ECTS credits
ECTS credits: 6ECTS Hours Rules/Memories
Student's work ECTS: 99
Hours of tutorials: 3
Expository Class: 24
Interactive Classroom: 24
Total: 150Use languages
Spanish, GalicianType:
Ordinary Degree Subject RD 1393/2007 - 822/2021Departments:
Contemporary HistoryCenter
Faculty of Geography and HistoryCall:
First SemesterTeaching:
With teachingEnrolment:
Enrollable -
Advance in the knowledge of those processes, major evolutionary lines and concepts that provide students with a global understanding of the 20th century, and that enable them intellectually to critically analyze the future, both historical and of the present time.
Provide an accurate knowledge of events and processes of change and continuity in a diachronic perspective.
Generate a rational and critical knowledge of the past of Humanity, in order to fully understand the present.
Educate in the values of equality, gender parity and non-discrimination, through knowledge of the struggle for those values in different historical moments.
Acquire a basic knowledge of the main methods, techniques and instruments of analysis of the profession of historian.
Analyze historical and contemporary social processes: understand and / or explain human problems and offer solutions.I. The First World War (1914-18) and the new global configuration
1. Causes and nature of the conflict: A new form of mass violence.
2. The consequences of the war: the Peace Treaties and the Order of Versailles.
II. The interwar world (1918-1939).
1. The Russian revolution and the construction of socialism in the USSR.
2. The Wilsonian moment and the extra-European world.
3. The crisis of parliamentary democracies.
4. Fascism and dictatorships.
5. European civil wars: from Finland to Spain.
6. Nationalities and minorities in the interwar period.
III. World War II and the new international order.
1. Evolution of World War II: a global conflict.
2. Mass violence and the Holocaust
3. A bipolar world: the Cold War
4. Decolonization and the new states
5. The economy: from well-being to crises.BEEVOR, A., La Segunda Guerra Mundial, Barcelona: PasadoPresente, 2014.
CASANOVA, J., Europa contra Europa, 1914-45 Barcelona: Crítica, 2011.
COOK, C., e STEVENSON, J., Guía de Historia Contemporánea de Europa, Madrid: Alianza, 1994.
FONTANA, J., El siglo de la revolución. Una historia del mundo desde 1914. Barcelona: Crítica, 2017.
— Por el bien del Imperio. Una historia del mundo desde 1945, Barcelona: Pasado y Presente, 2011.
HOBSBAWM, E., Historia del siglo XX, Barcelona: Crítica, 1998.
JUDT, T., Posguerra. Una Historia de Europa desde 1945, Madrid: Taurus, 2006.
KERSHAW, I., Descenso a los infiernos. Europa, 1914-1939, Barcelona: Crítica, 2016.
KERSHAW, I., Ascenso y crisis. Europa, 1950-2017. Un camino incierto, Barcelona: Crítica, 2019.
LOWE, K., Continente salvaje: Europa después de la Segunda Guerra Mundial, Barcelona: Galaxia, 2016
NÚÑEZ SEIXAS, X. M., Las utopías pendientes. Una historia del mundo desde 1945, Barcelona: Crítica, 2019 [2ª ed.].
NÚÑEZ SEIXAS, X. M., El frente del Este. Historia y memoria de la guerra germano-soviética, 1941-1945, Madrid: Alianza, 2018.
PAYNE, S. G., Historia del fascismo, Barcelona: Planeta, 1995.
PROCACCI, G., Historia general del siglo XX, Barcelona: Crítica, 2001.
SEVILLANO CALERO, F., La Europa de entreguerras, Madrid: Síntesis, 2020.
SNYDER, T., Tierras de sangre: Europa entre Hitler y Stalin, Barcelona: Galaxia Gutenberg, 2011.
STEVENSON, D., 1914-1918: Historia de la Primera Guerra Mundial, Barcelona: Debate, 2013.
TOBOSO SÁNCHEZ, P., Diccionario de historia del mundo actual, Madrid: Alianza, 2005.
VILLARES, R. e BAHAMONDE, A., El mundo contemporáneo, siglos XIX y XX, Madrid: Taurus, 2001.
WEINBERG, G. L., La Segunda Guerra Mundial. Una historia esencial, Barcelona: Planeta, 2018.
ZAMAGNI, V., Historia económica de la Europa Contemporánea, Barcelona: Crítica, 2001.4.1 Specific abilities.
-Learning, analysing and interpreting in detail one or more specific periods of the past of mankind, conceptualizing the historical phenomena.
-Knowing and interpreting History as a discipline in construction.
-Critical awareness of the relationship between the social, economic and institutional dimensions of the past.
-Understanding, interpreting and developing historiographical texts or original documents based on the formulation of questions, hypotheses and goals, and development of the corresponding argument approach.
-Capacity to interpret historical events of the era and to elucidate the historical roots of the present facts. Capacity to relate and rank historical knowledge.
-Knowing and analysing the main explanatory keys of the Universal Contemporary History since the First World War until the end of the 20th century.
-Understanding and interpreting maps, graphics, texts and historical sources relating to the period of study.
4.2 Transversal abilities.
-Working autonomously with responsibility and initiative, developing management information, organization and planning capabilities.
-Applying analytical, critical, logical and creative thinking showing innovation skills.
-Capacity for synthesis and precision when writing assignments; management of formal and presentation aspects.
-Learning how to search and use the general and specific bibliography recommended by the professor, as well as the information resources related to ICTs.
-Development of discursive skills for presenting assignments orally.
4.3 Attitudinal abilities.
-Approach to other cultural worlds, promotion of their study and respect for differences.
-Sensitivity to the central problems in Universal History, especially to those relating to issues of equality, diversity, human rights and environment.
-Disposition towards learning, personal work and reading with the view of meeting the objectives of the subject.
-Willingness to work in groups and with shared responsibility.
-Disposition towards the ongoing discussion (participation in the classroom) and the specific one (from own work), with capacity for reasoning, exposition of arguments and self-criticism.-In the lectures, the professor will explain the subject programme with the support of different didactic materials and the use of ICT.
-Interactive classes will be theoretical-practical and make it possible to complete the subject contents through the reading and interpretation of historical texts, graphs, tables and maps.
-Individualized tutoring, or in very small groups, will allow professors to pay attention to students in order to discuss concrete issues in relation to the assigned tasks, clear doubts or expand the explanation on specific aspects.A final exam will be done on the date indicated in the official calendar prepared by the Faculty Secretary, in which the students would have to answer the questions related to the topics of the program developed in the expository and interactive classes, computing 60% of the final grade.
For this grade to be taken into account, the student would have obtain a minimum grade of 5 out of 10 in the exam. If this grade is not achieved, they will have to re-examine this part at the second opportunity.
10% of the mark would be obtained from the qualification obtained by the work of the reading book. Students will be able to choose between any of these books:
1) Faraldo, José Mª, La Revolución rusa: Historia y memoria, Madrid, Alianza Editorial, 2017
2) Traverso, E., A sangre y fuego. De la guerra civil europea, Valencia, PUV, 2009
The remaining 30% is obtained by the different qualifications obtained in the written controls, not fixed in the calendar, work, attitude and participation in the classroom and other activities. To be able to make an average with the exam qualification, the student must obtain an overall average qualification of 5 out of 10. The completion of individual practices is a mandatory condition to be able to take the May and July exams. Those / the students / those who have not reached the required grade would have to take the practical part exam at the second opportunity.
Students with a dispensation granted will have to take the final exam of the subject on the date indicated for the rest, and they would have to carry out a series of individual assignments that will be indicated at the beginning of the course.
The attendance of the students to the classrooms is compulsory. Therefore, a repeated and unjustified absence of more than 20% will make it impossible for the student to be evaluated, which will be communicated through the publication of a list in which the students appear. / the excluded / as for that reason.According to the History Degree Report, the distribution of hours dedicated by the student to the subject is as follows:
Classroom work:
Full group activities, i.e. theoretical exposition: 30 hours
Small group activities, i.e., interactive classrooms: 15 hours
Tutoring in very small groups, (personalized tutoring): 2 hours
Assessment: 3 hours
Subtotal: 50 hours
Individual work:
Study: 40 hours
Assignment writing: 30 hours
Preparation of small group activities: 30 hours
Subtotal: 100 hours
Total: 150 hours.-The basic recommendation is to read the general or specialized bibliography provided by the professor when giving the programme, and also the more specific one to be supplied with each theme in order to obtain a more complete picture than that offered in the lectures.
-Is is also advisable the individual performance of textual analyses, tables, graphs, statistical tables, etc., in order to obtain a domain in those areas and a better understanding of subject contents.
-Reading of quality newspapers and historical journals.
-Consultation of historical atlases and dictionaries of historical terms.
-Regular attendance at class is considered essential to achieve a good result in a positive assessment.
-Clarify by asking questions in class, or in the tutorials, those doubts that may arise during the learning period or when solving the case studies mentioned above.For cases of fraudulent completion of exercises or tests, the provisions of the Regulations for evaluating student academic performance and reviewing grades will apply.
Xose Manoel Nuñez Seijas
Coordinador/a- Department
- History
- Area
- Contemporary History
- Phone
- 881812681
- xoseml.nunez@usc.es
- Category
- Professor: University Professor
Antonio Miguez Macho
- Department
- History
- Area
- Contemporary History
- Phone
- 881812576
- Category
- Professor: University Lecturer
1º Semester - September 09th-15th Monday 11:00-13:00 G5021328/CLE_02 Galician Classroom 05 Tuesday 11:00-13:00 G5021328/CLE_02 Galician Classroom 05 Wednesday 11:00-13:00 Grupo /CLE_01 Galician Classroom 12 Friday 09:00-11:00 Grupo /CLE_01 Galician Classroom 12 Exams 01.10.2025 11:30-14:00 Grupo /CLE_01 Classroom 10 01.10.2025 11:30-14:00 Grupo /CLE_01 Classroom 11 06.18.2025 12:00-14:30 Grupo /CLE_01 Classroom 10