ECTS credits
ECTS credits: 6ECTS Hours Rules/Memories
Student's work ECTS: 99
Hours of tutorials: 3
Expository Class: 24
Interactive Classroom: 24
Total: 150Use languages
Spanish, GalicianType:
Ordinary Degree Subject RD 1393/2007 - 822/2021Departments:
Medieval HistoryCenter
Faculty of Geography and HistoryCall:
Second SemesterTeaching:
With teachingEnrolment:
Enrollable -
-To promote the rational and critical knowledge of the social past of Galicia in medieval times, in order to obtain useful tools for the understanding of the present.
-To educate on the values of equality, gender parity and non-discrimination, through the knowledge of the fight for these values in the studied historical moment.
-To provide a precise knowledge of the events and processes of change and continuity in a diachronic perspective.
-To acquire a basic knowledge of the main methods, techniques and instruments of the historian’s analysis.
-To use, order and interpret historical sources.To be translated
Basic bibliography:
PALLARES, Mª C., PORTELA, E., Galicia na época medieval, A Coruña, 1991.
PALLARES, Mª C., PORTELA, E., Da Galicia antiga á Galicia feudal (séculos VIII-XI), vol. 1: Mulleres, homes e paisaxes; vol. 2: Poder e mentalidade. In A Gran Historia de Galicia, Vol. IV, Arrecife-La Voz de Galicia, 2007.
PALLARES, Mª C., PORTELA, E., De Xelmírez aos Irmandiños. A Galicia feudal (séculos XII-XV), vol. 1: Campos e cidades nun espacio redefinido; vol. 2: O encadramento social e a loita polo poder. En A Gran Historia de Galicia, Vol. V, Arrecife-La Voz de Galicia, 2007.
PALLARES, Mª C., PORTELA, “Historia Medieval”, en Atlas Histórico. Galicia, Vigo, 1998, pp. 6-58.
Complementary bibliography:
ANDRADE CERNADAS, J.M., Monxes e mosteiros na Galicia medieval, Santiago de Compostela, 1995.
ARMAS CASTRO, J., Pontevedra en los siglos XII a XV. Configuración y desarrollo de una villa marinera en la Galicia medieval, Pontevedra, 1992.
BARROS GUIMERÁNS, C., ¡Viva el-Rei! Ensaios medievais, Vigo, 1996.
D'EMILIO, James, Culture and Society in Medieval Galicia. A Cultural Crossroads at the Edge of Europe, Leiden/Boston, 2015.
FERREIRA PRIEGUE, E., Galicia en el comercio marítimo medieval, A Coruña, 1988.
GONZÁLEZ VÁZQUEZ, M., El arzobispo de Santiago: una instancia de poder en la Edad Media (1150-1400), A Coruña, 1996.
ISLA FREZ, A., La sociedad gallega en la Alta Edad Media, Madrid, 1992.
LÓPEZ ALSINA, F., La ciudad de Santiago de Compostela en la Alta Edad Media, Santiago de Compostela, 1988.
LÓPEZ CARREIRA, A., A cidade de Ourense no século XV. Sociedade urbana na Galicia baixomedieval, Ourense, 1998.
PALLARES MÉNDEZ, Mª C., El monasterio de Sobrado. Un ejemplo del protagonismo monástico en la Galicia medieval, A Coruña, 1979
PALLARES MÉNDEZ, Mª C., Historia das mulleres en Galicia. Idade Media, Santiago de Compostela, 2nd ed., 2003.
PALLARES MÉNDEZ, Mª C, Ilduara, una aristócrata del siglo X, 2nd ed. revised and enlarged, A Coruña, 2004.
PALLARES, MªC. & PORTELA, E., La reina Urraca, San Sebastián, 2006.
PALLARES, MªC. & PORTELA, E., "Para una lectura histórica del paisaje. La impronta medieval" en PEREIRA MENAUT, G. y PORTELA, E.,(eds.), El territorio en la historia de Galicia. Organización y control. Siglos I-XXI, Santiago de Compostela, 2015.
PASTOR, R. et alii, Poder monástico y grupos domésticos en la Galicia foral (siglos XIII-XV), Madrid, 1990.
PASTOR, R. et alii, Transacciones sin mercado: instituciones, propiedad y redes sociales en la Galicia monástica 1200 – 1230), Madrid, 1999.
PÉREZ RODRÍGUEZ, Fco. J., La Iglesia de Santiago de Compostela en la Edad Media: el cabildo catedralicio (1100-1400), Santiago de Compostela, 1996.
PORTELA SILVA, E., La colonización cisterciense (1142-1250),Santiago de Compostela, 1981.
PORTELA SILVA, E., García II de Galicia. El rey y el reino. Burgos, 2001.
PORTELA SILVA, E. (coord.), Historia da cidade de Santiago de Compostela, Santiago de Compostela, 2003.
PORTELA, E. & PALLARES, Mª C, De Galicia en la Edad Media. Sociedad, espacio y poder, Santiago de Compostela, 1993.
PORTELA, E., PALLARES, Mª C., & SANCHEZ, X.M., Rocha Forte. El castillo y su historia, Santiago de Compostela, 2004.
RENZI, F., I monachi bianchi in Galizia. Le reti cisterciensi (1142-1250), Trieste, 2014.
RÍOS RODRÍGUEZ, Mª L., As orixes do foro na Galicia medieval, Santiago de Compostela, 1993.
RODRÍGUEZ NÚÑEZ, C., Los conventos femeninos en Galicia. El papel de la mujer en la sociedad medieval, Lugo, 199-Learning, analysing, interpreting and conveying the History of Galicia between the 5th and 15th centuries.
-Knowing and interpreting History as a discipline in construction.
-Acquiring critical awareness of the relationship between the social, economic and institutional dimensions of the past.
-Understanding, interpreting and developing historiographical texts or original documents in their own language.
-Learning the main explanatory keys of societies of the past (class, ethnicity, gender, etc.).
-Working autonomously with responsibility and initiative.
-Working as a team with shared responsibility.
-Communicating information and ideas in a clear and effective manner in public.
-Contributing to the inculcation of attitudes of tolerance and respect for the views derived from historical and cultural traditions.The following procedures will be used in order to facilitate and streamline the teaching of the subject:
-Lectures will address theoretical contents. This is a classroom activity. In all sessions we will use computer presentations that will include: outline of the explained unit, maps, graphics, statistical tables and illustrative images. Students will have a detailed diagram of each unit, with the associated texts in each case and the relevant bibliography.
-Interactive lessons will deal with practical activities related to the theoretical content of the subject. They will be devoted to textual analyses prepared and presented by the students starting from working in groups, and monographic seminars on the basis of the common previous reading of a book on a significant subject matter. Moreover, we will include, as course activities, a visit to an archive and a tour of Santiago city, which, guided by the professor, will highlight the visible traces of its medieval origin and development.
-Personalized tutoring. In a small group, the professor will guide and energize the progress made by the students, in particular the elaboration of the textual analysis and book reviews assigned to each group.Continuous assessment.
The presence and active participation in the activities carried out in the classroom is the main instrument for the attainment of the objectives of the course and will be taken into consideration as an element of the assessment. The fulfilment of practical activities and work in seminars will be the subject of a specific assessment. All students should submit a short written assignment (2 typed pages, maximum) on the readings done with a view to its discussion in a seminar and another (2 typed pages, maximum), about the text that they have had to prepare. The students will demonstrate the level of knowledge acquired in this area by means of a written test. The Final Mark of the course will result from the integration of the following elements: practical and seminar activities (40%), examination (60%).According to the ECTS system, students are expected to devote a total of 150 hours to this subject. From these, 30% (45 hours) corresponds to activities in the classroom and the remaining 70% to personal work and in groups outside the classroom.
It is desirable that applicants have also studied the subjects: Medieval History I and Medieval History II.
It is advisable to have basic knowledge of Latin language and foreign languages in use in the scientific community.Attendance at learning sessions will be always checked by the professor and there will be a written record of it. The professor will assess the students’ degree of assimilation and comprehension of the subject, through their participation in classes, seminars and tutorials.
Jose Miguel Andrade Cernadas
Coordinador/a- Department
- History
- Area
- Medieval History
- Phone
- 881812614
- josemiguel.andrade@usc.es
- Category
- Professor: University Professor
2º Semester - January 27th-February 02nd Tuesday 09:00-11:00 G5021321/CLE_02 Galician Classroom 05 Wednesday 09:00-11:00 Grupo /CLE_01 Galician Classroom 12 Thursday 11:00-13:00 Grupo /CLE_01 Galician Classroom 12 Friday 11:00-13:00 G5021321/CLE_02 Galician Classroom 05 Exams 05.28.2025 11:30-14:00 Grupo /CLE_01 Classroom 10 05.28.2025 11:30-14:00 Grupo /CLE_01 Classroom 11 07.07.2025 12:00-14:30 Grupo /CLE_01 Classroom 10