ECTS credits
ECTS credits: 6ECTS Hours Rules/Memories
Student's work ECTS: 99
Hours of tutorials: 3
Expository Class: 24
Interactive Classroom: 24
Total: 150Use languages
Spanish, GalicianType:
Ordinary Degree Subject RD 1393/2007 - 822/2021Center
Faculty of Geography and HistoryCall:
Second SemesterTeaching:
Sin Docencia (En Extinción)Enrolment:
No Matriculable (Sólo Planes en Extinción) -
Geography of Today´s World has as Objective the Explanation and the Understanding of the Current World, insisting on the Territorial Processes associated to the Globalization. The Time Transformations of the Geographical Space Organization force to understand it like a System in which the Relation between the Physical and Human Environment is Product of the Existence of dense Networks of Flows, some of then Tangible and other Intangible, that are generating New Territories and New Frames of Relation between the Places and the People. In this Context of Changes is necessary to give a Global Vision of the Economic and Social Processes that explain the Spatial Organization and establish the main Factors of Articulation and Regional Differentiation.
Unit.1. Geography as space science.
Unit.2. "time contained" on maps: historical evolution of the world's image.
Unit.3. In which world we live: from industrial society to world risk society. Globalization and new realities in the world: the actors of the international system.
Unit.4. Regional integration and cooperation in the world: theory and modalities. From geopolitics to geoeconomics: a regionalized world.
Unit.5. The European Union: an actor in a global world.- Azcárate Luxán, B.; Azcárate Luxán, Mª V.; Sánchez Sánchez, J.: Grandes espacios geográficos: el mundo desarrollado. Madrid, UNED, 2008
- Azcárate Luxán, B.; Azcárate Luxán, Mª V.; Sánchez Sánchez, J.: Grandes espacios geográficos: subdesarrollo y países emergentes. Madrid, UNED, 2009.
- Méndez, R. y Molinero, F.: Espacios y sociedades. Introducción a la geografía regional del mundo. Barcelona, Ariel, 2008.
- Romero, J.: Geografía humana: procesos, riesgos e incertidumbres en un mundo globalizado. Barcelona, Ariel, 2007.
- Brunet, R. (dir): Géographie Universelle. Paris, Belin-GIP Reclus, 1990-1996 (10 vols.)
- Abellán, A. y otros: La población del mundo. Madrid, Editorial Síntesis, 1998.
- Alonso, J. A. (Director): Diez lecciones de economía mundial. Madrid, Civitas, 2000.
- Amin, S.: El cuarto Mundo: subdesarrollo endémico en África. En Andre Gunder Frank, Economistas de izquierdas y otros, El nuevo rostro del capitalismo, Barcelona, Hacer Editorial, 2005.
- Beck, U.: La sociedad del riesgo. Hacia una nueva modernidad. Barcelona, Paidós, 1998.
- Luttwak, E.: Turbocapitalismo. Quiénes ganan y quiénes pierden en la globalización. Barcelona, Crítica, 2000.
- Méndez, R.: El nuevo mapa geopolítico del mundo. Valencia, Tirant Lo Blanc, 2011
- Nieto Solís, J. A.: Organización económica internacional y globalización. Madrid, Siglo XXI, 2005.
- Nogué i Font, J. ; Vicente Rufí, J.: Geopolítica, identidad y globalización. Barcelona, Ariel Geografía, 2001.
- El estado del mundo 2016: Anuario económico y geopolítico mundial. París, Éditions La Découverte y Ediciones Akal.
- Calendario Atlante de Agostini 2016. Novara, Instituto Agostini.
- Banco Mundial.: Informe sobre Desarrollo Mundial, Washington, 2016.
- Banco Mundial: Atlas del Banco Mundial, Washington, 2017.
- PNUD. Informe sobre Desarrollo Humano 2016. Madrid, Ediciones Mundi-Prensa, 2016.General:
- Capacity of Organization and Planning.
- Capacity of Critical and Auto-critical Reasoning.
- Capacity of Analysis and Synthesis.
- Capacity of Information Management: Systematic Compilation, Organization, Selection and Presentation of all Kind of Information.
- Computer Knowledge applies to the Study Field.
- To use efficiently the Information and Communication Technologies.
- Knowledge of other Cultures and Customs. Recognition of the Diversity and Multiculturalism.
- Abilities in the Interpersonal Relations. Creativity. Decision-making.
- Ability for the Autonomous Learning.
- Sensibility with the Different Social, Cultural and Environmental Environments; paying special attention to the Questions of Gender, Environment, the Values of Peace and the Pacific Living and the Non-Discrimination by Reasons of Sex, Race, Religion, Opinion and reasons of Disability.
- To offer New Uses for Traditional Knows.
- To have the Capacity for understanding the Language and the Proposals of other Experts.
- To know, to understand and to interpret the Territory.
- To interpret the Environmental and Physical Environment with the Social and Human Sphere.
- To combine a General Approach with a specialized Analysis.
- To interrelate the Phenomena to Different Territorial Scales.
- To explain the Diversity of Places, Regions and Locations.
- To understand the Spatial Relations.
- To analyze and to interpret the Landscapes.
- To generate Sensibility and Interest for the Territorial and Environmental Themes.
- To know the Fundamentals of the Territorial Planning and to know how to interpret a Document of Territory Order.The Syllabus will develop in the more balanced way, in Function of the Extension of each Theme, combining the Magisterial teaching with the Practices in the Class, Seminars and an Exit of Field. The Theoretical Part will develop in the Class, and also through the Non Presence Activities. These Non Presence Activities will consist of in the Reading and critical Comment of Texts that will be assigned, and that the Student will deliver in Writing.There will be a practice field if we have economic possibilities.
The assessment will consist of the qualification of a written exam, on the day and hour set by the Faculty, as well as the use of the seminars and practices carried out. Participation in classes will be very positive.
The requirements to pass the subject will be the following:
1.- Exam (60% of the mark).
2.- Activities carried out during interactive teaching (40% of the mark).
The subject can not be passed if a minimum score of 4 points (above 10) in the previous sections is not obtained.
The evaluation criteria will be the same in the ordinary and the extraordinary test.
Students who do not pass the interactive part throughout their development during the course, will have to examine it in the corresponding official examination sessions.
In the event that the waiver of classroom assistance is officially granted, students must complete a final exam that will represent 60% of the qualification, and a tutorial board to pass the interactive part (40% of the mark).In correspondence with ECTS module, (In most cases, student workload ranges from 1,500 to 1,800 hours for an academic year, whereby one credit corresponds to 25 to 30 hours of work)
1- Continuum Work along the Course.
2- Immediate Realization of the Practice Activities that are proposed.Recomendaciones de actividades formativas complementarias:
La biblioteca de la Facultade de Xeografía e Historia ofrece una serie de cursos de formación bibliográfica que se recomiendan cursar para que los alumnos/as puedan obtener una mayor competencia en la búsqueda de información para el mejor desarrollo de la materia.
Jose Antonio Aldrey Vazquez
- Department
- Geography
- Area
- Regional Geographical Analysis
- Phone
- 881812545
- joseantonio.aldrey@usc.es
- Category
- Professor: University Lecturer
Ismael Yrigoy Cadena
- Department
- Geography
- Area
- Regional Geographical Analysis
- ismael.yrigoy@usc.es
- Category
- Researcher: Ramón y Cajal
Exams 06.03.2025 09:30-12:00 Grupo de examen Classroom 07 07.09.2025 09:30-12:00 Grupo de examen Classroom 07