ECTS credits
ECTS credits: 4.5ECTS Hours Rules/Memories
Student's work ECTS: 74.5
Hours of tutorials: 2
Expository Class: 18
Interactive Classroom: 18
Total: 112.5Use languages
Spanish, GalicianType:
Ordinary Degree Subject RD 1393/2007 - 822/2021Departments:
Agroforestry EngineeringAreas:
Agroforestry EngineeringCenter
Higher Polytechnic Engineering SchoolCall:
First SemesterTeaching:
With teachingEnrolment:
Enrollable -
Know, understand and use the principles of rural engineering: hydraulic. Know how to make decisions by using the resources available for work in multidisciplinary groups. Know how to transfer technology, understand, interpret, communicate and adopt advances in the agrarian field.
Hydrostatics: Calculation of thrusts. Fundamental equations of hydrodynamics. Geometric and mechanical characteristics of pipes. Load losses. Calculation of simple and complex pipe systems. Pumping facilities. Variable flow in pressure pipes. Hydrometry in forced regime.
These contents will be developed according to the following agenda:
Theoretical issues
1. Introduction. Properties of fluids (1 h) (DNP: 1 h)
2. Fundamental equations of hydrostatics. Thrusts on submerged surfaces (2 h) (DNP: 4 h)
3. Fluid kinematics (1 h) (DNP: 2 h)
4. Fluid dynamics. General equation of pressure losses (2 h) (DNP: 3 h)
5. Continuous and singular pressure drops (2 h) (DNP: 2 h)
6. Piping with discrete and continuous distribution (1 h) (DNP: 2 h)
7. Calculation of simple and complex systems of installations (3 h) (DNP: 2 h)
8. Variable flow in pressurised pipes (1 h) (DNP: 2 h)
9. Hydraulic pumps (3 hrs) (DNP: 3 hrs)
10. Hydraulic pump associations (1 h) (DNP: 2 h)
11. Cavitation in pumps. NPSH (1 h) (DNP: 2 h)
Total 18 h
Practical Syllabus.
1. Recognition of materials (1 h) (DNP: 2 h)
2. Calculation of the characteristic curve of a hydraulic pump (1 h) (DNP: 2 h)
3. Analysis of the relationship between flow and pressure. Application to an emitter (1 h) (DNP: 2 h)
Proposal of exercises (15 h) (DNP: 18 h)
Total Interactive: seminar (15 h) and laboratory (3 h): 18 h
Tutorials in small groups 2 hAguera Soriano, J. 1996. Mecanica de fluidos incompresibles y turbomáquinas hidráulicas. Editorial Ciencia 3.
Finnemore, E.J., J.B. Franzini. “Fluid Mechanics with Engineering Applications”. Ed. McGraw Hill (2002).
Streeter, V. 1988. Mecánica de fluidos. Ed. McGraw-Hill. Mexico.
Arviza, J. y Santamarina, C. 1995. Ingeniería Rural: Hidráulica. S.P.U.P.V. Valencia.
Gómez, P. 1993. Instalaciones de bombeo para riego y otros usos. Ed. Agrícola S.A. Madrid..
Losada, A. 1996. Fundamentos de hidrología y de la práctica de riegos. Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingenieros Agrónomos. Universidad Politécnica de Madrid.
Mendiluce, E. 1987. El golpe de ariete en impulsiones. Ed. Bellisco. Madrid.
Montalvo, T. 1994. Análisis de distribuciones discretas. Aplicación al riego. Universidad Politécnica de Valencia. Valencia.
Tarjuelo, J.M. 1999. El riego por aspersión y su tecnología. Ed Mundi-Prensa.
Universidad de Córdoba. 1999. Problemas de hidráulica para riegos. Servicio de publicaciones de la Universidad de Córdoba. Córdoba.In this subject the student will acquire or practice a series of generic competences, desirable in any university degree, and specific, specific to agricultural engineering. Within the competency table that was designed for the degree, the following will be worked on:
Basic, general, specific and transversal competences:
• CG1 - Knowledge of basic, scientific and technological subjects that allow continuous learning, as well as an ability to adapt to new situations or changing environments.
• CT2 - Ability for reasoning and argumentation
• CT1 - Capacity for analysis and synthesis.
• CT6 - Ability to prepare and present an organized and understandable text.
• CT12 - Ability to solve problems through the integrated application of their knowledge.
· CG2 - Ability to solve problems with creativity, initiative, methodology and critical reasoning.
· HJ5 - Ability to know, understand and use the principles of civil works, facilities and infrastructure of green areas and protected areas. Electrification. Irrigation and drainage. Machinery for horticulture and gardening.
· A3 - Ability to know, understand and use the principles of Engineering of Agricultural Operations: Electrification of agricultural operations. Farm Equipment. Systems and technology irrigation. Agricultural constructions. Facilities for animal health and welfare. sustainable development; Market strategies and professional practice; Valuation of environmental assets.
· MC5 - Ability to know, understand and use the principles of the Engineering of the facilities: Rural electrification. Irrigation and drainage technology. Hydraulic works and installations. Facilities for animal health and welfare.
• CR7 - Ability to know, understand and use the principles of rural engineering: calculation of structures and construction, hydraulics, motors and machines, electrical engineering, technical projects.The teaching of the subject will be distributed as follows:
Participatory lectures in which the theoretical concepts necessary for understanding the subject will be developed: 18 hours.
Competencies: Knowledge in basic subjects. Capability of analysis and synthesis
Problem solving, activities in seminars (small groups) with the aim of solving practical problems: 15 hours.
Laboratory or field practices, the practices (small groups) will be developed in the laboratory and in the computer rooms: 3 hours.
Competencies: Capacity for reasoning and argumentation. Ability to produce organized text
Tutoring in small groups (very small groups) each of the groups has three hours for the clarification of doubts that may exist in the different topics covered in the subject.
Likewise, the students have the possibility of attending individual tutoring whenever they think it appropriate and in the schedule that the teaching staff has set aside for this activity.
The attendance to lectures, seminars, practices and tutorials in small groups will be mandatory.
General competition Ability to know, understand and use the principles of Rural Engineering.The evaluation system is based on the completion of a written test on the official dates established by the center, with practical and theoretical contents, at the end of the subject. This test will represent 70% of the final grade and a minimum of 3.5 points out of 10 is required in order to pass the subject.
A unique form will be prepared which will be available to the student in the practical part
It is also considered the realization of the memories of practices and laboratory tests and the resolution of practical cases and the topics developed by each student within the targeted activities (30%).
The student studies the whole subject every academic year
Students who have a waiver of class attendance under the conditions indicated in Order 1/2017 of the General Secretariat of the USC, to approve the subject must present and pass the exam on the official dates. This does not prevent them from performing other continuous assessment tasks
The evaluation of the competences is carried out as indicated:
Written test: CG7, CG8, CT2, CT1, CT6, CT12, CR7
Exercises and partial tests: CG7, CG8, CT6, CT12, CR7
Practices: CG7, CT6, CR7
For cases of fraudulent completion of exercises or tests, the provisions of the Regulations for evaluating the academic performance of students and reviewing grades will apply.Classroom teaching: 42
Expository teaching 18
Laboratory 3
Seminars 15
Small group tutorials 2
Exam 4
Non-attendance: 70,5
Reading and preparation of topics 25
Exercises 18
Preparation of coursework 6
Preparation of assessment tests 21,5
In total: 112.5 hours- Attend all the activities of the subject both theoretical and practical.
- Use tutoring schedules to clarify doubts about the content developed in the classes.
- Make use of the new available technologies: Virtual USC or email that help improve teaching.
- Dedicate the weekly time planned for each component in an organized and systematic way.
- Consult the basic bibliography as the topics are developed and make use of the complementary bibliography to expand knowledge on the topics addressed in the directed activities.
- Actively participate in the development of all teaching activities.
Xan Xosé Neira Seijo
Coordinador/a- Department
- Agroforestry Engineering
- Area
- Agroforestry Engineering
- xan.neira@usc.es
- Category
- Professor: University Lecturer
1º Semester - September 09th-15th Monday 09:00-10:00 Grupo /CLE_01 Spanish Classroom 14 (Lecture room 4) Tuesday 09:00-10:00 Grupo /CLE_01 Spanish Classroom 14 (Lecture room 4) Exams 01.22.2025 16:00-20:00 Grupo /CLE_01 Classroom 11 (Lecture room 3) 01.22.2025 16:00-20:00 Grupo /CLE_01 Classroom 12 (Lecture room 3) 06.11.2025 10:00-14:00 Grupo /CLE_01 Classroom 11 (Lecture room 3) 06.11.2025 10:00-14:00 Grupo /CLE_01 Classroom 12 (Lecture room 3)