ECTS credits
ECTS credits: 6ECTS Hours Rules/Memories
Student's work ECTS: 99
Hours of tutorials: 3
Expository Class: 24
Interactive Classroom: 24
Total: 150Use languages
Spanish, GalicianType:
Ordinary Degree Subject RD 1393/2007 - 822/2021Departments:
Plant Production and Engineering ProjectsAreas:
Plant ProductionCenter
Higher Polytechnic Engineering SchoolCall:
First SemesterTeaching:
With teachingEnrolment:
Enrollable -
Know, understand and use the principles of plant production technologies: protecting crops against pests and diseases.
The degree report for this area includes the following contents:
Plant Pathology. Agricultural Entomology. Control techniques of pests and diseases. Effect of control techniques: target organisms, quality and environment. Integrated Crop protection models. Practice of diagnosis and identification, sampling and simulation, finding information, security.
These contents are developed according to the following program to which will be assigned the hours indicated in the summary table, as face to face (P) or not face to face (NP):
SECTION I: Introduction (6 h P + 3 NP)
Lesson 1: Crop Protection.
Lesson 2: Diagnosis and identification of harmful organisms.
P.1 Recognition of symptoms and damages of plagues and pathogens in field.
P.2 Recognition of symptoms and damages by pathogens in fresh and dry material in laboratory.
SECTION II: Plant Pathology (7 h P + 11 NP)
Lesson 3: Introduction to Plant Pathology
Lesson 4: Fungal pathogens and related
Lesson 5: Phytopathogenic prokaryotes
Lesson 6: Phytopathogenic Viruses and viroids
Lesson 7: phytopathogenic nematodes
Lesson 8: Parasitic plants
Lesson 9: Diseases of abiotic causes
Seminar 1: 1 h Videos life cycles of fungi 1h
P.3 Diagnostic of phytopathogenic fungi 2h
P.4 Phytopathogenic Nematodes 1h
P.5 Diagnostic of phytopathogenic viruses 1h
SECTION III: Agricultural Entomology (5 h P + 7 NP)
Lesson 10: Introduction to the study of agricultural pests.
Lesson 11: Insect pests and beneficial: morphology, physiology, injury and / or benefits.
Lesson 12: pest and beneficial mites: morphology, physiology, injury and / or benefits
Lesson 13: Other pest organisms
Seminar 2: Videos life cycles of insects.
P.6 Identification order/families of insects/acari of agricultural importance and recognition of damages
SECTION IV: Introduction to Weed Science (+ 1 NP)
Lesson 14: Weeds.
SECTION V: Techniques and strategies of control (29 h P + 39 h NP)
Lesson 15: Legal Control. Regulations.
Lesson 16: Cultural control
Lesson 17: Physical Control
Lesson 18: Genetic Control
Lesson 19: Biotechnical Control
Lesson 20: Biological Control
Lesson 21: Chemical Control
Lesson 22: Strategies for control of pests, pathogens and weeds.
Lesson 23: Decision Making. Pest populations and disease epidemiology
P.7 Insect traps and curves of flight
P.8 Natural Enemies and auxiliary fauna
Seminar 3: Videos biological control and sterile male release
Seminar 4: Video Integrated Production. Discussion.
Seminar 5: Programs of Simulation epidemics: factors that affect to the Disease Progress Curve (DPC) Program in English, deliverable preferably in English
Seminar 6: Damage assessment: damage scales, computer programs. Program in English, deliverable preferably in English
Seminar 7: Students Presentations and discussion
Seminar 8: subjects 22 and 23: practical decision-making exercises
Tutorials in small groups: 3 h
Tut 1 Presentation of the teaching guide, Tut 2 selection of topics for coursework, citation, documentation, Tut 3 discussions on the progress of ongoing review of work / exercises / doubt
Some practice and / or seminar could be replaced by a technical trip.BASIC
• Coscollá, R. 2004. Introducción a la Protección Integrada. Phytoma España. 356 pp.
• García Marí, F., Ferragut, F. 2002. Las Plagas Agrícolas. Phytoma-España.
• García Torres, L. 2001. Fundamentos sobre malas hierbas y herbicidas. Ed. Mund-Prensa.
• Andrés, M.F de y S. Verdejo (ed). 2011. Enfermedades causadas por nematodos fitoparásitos en España. SEF Phytoma.
• Ayllón, M.A., Cambra, M., Moriones, E., Llave, C. 2016. Enfermedades de las plantas causadas por virus y viroides. SEF
• Jiménez Díaz, R.M. y E. Montesinos (eds). 2010. Enfermedades de las plantas causadas por hongos y Oomicetos. SEF PHYTOMA.340 pp.
• López, M.M., J Murillo, E Montesinos y A Palacio-Bielsa. 2018. Enfermedades de las plantas causadas por bacterias. SEF.
•Jacas, J. y Urbaneja (eds). 2009. Control Biológico de Plagas Agrícolas. Phytoma España.496 pp.
En Inglés:
Schumann, G.L. and D´Arcy, J. 2006. Essential Plant Pathology. APS Press.
•Agrios, G. Plant pathology. 5th ed. 2004. Elsevier. Versión española, 1995, Fitopatología, 2ª ed. Noriega.
•Liñán, C. de. (Ed.). Entomología agroforestal. Ed. C. de Liñán. 1209 pp
• Barrientos, J. (Ed.) 2004. Curso práctico de Entomología. Universidad Autónoma Barcelona.
• Ferrari, M., E. Marcon ed A. Menta. 2004. Fitopatologia ed Entomologia Agraria, 2ªed. Edagricole, Bologna.
• Fernández Quintanilla, C., M. Garrido, C. Zaragoza. 1999. Control integrado de las malas hierbas: buenas prácticas agrícolas. Phytoma
• Jarvis, W.R. 1992. Managing Diseases in Greenhouse Crops. APS, Press, St. Paul, MN. Versión española, MundiPrensa.
• Recasens, J. y J.A. Conesa. 2009. Malas hierbas en plántula. Guía de identificación.
• Varios SEF. Monografías sobre enfermedades de diferentes cultivos.
• Páginas web: actualizadas en los esquemas que se colgarán en el aula virtual
In English:
• Schumann, G.L. 1991. Plant diseases: their biology and social impact. APS Press.
•Dent, D. 1995. Integrated Pest Management. Chapman & Hall, New York, USA.
•Pedigo, L.P. 2008. Entomology & Pest management, 6th Macmillam publishing Company. NY, USA
•Francl, L.J. and D.A., Neher. 1997. 1st ed .Exercises in Plant Disease Epidemiology. APS Press St. Paul, Minessotta (USA).
Stevenson, K.L. and Jeger, M.J. 2015. 2nd edition. Exercises in Plant Disease Epidemiology. APS Press St. Paul, Minessotta (USA).
•Varios APS. Compendium of Plant Diseases. Enfermedades de diferentes cultivos.
• Páginas web: actualizadas en los esquemas que se colgarán en el aula virtualBasic and general
CG1 - Knowledge in basic materials in science and technology to enable continuous learning and adaptability to new situations or changing environments.
CG4 - Ability to search and use of the rules and regulations concerning its scope.
CG5 - Ability to develop their activities, assuming a social, ethical and environmental commitment in tune with the reality of human and natural environment.
CT1 - Capacity for analysis and synthesis.
CT2 - Capacity for reasoning and argumentation
CT3 - Individual work capacity, with a self-critical attitude
CT4 - Ability to work in problem situations both in group and collectively.
CT5 - Ability to obtain adequate, diverse and updated information
CT6 - Ability to develop and present an organized and understandable text.
CT7 - Ability to make a public display in a clear, concise and consistent manner.
CT8 - Commitment to accuracy of the information provided by others.
CT9 - Skill in managing information technology and communication (ICT).
CT10 - Use of bibliographic information and the Internet.
CT11 – Use of bibliographic information in foreign languages
CT12 - Ability to solve problems through the integrated application of their knowledge
Lists only the competences which appear in the MVT but adapted to the contents taught and assessed in this matter:
CR2 - Ability to recognize, understand and use the principles of plant production bases, production systems, protection and exploitation.
EA2 - Ability to recognize, understand and use the principles of crop production technologies: systems of production and exploitation. Crop protection against pests and diseases..
MC1 - Ability to recognize, understand and use the principles of technology plant and animal production: Crop protection.
CR4 - Ability to know, understand and use the principles of the applications of biotechnology to the agriculture enginery.
HJ1 - Ability to know, understand and use the principles of technology of Fruit and Vegetable Production
HJ2 - Ability to know, understand and use the basic principles and technology of horticultural, fruit and ornamental propagation and production. Quality control of fruit and vegetable products. Commercialization.
All the competences related to Plant Health: the graduate who studies this matter and 6 other credits related to the protection of crops may be a PHYTOSANITARY ADVISOR as described in Directive 2009/128 / EC of the European Parliament and of the Council by which establishes the framework for community action to achieve a sustainable use of pesticides (Real Decreto 1311/2012): person who has acquired adequate knowledge and advises on pest management and the safe use of plant protection products on a professional basis or as part of a commercial service, including autonomous private and public advisory services, commercial operators, food producers and retailers, where applicableParticipative master classes: at least one part of each topic. Diagrams with graphic information in virtual classroom.
-Videos: possible complement to various theoretical and practical topics; Links will be indicated in the class diagrams so that students can view them while they study.
-Use of the virtual classroom: for exchange of information between teacher and students, discussion forums, additional information on current issues / interest, control models for self-assessment, forums, etc.
These training actions are aimed at achieving the general skills CG1, CG4 and CG5 and those specific to each degree (CR2, MC1, EA2, CR4, HJ1, HJ2). The methodology of the interactive sessions will also be aimed at covering transversal competences.
-Laboratory or field practices. Computer classroom practices. Learning based on the resolution of practical cases and projects, with the help of simulation programs and spreadsheets, decission making. CT1, CT2, CT4, C11, C12.
-Making presentations by computer: in 2-3 student groups; The documentation, preparation and presentation and the impact on their classmates and the use of English will be assessed both in the information that is handled and in the presentations (text and oral). CT4, CT5, CT7, CT9, CT10, CT11
-Group work and cooperative learning. Active discussion session / s during the preparation and after the presentation and in practice. CT4, CT8
-Asking of questions, exercises, search for information. Observation in the field: in each topic of the teaching guide and in the virtual classroom, the students can prepare them and they are wild cards in the final exam. CT2, CT5, CT12.
-Individualized tutorials in the teacher and group hours for assignment of work topics, evaluation and correction of what has been prepared, doubts, follow-up and guidance.To carry out tutorials, as well as to maintain direct communication between the students themselves and between them and the teacher, they can be done through the Virtual Campus forum, through Ms. Teams, Whatsapp or by email.
- Evaluation of competences acquired through autonomous study of the non-face-to-face syllabus through control exercises in a virtual classroom. CT3, CT6Assessment system /% of final grade / skills assessed / probable date
Expositive / theory (50%):
-Control tests on teaching room or computer room for assessment of the basic contents that will not be explained in master lessons (tm 4-9; 11-14) (t/f, multiple choice, photo indentification) / 15% / CG1, CR2, CR4, EA2, MC1, CT9 / 3rd or 4th week
- Final exam to assesss the lessons 1, 2, 3, 10, 14, 15-23 (visu, short answer questions, exercises, test of model pest and diseases, wildcards / 30% / CG7, CG11; CR2, CR4, EA2, MC1, CT1. CT2. CT3, CT6. CT8. CT10. CT12 / oficial date
Interactive/práctic (50%)
- Seminars: 1 test per seminar / group presentation / 12,5+12,5% / EA2, CR2, MC1, CG10, CG5, CT4, CT5, CT7 CT8, CT9, CT10, CT11, CT12 / in each seminar sessions as schedulled
-Laboratory: average marks of all informs or exams / 25% / EA2, CR2, MC1, CG1, CT4, CT8, CT9, CT12 / in each session as schedulled. The evaluation of laboratory practice deliveries may be replaced by an oral exam
Students who are excused from attending any of the teaching activities scheduled for work or family reconciliation, will have to abide by the provisions of instruction 1/2017 of the General Secretariat. In these cases, to pass this subject, attendance at the practical activities that appear in the timetable and the Teaching Guide is compulsory. The actions of the teachers will be governed by the regulations for the evaluation of the academic performance of the students and the review of grades approved in the Consello de Goberno on 15th of June 2011 (DOG 21st July 2011) and modified by the Resolution of 5 April 2017 (DOG, May 8).
At least 4 on all components of the final mark (theory, laboratory, seminars) needed. If any of those components is below 4, the maximun mark in Acta would be 4.
In the second opportunity, the assessment will be the same as in the first, but there could be additional “field wildcards” to those already proposed. In case of failure in interactives due to not having attended/delivered the reports, some missed activities may be completed before the exam date and there would be the option of an oral exam on the content of practices for students who have not passed them or who have not assisted.
Repeating students who have had a grade >5 in laboratory practices can validate all activities with a 5 as a whole. All seminars may also be validated with a 5, except for 6 and 7, which will be mandatory attendance. Students who want to raise their grade will have to take an oral exam.
EXTRAS to consider in case of "questionable" notes and generally to up note or as wildcards in tests:
-HERBARIO Of plants showing symptoms of attacks by pests or diseases
VIRTUAL-FOLDER: activities / teaching guide wildcards + field wildcards
(Under no circumstances will be made after knowing the dubious note: the student must have done this activity earlier and deliver as prompted)
Backpacks, bags and similar items must be stored in a separate place.
-Access to the exam with smart watches, mobile phones or any other type of electronic device is not permitted.
-On the table there cannot be more than a pen and some erasing system (Tipex or similar).
- Students with long hair must wear it up.
"For cases of fraudulent performance of exercises or tests, the provisions of the" Regulations for the evaluation of the academic performance of students and the review of grades "will apply.Face to face activities: (53 h): 24 h expositive, 24 h interactive, 3 h tutorials, 2 h assessment
Student working time, 97h to be used for the following activities:
-Reading literature, complete notes and preparation of topics / controls without face teaching and pest / disease model
-Exercises and answering questions that will be wildcards: (voluntary but highly recommended)
-Preparation and further work on practices (herbarium, voluntary but recommended)
-Preparation of Presentations in group
Preparation of assessment testsThis is a very dense core subject and is therefore absolutely necessary to bring up to date the topics or it will be impossible to study in a short time all the material, it is especially important to prepare controls on basic topics as soon as possible to be able to follow the agenda.
I will constantly appeal to the common sense of the student to face practical situations.
It is also recommended to start as soon as possible to go to the field, recognize problems and assess their importance.
To be able to do the practical exercises in final exam the best is to raise exercises, solving in groups, consult the doubts in tutorials and review the information and notices of the virtual classroom.
The recovery would only according to a new exam in July, in which it should be noted that the student has revised and corrected previous errors. In any case, it is recommended that all proposed activities in thematic blocks and practices. Since the new test is in July, when the plants Campus are already in full swing, the student should study outside and whatch what happens because new cases often appea, and also "field wildcards”.
Repetitive students are encouraged to redo all practices, seminars, and wildcards.The students have to know that to complete the 12 credits demanded by the Directive on sustainable Use of pesticides to be Plant health Adviser they are obliged to take the two optative courses included in the Plan of Studies: Sustainable Use of pesticides and Sustainable Application of Pesticides both in the second semester of 4th year.
The admission of the student enrolled in the practical laboratory requires that they know and comply with the General Safety Regulations in the practical laboratories of the University of Santiago de Compostela. @Dito information is available on the USC website http://www.usc.es/export9/ sites/webinstitucional/ gl/servicios/ sprl/descargas/ NPR-20-Ed-3-Normas-general-de - safety-in-practice-laboratories.pdf).
We offer supervision for TFG and encourage to the students to make their Project/Work end of Degree in subjects related with Plant protection and with the profession of Plant Health advisor. There are subjects on normative, reports, compilations of documentation, but especially research works in field/laboratory, especially in subjects related with plant virology, nematology and agricultural entomology. We admit also students in "practices in enterprises" where the students can work as PI technician iin the experimental vineyard belonging to the group Vitis Research (GI1988) or in zones of production of potato.
This program in English is an automatic translation of the program in Spanish; even if it has reviewed, it may have errors.
Cristina Cabaleiro Sobrino
Coordinador/a- Department
- Plant Production and Engineering Projects
- Area
- Plant Production
- Phone
- 982823101
- cristina.cabaleiro@usc.es
- Category
- Professor: University Lecturer
Maria Josefa Lombardero Diaz
- Department
- Plant Production and Engineering Projects
- Area
- Plant Production
- Phone
- 982823150
- mariajosefa.lombardero@usc.es
- Category
- Professor: University Professor
1º Semester - September 09th-15th Monday 15:00-16:00 Grupo /TI-ECTS01 Spanish Classroom 1 (Lecture room 1) 16:00-17:00 Grupo /CLE_01 Spanish Classroom 1 (Lecture room 1) Wednesday 18:00-19:00 Grupo /CLE_01 Spanish Classroom 1 (Lecture room 1) 19:00-20:00 Grupo /TI-ECTS02 Spanish Classroom 2 (Lecture room 1) Thursday 18:00-20:00 Grupo /CLE_01 Spanish Classroom 1 (Lecture room 1) Friday 18:00-20:00 Grupo /CLE_01 Spanish Classroom 1 (Lecture room 1) Exams 01.13.2025 10:00-14:00 Grupo /CLE_01 Classroom 11 (Lecture room 3) 06.17.2025 16:00-20:00 Grupo /CLE_01 Classroom 11 (Lecture room 3)