ECTS credits
ECTS credits: 6ECTS Hours Rules/Memories
Student's work ECTS: 99
Hours of tutorials: 3
Expository Class: 24
Interactive Classroom: 24
Total: 150Use languages
Spanish, GalicianType:
Ordinary Degree Subject RD 1393/2007 - 822/2021Center
Faculty of HumanitiesCall:
Second SemesterTeaching:
Sin Docencia (En Extinción)Enrolment:
No Matriculable (Sólo Planes en Extinción) -
The overall objective of the History of Spain is the presentation, analysis and discussion of the major changes that occurred in Spain in the period extending between the constitution of the Spanish kingdoms (ss. XI- XIII) and the democratic consolidation and the birth of the state of the autonomies (s. XX) . It is intended that students get an understanding of the genesis and development of major historical processes that have lived the Spanish society, which embraces its multiple causes, and know the basic concepts that define the spatiotemporal evolution of the same order of assimilate a plural and critical shaping vision of society, economy, political system and culture of the moment. Two objectives that are more specific: to get the student to approach the general contents of the subject from the knowledge of concepts and intellectual currents of historiography, and pay attention to the processes of democratization and construction of citizenship.
The contents of the course are organized around two themes. The first focuses on the knowledge of the early modern history of Spain . The first focuses on the knowledge of the history of Spain in the early modern age, in particular will be in detail the structures of the economy and society, cultural events (Renaissance, Baroque and Enlightenment) and political processes that occurred in Spain during the XVI -XVIII centuries. The second axis of the matter is the presentation and analysis of the central debates and issues raised by the study of the period extending from the late eighteenth century to the present. It is especially intended for students to acquire an adequate view of the genesis and historical development of the main processes that relate more directly to the current configuration of Spain (formation of democracy, emergence and evolution of national problem, economic articulation of the country in international) context, according to the following schedule:
1. Population, Economy and Society
2. Political institutions in Spain in the Old Regime
3. Spanish culture and modern thought
1. The political cultures of Contemporary Spain
2. The liberal society: citizenship and culture
3. The construction of democratic Spain. From the "culture of fear" to collective action.GENERAL BASIC BIBLIOGRAPHY
PEREZ, J., Historia de España. Barcelona: Crítica, 2000.
TUSELL, J.; MARTÍN, J. L.; MARTINEZ SHAW, C., Historia de España, 2 vol. Madrid: Taurus, 2001.
VALDEÓN, J.; PEREZ, J.; JULIÁ, S., Historia de España. Madrid: Austral, 2003.
VIDAL, P., Historia de España. Barcelona: Crítica, 2008.
BUSTOS RODRÍGUEZ, M., Época moderna: de la monarquía hispánica a la crisis del Antiguo Régimen. Madrid, Silex, 2007.
FLORISTÁN, A. (coord.), Historia de España en la edad moderna, Ariel, 2004.
GARCÍA CÁRCEL, R., La España Moderna: siglos XVI y XVII, Vol. 3, Madrid, 1993
GARCÍA-BAQUERO GONZÁLEZ, A. et alii, El reformismo borbónico (1700-1789), Barcelona, 1988.
MARCOS MARTÍN, A., España en los siglos XVI, XVII y XVIII. Barcelona, 2000.
MARTÍNEZ RUIZ, E. et alii., La España Moderna, Madrid, Istmo, 1992.
RODRÍGUEZ GARCÍA, J; y CASTILLA SOTO, J; Diccionario de términos de Historia de España. Edad Moderna. Barcelona, 1998.
BARRIO ALONSO, A., La modernización de España (1917-1939) : política y sociedad, Madrid, Síntesis, 2004
BERNECKER, W., España entre tradición y modernidad : política, economía, sociedad : (siglos XIX y XX) , Madrid, Siglo XXI, 1999
CASANOVA, J., República y Guerra Civil, Barcelona, Crítica, 2007
GRACIA, J.; RUIZ CARNICER, M.A., La España de Franco (1939-1975). Cultura y vida cotidiana, Madrid, Síntesis, 2004
URÍA, J., La España liberal (1868-1917). Cultura y vida cotidiana, Madrid, Síntesis, 2008General competences: Students should possess basic knowledge of the area of History of Spain derivatives of secondary education and are able to expand and develop through contact with specialized texts and recent approaches (CG1). 2) that students can apply their knowledge in a professional manner and possess the skills typically demonstrated through devising and defending arguments and resolution of problems within the History of Spain (CG2). 3) that students have the ability to gather and interpret relevant data (concerning the contents of the history of Spain) to issue juices including a reflection on relevant social, scientific or ethical (CG3). 4) that students can communicate information, ideas, problems and solutions to both specialist and non-specialist (CG4). 5) That the students have unwrapped those learning skills necessary to undertake further studies with a high degree of autonomy (CG5).
Transversal competences: 1) Writing text right, formal presentation with the corresponding parameters adjusted to prevailing today in computer processors (CT2). 2) Skill in the use of new technologies (CT3).
Specific competences: 1) Acquisition of detailed knowledge about the history of Spain (CE4). 2) Capacity development of reasoned and critical reviews of books and texts related to the history of Spain (CE5). 3) Skill in developing, writing and presentation of a writing of introduction to basic research (CE6).This subject is taught in a blended format of the Degree in Sciences of Culture and Cultural Dissemination, therefore the methodology combines one hour weekly sessions and telematic training through the virtual campus of the USC, which is based on the Moodle platform.
Duirng the sessions, whose attendance is not complusory for students, the teacher will present the main lines of each subject, providing indications for self-study and student learning. Some of the sessions will be devoted to reviewing and deepening into specific aspects. All information provided and the materials used in the sessions will be available for students in the virtual classroom.
As for the telematic training, the student will have available through the virtual classroom materials for the preparation of each subject as well as bibliography and working papers. To check the progress of telematic learning, self-assessment tests and practical activities in the virtual campus will be made. The virtual platform will be used for the delivery and evaluation of individual jobs and to raise the possible doubts using specific tools (forum and private messages).A) FIRST TIME ASSESSMENT SYSTEM.
Composed of the final test (50%), continuous assessment of theoretical and practical skills (20%) and the assessment of attendance, participation and application of practical skills (30%):
1) Theory test. On the appointed date for the official schedule approved by the Faculty will be a comprehensive written test. This test value computed for 50% of the final grade. The test score will be between 0 and 10 points; to be taken into account the student must obtain a minimum score of 5 out of 10.
2) Carrying out practical exercises throughout the course with a weighting in the final grade of 20%.
3) Attendance and participation in practical activities: monographic seminars. It will assess the capacity of synthesis and the oral presentation. The weight corresponding to this test in the final grade will be 30%.
The completion and submission of all previous activities is mandatory and without it not possible to pass the subject. For activities in the classroom sessions during the class period, not to support non-attendance should be offset by carrying out the work entrusted to it by the faculty. The positive evaluation of certain activities (test, individual and personal activities) may be retained for a chance to recover and/or during one academic year, provided there is agreement between the teachers of the subject. The fraudulent conduct an exercise or test required in the evaluation of matter involve the student to fail in the corresponding call, regardless of the disciplinary process to be tracked against the offending student. Be deemed fraudulent, among others, conducting Plagiarized or obtained from public sources without reprocessing or reinterpretation, without citations to authors and sources.
1) Theory test set with the same feature that the regular (value computed for 50% of final grade).
2) practical exercises. If you have been previously positively assessed the rating will be preserved, otherwise must be reworked and presented at the date of examination (20%).
3) Practical activities. If you have been previously positively assessed the rating will be preserved, otherwise must be reworked and presented at the date of examination. The weighting for this test in the final grade is 30%.
Class attendance will be a mandatory requirement to pass the subject. For those students who have attendance waiver continuous assessment will be made through contact with the professors to realize dispensed.18 contact hours of lectures of which:
- Classroom sessions volunteer assistance: 15 hours
- Final exam: 3 hours
132 hours of study and independent work of students
Total estimated hours: 150Given the length and relative complexity of the contents of the course is recommended to devote time daily for its preparation, which should be carried out by reading and ellaborating schemes that allow the arrangement and ranking of the contents to facilitate study and assimilation. Similarly, it is almost essential reading general and specific literature provided by the teacher with the program to get a fuller picture of those topics dealt within the sessions. We also recommend the use of historical atlases, dictionaries and other information sources edited or digitized.
It is also convenient for students to carry out text, graphics, statistical tables commentaries to gain mastery of this discipline and a better understanding of the contents of the subject. Often it seems that students fall into the paraphrase or they forget completely of texts and writesabout the subject, copying of the notes received. The student must learn to organize the offered data, structure them and explain them properly.
In the realization of the bibliographic work and mandatory practical activities special care should be taken for both expression and presentation in the formal aspect, as well as personal creativity and scientific rigor.
Ana Cabana Iglesia
- Department
- History
- Area
- Contemporary History
- ana.cabana@usc.es
- Category
- Professor: University Lecturer
Exams 05.28.2025 10:00-12:30 Grupo de examen Classroom 12 07.02.2025 10:00-12:00 Grupo de examen Classroom 12