ECTS credits ECTS credits: 6
ECTS Hours Rules/Memories Student's work ECTS: 99 Hours of tutorials: 3 Expository Class: 24 Interactive Classroom: 24 Total: 150
Use languages Spanish, Galician
Type: Ordinary Degree Subject RD 1393/2007 - 822/2021
Departments: History
Areas: Contemporary History
Center Faculty of Geography and History
Call: Second Semester
Teaching: With teaching
Enrolment: Enrollable
The / a student / to know and understand reasonably:
-1 The fragility of democracy and its values as a system and the historicity of both. The conflict-dictatorship democracy in Spain in the s. XX.
-2 The importance of contextual factors to explain the historical changes, from fascism to democracy, in a single generation between 1936 and 1975.
-3 The ability to manipulate the United totalitarian contemporary and instruments of domination and control employees
As -4 handle different interpretations and contrast how to build a self-serving as far as possible to the sources used and their treatment.
-5 The use of the chronology and context as instruments to compartmentalize, to define and understand the story and its processes
Keywords: -Modernization / Delay / Fascism / Dictatorship / Republic / Strike / War / Transition / Democracy / nationalism / Autarky / Desenrolismo / Genocide
Erasmus students are welcome and will have a specific treatment
We address the collapse of the liberal regime of the Restoration in the context of the crisis of liberal European systems with Ist World War (1917-1923); the failure of authoritarian via the dictatorship of Primo de Rivera (1923-1929), the path of democratization of the Second Republic (1931) blocked the coup of 1936
The coup, the war ending in 1939 with the Republican defeat and the subsequent dictatorship constitute part of the matter. Especially the knowledge of Franco: its construction and transformation over four decades, evolving from fascism desenrolismo technocratic.
A look at the democratic transition and the current constitutional Spain will be present throughout the course.
We will work the keys of interpretation of the history of the twentieth century Spain and the debates of historiography. Analyze processes outlined in the last century: economic, social, political and cultural chronologies and events, ideologies, groups and individual actors. Thinking critically and historically present and deconstruíndo mythical visions and propaganda of the past.
It requires knowledge of the basic data for the period in matters handled bachelor to be updated through the presentations in the classroom and using the bibliography.
The / a student / a will to know:
1 Historiography Spanish twentieth century: modernization / backwardness, dictatorship / democracy, nation / nationalism.
2 The crisis of liberalism and democracy in wars and their outputs: dictatorship and republic.
3 coup that leads to civil war, killings and destruction of liberal democracy
4 Franco: European dictatorship of the twentieth century abnormally long. Spain is different!
5 Transition and setting the current constitutional Spain. Living today in order one time!
6 A political chronology and the most outstanding events of the period 1920-2000
I Introduction and presentation:
1. The keys of historical s. XX Spanish. Debates, state of affairs and historiography.
2. Collapse of Restoration 1920-1923: Crisis of parliamentary system / Mobilization and social crisis / Militarism
Rupture II authoritarian. Dictatorship of Primo de Rivera, 1923-1930.
1. Statement, establishment and Time Periods
2. The Military Directory, 1923-1925:
2.1 The militarization of public order and Reform Administration
2.2 .-. Authoritarian centralism and nationalization. Education and Church
2.3 The Moroccan question: the abandonismo the Alhucemas landing
3. The Civil Directory, 1925-1929: an authoritarian state project
3.1.- economic nationalism and corporatism. The question social and labor
3.2 Institutionalization: Basis ideological and National Assembly Corporate
3.3 Opposition and the collapse of the monarchy and dictatorship (1930-1931).
III The Second Republic, 1931-1936:
1. Establishment and articulation of the new state
1.1 Relay elites and party system
1.2 Constitution and constitutional debates (1931)
1.3 reformism and antirreformismo.
2. The biennium radical-CEDA or rectifier.
2.1 Elections, parties and election results
2.2.- October 1934 as a turning point.
3. The victory of the Popular Front and the recovery of reformism.
3.1 Failure of the Republic? The coup and the invention of the causes?
IV The coup of 1936 and the civil war of 1936-1939.
1. coup, war and revolution.
2. Characterization policy (nature) of a regime founded on war
3. A new power bloc in the rebellious side
4. Periods and historiography of Franco
V. The Franco regime during the IInd World War 1939-1945
1. The institutionalization of Victoria and the post-war society
2. The year domain nacionalsindicalismo (1939-1944)
3. The foreign policy: non belligerence to international isolation
4. The opposition to the regime: between defeat and hope
VI The consolidation of the regime in the Cold War. 1946-1959
1.-institutionalization of the Dictatorship: constitutionalism cosmetic nacionalcatolicismo, organic democracy
2. From isolation to international recognition, 1947-1955
3. Crisis and readjustment of the regime, 1955-1959
VII The economy of Francoism: autarchy of fascism to "development" authoritarian
1. Economic Consequences of War: breaking trends and autarky: 1936-1939
2. autarchy and stagnation in the long post-war: 1939-1951-1957-1959
3. Dictatorship and "development" authoritarian 1960-1975: economic growth and social change
VIII The Dictatorship of mature development policy and the Franco final. Political, 1960-1975
1. Political evolution of the regime
2. Old and new political opposition
3. 1969: struggle openness and immobile
4. The end of the Franco regime
IX. Transition to Democracy, 1975-1982
1. The construction of Democracy
2. The problems of the new democracy / 3.- democracy normalized
-AGUILAR, P. (1996): Memoria y olvido de la guerra civil español. Madrid. Alianza.
-ARCO, M. A. (2014): No sólo miedo, actitudes políticas y opinión popular abajo la Dictadura franquista. Granada..
-ARÓSTEGUI, J. (1988): Historia y Memoria de la guerra civil, Valladolid, 3 vols.
-BAHAMONDE, A. (Coord.) (2000): Historia de España s. XX (1875-1939), Madrid,
-BALFOUR, S. (2002). Abrazo mortal. De la guerra colonial a la guerra civil en España y marruecos (1909-1939), Barcelona.
-BARCIELA, C. et al. (2001): La España de Franco, 1939-1975. Economía. Madrid, Síntesis.
-BEEVOR; A. (2005): La guerra civil española, Barcelona, Crítica.
-BOTTI, A. (1992): Cielo y dinero. El nacionalcatolicismo en España (1881-1975), Madrid,Alianza.
-CARR, R. (dir.) (1996): Historia de España de Menéndez Pidal XLI. La época de Franco I. Espasa-Calpe
-CARRERAS, A. e X. TAFUNELL (2010): Historia económica de la España contemporánea Barcelona,.
-CASANOVA, J. (2007): República y guerra civil, en J.Fontana, R.Villares (dirs.) Hª de España, Barcelona.
-CASANOVA,J.; GIL ANDRES, C. (2009): Historia de España en el siglo XX, Barcelona. Ariel
-CATALÁN, J. (1995): La economía española y la Segunda Guerra Mundial., Ariel.
-CAZORLA, A. (2000): Las políticas de la victoria. La consolidación del nuevo estado franquista (1938-1953). Madrid, M.Pons.
-CRUZ, R. (2006): En nombre del pueblo. República, rebelión y guerra en la España de 1936, S. XXI.
-FERNÁNDEZ PRIETO, L (2014) “El proceso económico” in J. Canal España. La apertura al mundo. 1880-1930, Maphre-Penguin, pp.157-228.
-FERNÁNDEZ PRIETO, L e A. ARTIAGA REGO (2014), Otras miradas de golpe, guerra y dictadura. Historia para un pasado incómodo. Madrid, La Catarata.
-FUSI, JP. et al.. (2000): Franquismo. El juicio de la historia. Madrid,
-FUSI, JP; GARCÍA, J.L. Y JULIA, S (2001). Un siglo de España. La cultura. La economía. Política y Sociedad, Madrid,
-GOMEZ BRAVO, G. MARCO, J. (2011) La obra del miedo. Violencia y sociedad en la España franquista Madrid
-GONZALEZ CALLEJA, E. (2005): La España de Primo de Rivera. La modernización autoritaria 1923-1930// (2011) Contrarrevolucionarios. Radicalización violenta de las derechas durante la IIª República. Madrid. Alianza
-HEINE, H. (1980) A guerrilla antifranquista en Galicia, Vigo, Xerais.
-HERNÁNDEZ, C. (2013) Franquismo a ras de suleo, zonas grises, apoyos sociales y actitudes durante la Dictadura. Granada..
-JACKSON, G. (1976): La República española y la guerra civil (1931-1939): Crítica.
-JULIÁ, S. Et al. (1999): Víctimas de la guerra civil. Madrid, Temas de Hoy.
-MARTINEZ, J.A. (1999): Historia de España s. XX(1939-1996), Madrid, Cátedra.
-MIR CUCÓ, C. (2001). “La represión bajo el franquismo”, in Ayer , nº 43.
-MOLINERO, C.; YSAS, P. (2008): La anatomía del franquismo. 1945-1977. Barcelona, Crítica.
-MORADIELLOS, E.(2003):“La guerra civil”, Ayer, nº 50 // (2000): La España de Franco. Política y sociedad, Madrid,
-MORENO, F. (2001): La resistencia armada contra Franco. Tragedia del maquis y la guerrilla. Barcelona. Crítica.
-PAYNE, S.(1985): Falange. Historia del fascismo español. Madrid, Sarpe.
-PEREZ LEDESMA, M.(1994): “Una dictadura por la gracia de Dios”, Historia Social nº 20.
-PRESTON, P. (1993): Franco, “Caudillo de España”, Barcelona, Grijalbo
-PUJOL et al. (201) El Pozo de todos los males, Barcelona, Crítica.
-QUIROGA, A: (2008): Haciendo españoles: la nacionalización de las masas en la dictadura de Primo de Rivera (1923-1930),
Students to be able to:
Identify -1 in this continuities from the past and analyze the relationships between subjects, issues and processes of the period with current situations and problems.
-2 Use documentary materials, graphics, hemerográficos, cartographic and film to understand and interpret problems or historical contexts.
-3 From the critical reading materials historiográficos different interpretative prepare a synthesis itself on the central issues of the period.
-4 Mastering the conceptual basis of specific historical processes of the period.
-5 Search documentary materials (p. Ex. The same family sources: oral, epistolary, etc ..) to complement the material foundation course
Students to be able to:
Ask -1 well built and develop discussions on issues relating to the matter.
-2 Work in groups, as a means to increase the possibilities of knowledge.
-3 Critically handle new media, systems and information and communication
-4 Develop analytical thought: distinguish the parts of the whole, list and rank. And the more relational establish links between processes, events, past and present ...
-5 Correctly express ideas using the word, writing, image, for syntheses stringent selecting information and materials critically.
-6 Working the values of democracy, human rights, as well as with environmental perspectives and gender
Subject development:
-Classrooms Lectures for the explanation of the contents. In the classroom
-Classrooms Interactive hands on the contents: presentation and discussion of readings in the seminar; Practices on texts, graphics, maps, audiovisual and other materials; conferences.
-Titorización. personalized attention in the tutorials and mandatory review of group work.
Practice at the voluntary field: Ferrol: Files military (military processes 1936), Arsenal, Castillo de San Felipe (memory places): Reading of Franco in several sources: Friday, April 15 (8: 30-19 hs.). Short memory
Alternative: Review set of books Saul Bellow (2013) Buddy Javier Pradera, Madrid. Gutenberg Galaxy and Ferrán Gallego (2008) The myth of the Transition. The crisis of Franco and the origins of democracy (1973-1977). Barcelona. Critical.
- 2 Written works on the compulsory readings: individual and team. In both cases up to 10,000 characters with spaces. Learning how to write a job with a critical perspective, linking reading with the contents explained and discussed in the classroom (or expand and nuances) and not a resume content. (NOTE: some test questions would refer to required readings.)
Compulsory readings:
1st Bimestre: commented interactive clases (all theese titles in Spanish...)
-1 E. Gonzalez Calleja (2013) "The radicalization of rights" in A. Vines et al. The myths of July 18, Barcelona, Critic. pp. 221-238.
JL -2- Ledesma (2013) "The tragic spring of 1936 and the slope toward civil war," Ibid. pp.313-339.
-3- L. Fernandez and A. Prieto Artiaga, "We know little uncomfortable past. Other views on the coup, war and dictatorship in L. A. Fernandez Prieto and Artiaga (eds.) (2014): Other views on strike, war and dictatorship. History for a troubled past. Madrid, Cataract, pp. 11-49.
COMMENT LINKED INDIVIDUAL 3 of texts. Delivery date: March 10.
2nd Bimestre: .To comment interactive
4. Ignacio Sanchez Cuenca (2014) Bound and poorly tied, intellectual suicide of Franco and the rise of democracy Publishing Alliance.
5. Ismael Saz (2014) "The cultural roots of Franco" in M. Pérez Ledesma and Saz I. (eds.) From Franco to democracy from 1936 to 2013. Vol IV History of political cultures in Spain and Latin America. Zaragoza. RCP, pp. 21-52.
COMMENT. Collective work (team of 3 members). Delivery date: April 25
System Assessment
It assesses the ability and relational synthesis, conceptual clarity, avoid rhetoric in favor of clarity and reasoning against the reproduction memory.
The final evaluation is broken down into 3 parts:
1st: Survey: 40% of the final grade. It consists of a question of odds long, supported by materials (texts, maps, graphs ..) and several short questions to test your knowledge of the course content. You can be certain elective subjects .. No value for the final qualification exams with scores below 4.
2nd: 30% of final 2 comments readings required: + individual in teams of 3:
3rd: 30% of final: Fieldwork (or alternative) + conferences, interactive sessions: other work, intervention in the classroom, ability, critical capacity, etc ..
The two opportunities (May / July) are conditional on the completion of the remaining tests evaluated.
Being a continuous assessment, classroom attendance is required. Absenteeism will be assessed very negatively
Attending randomly picked a sheet of signatures, always in the case of singular practices: watching videos, plenary lectures, field work
Study time and individual work a student must devote to overcome
According to the Dissertation of History, the distribution of hours spent by the student to the course are:
Full group activities, ie theoretical exposition: 32 hours
Small group activities, ie, interactive classrooms: 16 hours *
Tutoring in very small groups (Custom): 2 hours
Subtotal: 50 hours
Personal work:
Study: 40 hours
Assignment writing: 30 hours
Preparation of small group activities: 30 hours
Subtotal: 100 hours
Total: 150 hours.
* Fieldwork included
Recommendations for the study of the subject
- Have studied Contemporary History of Spain I.
- Have attended for the periods historical precedents.
- Read a common atlas and a dictionary historic and material handling portals websites rigor contrasted contrasted.
- Check the manuals and monographs that allow the students to relate information from various sources and have a basic "manual" with which to compare / amplify the explanations of the classroom.
- Clarity about the economic concepts, politolóxicos, sociological and demographic matters were explained in the transverse
Especially it is very advisable to have previously taken the subjects dealing nineteenth century for Spain and the interwar period in Europe, as well as assuring learn essential concepts and terms for that matter: capitalism, fascism, democracy, industrialization, dictatorship, militarism, etc ...
Line resources: amis wikipedia .... / / / / / /
Erasmus Students will have a specific treatment
Emilio Francisco Grandio Seoane
- Department
- History
- Area
- Contemporary History
- Phone
- 881812681
- emiliofrancisco.grandio [at]
- Category
- Professor: University Professor
Lourenzo Fernandez Prieto
Coordinador/a- Department
- History
- Area
- Contemporary History
- Phone
- 881812578
- lourenzo.fernandez [at]
- Category
- Professor: University Professor
Daniel Lanero Taboas
- Department
- History
- Area
- Contemporary History
- Phone
- 881812593
- daniel.lanero [at]
- Category
- Professor: University Lecturer
Roque Sanfiz Arias
- Department
- History
- Area
- Contemporary History
- roque.sanfiz.arias [at]
- Category
- Ministry Pre-doctoral Contract
Andrea Rivas Fiel
- Department
- History
- Area
- Contemporary History
- andrearivas.fiel [at]
- Category
- Xunta Pre-doctoral Contract
Tuesday | |||
11:00-13:00 | Grupo /CLE_01 | Galician | Classroom 12 |
Thursday | |||
09:00-11:00 | Grupo /CLE_01 | Galician | Classroom 12 |
Friday | |||
09:00-11:00 | Grupo /CLE_02 | Galician | Classroom 05 |
05.22.2025 11:30-14:00 | Grupo /CLE_01 | Classroom 10 |
05.22.2025 11:30-14:00 | Grupo /CLE_01 | Classroom 11 |
07.02.2025 12:00-14:30 | Grupo /CLE_01 | Classroom 10 |