ECTS credits
ECTS credits: 6ECTS Hours Rules/Memories
Hours of tutorials: 3
Expository Class: 24
Interactive Classroom: 24
Total: 51Use languages
Spanish, GalicianType:
Ordinary Degree Subject RD 1393/2007 - 822/2021Departments:
Plant Production and Engineering ProjectsAreas:
Engineering ProjectsCenter
Higher Polytechnic Engineering SchoolCall:
Second SemesterTeaching:
With teachingEnrolment:
Enrollable -
Most of the projects that currently involve information and communication technology (ICT) professionals are not strictly technical, but involve different departments and skills. Moreover, from a technical point of view, many of these projects are not only software development, but implement or integrate existing products. Nowadays, through the different engineering areas, most of the daily activities of organizations, as well as their professionals, are structured in projects.
The mission of this subject is to provide robotics students with an introductory vision of a general method valid for the management of medium or large projects. This method has to be complemented in each case with other specific methods of production (execution) of the product or service to be designed, built, installed and implemented. At the end of the course, the student should understand and be familiar with the most important concepts, processes, tools, techniques and documents used in a project, and be able to participate in a project and in the management of a project as a participant or team member.
This course addresses all areas of project management in both the classical methodology and those related to agile techniques. Starting from integration and scope management to risk management through time and cost management, human resources and documentation, and procurement and quality. The objectives of each of these management areas will be presented as well as the techniques that are applied to achieve these objectives.
As specific objectives we have:
- To understand what a project is, its characteristics and components, and to differentiate it from the ordinary operations of the company.
- To know and distinguish the main standards and methodologies in project management.
- To establish the factors that are critical for the success of a project, its linkage with the organization's strategy and the project's objectives.
- To understand the role of the project manager, his position within the organization and his relationship with the rest of the stakeholders.
- To learn how to correctly define a project, its scope and objectives.
- Acquire a global vision of the different process groups and knowledge areas included in project management.
- To learn how to develop the basic reference documents for project management: the Project Charter and the Project Management Plan.
- To know the main tools and techniques used in project management.The report of the degree contemplates the following contents for this subject:
-Familiarization with the conceptual framework of project management, mastering the basic concepts and the
- To know the most important institutions and/or international organizations related to the subject.
- To master the areas of knowledge, process groups and the main tools/techniques used in the different processes, following the different
in the different processes, following PMI standards.
- To know other alternatives, especially those related to agile methodologies.
- To be able to formulate the management plan of a robotics project.
These contents will be developed according to the following agenda.
Block I. Conceptual framework of the project management.
Topic 1. The project and project management (2 h)
The technique. The engineering. The engineering office. The engineering project. Basic characteristics of a project. Conditions for writing an engineering project. Aims, objectives and goals of a project.
Topic 2. Project Management Processes (2 h).
Introduction and basic concepts. Organizational structures. Management functions. Project management certification systems. Specific management techniques.
Block II. Classical methodology for project planning and execution (PMBoK).
Value delivery system and performance domains (2 h).
Introduction. Value delivery system. Project performance domains.
Topic 4. Principles for project management I (2 h).
Project management. Team. Stakeholders. Value
Topic 5. Principles for project management II (2 h).
Systemic thinking. Leadership. Adaptation. Quality.
Topic 6. Principles for project management III (2 h).
Complexity. Risk. Adaptability and Resilience. Change
Block III. Agile Methodologies (SCRUM).
Topic 7. Agile Methodologies (2 h).
Characteristics of agile methodologies. Requirements of agile engineering. Main advantages for project management in robotics.
SCRUM general criteria (2 h).
Definition of SCRUM. Principles. General methodology. Transparency. Adaptation.
Topic 9. Values and SCRUM team (2 h).
Values. Developers. Product owners. Scrum master.
Topic 10. SCRUM events (2 h).
Sprint. Sprint specifications. Daily Scrum (Daily Scrum). Sprint Review (Sprint Review). Sprint Retrospective (Sprint Retrospective).
Topic 11. SCRUM artifacts (2 h).
Product Backlog (Product Backlog). Product Goal. The Sprint Stack (Sprint Backlog). Commitment (Sprint Goal). Increment. Definition of Done.
Topic 12. Other agile methodologies (2 h).
Lean. Kamban. XP
The practices will be carried out simultaneously with the progress of the course in the theoretical part.
Students will be organized in groups of 5 (grouped according to the criteria established by the teacher). All students will develop their practices in the program ProjectQtor (https://www.projeqtor.org/en/) free open source software.
The foreseen practices will be the following ones:
PL 1: Presentation of the project - The common objective for all groups will be presented (2 h).
PL 2: Presentation of the program - The basic features of the software used will be shown (2 h).
PL 3: Planning - Elaboration of the activities and allocation of resources (2 h).
PL 4: Schedules and risks - Elaboration of meeting and milestone schedules. Establishment of project risks (2 hrs).
PL 5: Elaboration of deliverables and KPIs - Elaboration of project documentation and quality reports (4 h).
Each group will deliver a single work in the enabled platform and in the established form. The team's work will also be presented in public to the rest of the classmates.
The criteria of format, contents and quality applied for the correction will be explained to the students in class by the teacher.
The date of delivery of the work will be agreed with the students having as initial reference the date of the exam of the theory part.Basic
- PMI. 2021. A guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK guide) and the Standard for project management. ISBN 1628256648.
- Stellman, A., & Greene, J. 2014. Learning agile: Understanding scrum, XP, lean, and kanban. " O'Reilly Media, Inc."
- https://www.media.mit.edu/groups/open-agriculture-openag/overview/
- https://www.media.mit.edu/posts/this-computer-will-grow-your-food-in-th…
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qZYnI8pYhrs
- https://www.projeqtor.org/fr/
- http://pmi-galiciachapter.org/
- https://www.ipma.world/
- https://www.aeipro.com/es/
- https://agile-spain.org/
- https://www.efqm.org/
- Berkun, S. 2008. Making things happen: Mastering project management.
- Pokrop, F. 2012. 101 Project Management Problems and How to Solve Them. Quality Progress, 45(4), 66.
- Kerzner, H. (2017). Project management: a systems approach to planning, scheduling, and controlling. John Wiley & Sons.
- https://www.ceolevel.com/puede-hacer-un-robot-el-trabajo-de-un-project-…
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jG5-vPBKSlU
- http://www.liderdeproyecto.com/
- www.clubcalidad.esCB1: That students have demonstrated possession and understanding of knowledge in an area of study that builds on the foundation of general secondary education, and is usually at a level that, while relying on advanced textbooks, also includes some aspects that involve knowledge from the cutting edge of their field of study.
CB2: That students know how to apply their knowledge to their work or vocation in a professional manner and possess the competencies that are usually demonstrated through the development and defense of arguments and problem solving within their area of study.
CB3: That students have the ability to gather and interpret relevant data (usually within their area of study) to make judgments that include reflection on relevant social, scientific or ethical issues.
CB4: That students can transmit information, ideas, problems and solutions to both specialized and non-specialized audiences.
CB5: That students have developed those learning skills necessary to undertake further studies with a high degree of autonomy.
CG1 - Knowledge of basic subjects and technologies, which will enable them to learn new methods and technologies, as well as provide them with great versatility to adapt to new situations.
CG2 - Ability to solve problems in the field of robotic engineering with creativity, initiative, methodology and critical reasoning.
CG3 - Ability to use computer tools for modeling, simulation and design of engineering applications.
CG4 - Knowing the technological needs of society and industry, and being able to improve services and production processes by applying current robotics technology, through the choice, acquisition and implementation of robotic systems in different applications, both industrial and services.
CG5 - To be able to obtain and analyze information about circuits, machine elements, automatic control, sensors and computer systems, with the ultimate goal of achieving autonomous and flexible robotic applications.
CG6 - Conceive, calculate, design and implement algorithms, equipment or installations in the field of robotics, for industrial or service applications, taking into account aspects of quality, safety, environmental criteria, rational and efficient use of resources.
CG7 - Ability to work in a multidisciplinary group and to communicate, both in writing and orally, knowledge, procedures, results and ideas related to robotics and electronics.
CG8 - Ability to work in a multidisciplinary group and to communicate, both in writing and orally, knowledge, procedures, results and ideas related to robotics and electronics.
CT1 - Capacity for analysis and synthesis.
CT2 - Capacity for reasoning and argumentation.
CT3 - Ability to work individually, with self-critical attitude.
CT4 - Ability to work in groups and to deal with problematic situations collectively.
CT5 - Ability to obtain adequate, diverse and updated information.
CT6 - Ability to elaborate and present an organized and comprehensible text.
CT7 - Ability to make a clear, concise and coherent public presentation.
CT8 - Commitment to the truthfulness of the information offered to others.
CT9 - Ability to use information and communication technologies (ICT).
CT10 - Use of bibliographic and Internet information.
CT11 - Use of complementary and/or punctual information in English language.
CT12 - Ability to solve problems through the integrated application of their knowledge.
SC15: To know the most appropriate mathematical tools and computer applications for modeling and analysis of linear and nonlinear systems, and to be able to analyze their dynamic behavior.
SC18: Knowing the different types of sensor devices used to capture information from the robot itself and its environment, as well as their operating principles. Knowing how to apply the methods and techniques to measure, process, merge and represent the captured information.
CE23: Ability to know and implement methods of feature extraction from the information perceived by cameras and 3D sensors to the development of applications in robots and intelligent systems.
SC29: Use and implement methods of pattern recognition and computational learning in the analysis of sensory data and for decision making in robotic systems.
CE32: Know and understand the techniques for detection, recognition or tracking of elements within the environment of a robot, and know how to use or develop algorithms to implement these techniques.Lectures by the professor in charge of the subject. With a total of 24 hours of lectures and 30 hours of student work in the preparation of the topics. With the following competences: CT1, CT2, CT3, CT4, CT5, CT6, CT7, CT8, CT9, CT10, CT11, CT12, CB1, CB2, CB3, CB4, CB5, CG1, CG2, CG3, CG4, CG5, CG6, CG7, CG8, CE15, CE18, CE23, CE29, CE32.
- Internships, to be carried out by students in small groups (5 members) and related to the contents of the subject. With a total of 24 classroom hours and approximately 30 hours of student work. With the following competences: CCT1, CT2, CT3, CT4, CT5, CT6, CT7, CT8, CT9, CT10, CT11, CT12, CB1, CB2, CB3, CB4, CB5, CG1, CG2, CG3, CG4, CG5, CG6, CG7, CG8, CE15, CE18, CE23, CE29, CE32.
- Readings of recommended bibliography throughout the course. With a total of approximately 12 hours of student work. With the following competences worked: CT1, CT2, CT3, CT4, CT5, CT6, CT7, CT8, CT9, CT10, CT11, CT12, CB1, CB2, CB3, CB4, CB5, CG1, CG2, CG3, CG4, CG5, CG6, CG7, CG8, CE15, CE18, CE23, CE29, CE32.
- Tutorials, individual and group to complement the theoretical and practical contents. With a total of approximately 3 hours of student work. With the following competences: CT1, CT2, CT3, CT4, CT5, CT6, CT7, CT8, CT9, CT10, CT11, CT12, CB1, CB2, CB3, CB4, CB5, CG1, CG2, CG3, CG4, CG5, CG6, CG7, CG8, CE15, CE18, CE23, CE29, CE32.
- Preparation of group work by the students. Total of 12 hours. With the following competences worked: CT1, CT2, CT3, CT4, CT5, CT6, CT7, CT8, CT9, CT10, CT11, CT12, CB1, CB2, CB3, CB4, CB5, CG1, CG2, CG3, CG4, CG5, CG6, CG7, CG8, CE15, CE18, CE23, CE29, CE32.
- Preparation of evaluation tests. A total of 12 hours of student work. With the following competences worked: CT1, CT2, CT3, CT4, CT5, CT6, CT7, CT8, CT9, CT10, CT11, CT12, CB1, CB2, CB3, CB4, CB5, CG1, CG2, CG3, CG4, CG5, CG6, CG7, CG8, CE15, CE18, CE23, CE29, CE32.
- Evaluation tests, oriented to verify the fulfillment of the didactic objectives by the students. With a total of approximately 3 hours of student work.
In total, 54 classroom hours and 96 hours of student work (the sum of classroom and personal work is 150 hours).Written test(s) (50% of the grade): competences CT1, CT2, CT3, CT4, CT5, CB1, CB2, CB3, CG1, CG2, CG3, CG4, CG5, CE15, CE18, CE23,
Work presented and exposed (50% of the grade). The grade will be the same for all members of the group presenting the work. If the group decides that a member is not part of the group, he/she must indicate it in the work and in the presentation: competences CT6, CT7, CT8, CT9, CT10, CT11, CT12, CB4, CB5, CG6, CG7, CG8, CE29, CE32.
In order to pass the course it is necessary to obtain a grade higher than 4 in each of the two sections in all the exams.
For the evaluation of the 2nd opportunity, the grade of the work presented or of the exam will be kept.
For cases of fraudulent performance of exercises or tests, the provisions of the "Regulations for the evaluation of the academic performance of students and review of grades" will apply.
Students who have been granted a waiver must compulsorily carry out the practices.
Repeating students will be in the same conditions as the first enrollment.It will depend on the capacity and interest of each student. Approximately 150 hours of which 54 will be face-to-face and approximately 96 will be individual or group work.
Attendance to all classes and active participation in them.
Reading of the bibliography following the teacher's indications.
Consulting doubts during the development of the corresponding class in tutorials.
Review of the material explained in class and elaboration of a schematic synthesis
Manuel Francisco Marey Perez
Coordinador/a- Department
- Plant Production and Engineering Projects
- Area
- Engineering Projects
- manuel.marey@usc.es
- Category
- Professor: University Professor
Joel Rodriguez Ruiz
- Department
- Plant Production and Engineering Projects
- Area
- Engineering Projects
- joel.ruiz@usc.es
- Category
- Predoutoral USC_Campus Terra
Oscar Lopez Alvarez
- Department
- Plant Production and Engineering Projects
- Area
- Engineering Projects
- oscarlopez.alvarez@usc.es
- Category
- Predoutoral USC_Campus Terra
Yago Lestido Cardama
- Department
- Plant Production and Engineering Projects
- Area
- Engineering Projects
- yago.lestido.cardama@usc.es
- Category
- Xunta Pre-doctoral Contract
2º Semester - January 27th-February 02nd Tuesday 10:00-14:00 Grupo /CLE_01 Galician Classroom 19 (Pav.II-PPS) Wednesday 10:00-14:00 Grupo /CLE_01 Galician Classroom 14 (Lecture room 4) Thursday 10:00-14:00 Grupo /CLE_01 Galician Classroom 13 (Lecture room 4) Friday 10:00-14:00 Grupo /CLE_01 Galician Classroom 19 (Pav.II-PPS) Exams 05.20.2025 16:00-20:00 Grupo /CLE_01 Classroom 7 (Lecture room 2) 07.08.2025 16:00-20:00 Grupo /CLE_01 Classroom 7 (Lecture room 2)