ECTS credits
ECTS credits: 15ECTS Hours Rules/Memories
Student's work ECTS: 350
Hours of tutorials: 18.5
Interactive Classroom: 6.5
Total: 375Use languages
Spanish, GalicianType:
End of master’s Degree Project RD 1393/2007 - 822/2021Departments:
Applied Physics, Electronics and Computing, Particle PhysicsAreas:
Electromagnetism, Optics, Computer Architecture and Technology, Atomic, Molecular and Nuclear Physics, Condensed Matter Physics, Theoretical PhysicsCenter
Faculty of PhysicsCall:
End of Degree Projects and End of Master's Degree ProjectsTeaching:
With teachingEnrolment:
Enrollable | 1st year (Yes) -
The Final Master's Project is the culmination of the learning carried out during the course. Making use of the acquired skills, knowledge and competencies, the student will develop a job and prepare a memorandum on some advanced aspect of Science and Quantum Information Technology. Said work will be defended later before a court in public session.
The report mentioned above must deal with some of the topics that are covered in the different itineraries, among which can be mentioned, without exhaustiveness:
a) Quantum Computing:
- Algorithm programming
- Correction and Mitigation of Errors
- Quantum Machine Learning
- Practical cases of application of Quantum Computing
- Quantum architectures
- Quantum emulators
b) Physics for Quantum Information
- Physical Systems for Quantum Computing
- Quantum Sensors and Metrology
- Quantum Materials
- Quantum Control and Quantum Thermodynamics
- Quantum Simulators
c) Quantum Communications
- Photonics and Quantum Optics
- Quantum Cryptography
- Secure Quantum Networks
- Quantum Communications Via Satellite
The realization of the TFM will be structured around the following axes:
1. Definition of the project: objectives, scope and methodological approach.
2. Realization of the project: analysis of the problem, application of theoretical methods and techniques.
3. Drafting of the final report.
4. Presentation and defense of the work carried out in a public act.Apart from the BASIC COMPETENCES CB1-CB4 and GENERAL COMPETENCES CG1-CG4 that are indicated in the Master's Report, the development of the Master's Thesis must value the following transversal competences (TC)
Use the basic tools of information and communication technologies (ICT) necessary for the exercise of their profession and for learning throughout their lives.
CT04 Develop for the exercise of a respectful citizenship with the democratic culture, human rights and gender perspective
CT05 Understand the importance of entrepreneurial culture and know the means available to entrepreneurs.
CT07 Develop the ability to work in interdisciplinary or transdisciplinary teams, to offer proposals that contribute to sustainable environmental, economic, political and social development.
CT08 Assess the importance of research, innovation and technological development in the socioeconomic and cultural advancement of society.
CT09 Have the ability to manage time and resources: develop plans, prioritize activities, identify criticism, set deadlines and meet them
CT10 Being able to apply knowledge, skills and attitudes to business and professional reality, planning, managing and evaluating projects in the field of quantum technologies.
CT11 Being able to propose, model and solve problems that require the application of artificial intelligence methods, techniques and technologies
In addition, and depending on the topic developed, it will be necessary to develop specific skills from the following list.
CE1 Understand the domain, concepts, methods and basic techniques of quantum mechanics: mathematical formalism, postulates, operators, matrices, Bloch sphere, photonic states.
CE2 Know and acquire competence in experimental techniques for processing quantum information: interactions, measurements, oscillations, interference, communication systems, ...
CE3 Understanding and knowledge of the fundamentals of Quantum Information Theory, as well as the basic aspects of the four types of quantum technologies: computing, communications, metrology, simulation.
CE4 Know and be able to apply the physical theories inherent to the understanding of systems for processing quantum information, including quantum thermodynamics as well as advanced aspects of magnetism and quantum mechanics.
CE5 Know and understand the nature of the physical platforms for processing quantum information in solid state systems: superconducting systems, cryoscience and quantum materials, including the study of topological states.
CE6 Know and understand the nature of the physical platforms for processing quantum information in photonic systems: quantum optics, integrated optical systems, opto-atomic systems, detection and measurement systems, semiconductor photonics.
CE7 Acquire and know how to apply the basic principles of quantum computing: analyze, understand and implement quantum algorithms, mastering the appropriate computer languages as well as understanding the quantum circuit paradigm.
CE8 Know the classical computing algorithms and strategies inspired by quantum computing: tensor networks, product states of matrices, etc.
CE9 Conocer y saber aplicar aspectos avanzados de computación cuántica: aprendizaje cuántico, arquitectura cuántica eficiente, modo de operación de los aceleradores cuánticos, computación de altas prestaciones, sistemas cuánticos basados en reglas y aplicaciones a cálculo numérico.
CE10 Conocer escenarios de aplicación práctica de la computación cuántica en problemas de interés científico, tecnológico y financiero. Identificar de dominios que exhiban ventaja cuántica. Conocer las instituciones y empresas que son actores en la computación cuántica, adquiriendo una prespectiva de la agenda que es razonable esperar en los próximos años.
CE11 Adquirir una base sólida sobre la teoría cuántica de la información en su aplicación a las comunicaciones cuánticas, asi como sobre la tecnología de dispositivos fotónicos empleados en comunicaciones cuánticas, tanto terrestres como aéreas y vía satélite.
CE12 Adquirir destrezas para el diseño y la estimación de recursos que permitan el desarrollo de canales y redes de comunicación cuánticas y de computación distribuida. Conocer el estado de desarrollo y de implementación actual de redes cuánticas, y los planes para su expansión.
CE13 Conocer las estrategias de criptografía cuántica y su viabilidad y solvencia en el contexto de la internet cuántica, quantum blockchain, y las comunicaciones secretas, adquiriendo una visión panorámica de los actores que serán esenciales en su despliegue.Carrying out a Master's Thesis is an exercise in "supervised autonomy". The need to achieve an objective implies a transversal activity that brings into play different skills and abilities. The teacher's intervention will be limited to a maximum of 10 hours of personalized tutoring and will be intended to guide the student in achieving the objectives set.
The review of the final report will be exhaustive and will have the purpose of ensuring that everything that is written is understood in its smallest details.
It will also focus on the preparation of the defense.The evaluation is made up of three aspects that will be analyzed and evaluated by a court appointed for that purpose:
- Written Work Memory
- Oral presentation
- Tutor's ReportIn person:
Seminars: 6.5 hours
Individualized face-to-face tutoring: 18.5 hours
No presential:
Work done: 350h
Total: 375h (15 ETCS Credits)