ECTS credits
ECTS credits: 4.5ECTS Hours Rules/Memories
Hours of tutorials: 2
Interactive Classroom: 0.6
Total: 2.6Use languages
Spanish, GalicianType:
Work placements Degree RD 1393/2007 - 822/2021Departments:
Financial Economics and Accounting, Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Microbiology and Parasitology, Physiology, Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry, Morphological Science, Applied Physics, Physical Chemistry, Organic Chemistry, Chemistry Engineering, Analytical Chemistry, Nutrition and Bromatology, Pharmacology, Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Technology, Functional Biology, Zoology, Genetics and Physical Anthropology, Special Public Law and Company Law, Particle Physics, Mathematics, Philosophy and Anthropology, Plant Production and Engineering Projects, Statistics, Mathematical Analysis and Optimisation, Psychiatry, Radiology, Public Health, Nursing and MedicineAreas:
Financial Economics and Accounting, Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Microbiology, Parasitology, Physiology, Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry, Human Anatomy and Embryology, Applied Physics, Optics, Physical Chemistry, Organic Chemistry, Chemical Engineering, Analytical Chemistry, Food Technology, Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Technology, Pharmacology, Cellular Biology, Plant Physiology, Genetics, Commercial Law, Condensed Matter Physics, Algebra, Geometry and Topology, Social Anthropology, Moral Philosophy, Plant Production, Engineering Projects, Statistics and Operations Research, Medicine, Preventive Medicine and Public HealthCenter
Faculty of BiologyCall:
Work Placements in Companies for Degrees and Master's DegreesTeaching:
With teachingEnrolment:
Enrollable -
The objective of the course is for students to acquire the following skills:
- Be able to apply and integrate the knowledge, capacities, competencies and skills developed during the Bachelor's degree in Biotechnology.
- Acquire work experience.Internships in companies or public entities related to the skills of a biotechnologist (100 h).
Conocimientos/contenidos: Con01, Con02, Con03, Con04, Con05, Con06, Con07
Habilidades/Destrezas: H/D01, H/D02, H/D03, H/D04, H/D05, H/D06, H/D07, H/D09, H/D10, H/D11, H/D12, H/D13, H/D14
Competencias: Comp01, Comp02, Comp03, Comp04, Comp05, Comp06, Comp07, Comp08In each academic year, internships will be offered in companies or institutions with which a collaboration agreement has previously been signed. In each offer a program of activities will be specified, depending on the characteristics, objectives and function of each work center. Each student will be assigned a professional tutor, who will guide and supervise his/her work, as well as an academic tutor, with whom he/she will maintain regular contact and who will make the final evaluation. At the end of the internship, the student will write a report that will help them to reflect, systematize and explain the activities carried out during the internship. The report must be approved by the professional tutor and will be delivered in person to the academic tutor.
- Individual tutoring: 1 hour
- Internship work: 100 hours
- Report writing and personal work: 11.5
TOTAL WORK HOURS: 112.5 HOURSPara realizar as prácticas é necesario superar previamente 150 créditos.
A normativa das prácticas atópase na web da facultade:To carry out the internship it is necessary to have previously passed 150 ECTS.
The internship regulations can be found on the Biology website: