GVUSC05 Ability for applying knowledge in practice
CEDVUSC03 Breeding, improvement, management and animal welfare
CEDVUSC10 To know the techniques applicable to domestic animals, including those with direct influence on animal and human health
CEDVUSC11 Knowledge of the operating systems basis and optimization of plant and animal production and its impact on the environment
CEDVUSC14 To know the rules and laws of veterinary and animal regulations and trade
D1VUSC02 Collect and send specimens with their corresponding report
D1VUSC09 Apply basic procedures to ensure proper functioning of the reproductive activity, technological processes and the resolution of the obstetric problems
D1VUSC11 Evaluate and interpret production and health parameters of a group of animals, considering the economic, environmental and welfare concerns, looking for their optimization
D1VUSC15 Advice and management, technical and economic, to veterinary companies in a context of sustainability
D1VUSC17 Perform technical reports related to the veterinary skills
CEAVUSC01 Analyze, synthesize, solve problems and make decisions in the veterinary professional fields
CEAVUSC02 Behave ethically in carrying out their responsibilities to the veterinary profession and society
CEAVUSC03 Disclose information obtained during the professional practice of the the vet, fluently, oral and written, with colleagues, authorities and genral society
CEAVUSC04 Search and manage information related to the veterinary activity
CEAVUSC08 Be aware of the need to maintain current knowledge, skills and attitudes of professional skills through a lifelong learning process
CTVUSC02 Ability to obtain adequate information, diverse and updated by several ways such as bibliographic information and internet and to critically analyze it
CTVUSC03 Ability to develop and present an organized and understandable text
CTVUSC04 Ability to make a public lecture in a clear, coherent and concise way
CTVUSC05 Skill in the use of ICTs
CTVUSC07 Ability to solve problems through the integrated application of knowledgeTheory program:
24 expositive presential sessions, 50 minutes each, throughout the second semester according to schedules approved by the Faculty Board for each academic course. The last 10 minutes of each session can be dedicated to synthesize the treated subject, to fix the concepts exposed and to solve the possible doubts that have been able to provoke, ace as to verify of way succinct with random oral questions, the degree of compression on the part of the students of the explained subject.
Practical program:
o Active farm visit 1 (swine). PA C1 G1 a G11 (5h y 20 min)
o Active farm visit 2 (poltry). PA C2 G1 a G11 (5h y 20 min)
o Active farm visit 3 (rabbit). PA C3 G1 a G11 (5h y 20 min)
Bus transfer departing from Nutrición Animal/Economía Agraria seminar (Pavilion 4, P1S).
In each visited operation, the student will be able to observe the constructive characteristics and determine the proportions of the facilities; the environmental average control; the hygiene, cleaning and biosecurity of the facilities; the general handling of the animals carried out by the workers of the operation, including the handling of the feeding; the sanitary programs and of prophylaxis, etc. In all the operations, and especially those of pig and the bird-raising ones, given the measures of biosecurity of same and in fulfillment of the norms of effective well-being the animal, the visits will become under a strict control and without disturbing the habitat of the animal, trying to cause the smaller possible incidence on the animal and its surroundings. In each visit the students will have to complete a script previously elaborated by the professors responsible for the subject, in which they will analyze the most excellent characteristics of the visited operation, determining its productive parameters. These practical works allow to the student a direct bonding with the operation and the observation of the real situation of the same one, analyzing their problematic one and initiating to them in one of the possible professional exits of the degree as it is the technical and economic advising of the cattle operations. Also, the elaboration of these works will develop in the student the technique of critical thought and will foment the work and the dynamics of groups
Computer: PA OR1 G1 a G6 (3,5h), PA OR2 G1 a G6 (3,5h) PA OR3 G1 a G16(3h)
Researching and processing technical information from web sites related to the subject. Technical-economic analysis of productive and quality traits in farming systems included in the subject schedule. The student will be taugh to interpret and calculate productive/economic traits of the different studied species (10 hours total).
These practices will be complemented with memories elaborated by the students.
One hour are devoted to group tutorials (PA T1 G1 a G11), mainly face-to-face, nevertheless virtual sessions can be scheduled but respecting the time slots approved for the correspondign academic course.
Computer and tutorial sessions will be held in the Nutrición Animal/Economía Agraria seminar (Pavilion 4, P1S).
All teaching will be carried out with the support of ICT and with the systematic use of the Virtual Campus as a teaching support.- Regular attendance at the classroom expositive sessions and compulsory at the scheduled practical activities. To take the exam, students must attend 100% of the practical sessions, including the work assigned to them.
- The student's final grade will be based on a classroom exam that includes the material taught in the expository classes (50% of the final grade).
- As mentioned, it will be compulsory to attend all the practices and carry out the work assigned in these practical sessions. The tasks and tests related to the practical sessions (continuous evaluation) will represent 50% of the final grade (25% active visits and 25% laboratory / computer room practices). The tests will be carried out during the development of the practices.
It is necessary to obtain a minimum of 5 points (out of 10) in each part (expository and practical) to proceed to calculate the final average grade. If a student pass only one of the parts (theory or practice), the qualification is kept until the second chance exam.
Practical sessions grades and continuous assessment grades will be saved for 1 year.
- Attendance to theoretical and practical sessions is compulsory and the evaluation system is based in continuous assessment, so class attendance waiver does not apply.
- In case of plagiarism, fraud or improper use of technologies, the provisions of the “Normativa de avaliación do rendemento académico dos estudantes e de revisión de cualificacións” will apply.PRESENTIAL WORK IN CLASS
Lectures 24
Laboratory practises 3
Computer practises 7
Active farm visits 16
Tutorial sessions 1
Total hours presential work 51
Autonomous study 42.5
Cases/problems resolution 8
Reports elaboration of the practical sessions 8
Examinations 3
Total hours autonomous work 61.5
TOTAL HOURS 112.5- Attending regularly to classes.
- Trying to understand and to reason the structure and functioning of a livestock farm and not only to memorize some data to be able to repeat them in an exam.
- Making a good use of tutorials with regularity and without waiting for the last week before the exam.
- Having the aptitude for gathering and processing all the information that they will receive in their visits to farms, so that it is required a great capacity to watch and big doses of curiosity.
- Fulfilling the entrusted pieces of work along the academic year.
Francisco Javier Dieguez Casalta
Coordinador/a- Department
- Anatomy, Animal Production and Clinical Veterinary Science
- Area
- Animal production
- Category
- Professor: University Lecturer
Ana Isabel Roca Fernandez
- Department
- Anatomy, Animal Production and Clinical Veterinary Science
- Area
- Animal production
- Phone
- 982822415
- anai.roca@usc.es
- Category
- Professor: Intern Assistant LOSU
Cynthia Lopez Novo
- Department
- Anatomy, Animal Production and Clinical Veterinary Science
- Area
- Animal production
- cynthia.lopez.novo@usc.es
- Category
- Professor: Temporary supply professor for IT and others
Silvia Rojo Montejo
- Department
- Anatomy, Animal Production and Clinical Veterinary Science
- Area
- Animal production
- silvia.rojo@usc.es
- Category
- Professor: Intern Assistant LOSU
2º Semester - January 27th-February 02nd Wednesday 10:00-11:00 Grupo /CLE_01 Spanish Classroom 2 Thursday 10:00-11:00 Grupo /CLE_01 Spanish Classroom 2 Exams 06.03.2025 09:00-11:00 Grupo /CLE_01 Classroom 1 06.03.2025 09:00-11:00 Grupo /CLE_01 Classroom 2 06.03.2025 09:00-11:00 Grupo /CLE_01 Classroom 3 06.26.2025 12:00-14:00 Grupo /CLE_01 Classroom 1 06.26.2025 12:00-14:00 Grupo /CLE_01 Classroom 2