- Smoking and Addictive Disorders Unit. Faculty of Psychology
- Rúa Xosé María Suárez Núñez, s/n. Campus Vida, 15782Santiago de Compostela
The Smoking and Addictive Disorders Unit provides cognitive-behavioural assistance in the field of addictions (tobacco, pathological gambling, cannabis, cocaine...) and the commorbidity associated with these disorders (depression, anxiety...). At the same time, it provides assistance and professional training support and develops research programmes to improve psychological treatments and interventions in the field of addictions.
Elisardo Becoña Iglesias
- Job title
- Assistance Director
- Phones
- 881 813 939
- elisardo.becona@usc.es
Ana López Durán
- Job title
- Coordinator
- Phones
- 881 813 939
- ana.lopez@usc.es
Carmela Martínez Vispo
- Phones
- 881 813 939
- carmela.martinez@usc.es
María Barroso Hurtado
- Phones
- 881 813 939
- maria.barroso.hurtado@usc.es
Elizabeth Moss
- Phones
- 881813939
- elizabeth.moss0@usc.es
María Ramos Carro
- Phones
- 881813939
- mariaramos.carro@usc.es