ECTS credits
ECTS credits: 6ECTS Hours Rules/Memories
Student's work ECTS: 99
Hours of tutorials: 3
Expository Class: 24
Interactive Classroom: 24
Total: 150Use languages
Spanish, GalicianType:
Ordinary Degree Subject RD 1393/2007 - 822/2021Center
Faculty of Geography and HistoryCall:
First SemesterTeaching:
Sin Docencia (En Extinción)Enrolment:
No Matriculable (Sólo Planes en Extinción) -
- Achieving a general knowledge about the biological and social evolution of the human groups in the prehistoric periods from a holistic perspective.
- An awareness on the part of the students of the relationship and interaction between past and present in the building up of the societies.1. Concept and development of the discipline.
2. Theory and method.
3. Quaternary.
4. Origin and evolution of the Mankind.
5. Lower Palaeolithic: general outline.
6. Lower Palaeolithic: society.
7. Middle Palaeolithic: general outline.
8. Middle Palaeolithic: society.
9. Upper Palaeolithic: general outline.
10. Upper Palaeolithic: society.
11. The last hunter-gatherersBoyd, R. y Silk, J.B. 2001. Cómo evolucionaron los humanos. Ariel Ciencia, Barcelona.
Carbonell, E. (coord.) 2005. Homínidos: las primeras ocupaciones de los continentes. Editorial Ariel, Barcelona.
Cunliffe, B. (ed.) 1998: Prehistoria de Europa. Oxford. Ed. Crítica, Barcelona
Eiroa, J.J., Bachiller, J.A, Castro, L. y Lomba, J., 1999: Nociones de tecnología y tipología en Prehistoria. Ed. Ariel. Barcelona.
Eiroa, J.J. 2010: Prehistoria del mundo. Sello Editorial, Barcelona.
Fernández Martínez, V.M., 2006. Una arqueología crítica: ciencia, ética y política en la construcción del pasado, Barcelona, Ed. Crítica.
Fernández Martínez, V.M., 2007. Prehistoria. El largo camino de la humanidad. Alianza Editorial, Madrid.
Fullola, J.M., Nadal, J., Daura, J. y Oms, F.X., 2020: Introducción a la Prehistoria: la evolución de la cultura humana. Ed. UOC, Colección Manuales nº 672, Barcelona..
Gamble, C., 2001. Las sociedades paleolíticas de Europa. Ed. Ariel
Groenen, M., 2000. Sombra y luz en el arte paleolítico. Ed. Ariel, Barcelona
Leroi-Gourhan, A., 1985. Los primeros artistas de Europa. Introducción al arte parietal paleolítico. Ed. Encuentro.
Menéndez, M., Jimeno, A. y Fernández, V.M., 2011. Diccionario de Prehistoria (2ª ed.). Alianza Editorial.
Moure Romanillo, A. y González Morales, M.R., 1992. La expansión de los cazadores. Paleolítico Superior y Mesolítico. Ed. Síntesis.
Renfrew, C. y Bahn, P., 1993. Arqueología. Teorías, Métodos y Práctica. Ed. Akal (8th English edition, much corrected, from 2020)
Ripoll, S. et alii, 2020: Prehistoria I. Las primetas etapas de la Humanidad (3rd ed). Ed. Ramón Areces, UNED.
Stringer, Ch. e Andrews, P., 2005. La evolución humana. Ed. Akal, Madrid.- To know the main aspects and the dynamics of prehistory.
- Ability for analysis and research in this domain.
- Carrying out of field works and publications in this field.
- Skills to find out archaeological information from specialized literature or the Web.Lecture-based teaching:
Weeks: 1st and 2nd, 3 rd -8 th, 10 th -14 th, 30 hours in total for each group. Theoretical teaching in the classroom.
Interactive teaching:
Weeks 3rd -14th, eleven hours in total for each group. Practice on various aspects of Ancient Prehistory from archaeological methodology and interdisciplinarity. Work materials will be handled as pollen diagrams, dating techniques, prospecting cards, cartography at different scales, skulls, replicas of archaeological artifacts, photographic and audiovisual documents, etc... Complementary material will be uploaded to the VIRTUAL CLASSROOM attached to this Topic.
There will be a week, dedicated to answer questions posed by the students.Continuous assessment with the following percentages according to activities:
Final exam on the dates prescribed by the Faculty: 70% of the grade. Evaluation of the knowledge acquired in the lectures and interactive tuition. Moreover, 2 out of the 10 questions making up the final examination shall derive from the prescribed readings.
Report on activities during interactive teaching: 20%.
Assistance: 10%.
The programmed Field Visit will be considered as well as the assistance to the tutorial week.
Extraordinary Evaluation:
maintaining the respective percentages, the failed part will be repeated, and the work, if unmade, must be delivered.Lectures: 30 hours.
Interactive tuition: 15 hours.
Tutories and evaluation 5 hours.
Subtotal: 50 hours.
Personal work:
Study: 40 hours.
60 hours of writing essays
Subtotal: 100 hours.
Total: 150 hours.To combine the attendance and participation in the theoretical and practical sessions with the personal study of the subject, by trying to have the subject up to date.
It is most convenient to get into the AULA VIRTUAL of this topic, for you can find there information and data complementing those given in the classroom.
It is recommended the functional command of one of the main foreign languages.
Ramon Fabregas Valcarce
- Department
- History
- Area
- Prehistory
- Phone
- 881812696
- ramon.fabregas@usc.es
- Category
- Professor: University Professor
Edgard Camaros Perez
- Department
- History
- Area
- Prehistory
- edgard.camaros@usc.es
- Category
- Researcher: Ramón y Cajal
Exams 12.20.2024 09:00-11:30 Grupo de examen Classroom 07 06.16.2025 09:30-12:00 Grupo de examen Classroom 07